Author: LiveABC編輯群
Publisher: 希伯崙股份有限公司
Category : Study Aids
Languages : en
Pages : 104
Book Description
4 Live關鍵時事新聞 9 Live讀門祕笈 10 旅遊好去處 Island Hopping in Penghu 澎湖跳島遊 澎湖是個兼具自然與文化景點的出遊好選擇。想知道澎湖有什麼好吃、好玩的嗎?趕快來看看吧! 14 環保生活 Baking and Brewing to Fight Food Waste 對抗食物浪費 過期麵包可以這樣用 每年丟掉的大量麵包可以有其他用途。在國外,麵包除了拿來作為能源,還能釀出得獎的啤酒,麵包屑甚至還能重新製作麵包。 18 動物科學 Why Do Humans and Bears Cross Paths So Often? 為何在路上經常遇到熊? 在熊經常出沒的山區,人類經常會在步道或小徑上遇到熊,你有想過為什麼嗎?熊為何不怕人呢? 20 焦點人物 Melanie Perkins: The Girl with Grand Designs 梅蘭妮.柏金斯:讓人人都能設計 澳洲企業家梅蘭妮.柏金斯未滿二十歲時就開始創業,後來更創立世界上最大的線上平面設計公司Canva。儘管如此,梅蘭妮.柏金斯仍以「非營利Canva」計畫保持她「讓全世界都有能力設計」的初衷。 24 生活情境對話 The Latest in Electronics 最新的電子產品 27 英語聽力測驗 1 圖片理解、對答和簡短對話 28 食物文化 Crêpes: The Happy Accident Eaten around the World 可麗餅:意外的美食 作為法國最受歡迎的一道食物,可麗餅歷史非常悠久,甚至有專門慶祝可麗餅的節日。可麗餅從名字、形狀到麵糊製作都很講究,一起來瞭解吧! 32 歷史趣聞 The First Formosan in Europe 行騙歐洲的「福爾摩沙人」? 十八世紀時,一名自稱喬治.撒瑪納札的男子利用歐洲人好奇的心理宣稱自己來自「福爾摩沙」,甚至出了一本暢銷書…… 37 焦點話題 38 生活知識 Saying Bye-Bye to Mosquito Bites 掰掰!蚊子不要來 夏天到了,每天晚上都被蚊子吵得睡不著覺嗎?除了塗抹防蚊液,你也可以使用其他簡單的方法來驅趕蚊子! 42 克漏字 The Social Supermarket 紐西蘭首家社會超市開幕了! 紐西蘭最近開了一家超市,幫助有困難的人有尊嚴的選擇需要的東西。 44 大師名作選 Daedalus and Icarus 戴德拉斯與伊卡魯斯 本文選自希臘神話,戴德拉斯是一位傑出的藝術家、發明家和建築師,因協助一位雅典王子逃出他設計的迷宮而身陷囹圄。在獄中,他打造了兩副翅膀打算越獄,然而…… 48 天南地北說英語 49 主題式會話 Starting a Conversation 開始交談 1. Talking about the Weather 談論天氣 2. Have You Eaten? 你吃過了嗎? 3. How Was Your Weekend? 你週末過得如何? 4. Introducing Yourself 介紹自己 52 英語聽力測驗 2 短文聽解、長篇聽解 53 翻譯練習 Translation Practice 翻譯練習 56 追本溯源 From Brick to Hip: The History of Mobile Phones 手機的發展史:從黑金剛到潮品 現在社會人人都有手機。已經變成生活中一部份的手機,你知道它曾經大到難以攜帶嗎?觸控手機又是何時出現的呢?一起來看看吧! 62 唱歌學英語 Studying English with Songs: The Way You Felt 艾力克.班傑明:〈你的感覺〉 63 電影快報 • Hotel Transylvania: Transformania 《尖叫旅社:變形怪獸》 60 General English Proficiency Test 全民英檢中級模擬聽力試題 64 Movie Trailer English 看預告片學英文 65 Chinese Translation 中文翻譯 73 GEPT Answer Key 全民英檢中級模擬試題解答
Live互動英語 2021 年 8 月號 No.244 【有聲版】
Author: LiveABC編輯群
Publisher: 希伯崙股份有限公司
Category : Study Aids
Languages : en
Pages : 104
Book Description
4 Live關鍵時事新聞 9 Live讀門祕笈 10 旅遊好去處 Island Hopping in Penghu 澎湖跳島遊 澎湖是個兼具自然與文化景點的出遊好選擇。想知道澎湖有什麼好吃、好玩的嗎?趕快來看看吧! 14 環保生活 Baking and Brewing to Fight Food Waste 對抗食物浪費 過期麵包可以這樣用 每年丟掉的大量麵包可以有其他用途。在國外,麵包除了拿來作為能源,還能釀出得獎的啤酒,麵包屑甚至還能重新製作麵包。 18 動物科學 Why Do Humans and Bears Cross Paths So Often? 為何在路上經常遇到熊? 在熊經常出沒的山區,人類經常會在步道或小徑上遇到熊,你有想過為什麼嗎?熊為何不怕人呢? 20 焦點人物 Melanie Perkins: The Girl with Grand Designs 梅蘭妮.柏金斯:讓人人都能設計 澳洲企業家梅蘭妮.柏金斯未滿二十歲時就開始創業,後來更創立世界上最大的線上平面設計公司Canva。儘管如此,梅蘭妮.柏金斯仍以「非營利Canva」計畫保持她「讓全世界都有能力設計」的初衷。 24 生活情境對話 The Latest in Electronics 最新的電子產品 27 英語聽力測驗 1 圖片理解、對答和簡短對話 28 食物文化 Crêpes: The Happy Accident Eaten around the World 可麗餅:意外的美食 作為法國最受歡迎的一道食物,可麗餅歷史非常悠久,甚至有專門慶祝可麗餅的節日。可麗餅從名字、形狀到麵糊製作都很講究,一起來瞭解吧! 32 歷史趣聞 The First Formosan in Europe 行騙歐洲的「福爾摩沙人」? 十八世紀時,一名自稱喬治.撒瑪納札的男子利用歐洲人好奇的心理宣稱自己來自「福爾摩沙」,甚至出了一本暢銷書…… 37 焦點話題 38 生活知識 Saying Bye-Bye to Mosquito Bites 掰掰!