Three Essays on Dynamic Contracts with Applications to the Labor Market

Three Essays on Dynamic Contracts with Applications to the Labor Market PDF Author: Nicola Pavoni
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Languages : en
Pages : 147

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Three Essays on Dynamic Contracts with Applications to the Labor Market

Three Essays on Dynamic Contracts with Applications to the Labor Market PDF Author: Nicola Pavoni
Category :
Languages : en
Pages : 147

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Essays on Dynamic Contracts and Labor Markets

Essays on Dynamic Contracts and Labor Markets PDF Author: Atsushi Nishimura
ISBN: 9781109844580
Category : Labor market
Languages : en
Pages : 77

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In the second chapter, we extend the Ben-Porath (1967) model to include partially transferable human capital and analyze the effects of the changes in transferability of human capital on wages and mobility. Specifically, we show that an increase in transferability of human capital is qualitatively consistent with recent trends in the U.S. labor market such as the increases in wage inequality and occupational mobility.

Three Essays on Contract Theory and Applications

Three Essays on Contract Theory and Applications PDF Author: Sunjoo Hwang
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Languages : en
Pages : 286

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This dissertation consists of three essays. The first essay examines a general theory of information based on informal contracting. The measurement problem--the disparity of true and measured performances--is at the core of many failures in incentive systems. Informal contracting can be a potential solution since, unlike in formal contracting, it can utilize a lot of qualitative and informative signals. However, informal contracting must be self-enforced. Given this trade-off between informativeness and self-enforcement, I show that a new source of statistical information is economically valuable in informal con- tracting if and only if it is sufficiently informative that it refines the existing pass/fail criterion. I also find that a new information is more likely valuable, as the stock of existing information is large. This information theory has implications on the measurement problem, a puzzle of relative performance evaluation and human resources management. I also provide a methodological contribution. For tractable analysis, the first-order approach (FOA) should be employed. Existing FOA-justifying conditions (e.g. the Mirrlees-Rogerson condition) are so strong that the information ranking condition can be applied only to a small set of information structures. Instead, I find a weak FOA- justifying condition, which holds in many prominent examples (with multi- variate normal or some of univariate exponential family distributions). The second essay analyzes the effectiveness of managerial punishments in mitigating moral hazard problem of government bailouts. Government bailouts of systemically important financial or industrial firms are necessary ex-post but cause moral hazard ex-ante. A seemingly perfect solution to this time-inconsistency problem is saving a firm while punishing its manager. I show that this idea does not necessarily work if ownership and management are separated. In this case, the shareholder(s) of the firm has to motivate the manager by using incentive contracts. Managerial punishments (such as Obama's $500,000 bonus cap) could distort the incentive-contracting program. The shareholder's ability to motivate the manager could then be reduced and thereby moral hazard could be exacerbated depending on corporate governance structures and punishment measures, which means the likelihood of future bailouts increases. As an alternative, I discuss the effectiveness of shareholder punishments. The third essay analyzes how education affect workers' career-concerns. A person's life consists of two important stages: the first stage as a student and the second stage as a worker. In order to address how a person chooses an education-career path, I examine an integrated model of education and career-concerns. In the first part, I analyze the welfare effect of education. In Spence's job market signaling model, education as a sorting device improves efficiency by mitigating the lemon market problem. In my integrated model, by contrast, education as a sorting device can be detrimental to social welfare, as it eliminates the work incentive generated by career-concerns. In this regard, I suggest scholarship programs aimed at building human capital rather than sorting students. The second part provides a new perspective on education: education is job-risk hedging device (as well as human capital enhancing or sorting device). I show that highly risk-averse people take high education in order to hedge job-risk and pursue safe but medium-return work path. In contrast, lowly risk-averse people take low education, bear job-risk, and pursue high-risk high-return work path. This explains why some people finish college early and begin start-ups, whereas others take master's or Ph.D. degrees and find safe but stable jobs.

