Author: Inger Andersen
Publisher: World Bank Publications
ISBN: 0821362046
Category : Agriculture
Languages : en
Pages : 166
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The Niger River Basin, home to 100 million people, is a vital yet complex asset for West and Central Africa. It is the continent's third largest river basin, traversing nine countries -Benin, Burkina Faso, Cameroon, Chad, C©þte d'Ivoire, Guinea, Mali, Niger, and Nigeria. The River embodies both these nations' livelihoods and their geopolitics. It is not simply water but rather an origin of identity, a route for migration and commerce, a source of conflict, and a catalyst for cooperation. Cooperation among decision-makers and users is crucial to address the threats to water resources. The Niger.
Author: Bryan R. Davies
Publisher: Springer Science & Business Media
ISBN: 9401732906
Category : Science
Languages : en
Pages : 788
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Our understanding of the ecology of running waters has come a long way during the past few years. From being a largely descriptive subject, with a few under tones concerned with such things as fisheries, pollution or control of blackflies, it has evolved into a discipline with hypotheses, such as the River Continuum Concept (Vannote et a/. 1980), and even a book suggesting that it offers opportunity for the testing of ecological theory (Barnes & Minshall 1983). However, perusal of the literature reveals that, although some of the very early studies were concerned with large rivers (references in Hynes 1970), the great mass of the work that has been done on running water has been on streams and small rivers, and information on larger rivers is either on such limited topics as fisheries or plankton, scattered among the journals, or not available to the general limnologist. The only exceptions are a few books in this series of publications, such as those on the Nile (Rz6ska 1976), the Volga (Morduckai Boltovskoi 1979) and the Amazon {Sioli 1984), and the recent compendium by Whitton (1984) on European rivers, among which there are a few that rate as large.
Author: Myles Fisher
Publisher: Routledge
ISBN: 1135724202
Category : Science
Languages : en
Pages : 411
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Conventional wisdom says that the world is heading for a major water crisis. By 2050, global population will increase from 7 billion to a staggering 9.5 billion and the demands this will place on food and water systems will inevitably push river basins over the edge. The findings from this book present a different picture. While it is convenient to visualize an inevitable global water and food crisis in which increasing demands result in increasing poverty, food insecurity and conflict, the reality is far more nuanced and revolves around the politics of equitable and sustainable development of resources. The first part of this book provides detailed insight into conditions of water flows within nine river basins. In the second part, authors summarize and re-analyze the outcome of the nine basins, providing a coherent global picture of water, water productivity and development. They assess the impacts of variations of these attributes on development and approaches for poverty alleviation, and explore the institutional factors that support or obstruct change. How people will manage river systems while protecting vital ecosystem functions will make the difference between catastrophe and survival. As Prof Asit Biswas points out, "... the world is facing a water crisis not because of physical scarcity of water but because of poor management practices in nearly all countries of the world." The book is based on the four years (2006-2010) of extensive research into the state of ten of the world’s major river basins carried out under the CGIAR Challenge Program for Water and Food’s Basin Focal Project. This book was published as a special issue of Water International.
Author: Barry Floyd
Publisher: Springer
ISBN: 1349006661
Category : Science
Languages : en
Pages : 384
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Author: J.-P. vanden Bossche
Publisher: Food & Agriculture Org.
