First Aid and Emergency Management in Orthopedic Injuries

First Aid and Emergency Management in Orthopedic Injuries PDF Author: MS Dhillon
Publisher: JP Medical Ltd
ISBN: 9350256452
Category : Health & Fitness
Languages : en
Pages : 210

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Book Description
This book discusses the emergency management of orthopaedic injuries. Beginning with an introduction to fractures and dislocations, topics include orthopaedic infections, open fractures, long bone fractures, acute spinal injuries and hand injuries. Additional chapters discuss injuries stemming from gunshots and both natural and man-made disasters. Differences in prehospital care for orthopaedic trauma in developed versus developing countries are examined, as are the different aspects of first aid treatment at the roadside versus emergency treatment in the casualty room.

First Aid and Emergency Management in Orthopedic Injuries

First Aid and Emergency Management in Orthopedic Injuries PDF Author: MS Dhillon
Publisher: JP Medical Ltd
ISBN: 9350256452
Category : Health & Fitness
Languages : en
Pages : 210

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Book Description
This book discusses the emergency management of orthopaedic injuries. Beginning with an introduction to fractures and dislocations, topics include orthopaedic infections, open fractures, long bone fractures, acute spinal injuries and hand injuries. Additional chapters discuss injuries stemming from gunshots and both natural and man-made disasters. Differences in prehospital care for orthopaedic trauma in developed versus developing countries are examined, as are the different aspects of first aid treatment at the roadside versus emergency treatment in the casualty room.

Orthopedics in Disasters

Orthopedics in Disasters PDF Author: Nikolaj Wolfson
Publisher: Springer
ISBN: 3662489503
Category : Medical
Languages : en
Pages : 583

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Book Description
This book is the first to address specifically the mechanisms and treatment of orthopedic injuries due to natural disasters and other mass casualty events. Casualty management is discussed in a range of contexts, from earthquakes and tsunamis to terror attacks and combat situations. Organizational aspects are addressed, general treatment principles are documented, and the management of a variety of orthopedic injuries is described with the aid of numerous illustrations. The book will serve as an invaluable source of practical knowledge for a broad spectrum of medical and other staff, including emergency personnel, orthopedic and trauma surgeons, general practitioners, medical students, and professionals working for the military, government bodies, and NGOs.​

Orthopedic Emergencies

Orthopedic Emergencies PDF Author: Melvin C. Makhni
Publisher: Springer
ISBN: 3319315242
Category : Medical
Languages : en
Pages : 555

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Book Description
This book is a one-stop guide to managing acute orthopedic injuries. Unlike other handbooks, this reference provides a comprehensive, yet concise, set of diagnostic and management tools to help readers deliver optimal, evidence-based, and efficient patient care. Additional focus on physical exam techniques, emergency room orthopedic procedures, and on-field athletic management strategies empowers readers with real tips and tricks used by orthopedic surgeons at top-tier institutions. This guide is a must have for emergency medicine providers, orthopedic surgeons, and other clinicians, trainees, and students caring for adult or pediatric patients in the emergency setting.

Emergency Orthopedics, Sixth Edition

Emergency Orthopedics, Sixth Edition PDF Author: Robert R. Simon
Publisher: McGraw Hill Professional
ISBN: 0071632522
Category : Medical
Languages : en
Pages : 641

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Book Description
The most widely used clinical reference for physicians treating patients with acute orthopedic injuries or disorders – now with full-color photographs and illustrations Emergency Orthopedics offers authoritative evidence-based information in a practical and clinically useful manner. Whether you’re seeking a quick answer to an anatomical question or confirming a diagnosis, Emergency Orthopedics has everything you need to know about the mechanisms of musculoskeletal injuries, along with recommended imaging studies, treatment guidelines, and possible complications. The sixth edition represents a major rewrite of the text. A new section on spinal injuries and disorders is included. The text is logically divided into four parts: Orthopedic Principles and Management, The Spine, Upper Extremities, and Lower Extremities. A unique appendix provides a figure showing each bone and every possible fracture with the page number where all the key features related to that fracture are covered succinctly and practically. Features 900 illustrations, including NEW full-color clinical photographs and illustrations and half-tone radiographic images Fractures are categorized according to degree of complexity, treatment modality, and prognosis – a system most relevant to the emergency physician A fracture index provides a rapid method for the busy physician to navigate the text and find pertinent information Axioms throughout the text serve as rules by which the emergency physician should practice

