The Relationship Among Landscape Characteristics, Stream Habitat and Composition of Benthic Macroinvertebrate Communities in Two Midwestern Agricultural Watersheds

The Relationship Among Landscape Characteristics, Stream Habitat and Composition of Benthic Macroinvertebrate Communities in Two Midwestern Agricultural Watersheds PDF Author: Andrew F. Burgess
Category : Agricultural pollution
Languages : en
Pages : 250

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Factors Influencing Macroinvertebrate Assemblage Structure in an Agricultural Headwater Stream System of the Midwestern United States

Factors Influencing Macroinvertebrate Assemblage Structure in an Agricultural Headwater Stream System of the Midwestern United States PDF Author: Hector R. Santiago
Category : Benthos
Languages : en
Pages : 234

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Abstract: Although the notion that streams are influenced by the character of their landscape at multiple spatial scales is not new, the relative degree to which local versus regional factors affect ecological function in streams is not fully understood, and can be different between geographically proximate watersheds. Anthropogenic disturbances to the landscape such as agricultural practices can be detrimental to stream ecosystems. This study examined the influences of local habitat and riparian corridor condition compared to regional landscape influences on benthic macroinvertebrate assemblages in a Midwestern agroecosytem. Twenty-four reaches in the North Fork and Upper Fork sub-basins of the Sugar Creek watershed, Wayne County, Ohio were sampled to better understand how different habitat and landscape factors affect the structure of macroinvertebrate assemblages in these impacted headwater streams. A total of 72,529 macroinvertebrates representing 79 families in 22 orders were collected during Autumn of 2005 and Spring 2006 to compare assemblage structure between watersheds and across seasons. Family richness, evenness, and diversity showed no difference attributable to watershed, while evenness and diversity exhibited seasonal differences. Chironomid abundance seemed to account for the seasonal change. Percent Ephemeroptera, Plecoptera, and Trichoptera (%EPT) was significantly influenced by watershed and season with the North Fork watershed exhibiting a higher abundance of these pollution tolerant and habitat sensitive taxa than the Upper Fork at all sample sites. A Geographic information system (GIS) was used to delineate sample watersheds and analyze landscape character. Proportion (%) of low Intensity residential, high intensity residential, industrial/commercial, deciduous forest, evergreen forest, mixed forest, row crop, pasture/hay, wooded wetland and herbaceous wetland were calculated per hydrologic unit. The dominant land uses in both study watersheds were crop, pasture, deciduous forest, and low intensity residential. The North Fork exhibited a significantly higher proportion of pasture and deciduous forest land types than the Upper Fork, which was dominated by row crops, then pasture and forest respectively. North Fork had almost twice the amount of deciduous forest as did the Upper Fork. Canonical correspondence analysis (CCA) was used to assess the macroinvertebrate family-environment relationship and variance partitioning determined the degree of influence of 8 local and 8 regional environmental factors on invertebrate assemblage structure in each study basin. Local habitat factors explained 25.8% of the total variance while regional landscape factors explained 23.6% of the total variance with 2.7% of the variability shared by both. Upper Fork sites were generally scattered along a silt/muck to cobble habitat gradient, while North Fork sites were arranged along a pasture-forest to rowcrop landscape gradient. The higher proportion of pasture and deciduous forest in the North Fork may explain the greater distribution of EPT taxa found in the watershed, while the greater proportion of crops and smaller proportion of forest in the Upper Fork may explain the greater influence of fine substrates in the watershed. Other environmental factors including glacial geology and groundwater influence may have also contributed to these differences by introducing coarser substrates and cooler, stream temperatures.

Assessing Linkages Among Landscape Characteristics, Stream Habitat, and Macroinvertebrate Communities in the Idaho Batholith Ecoregion

Assessing Linkages Among Landscape Characteristics, Stream Habitat, and Macroinvertebrate Communities in the Idaho Batholith Ecoregion PDF Author: Andrew C. Hill
Category :
Languages : en
Pages : 109

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Understanding the composition of lotic communities and the landscape processes and habitat characteristics that shape them is one of the main challenges confronting stream ecologists. In order to better understand the linkages among landscape processes, stream habitat, and biological communities and to understand how accurately our measurements represent important factors influencing biological communities, it is important to test explicit hypotheses regarding these linkages. Increasing our understanding of aquatic communities in a hierarchical context and recognizing how well our measurements represent factors structuring aquatic communities will help managers better evaluate the influence of land management practices on aquatic ecosystems, direct conservation strategies, and lead to better assessments of ecological condition. In Chapter 2, we used spatial data, field-based habitat measurements, and macroinvertebrate community data to 1) examine the influence of landscape processes on two factors of stream habitat; maximum stream temperatures and fine sediment, and to 2) examine how well these landscape and habitat characteristics represent factors influencing gradients in macroinvertebrate community structure. The results of this study showed that spatially derived measurements may be effectively used to test hypotheses regarding landscape influences on stream habitat and that spatial data, used in conjunction with field measurements can provide important information regarding factors influencing gradients in biological communities. In addition, spatially derived measurements may provide the same or additional information regarding influences on community structure as field-based measurements, which suggests that further research should be done to assess how well our field measurements represent factors that are important in shaping stream communities. The objective of Chapter 3 was to compare how well single field measurements and a combination of indicator variables hypothesized to be components of a single ecological processes or concept, known as a latent variable, represent thermal stress and fine sediment influences on macroinvertebrate communities. Results from this study showed that both single and latent variables explained relatively the same amount of variation in macroinvertebrate community structure. This suggests that while latent variables may have a potential to better refine how we represent ecological factors, a better basis for defining a priori hypotheses is needed before these variables can provide any additional information compared to single habitat measurements.