蚊子不要來 夏天到了,每天晚上都被蚊子吵得睡不著覺嗎?除了塗抹防蚊液,你也可以使用其他簡單的方法來驅趕蚊子! 42 克漏字 The Social Supermarket 紐西蘭首家社會超市開幕了! 紐西蘭最近開了一家超市,幫助有困難的人有尊嚴的選擇需要的東西。 44 大師名作選 Daedalus and Icarus 戴德拉斯與伊卡魯斯 本文選自希臘神話,戴德拉斯是一位傑出的藝術家、發明家和建築師,因協助一位雅典王子逃出他設計的迷宮而身陷囹圄。在獄中,他打造了兩副翅膀打算越獄,然而…… 48 天南地北說英語 49 主題式會話 Starting a Conversation 開始交談 1. Talking about the Weather 談論天氣 2. Have You Eaten? 你吃過了嗎? 3. How Was Your Weekend? 你週末過得如何? 4. Introducing Yourself 介紹自己 52 英語聽力測驗 2 短文聽解、長篇聽解 53 翻譯練習 Translation Practice 翻譯練習 56 追本溯源 From Brick to Hip: The History of Mobile Phones 手機的發展史:從黑金剛到潮品 現在社會人人都有手機。已經變成生活中一部份的手機,你知道它曾經大到難以攜帶嗎?觸控手機又是何時出現的呢?一起來看看吧! 62 唱歌學英語 Studying English with Songs: The Way You Felt 艾力克.班傑明:〈你的感覺〉 63 電影快報 • Hotel Transylvania: Transformania 《尖叫旅社:變形怪獸》 60 General English Proficiency Test 全民英檢中級模擬聽力試題 64 Movie Trailer English 看預告片學英文 65 Chinese Translation 中文翻譯 73 GEPT Answer Key 全民英檢中級模擬試題解答
Publisher: 希伯崙股份有限公司
Category : Study Aids
Languages : en
Pages : 104
Book Description
4 Live關鍵時事新聞 9 Live讀門祕笈 10 旅遊好去處 Island Hopping in Penghu 澎湖跳島遊 澎湖是個兼具自然與文化景點的出遊好選擇。想知道澎湖有什麼好吃、好玩的嗎?趕快來看看吧! 14 環保生活 Baking and Brewing to Fight Food Waste 對抗食物浪費 過期麵包可以這樣用 每年丟掉的大量麵包可以有其他用途。在國外,麵包除了拿來作為能源,還能釀出得獎的啤酒,麵包屑甚至還能重新製作麵包。 18 動物科學 Why Do Humans and Bears Cross Paths So Often? 為何在路上經常遇到熊? 在熊經常出沒的山區,人類經常會在步道或小徑上遇到熊,你有想過為什麼嗎?熊為何不怕人呢? 20 焦點人物 Melanie Perkins: The Girl with Grand Designs 梅蘭妮.柏金斯:讓人人都能設計 澳洲企業家梅蘭妮.柏金斯未滿二十歲時就開始創業,後來更創立世界上最大的線上平面設計公司Canva。儘管如此,梅蘭妮.柏金斯仍以「非營利Canva」計畫保持她「讓全世界都有能力設計」的初衷。 24 生活情境對話 The Latest in Electronics 最新的電子產品 27 英語聽力測驗 1 圖片理解、對答和簡短對話 28 食物文化 Crêpes: The Happy Accident Eaten around the World 可麗餅:意外的美食 作為法國最受歡迎的一道食物,可麗餅歷史非常悠久,甚至有專門慶祝可麗餅的節日。可麗餅從名字、形狀到麵糊製作都很講究,一起來瞭解吧! 32 歷史趣聞 The First Formosan in Europe 行騙歐洲的「福爾摩沙人」? 十八世紀時,一名自稱喬治.撒瑪納札的男子利用歐洲人好奇的心理宣稱自己來自「福爾摩沙」,甚至出了一本暢銷書…… 37 焦點話題 38 生活知識 Saying Bye-Bye to Mosquito Bites 掰掰!蚊子不要來 夏天到了,每天晚上都被蚊子吵得睡不著覺嗎?除了塗抹防蚊液,你也可以使用其他簡單的方法來驅趕蚊子! 42 克漏字 The Social Supermarket 紐西蘭首家社會超市開幕了! 紐西蘭最近開了一家超市,幫助有困難的人有尊嚴的選擇需要的東西。 44 大師名作選 Daedalus and Icarus 戴德拉斯與伊卡魯斯 本文選自希臘神話,戴德拉斯是一位傑出的藝術家、發明家和建築師,因協助一位雅典王子逃出他設計的迷宮而身陷囹圄。在獄中,他打造了兩副翅膀打算越獄,然而…… 48 天南地北說英語 49 主題式會話 Starting a Conversation 開始交談 1. Talking about the Weather 談論天氣 2. Have You Eaten? 你吃過了嗎? 3. How Was Your Weekend? 你週末過得如何? 4. Introducing Yourself 介紹自己 52 英語聽力測驗 2 短文聽解、長篇聽解 53 翻譯練習 Translation Practice 翻譯練習 56 追本溯源 From Brick to Hip: The History of Mobile Phones 手機的發展史:從黑金剛到潮品 現在社會人人都有手機。已經變成生活中一部份的手機,你知道它曾經大到難以攜帶嗎?觸控手機又是何時出現的呢?一起來看看吧! 62 唱歌學英語 Studying English with Songs: The Way You Felt 艾力克.班傑明:〈你的感覺〉 63 電影快報 • Hotel Transylvania: Transformania 《尖叫旅社:變形怪獸》 60 General English Proficiency Test 全民英檢中級模擬聽力試題 64 Movie Trailer English 看預告片學英文 65 Chinese Translation 中文翻譯 73 GEPT Answer Key 全民英檢中級模擬試題解答
CNN 互動英語 2021 年 1 月號 No.244【有聲版】
Author: LiveABC編輯群
Publisher: 希伯崙股份有限公司
Category : Foreign Language Study
Languages : en