First Aid, CPR, and AED Standard

First Aid, CPR, and AED Standard PDF Author: Alton L. Thygerson
ISBN: 9780763727895
Category : Health & Fitness
Languages : en
Pages : 158

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Book Description
When an emergency strikes, knowing what to do is critical. That is why the ECSI First Aid, CPR and AED course is invaluable. First Aid, CPR, and AED Standard is the center of an integrated teaching an

Wilderness First Aid

Wilderness First Aid PDF Author: Howard D. Backer
Publisher: Jones & Bartlett Learning
ISBN: 9780763728311
Category : Health & Fitness
Languages : en
Pages : 366

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Book Description
Published in cooperation with the Wilderness Medical Society, this text is the definitive and essential wilderness first aid book. Ideal for use in the field and in class, this text tells how to ident

Emergency Management for Sport and Physical Activity

Emergency Management for Sport and Physical Activity PDF Author: Douglas J. Casa
Publisher: Jones & Bartlett Publishers
ISBN: 128402217X
Category : Medical
Languages : en
Pages : 306

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Book Description
Includes Forward by National Football League Commissioner, Roger Goodell Written by experts in the field, Emergency Management for Sport and Physical Activity is designed to educate non-Athletic Training majors on the ways in which to prevent sudden death during sport. Often these non-medical professionals are the first on the scene and must, at times, serve the vital role of first responder and immediately act on behalf of athletes’ lives. Due to the rigorous training and conditioning programs that are being undertaken by athletes, effective emergency management has become a growing concern. This text includes the recently published positioning statement released by the National Athletic Trainers Association (NATA), which address many of the important topics discussed throughout the book. It goes on to address the associations task force document on “Preventing Sudden Death During Conditioning Sessions.” Key Features: Web-based scenarios are included for each chapter Includes case studies, feature boxes, and emergency action plans First aid methods and techniques are included as an appendix Include position statements put forth by the National Athletic Trainers Association (NATA)

Emergency Response Management for Athletic Trainers

Emergency Response Management for Athletic Trainers PDF Author: Michael G. Miller
ISBN: 9781496302304
Category :
Languages : en
Pages :

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Emergency Medical Responder

Emergency Medical Responder PDF Author: David Schottke
Publisher: Jones & Bartlett Learning
ISBN: 0763782653
Category : Health & Fitness
Languages : en
Pages : 532

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Book Description
Updated to the new National EMS Education Standards and endorsed by the American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons, the fifth edition of our core first responder textbook, Emergency Medical Responder, continues to take an assessment-based approach to emergency medical responder training. Designed to meet the needs of law enforcement personnel, fire fighters, rescue squad personnel, athletic trainers, college students, and laypersons, the text and features found in the fifth edition will help students take the next step toward becoming outstanding Emergency Medical Responders.

Pelvic Ring Fractures

Pelvic Ring Fractures PDF Author: Axel Gänsslen
Publisher: Springer Nature
ISBN: 3030547302
Category : Medical
Languages : en
Pages : 622

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Book Description
This book provides in-depth coverage of all aspects of pelvic ring fractures and their management. The opening chapters supply essential information on surgical anatomy, biomechanics, classification, clinical evaluation, radiological diagnostics, and emergency and acute management. The various operative techniques, including navigation techniques, that have been established and standardized over the past two decades are then presented in a step-by-step approach. Readers will find guidance on surgical indications, choice of approaches, reduction and fixation strategies, complication management, and optimization of long-term results. Specific treatment concepts are described for age-specific fractures, including pediatric and geriatric injuries, and secondary reconstructions. Pelvic ring fractures represent challenging injuries, especially when they present with concomitant hemodynamic instability. This book will help trauma and orthopaedic surgeons at all levels of experience to achieve the primary treatment aim of anatomic restoration of the bony pelvis to preserve biomechanical stability and avoid malunion with resulting clinical impairments.