Relationships Between Upstream Land Use at Multiple Spatial Scales and Benthic Macroinvertebrate Community Composition in the Deerfield River Watershed of Vermont and Massachusetts

Relationships Between Upstream Land Use at Multiple Spatial Scales and Benthic Macroinvertebrate Community Composition in the Deerfield River Watershed of Vermont and Massachusetts PDF Author: Jason Saltman
Category : Land use
Languages : en
Pages : 63

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In this study, I examined relationships between land-use patterns and macroinvertebrate communities in 45 first through fourth-order stream reaches in four subwatersheds within a New England watershed. Land-use patterns were quantified in GIS at three spatial scales to determine the effect of scale on the strength of relationships between instream biological conditions and adjacent land-use conditions. A GIS was used to quantify forest, agricultural, and developed land use at three spatial scales, including the entire upstream catchment area and two sub-corridors. Macroinvertebrate communities were analyzed using a multimetric approach and a multivariate approach to relate community composition to land-use variables measured at each spatial scale. Among community metrics, richness, EPT richness, percent affinity, and total metric scores were significantly correlated with quantified land-use variables, including percent forest, percent agriculture, percent developed, and percent agriculture + developed at the upstream catchment scale. Land-use variables also showed significant correlations with community composition as indicated by ordination axes resulting from multivariate analysis. Results of the approaches were in general agreement with each other, each indicating that relationships between instream benthic conditions and adjacent land use were strongest at the entire-upstream-catchment scale. These results suggest that conditions and processes occurring at this scale appear to be more influential than are localized adjacent land-use conditions in shaping community composition and in-stream biological conditions.

Relationships Among Land Use, Geomorphology, Local Habitat and Aquatic Macroinvertebrate Assemblages in Agricultural Headwater Stream Systems

Relationships Among Land Use, Geomorphology, Local Habitat and Aquatic Macroinvertebrate Assemblages in Agricultural Headwater Stream Systems PDF Author: Elizabeth Ellen Risley
Category : Geomorphology
Languages : en
Pages : 166

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Abstract: In-stream habitat structure and water chemistry have significant influence on the structure and composition of stream macroinvertebrate assemblages. Habitat at this local scale can be significantly affected by the geomorphology of a stream or region. Both in-stream habitat and geomorphology are, in turn, influenced by other factors operating at the landscape scale (e.g., land use, connectivity of habitat patches, etc.). It is unclear which of these three scales of habitat has the greatest influence over lotic assemblage structure. Anthropogenic disturbance to a stream ecosystem can occur at all three scales of habitat, and is particularly common in predominantly agricultural systems. The Sugar Creek watershed in northeastern Ohio represents several different types of anthropogenic disturbance, including dairy farming, crop production, urbanization, and industrialization. The South and Middle Forks of the Sugar Creek watershed, dominated by agriculture and a mix of agriculture and industry, respectively, were sampled in early summer 2005 for habitat and macroinvertebrates. Richness, evenness, diversity, familylevel biotic index, percent Diptera Chironomidae, and the number of macroinvertebrates were all similar across the drainages. The percent Ephemeroptera, Plecoptera, and Trichoptera was significantly larger in the Middle Fork than in the South Fork. There were no significant differences in habitat or macroinvertebrate assemblages between the two drainages overall. In-stream habitat structure and water chemistry explained 58.8% of the variation between sites among macroinvertebrate taxa. Geomorphology explained 10.4% and land use 9.4% of the variation. Shared variances between different scales of habitat did not explain substantial amounts of variation among macroinvertebrate taxa. These results have, however, identified several sites in the South Fork with good potential for Best Management Practice implementation and several sites in the Middle Fork for preservation.

Water Quality Monitoring

Water Quality Monitoring PDF Author: Jamie Bartram
Publisher: CRC Press
ISBN: 1000101606
Category : Technology & Engineering
Languages : en
Pages : 396

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Water quality monitoring is an essential tool in the management of water resources and this book comprehensively covers the entire monitoring operation. This important text is the outcome of a collborative programme of activity between UNEP and WHO with inputs from WMO and UNESCO and draws on the international standards of the International Organization of Standardization.