Pages : 86
Book Description
人物 A Man of Vision 50年政壇老馬 拜登如何走上政治生涯巔峰? Joe Biden’s Career Achievements throughout His Five Decades in Politics 美國總統當選人喬.拜登將成為美國史上最年長、政治年資最久的總統。本文細數他50年從政歷程中的關鍵事件。 社會 First, But Not the Last 美國首位女性副總統 賀錦麗開創先河 Kamala Harris’s Ascent to Vice Presidency Paves the Way for Future Generations 美國副總統當選人賀錦麗寫下多項歷史——該國第一位女性副總統、首位擁有非裔及亞裔血統的副總統。她的成就鼓舞了美國千千萬萬的女性及移民。 商業 Magic Gone 迪士尼大裁員 樂園魔力難再續 Staff Laid Off at Disney as Parks and Resorts Remain Closed 高度仰賴遊客帶來收益的觀光業受到封城令重創,就連遊樂園龍頭迪士尼也難以倖免,不得不做出大裁員的決定。 時尚 Spectacular Strategies 怪美的時尚 韓風眼鏡品牌掀熱潮 The Otherworldly Aesthetics Used in Branding by Gentle Monster 韓國眼鏡品牌溫柔怪獸以獨具一格的店面陳設及名人代言成功打開國際知名度。為您揭開該品牌行銷的祕密。 政治 Reform and Reverence 泰國學運抗議什麼?CNN帶你一次看 Thai Protesters March against the Monarchy while Royalists Gather in Support of the King 泰國爆發自2014年軍事政變以來最大規模的示威運動,眾多年輕人走上街頭要求政府實現真民主。事件引爆點為何?CNN帶你了解。 娛樂 Hollywood’s Extraordinary Gentleman 永遠的○○七王牌特務 史恩.康納萊 Retrospecting the Stellar Career of James Bond Star Sean Connery 第一代龐德演員史恩.康納萊開創了電影的○○七黃金世代,告別系列作後仍不斷突破自我,演活了無數膾炙人口的角色。 科學 Sailing to the Stars 宇宙航行新視界 乘著太陽風翱翔 Harnessing the Energy from the Sun for Cosmic Travel 太陽帆太空船不需要燃料,而是利用自然現象作為綿延不絕的動力來源,可望成為人類星際旅行的永續解方。 政治 Black Sea Defenders 黑海守護者 美軍巡邏機深入虎穴 Combating Russian Aggression on a US Navy Surveillance Plane 近日俄軍在黑海等兵家必爭之地頻頻現蹤,甚至出現許多危險的侵略行為,美軍對此謹慎戒備。 科技 Spot the Robo-Dog 會跑會爬會跳舞 智慧機器狗大進化 Video of Boston Dynamics’ Robotic Canine Captured on Streets Goes Viral 波士頓動力公司的史巴特機器狗可在人類無法前往的場域中代替人力來執行任務,該公司也積極展現機器狗可愛的一面,希望提升其商用吸引力。 科技 Great Blue Dreams 從研究基地到未來居──海底棲地不是夢 How Innovative Designs Facilitate Undersea Research and Aquatic Habitats 從水肺到水底工作站,人類持續研發各種海底探索的工具,希望能達成在海底長期生活的終極目標。 CNN 全球瞭望 Gaming Rides Pandemic Boost 疫情大流行之下 遊戲產業逆勢成長 Water Found on the Moon 科學家在月球陽光照射處發現水 Hyperloop Completes Its First Test 超迴路列車完成首次測試 全方位搞懂CNN Filling Empty Stadiums with Noise 封館球賽也要有歡呼聲!音效師向電玩遊戲取經 CNN主編教你唸 世界各地遊樂園 單字聯想地圖 主題樂園 新聞片語通 談天說地話英文
Publisher: 希伯崙股份有限公司
Category : Foreign Language Study
Languages : en
Pages : 86
Book Description
人物 A Man of Vision 50年政壇老馬 拜登如何走上政治生涯巔峰? Joe Biden’s Career Achievements throughout His Five Decades in Politics 美國總統當選人喬.拜登將成為美國史上最年長、政治年資最久的總統。本文細數他50年從政歷程中的關鍵事件。 社會 First, But Not the Last 美國首位女性副總統 賀錦麗開創先河 Kamala Harris’s Ascent to Vice Presidency Paves the Way for Future Generations 美國副總統當選人賀錦麗寫下多項歷史——該國第一位女性副總統、首位擁有非裔及亞裔血統的副總統。她的成就鼓舞了美國千千萬萬的女性及移民。 商業 Magic Gone 迪士尼大裁員 樂園魔力難再續 Staff Laid Off at Disney as Parks and Resorts Remain Closed 高度仰賴遊客帶來收益的觀光業受到封城令重創,就連遊樂園龍頭迪士尼也難以倖免,不得不做出大裁員的決定。 時尚 Spectacular Strategies 怪美的時尚 韓風眼鏡品牌掀熱潮 The Otherworldly Aesthetics Used in Branding by Gentle Monster 韓國眼鏡品牌溫柔怪獸以獨具一格的店面陳設及名人代言成功打開國際知名度。為您揭開該品牌行銷的祕密。 政治 Reform and Reverence 泰國學運抗議什麼?CNN帶你一次看 Thai Protesters March against the Monarchy while Royalists Gather in Support of the King 泰國爆發自2014年軍事政變以來最大規模的示威運動,眾多年輕人走上街頭要求政府實現真民主。