Precision Vaccinology for Infectious Diseases

Precision Vaccinology for Infectious Diseases PDF Author: Mahbuba Rahman
Publisher: Frontiers Media SA
ISBN: 2832548474
Category : Medical
Languages : en
Pages : 351

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Book Description
The Human body is a vast network of interacting genes, proteins, and metabolites. These components, which may be considered host factors, change under disease, treatment or healthy condition. While treatment of many diseases depends on therapeutic drugs, vaccines remain the most effective long-term public health intervention to prevent infectious diseases. To date, vaccines have been developed to treat entire populations with little provision for predisposing individual host factor differences. However, the use and application of vaccines is facing multiple challenges with increasing numbers of vaccine non-responders and vaccine-relapsed individuals. The cause of this complication is partially due to host-factors. Another challenge is the adverse effects of vaccines in patients with primary immunodeficiency or autoimmune diseases, as well as vaccine-waning immunity in ageing populations, obese populations, or those with co-infection. To overcome these challenges, the solution may be the design, and formulation of precision vaccines, which are patient-specific.

Precision Vaccinology for Infectious Diseases

Precision Vaccinology for Infectious Diseases PDF Author: Mahbuba Rahman
Publisher: Frontiers Media SA
ISBN: 2832548474
Category : Medical
Languages : en
Pages : 351

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Book Description
The Human body is a vast network of interacting genes, proteins, and metabolites. These components, which may be considered host factors, change under disease, treatment or healthy condition. While treatment of many diseases depends on therapeutic drugs, vaccines remain the most effective long-term public health intervention to prevent infectious diseases. To date, vaccines have been developed to treat entire populations with little provision for predisposing individual host factor differences. However, the use and application of vaccines is facing multiple challenges with increasing numbers of vaccine non-responders and vaccine-relapsed individuals. The cause of this complication is partially due to host-factors. Another challenge is the adverse effects of vaccines in patients with primary immunodeficiency or autoimmune diseases, as well as vaccine-waning immunity in ageing populations, obese populations, or those with co-infection. To overcome these challenges, the solution may be the design, and formulation of precision vaccines, which are patient-specific.

Vaccine Design

Vaccine Design PDF Author: Sunil Thomas
ISBN: 9781493933877
Category : Vaccines
Languages : en
Pages : 873

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Opportunities in Biotechnology for Future Army Applications

Opportunities in Biotechnology for Future Army Applications PDF Author: National Research Council
Publisher: National Academies Press
ISBN: 0309075556
Category : Science
Languages : en
Pages : 118

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This report surveys opportunities for future Army applications in biotechnology, including sensors, electronics and computers, materials, logistics, and medical therapeutics, by matching commercial trends and developments with enduring Army requirements. Several biotechnology areas are identified as important for the Army to exploit, either by direct funding of research or by indirect influence of commercial sources, to achieve significant gains in combat effectiveness before 2025.

Recent Advances in Precision Vaccine Discovery & Development

Recent Advances in Precision Vaccine Discovery & Development PDF Author: Ofer Levy
Publisher: Frontiers Media SA
ISBN: 2889716589
Category : Medical
Languages : en
Pages : 335

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Topic Editor Jay Evans is the co-founder, President and CEO of Inimmune Corporation. The other Topic Editors declare no competing interests with regard to the Research Topic subject.

Pediatric Vaccines and Vaccinations

Pediatric Vaccines and Vaccinations PDF Author: Timo Vesikari
Publisher: Springer
ISBN: 3319599526
Category : Medical
Languages : en
Pages : 257

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This graduate textbook serves as a highly readable guide on vaccines and vaccination in infants, children and adolescents from an European perspective. The first part of the book is dedicated to childhood and adolescent vaccine schedules, maternal and neonatal immunization and safety of vaccines. In a second part we focus on viral and bacterial vaccines. Further chapters discuss pediatric travel vaccines, vaccines in the pipeline and the European registration process. This book is intended to be a reference textbook and will help to standardize the information on vaccines and immunization program in the WHO European Region.

Human Herpesviruses

Human Herpesviruses PDF Author: Ann Arvin
Publisher: Cambridge University Press
ISBN: 1139461648
Category : Medical
Languages : en
Pages : 1325

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This comprehensive account of the human herpesviruses provides an encyclopedic overview of their basic virology and clinical manifestations. This group of viruses includes human simplex type 1 and 2, Epstein–Barr virus, Kaposi's Sarcoma-associated herpesvirus, cytomegalovirus, HHV6A, 6B and 7, and varicella-zoster virus. The viral diseases and cancers they cause are significant and often recurrent. Their prevalence in the developed world accounts for a major burden of disease, and as a result there is a great deal of research into the pathophysiology of infection and immunobiology. Another important area covered within this volume concerns antiviral therapy and the development of vaccines. All these aspects are covered in depth, both scientifically and in terms of clinical guidelines for patient care. The text is illustrated generously throughout and is fully referenced to the latest research and developments.