Determining the Association Between the Structure of Stream Benthic Macroinvertebrate Communities and Agricultural Best Management Practices

Determining the Association Between the Structure of Stream Benthic Macroinvertebrate Communities and Agricultural Best Management Practices PDF Author: Roger Holmes (M.Sc.)
Category :
Languages : en
Pages : 174

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Farmers have been encouraged to adopt more sustainable farming practices (BMPs) that mitigate adverse agricultural effects on the natural environment. However, the ability of BMPs to protect or restore riverine systems continues to be questioned due to limited evidence directly linking BMP use with improved ecological conditions. The exclusion of hydrological pathways in previous field studies may explain why a direct link has not yet been established. The goal of this study was to assess the association between benthic macroinvertebrate community structure and the number and location of agricultural BMPs. Macroinvertebrates and water chemistry were sampled in 30 headwater catchments in the Grand River Watershed. Catchments exhibited gradients of BMP use and location as measured by the degree of hydrologic connectedness. Stepwise ordination regressions and variance partitioning were used to determine which environmental variables (i.e., BMP metrics, water chemistry parameters, habitat characteristics, and land use variables) were associated with benthic macroinvertebrate community structure. Water chemistry parameters were negatively associated with BMP metrics suggesting BMPs were mitigating losses of nutrients and sediments. However, BMP abundance and location explained minimal variation in benthic macroinvertebrate structure within the 30 sampled catchments. The absence of a strong association between BMPs and benthic macroinvertebrates may indicate a need for greater numbers and targeted siting of BMPS to improve water quality beyond a threshold point that would allow recolonization of intolerant invertebrate taxa. Focusing of conservation goals on ecological conditions and the promotion of BMPs that enhance in-stream habitat may also be required.

Spatial Structuring of Benthic Invertebrate Communities Within and Among Wooded Headwater Stream Networks

Spatial Structuring of Benthic Invertebrate Communities Within and Among Wooded Headwater Stream Networks PDF Author: Sara Elizabeth Wright
Category : Benthos
Languages : en
Pages : 254

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Biotic communities in low order streams are influenced by multiple factors that may reflect both environmental conditions within individual watersheds, and also bio-geographic considerations such as spatial proximity of streams and organism dispersal/recruitment abilities. Prior work in small streams of Western New York (Allegheny Plateau) revealed little or no spatial structuring of biota among separate steams, but instead convincing effects of stream and watershed environmental factors. In this study, we further explored the roles of spatial vs. environmental influences by now comparing 1st - 3rd-order streams longitudinally within a stream network in addition to comparing physically separated streams. Within-stream drift adds a new dispersal dimension that is not present between streams. Four stream networks, each with a consecutive series of a 1st, a 2nd, and a 3rd order segment, were selected in a contiguously wooded sector (2nd growth through moderately disturbed old growth northern hardwoods) of Allegheny State Park near the Pennsylvania border. Three replicate Surber samples and a qualitative sample were collected from each stream site in fall 2010 and spring 2011. Similarity/dissimilarity among streams was explored by Euclidean distance matrices for community composition, stream/watershed environmental characteristics (in-stream habitat, watershed land cover, etc.), and spatial distance. Non-metric multidimensional scaling ordination of community composition and Principal Components Analysis ordination of environmental variables of the twelve stream segments were employed. Community composition of in-stream biota was based on the identification of 117 taxa representing fifty-three families. Spearman rank correlation indicated ten out of twelve of most abundant taxa were associated with the larger streams, trending away from the first orders. A One-Factor ANOVA of site-to-site biotic distances revealed no significant differences among longitudinal within stream pairings, like order pairings, and all possible remaining pairs. The streams in this study were quite readily grouped by ordination of the environmental variables, but this did not generally translate to biotic structuring. A significant partial correlation was, however, found between distances based on environmental "channel only" variables (i.e. not including watershed geography) and based on the biota within stream orders, when controlling for spatial distances. There was no evidence of spatial structuring of benthic communities. The macroinvertebrate community composition appeared to comply somewhat with the niche-based sorting theory and decidedly not with neutral theory/spatial autocorrelation. Continuing to decipher the dynamics of macroinvertebrate community composition can prove valuable to conservation and restoration approaches.

Graduate Studies in Fisheries & Wildlife Conservation

Graduate Studies in Fisheries & Wildlife Conservation PDF Author: University of Minnesota. Department of Fisheries, Wildlife and Conservation Biology
Category : Fishery management
Languages : en
Pages : 32

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The State of the Nation's Ecosystems

The State of the Nation's Ecosystems PDF Author: H. John Heinz III Center for Science, Economics, and the Environment
Publisher: Cambridge University Press
ISBN: 9780521525725
Category : Nature
Languages : en
Pages : 294

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We all rely on a familiar set of indicators - interest rates, unemployment, inflation, the Dow Jones index, and GDP, for example - to gauge the performance of national economies. No such measures are currently available to describe the environment. This book lays out a blueprint for periodic reporting on the condition and use of ecosystems in the United States. Developed by experts from businesses, environmental organizations, universities, and federal, state, and local government agencies, it is designed to provide policymakers and the general public with a succinct and comprehensive - yet scientifically sound and non-partisan - view of 'how we are doing'. This book should prove invaluable for decision makers in natural resource management and environmental policy in government and environmental organizations, businesses, and trade associations; academics with a research or teaching interest in environmental issues; and the general public interested in the continued well-being of American ecosystems.