事件引爆點為何?CNN帶你了解。 娛樂 Hollywood’s Extraordinary Gentleman 永遠的○○七王牌特務 史恩.康納萊 Retrospecting the Stellar Career of James Bond Star Sean Connery 第一代龐德演員史恩.康納萊開創了電影的○○七黃金世代,告別系列作後仍不斷突破自我,演活了無數膾炙人口的角色。 科學 Sailing to the Stars 宇宙航行新視界 乘著太陽風翱翔 Harnessing the Energy from the Sun for Cosmic Travel 太陽帆太空船不需要燃料,而是利用自然現象作為綿延不絕的動力來源,可望成為人類星際旅行的永續解方。 政治 Black Sea Defenders 黑海守護者 美軍巡邏機深入虎穴 Combating Russian Aggression on a US Navy Surveillance Plane 近日俄軍在黑海等兵家必爭之地頻頻現蹤,甚至出現許多危險的侵略行為,美軍對此謹慎戒備。 科技 Spot the Robo-Dog 會跑會爬會跳舞 智慧機器狗大進化 Video of Boston Dynamics’ Robotic Canine Captured on Streets Goes Viral 波士頓動力公司的史巴特機器狗可在人類無法前往的場域中代替人力來執行任務,該公司也積極展現機器狗可愛的一面,希望提升其商用吸引力。 科技 Great Blue Dreams 從研究基地到未來居──海底棲地不是夢 How Innovative Designs Facilitate Undersea Research and Aquatic Habitats 從水肺到水底工作站,人類持續研發各種海底探索的工具,希望能達成在海底長期生活的終極目標。 CNN 全球瞭望 Gaming Rides Pandemic Boost 疫情大流行之下 遊戲產業逆勢成長 Water Found on the Moon 科學家在月球陽光照射處發現水 Hyperloop Completes Its First Test 超迴路列車完成首次測試 全方位搞懂CNN Filling Empty Stadiums with Noise 封館球賽也要有歡呼聲!音效師向電玩遊戲取經 CNN主編教你唸 世界各地遊樂園 單字聯想地圖 主題樂園 新聞片語通 談天說地話英文
Sustainability in Energy and Buildings 2021
Author: John R. Littlewood
Publisher: Springer Nature
ISBN: 981166269X
Category : Technology & Engineering
Languages : en
Pages : 559
Book Description
Chapter “A Multi-functional Design Approach to Deal with New Urban Challenges” is available open access under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License via
Publisher: Springer Nature
ISBN: 981166269X
Category : Technology & Engineering
Languages : en
Pages : 559
Book Description
Chapter “A Multi-functional Design Approach to Deal with New Urban Challenges” is available open access under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License via
Author: International Accounting Standards Board
ISBN: 9781904230724
Category : Accounting
Languages : en
Pages : 16
Book Description
ISBN: 9781904230724
Category : Accounting
Languages : en
Pages : 16
Book Description
Imperial Lives and Letters of the Eleventh Century
Author: Robert L. Benson
Publisher: Wipf and Stock Publishers
ISBN: 1666734969
Category : History
Languages : en
Pages : 229
Book Description
Publisher: Wipf and Stock Publishers
ISBN: 1666734969
Category : History
Languages : en
Pages : 229
Book Description
Constructed Geographies
Author: Jean-Louis Cohen
Publisher: Yale University Press
ISBN: 0300275455
Category : Architecture
Languages : en
Pages : 441
Book Description