Essays on Dynamic Contracts: Microfoundation and Macroeconomic Implication

Essays on Dynamic Contracts: Microfoundation and Macroeconomic Implication PDF Author: Kunio Tsuyuhara
ISBN: 9780494776643
Category :
Languages : en
Pages : 220

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This thesis consists of three chapters pertaining to issues of long-term relationships in labour markets. In Chapter 1, I analyze a model of a two-period advice game. The decision maker chooses to retain or replace the advisor after the first period depending on the first period events. Even though the decision maker and the advisor have identical preferences, this potential replacement creates incentive for the advisor to avoid telling the truth. I show the condition under which the decision maker can find a random retention rule that induces a truthful report from the advisor, and I characterize an optimal retention rule that maximizes the decision maker's expected payoff.Lastly, in Chapter 3, I quantitatively assess wage dispersion and business cycle implications of the model developed in Chapter 2. In terms of wage dispersion, the model with on-the-job search with wage-tenure contracts seems to accommodate sizable frictional wage dispersion. The model, however, generates very small productivity difference among workers, and shows weak evidence that the productivity difference generated by the endogenous variations in incentives is responsible for frictional wage dispersion. In terms of business cycle implications, workers' endogenous effort choice first amplifies the effect of productivity shock on unemployment rate. Second, responses of workers to productivity shocks generate marked difference between the effects of temporary productivity shock and that of permanent shock. Third, the analysis shows the importance of the distributional effect on macroeconomic variables during the transitory periods after a shock.In Chapter 2, I propose a search theoretic model of optimal employment contract under repeated moral hazard. The model integrates two important attributes of the labour market: workers' work incentive on the job and their mobility in the labour market. Even though all workers and firms are ex ante homogeneous, these two factors jointly generate (1) wages and productivity that increase with worker's tenure and (2) endogenous dynamic heterogeneity of the labour productivity of the match. The interaction of these factors provides novel implications for wage dispersion, labour mobility, and the business cycle behaviour of macroeconomic variables.

Essays on Dynamic Contracts

Essays on Dynamic Contracts PDF Author: Kunio Tsuyuhara
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Languages : en
Pages :

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Essays on Dynamic Contracting

Essays on Dynamic Contracting PDF Author: Ilia Krasikov
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Languages : en
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The thesis focuses on understanding the dynamic nature of contracts used in various economic context, specifically financial economics and industrial organization. The first chapter "A Theory of Dynamic Contracting with Financial Constraints'' draws on a large empirical literature documenting that small businesses are financially constrained, and operate at an inefficient level. In the paper, we build a theoretical model where financial constraints arise endogenously as a product of interaction between persistent agency frictions and agent's inability to raise external capital.The paper makes two general points. First, efficiency is a certainty in the long run, and it is achieved through monotone slacking of financial constraints. Second, persistence makes the path towards efficiency much more constrained in comparison to the model with the iid technology. In particular, we show that dynamic agency models with persistence predict a larger cross section of firms in the economy to be financially constrained.At a technical level, we invoke the recursive approach of \citet{aps}, using a two-dimensional vector of promised utilities as a state variable. We show that the optimal contract always stays in a strict subset of the recursive domain termed the shell, and the optimal contract is monotone within this set. We also verify that the results continue to hold in continuous time.The second chapter "Dynamic Contracts with Unequal Discounting'' looks at dynamic screening with soft financial constraints. In contrast to the first paper, the agent can raise money but at a different rate than the principal.We solve for the optimal contract and show that efficiency is not attainable with soft financial constraints. Therefore, the predictions of dynamic models of mechanism design are not robust to the assumption of equal discounting. For the large set of parameters, the optimal contract has the restart property- dynamic distortions are a function of the number of consecutive bad shocks, and once the good shock arrives the process repeats again. We also show that restricting attention to contracts which have the restart property is in general approximately optimal. The endogenous resetting aspect of restart contracts shares features of various contracts used in practice.In the third chapter "On Dynamic Pricing'', we explore dynamic price discrimination, extending a canonical model of monopolistic screening to repeated sales, where a seller uses timing of purchases as a screening instrument. The importance of time as an instrument for price discrimination has been understood since Varian [1989].In the paper, we are aiming to provide a formal analysis of pricing strategies to discriminate amongst consumers based on the timing of information arrival and/or the timing of purchase.A seller repeatedly trades with a buyer. Buyer's valuations for the trade follow a renewal process; that is, they change infrequently at random dates. For the model with two periods, We show that selling the first period good for a spot price and selling the second period good by optioning a sequence of forwards is the optimal pricing strategy. Specifically, at the outset, the seller offers an American option which can be exercised in each of the two periods. Exercising the option grants the buyer with a forward- an obligation to purchase the second period good for a specific price, and a strike price- a right to buy (or not) the good in the second period after learning his value. The buyer with a high valuation exercises the option in the first period, whereas one with a low valuation waits until the second period and then takes a call.We extend the analysis to the general continuous time renewal processes and assess the performance of price discrimination based on American options on forwards:i.optioning forwards is shown to be the deterministic optimum for the sequential screening problem- when the seller makes a sale in a single fixed period;ii.optioning forwards is shown to be the exact optimum for the repeated sales problem in the restricted class of strongly monotone contracts- when allocative distortions are monotone in a whole vector of buyer's valuations;iii.the optimum for the repeated sales problem in the unrestricted class of contracts is shown to be backloaded and a theoretical bound is provided for the fraction of optimal revenue that can be extracted by optioning forwards.Finally, the construction of dynamic pricing mechanism and bounds is ported to study repeated auctions.

