Major Thinkers in Welfare

Major Thinkers in Welfare PDF Author:
Category : Public welfare
Languages : en
Pages : 0

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Major Thinkers in Welfare

Major Thinkers in Welfare PDF Author:
Category : Public welfare
Languages : en
Pages : 0

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Major Thinkers in Welfare

Major Thinkers in Welfare PDF Author: Victor George
Publisher: Policy Press
ISBN: 1847427065
Category : Political Science
Languages : en
Pages : 288

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Focusing on a range of welfare issues this book examines the views, values and perceptions of a number of theorists from ancient times to the 19th century, including Plato, St Aquinas, Hobbes, Wollstonecraft and Marx.

Major Thinkers in Welfare

Major Thinkers in Welfare PDF Author: Victor George
ISBN: 9781447302728
Category : Public welfare
Languages : en
Pages : 0

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Book Description
Focusing on a range of welfare issues this book examines the views, values and perceptions of a number of theorists from ancient times to the 19th century, including Plato, St Aquinas, Hobbes, Wollstonecraft and Marx.

Major thinkers in welfare

Major thinkers in welfare PDF Author: George, Vic
Publisher: Policy Press
ISBN: 1847427073
Category : Political Science
Languages : en
Pages : 289

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Book Description
This is the first book to examine the views of a number of theorists from ancient times to the 19th century on a range of welfare issues: wealth, poverty and inequality; slavery, gender issues, and the family; child rearing and education; crime and punishment; the role of government in society; the strengths and weaknesses of government provision vis a vis market provision. The book also looks at the values of the various theorists as well as their perception of human nature for these tend to underpin their welfare views. The book will make essential reading for students of social policy, gender issues, community care, social work, and sociology.

Social Policy and Welfare Pluralism

Social Policy and Welfare Pluralism PDF Author: John Offer
Publisher: Policy Press
ISBN: 144733535X
Category : Political Science
Languages : en
Pages : 521

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Robert Pinker has written extensively on social policy matters since the early 1960s. His distinct approach to understanding concepts such as welfare pluralism is of particular relevance today as welfare pluralism remains an essential component of the policy mix, giving people access to a greater range and diversity of statutory, voluntary, and private sector services than unitary models of welfare provide. Social Policy and Welfare Pluralism presents the first collection of Robert Pinker’s essays in one edited volume. It includes essays on the ways in which welfare theories and ideologies and public expectations have influenced and shaped the political processes of policy making. Other essays focus on clarifying some of the key concepts that underpin the study of social policy. Pinker also reviews the extent to which the United Kingdom has succeeded in creating a ‘policy mix’ in which normative compromises are negotiated between the claims of market individualism and public sector collectivism. The concluding chapter by Robert Pinker reviews the prospects for social policy in the UK over the next five years.

Welfare Theory, Public Action, and Ethical Values

Welfare Theory, Public Action, and Ethical Values PDF Author: Roger E. Backhouse
Publisher: Cambridge University Press
ISBN: 1108898696
Category : Business & Economics
Languages : en
Pages : 350

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This innovative history of welfare economics challenges the view that welfare economics can be discussed without taking ethical values into account. Whatever their theoretical commitments, when economists have considered practical problems relating to public policy, they have adopted a wider range of ethical values, whether equality, justice, freedom, or democracy. Even canonical authors in the history of welfare economics are shown to have adopted ethical positions different from those with which they are commonly associated. Welfare Theory, Public Action, and Ethical Values explores the reasons and implications of this, drawing on concepts of welfarism and non-welfarism developed in modern welfare economics. The authors exemplify how economic theory, public affairs and political philosophy interact, challenging the status quo in order to push economists and historians to reconsider the nature and meaning of welfare economics.

Transformation of the Welfare State

Transformation of the Welfare State PDF Author: Neil Gilbert
Publisher: Oxford University Press, USA
ISBN: 9780195140743
Category : Business & Economics
Languages : en
Pages : 234

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"Finds a turn away from broad-based entitlements and automatic benefits to a new, 'enabling' approach defined by policies designed to promote privatization and labor force participation." - dust jacket.

