My Beautiful Psychosis

My Beautiful Psychosis PDF Author: Emma Goude
Publisher: Aeon Books
ISBN: 9781912807956
Category :
Languages : en
Pages : 312

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Book Description
"Emma manages to bring the reader into the experience in a way I have never seen before."-- Dr. Russell Razzaque, Consultant Psychiatrist, author Breaking Down Is Waking Up and founder of Peer Supported Open Dialogue Through seven episodes, author Emma Goude takes readers on a journey to make sense of psychosis. As a troubled twenty-something, she experienced the harsh landscapes of psychiatric wards before eventually becoming the respected documentary filmmaker she is today. In this personal journey, Goude campaigns for a new perspective on mental health and well-being. My Beautiful Psychosis has a powerful message to convey and turns on its head the idea that psychosis is a debilitating illness, caused by a brain chemical imbalance, which requires medication for life. Whilst medication is sometimes useful, it doesn't really attend to the deeper need: for validation, compassionate holding, skillful navigation and most of all grounding. This book will inspire others who have been given a label that has severely restricted their lives, and act as a beacon of light for them to reclaim the power of their own innate healing ability.