Labor Contracts Under General Equilibrium

Labor Contracts Under General Equilibrium PDF Author: Sunanda Roy
Category :
Languages : en
Pages : 192

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Three Essays on Empirical Applications of Contract Theory

Three Essays on Empirical Applications of Contract Theory PDF Author: Hsin-Yu Tseng
Category : Health insurance
Languages : en
Pages : 262

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Three Essays on Share Contracts, Labor Supply, and the Estimation of Models for Dynamic Panel Data

Three Essays on Share Contracts, Labor Supply, and the Estimation of Models for Dynamic Panel Data PDF Author: Seung Chan Ahn
Category : Labor contract
Languages : en
Pages : 338

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Essays in Dynamic Contracting

Essays in Dynamic Contracting PDF Author: Suehyun Kwon
Category :
Languages : en
Pages : 142

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This thesis examines three models of dynamic contracting. The first model is a model of dynamic moral hazard with partially persistent states, and the second model considers relational contracts when the states are partially persistent. The last model studies preference for delegation with learning. In the first chapter, the costly unobservable action of the agent produces a good outcome with some probability, and the probability of the good outcome corresponds to the state. The states are unobservable and follow an irreducible Markov chain with positive persistence. The chapter finds that an informational rent arises in this environment. The second best contract resembles a tenure system: the agent is paid nothing during the probationary period, and once he is paid, the principal never takes his outside option again. The second best contract becomes stationary after the agent is tenured. For discount factors close to one, the principal can approximate his first best payoff with review contracts. The second chapter studies relational contracts with partially persistent states, where the distribution of the state depends on the previous state. When the states are observable, the optimal contracts can be stationary, and the self-enforcement leads to the dynamic enforcement constraint as with i.i.d. states. The chapter then applies the results to study the implications for the markets where the principal and the agent can be matched with new partners. The third chapter studies preference for delegation when there is a possibility of learning before taking an action. The optimal action depends on the unobservable state. After the principal chooses the manager, one of the agents may receive a private signal about the world. The agent decides whether to disclose the signal to the manager, and the manager chooses an action. In an equilibrium, the agents' communication strategies depend on the manager's prior. The principal prefers a manager with some difference in prior belief to a manager with the same prior.