New Insights in Leprosy (Hansen's Disease)

New Insights in Leprosy (Hansen's Disease) PDF Author: Ciro Martins Gomes
Publisher: Frontiers Media SA
ISBN: 2832545130
Category : Science
Languages : en
Pages : 99

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Book Description
Leprosy (or Hansen’s disease) is a chronic infectious granulomatous disease caused by Mycobacterium leprae and Mycobacterium lepromatosis that affects predominantly the skin and peripheral nerves. Leprosy is one of the oldest known illnesses of mankind; however, it is still one of the most neglected diseases worldwide, impacting more than 120 countries, mainly in underdeveloped settings. Early diagnosis and treatment are crucial for reducing the burden of this disease and avoiding long-term irreversible consequences such as deformities and mutilations. Thus, the World Health Organization has focused its efforts on preventive programs as well as the search for easy-to-handle diagnosis tools and the implementation of new strategies to improve the therapeutic options available.