The first major retrospective to emerge from the archive of Paulo Mendes da Rocha, shining important new light on his work One of the most acclaimed architects working in Brazil since the mid-twentieth century, Paulo Mendes da Rocha (1928-2021) began building in the 1950s, championing an approach often associated with "Brutalism" but expanding well beyond it. He is widely recognized for having transformed the urban imprint of São Paulo. His best-known buildings include the Brazilian Museum of Sculpture, remarkable for its engagement with the site and its daring structure; the renovation of the Pinacoteca do Estado, with audacious metallic inserts; and outstanding private houses, starting with his own. In 2006, he became the second Brazilian architect, after Oscar Niemeyer, to win the Pritzker Prize. This retrospective catalogue is the first major publication on Mendes da Rocha since the establishment of his archive at the Casa da Arquitectura in 2021. A team of international scholars provides a comprehensive view of the architect's trajectory and the collective dimension of his work, along with thematic essays. Mendes da Rocha's identity as a South American architect interested in the geographic relation between nature and culture is underlined. The book's contributors explore his concern with the social and anthropogenic impact of the continent's development, as well as its colonial past and postcolonial future. The volume centers around twelve of his most important buildings and reprints two important essays on Mendes da Rocha's work. This will be an essential book on this significant figure of global modernism and will point the way for future scholarship on Mendes da Rocha and the architecture of contemporary Brazil. Distributed for Casa da Arquitectura-Portuguese Centre for Architecture Exhibition Schedule: Casa da Arquitectura, Porto (May 26, 2023-February 25, 2024)
Publisher: Yale University Press
ISBN: 0300275455
Category : Architecture
Languages : en
Pages : 441
Book Description
The first major retrospective to emerge from the archive of Paulo Mendes da Rocha, shining important new light on his work One of the most acclaimed architects working in Brazil since the mid-twentieth century, Paulo Mendes da Rocha (1928-2021) began building in the 1950s, championing an approach often associated with "Brutalism" but expanding well beyond it. He is widely recognized for having transformed the urban imprint of São Paulo. His best-known buildings include the Brazilian Museum of Sculpture, remarkable for its engagement with the site and its daring structure; the renovation of the Pinacoteca do Estado, with audacious metallic inserts; and outstanding private houses, starting with his own. In 2006, he became the second Brazilian architect, after Oscar Niemeyer, to win the Pritzker Prize. This retrospective catalogue is the first major publication on Mendes da Rocha since the establishment of his archive at the Casa da Arquitectura in 2021. A team of international scholars provides a comprehensive view of the architect's trajectory and the collective dimension of his work, along with thematic essays. Mendes da Rocha's identity as a South American architect interested in the