In Our Hands

In Our Hands PDF Author: Charles Murray
Publisher: Rowman & Littlefield
ISBN: 1442260726
Category : Political Science
Languages : en
Pages : 152

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Imagine that the United States were to scrap all its income transfer programs—including Social Security, Medicare, and all forms of welfare—and give every American age twenty-one and older $10,000 a year for life.This is the Plan, a radical new approach to social policy that defies any partisan label. First laid out by Charles Murray a decade ago, the updated edition reflects economic developments since that time. Murray, who previous books include Losing Ground and The Bell Curve, demonstrates that the Plan is financially feasible and the uses detailed analysis to argue that many goals of the welfare state—elimination of poverty, comfortable retirement for everyone, universal access to healthcare—would be better served under the Plan than under the current system. Murray’s goal, shared by Left and Right, is a society in which everyone, including the unluckiest among us, has the opportunity and means to construct a satisfying life. In Our Hands offers a rich and startling new way to think about how that goal might be achieved.

Tethered Citizens

Tethered Citizens PDF Author: Sheldon Richman
Publisher: The Future of Freedom Foundation
ISBN: 1890687081
Category :
Languages : en
Pages : 171

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“How tethered are you?” That’s what Sheldon Richman starts out asking in this indispensable book laying bare “the theory and practice of the welfare state.” Chances are Richman’s answer will widen the eyes even of those who think they’re familiar with the welfare state’s milestones, such as the New Deal. The author digs deeper, unearthing not just milestones but also the very foundation stones of the welfare state. And he shows how deeply welfare-state thinking has penetrated American society. This book exposes the dangers that Americans face with the prospect of socialized medicine. Bringing together the thoughts of twelve eminent advocates of the free-market philosophy, The Dangers of Socialized Medicine explains in an easily readable, well-reasoned way how government policies have caused America’s health-care crisis and why a complete separation of health care and the state is the only real, long-term solution. This book prescribes the tough medicine that Americans need to take to achieve a healthy, prosperous, and free society. What distinguishes Richman’s account of the welfare state is his own consistent adherence to a philosophy of reason and individual rights. He doesn’t compromise — and he sees clearly how others who would defend freedom have compromised, and fatally. The author doesn’t confine himself to attacking welfarism; he also demonstrates the virtue and power of individualism, property, and competition. Richman shows that economic competition is nothing more or less than peaceful cooperation in a climate of freedom.

Great Economic Thinkers

Great Economic Thinkers PDF Author: Jonathan Conlin
Publisher: Reaktion Books
ISBN: 9781789142105
Category : Business & Economics
Languages : en
Pages : 0

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Great Economic Thinkers presents an accessible introduction to the lives and works of thirteen of the most influential economists of modern times: Adam Smith, David Ricardo, John Stuart Mill, Karl Marx, Alfred Marshall, Joseph Schumpeter, John Maynard Keynes, and Nobel Prize winners Friedrich Hayek, Milton Friedman, John Forbes Nash, Jr., Daniel Kahneman, Amartya Sen, and Joseph Stiglitz. Free from confusing jargon and equations, the book describes key concepts put forward by these thinkers and shows how they have come to shape how we see ourselves and our society. Readers will consider the role played by the division of labor, wages and rents, cognitive biases, saving, entrepreneurship, game theory, liberalism, laissez-faire, and welfare economics. All of the economists featured have had a profound influence on our attitudes towards market intervention and regulation, taxation, trade, and monetary policy. Each of the chapters—all written by an acknowledged expert—combines a biographical outline of a single thinker with critical analysis of their contribution to economic thought. If you’ve ever wanted to find out more about the theorists who gave us the invisible hand, Marxism, Keynesianism, creative destruction, behavioral economics, and many other foundational concepts of economics, this collection of essays is the perfect place to start.