Immunobiology of Carbohydrates

Immunobiology of Carbohydrates PDF Author: Simon Wong
Publisher: Springer Science & Business Media
ISBN: 9780306478444
Category : Medical
Languages : en
Pages : 336

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This book is unique in providing pertinent information on the various established roles carbohydrate play in the immune system and how the innate and adaptive immune systems respond to this type of microbial antigens. The editors selected only topics that have established basic and clinical relevance to this field. The topics from basic research are organised like a textbook, in order to guide the readers through complex sets of events that lead to clearance of or to immune responses toward carbohydrate antigens. The book is clear, concise and contains fully annotated summaries of the key basic and practical information on carbohydrate immunology from current literature. These topics are written by investigators from various disciplines (chemistry, medicine, biochemistry, glycobiology and immunology), creating a fine balance in the point of views presented in the book. It explores the challenges and rewards of understanding the importance of carbohydrates and glycoconjugates in health and disease, applying new knowledge from carbohydrate immunology in improving or developing novel sugar-based therapeutics, and vaccines and medicines. This book is most suitable for glycobiologists and immunologists, but many researchers whose interests, background and expertise are in any of the fifteen topics presented in this book will also find it appealing. It is also a valuable resource for postgraduate students, clinicians or anyone else who is curious about the role of carbohydrates in immunology, and would like to see the topics combined under one cover and in relation to each other.

Case Studies in Public Health

Case Studies in Public Health PDF Author: Theodore H. Tulchinsky
Publisher: Academic Press
ISBN: 0128045868
Category : Technology & Engineering
Languages : en
Pages : 605

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Book Description
Case Studies in Public Health contains selected case studies of some of the most important and influential moments in medicine and epidemiology. The cases chosen for this collection represent a wide array of public health issues that go into the makeup of what can be termed the New Public Health (NPH), which includes traditional public health, such as sanitation, hygiene and infectious disease control, but widens its perspective to include the organization, financing and quality of health care services in a much broader sense. Each case study is presented in a systematic fashion to facilitate learning, with the case, background, current relevance, economic issues, ethical issues, conclusions, recommendation and references discussed for each case. The book is a valuable resource for advanced students and researchers with specialized knowledge who need further information on the general background and history of public health and important scientific discoveries within the field. It is an ideal resource for students in public health, epidemiology, medicine, anthropology, and sociology, and for those interested in how to apply lessons from the past to present and future research. - Explores the history of public health through important scientific events and flashpoints - Presents case studies in a clear, direct style that is easy to follow - Uses a systematic approach to help learn lessons from the past and apply them to the present

The Childhood Immunization Schedule and Safety

The Childhood Immunization Schedule and Safety PDF Author: Institute of Medicine
Publisher: National Academies Press
ISBN: 0309267021
Category : Medical
Languages : en
Pages : 237

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Vaccines are among the most safe and effective public health interventions to prevent serious disease and death. Because of the success of vaccines, most Americans today have no firsthand experience with such devastating illnesses as polio or diphtheria. Health care providers who vaccinate young children follow a schedule prepared by the U.S. Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices. Under the current schedule, children younger than six may receive as many as 24 immunizations by their second birthday. New vaccines undergo rigorous testing prior to receiving FDA approval; however, like all medicines and medical interventions, vaccines carry some risk. Driven largely by concerns about potential side effects, there has been a shift in some parents' attitudes toward the child immunization schedule. The Childhood Immunization Schedule and Safety identifies research approaches, methodologies, and study designs that could address questions about the safety of the current schedule. This report is the most comprehensive examination of the immunization schedule to date. The IOM authoring committee uncovered no evidence of major safety concerns associated with adherence to the childhood immunization schedule. Should signals arise that there may be need for investigation, however, the report offers a framework for conducting safety research using existing or new data collection systems.

Carbohydrate-based Vaccines

Carbohydrate-based Vaccines PDF Author: René Roy
Publisher: ACS Symposium
ISBN: 9780841239838
Category : Science
Languages : en
Pages : 0

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This book is the first of its kind entirely dedicated to carbohydrate vaccines written by renowned scientists with expertise in carbohydrate chemistry and immunochemistry. It covers the synthesis of carbohydrate antigens related to bacteria and parasites such as: Heamophilus influenza, Streptococcus pnemoniae, Shigella flexneri, Candida albicans, Mycobacterium tuberculosis, and Chlamydia. The first three chapters are of wide interest as they cover fundamental concerns in new vaccine developments. The first one presents the immune system and how carbohydrate antigens are processed before protective antibodies are produced. It also illustrates antigen presentation in the context of major histocompatibility complexes (MHCs). The second chapter describes regulatory issues when carbohydrate vaccines are involved while the third one discuss several techniques used in conjugation chemistry and the implication of certain chemical linkages that may induce unexpected anti-linker antibodies. This section will be particularly appealing for those involved in drug-conjugate design, pro-drug developments, and drug vectorization. The book concludes with one chapter that illustrates the principle through which peptide antigens can functionally mimic carbohydrate epitopes, thus, unraveling the potential for peptide surrogates as replacement for complex carbohydrate structures. This book is unique in that it covers all aspects related to carbohydrate vaccines including the success story with the first semi-synthetic bacterial polysaccharide vaccine against Heamophilus influenza type b responsible for pneumonia and meningitis, liable for more than 600,000 infant deaths worldwide in developing countries. The book also presents regulatory issues and will thus be vital for government agencies approving candidate vaccines. It widely covers synthetic methodologies for the attachment of carbohydrate antigens to peptides and immunogenic protein carriers. Vaccines against bacterial antigens, cancer, and parasites are also discussed by worldwide experts in this field in details. No other book contains such a wide panel of different expertise. It will also be useful to students and researchers involved with the immunology of forreings antigens and how the under appreciated carbohydrate antigens are processed by the immune system.