geographic relation between nature and culture is underlined. The book's contributors explore his concern with the social and anthropogenic impact of the continent's development, as well as its colonial past and postcolonial future. The volume centers around twelve of his most important buildings and reprints two important essays on Mendes da Rocha's work. This will be an essential book on this significant figure of global modernism and will point the way for future scholarship on Mendes da Rocha and the architecture of contemporary Brazil. Distributed for Casa da Arquitectura-Portuguese Centre for Architecture Exhibition Schedule: Casa da Arquitectura, Porto (May 26, 2023-February 25, 2024)
The Economics of Social Determinants of Health and Health Inequalities
Author: World Health Organization
Publisher: World Health Organization
ISBN: 9241548622
Category : Business & Economics
Languages : en
Pages : 133
Book Description
"This resource book discusses the economic arguments that could (and could not) be put forth to support the case for investing in the social determinants of health on average and in the reduction in socially determined health inequalities. It provides an overview and introduction into how economists would approach the assessment of the economic motivation to invest in the social determinants of health and socially determined health inequities, including what the major challenges are in this assessment. It illustrates the extent to which an economic argument can be made in favour of investment in 3 major social determinants of health areas: education, social protection, and urban development and infrastructure. It describes whether education policy, social protection, and urban development, housing and transport policy can act as health policy"--
Publisher: World Health Organization
ISBN: 9241548622
Category : Business & Economics
Languages : en
Pages : 133
Book Description
"This resource book discusses the economic arguments that could (and could not) be put forth to support the case for investing in the social determinants of health on average and in the reduction in socially determined health inequalities. It provides an overview and introduction into how economists would approach the assessment of the economic motivation to invest in the social determinants of health and socially determined health inequities, including what the major challenges are in this assessment. It illustrates the extent to which an economic argument can be made in favour of investment in 3 major social determinants of health areas: education, social protection, and urban development and infrastructure. It describes whether education policy, social protection, and urban development, housing and transport policy can act as health policy"--
The Economics of COVID-19
Author: Moosa, Imad A.