ISBN: 9789251029831
Category : Technology & Engineering
Languages : zh-TW
Pages : 432
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Author: Ludwik A. Teclaff
Publisher: Springer Science & Business Media
ISBN: 9401510253
Category : Law
Languages : en
Pages : 249
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Fresh water is one of man's most vital needs. The distribution of water within river basins has a direct bearing on the organization of water resources development to meet this ever-expanding need. River basins, despite their very great diversity in other respects, have one physical characteristic in common: each is a more or less self-contained unit within whose bounds all the surface and part or all of the ground waters form an interconnected, interdependent system. This inter dependence has such far-reaching implications - for pollution and flood control, apportionment of supply, relations between upstream and downstream riparians, to mention only a few examples - that the river basin has become almost universally accepted (within the past 20 or 30 years at least) as the unit of optimal water resources de velopment. Professor Teclaff's work (which was originally submitted to the New York University School of Law as a doctoral dissertation) is the first fully developed response to the important resolution passed by the International Law Association at its New York meeting in I958 recognizing the legal nature of the international river basin. His study quite properly, therefore, poses the question whether the adoption of the river basin unit is a temporary phenomenon, reflecting the current stage of technology and of administrative, economic, and legal thought on water resources development, or whether the de terminative influence of the river basin's physical unity which has always operated in the past will continue to operate in the future.
Author: Aondover Tarhule
Publisher: BoD – Books on Demand
ISBN: 9535111876
Category : Science
Languages : en
Pages : 218
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As societies transition to evidence-based adaptation and management there is increasing recognition of the need for understanding climate change and variability dynamics and impacts at regional levels and for various activities. This book is a contribution toward that goal. Readers interested in climate change management will find detailed discussions of climatic variability dynamics in selected regions as well as new innovative ways of monitoring climate change, assessing climate risks, and predicting impacts. Those interested in refreshing the fundamentals of climate change and climate variability will find a very accessible review of the status of knowledge on the subject, including a balanced interrogation of available evidence. In an attempt to keep the book accessible, every effort was made to minimize technical jargon without compromising scientific accuracy. The result should be useful to researchers, practitioners, and policy makers.
Author: K. M. De Bruijn
Publisher: Delft University Press
ISBN: 9789040726002
Category : Science
Languages : en
Pages : 216
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Author: Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations
Publisher: Food & Agriculture Org.
ISBN: 9251333785
Category : Technology & Engineering
Languages : en
Pages : 120
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The Niger River Basin is a transboundary basin covering nine riparian countries to the Niger River that are increasingly putting pressure on the available water resources as their populations expand. Yet, the nine countries are also among the poorest in the world and adequate exploitation of the water of the basin could be part of a broader strategy for poverty reduction in these countries. Major challenges to that end are the lacking water infrastructure and growing vulnerability to extreme weather hazards as the climate changes. In that context, a better understanding of the state of water resources in the basin is a crucial departure point for any measures towards the sustainable use of water. The Water Accounting Plus (WA+) system designed by IHE Delft with its partners FAO and IWMI has been applied to gain full insights into the state of the water resources in the basin.
Publisher: Food & Agriculture Organization of the UN (FAO)
Category : Nature
Languages : en
Pages : 96
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"These Proceedings include (1) the report of and (2) the background paper prepared for the Workshop on climate change implications for fishing communities in the Lake Chad Basin: What have we learned and what can we do better? The Workshop was hosted by the Lake Chad Basin Commission (LCBC) from 18 to 20 November 2011, attended by the Lake Chad Basin countries of Cameroon, Central African Republic (CAR), Chad, Niger and Nigeria, and financed through a Japanese-funded, and Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO)-implemented, project component on Fisheries management and marine conservation within a changing ecosystem context (GCP/INT/253/JPN), in collaboration with LCBC. Presentation topics included: the hydrology of the Lake Chad region, national contexts of climate change and fisheries, identification and reduction of climate change vulnerability in the fisheries of the Lake Chad Basin and an overview of current projects on Lake Chad. Discussions largely focused on: hydrology and climate trends of the Lake Chad basin, national perspectives on impacts and adaptations of climate change, current natural resources projects in the Lake Chad Basin and recommendations for actions to increase adaptability and resilience to be carried out. The Workshop recommended that there is more coordinated action and information sharing regarding natural resources, and increased cooperation between LCBC member State governments to support and strengthen existing political commitments in the Lake Chad Basin for effective aquatic resource use management to ensure sustainable development of land and aquatic based activities in the basin."--P. iv.