Publisher: Edward Elgar Publishing
ISBN: 1800377223
Category : Medical
Languages : en
Pages : 247
Book Description
This timely book explores the neglected risk in the advent of the Covid-19 pandemic, illustrating the ways in which four decades of neoliberal economic and public policy has eroded the functional capacity of states to handle catastrophic events.
Publisher: Edward Elgar Publishing
ISBN: 1800377223
Category : Medical
Languages : en
Pages : 247
Book Description
This timely book explores the neglected risk in the advent of the Covid-19 pandemic, illustrating the ways in which four decades of neoliberal economic and public policy has eroded the functional capacity of states to handle catastrophic events.
American Practical Navigator
Author: Nathaniel Bowditch
Category : Nautical astronomy
Languages : en
Pages : 1434
Book Description
Category : Nautical astronomy
Languages : en
Pages : 1434
Book Description
Patterns of Attachment
Author: Mary D. Salter Ainsworth
Publisher: Psychology Press
ISBN: 1135016178
Category : Psychology
Languages : en
Pages : 514
Book Description
Ethological attachment theory is a landmark of 20th century social and behavioral sciences theory and research. This new paradigm for understanding primary relationships across the lifespan evolved from John Bowlby’s critique of psychoanalytic drive theory and his own clinical observations, supplemented by his knowledge of fields as diverse as primate ethology, control systems theory, and cognitive psychology. By the time he had written the first volume of his classic Attachment and Loss trilogy, Mary D. Salter Ainsworth’s naturalistic observations in Uganda and Baltimore, and her theoretical and descriptive insights about maternal care and the secure base phenomenon had become integral to attachment theory. Patterns of Attachment reports the methods and key results of Ainsworth’s landmark Baltimore Longitudinal Study. Following upon her naturalistic home observations in Uganda, the Baltimore project yielded a wealth of enduring, benchmark results on the nature of the child’s tie to its primary caregiver and the importance of early experience. It also addressed a wide range of conceptual and methodological issues common to many developmental and longitudinal projects, especially issues of age appropriate assessment, quantifying behavior, and comprehending individual differences. In addition, Ainsworth and her students broke new ground, clarifying and defining new concepts, demonstrating the value of the ethological methods and insights about behavior. Today, as we enter the fourth generation of attachment study, we have a rich and growing catalogue of behavioral and narrative approaches to measuring attachment from infancy to adulthood. Each of them has roots in the Strange Situation and the secure base concept presented in Patterns of Attachment. It inclusion in the Psychology Press Classic Editions series reflects Patterns of Attachment’s continuing significance and insures its availability to new generations of students, researchers, and clinicians.
Publisher: Psychology Press
ISBN: 1135016178
Category : Psychology
Languages : en
Pages : 514
Book Description
Ethological attachment theory is a landmark of 20th century social and behavioral sciences theory and research. This new paradigm for understanding primary relationships across the lifespan evolved from John Bowlby’s critique of psychoanalytic drive theory and his own clinical observations, supplemented by his knowledge of fields as diverse as primate ethology, control systems theory, and cognitive psychology. By the time he had written the first volume of his classic Attachment and Loss trilogy, Mary D. Salter Ainsworth’s naturalistic observations in Uganda and Baltimore, and her theoretical and descriptive insights about maternal care and the secure base phenomenon had become integral to attachment theory. Patterns of Attachment reports the methods and key results of Ainsworth’s landmark Baltimore Longitudinal Study. Following upon her naturalistic home observations in Uganda, the Baltimore project yielded a wealth of enduring, benchmark results on the nature of the child’s tie to its primary caregiver and the importance of early experience. It also addressed a wide range of conceptual and methodological issues common to many developmental and longitudinal projects, especially issues of age appropriate assessment, quantifying behavior, and comprehending individual differences. In addition, Ainsworth and her students broke new ground, clarifying and defining new concepts, demonstrating the value of the ethological methods and insights about behavior. Today, as we enter the fourth generation of attachment study, we have a rich and growing catalogue of behavioral and narrative approaches to measuring attachment from infancy to adulthood. Each of them has roots in the Strange Situation and the secure base concept presented in Patterns of Attachment. It inclusion in the Psychology Press Classic Editions series reflects Patterns of Attachment’s continuing significance and insures its availability to new generations of students, researchers, and clinicians.