Author: Calvin J. Lensink
Category : Bird banding
Languages : en
Pages : 158
Book Description
This report presents the recovery distributions of 10 species of game ducks banded as flightless young on the breeding grounds. Conclusions are based on 20,15 direct or first year band recoveries, 9,272 of which are mallards. The recovery distributions of these ducks by State and Flyway, or country, of recovery from breeding ground aerial survey strata or State banding are presented. In addition, mallard recoveries from bandings grouped by geographical region are presented to show distribution variations attributable to region, year of banding, sex, first year versus later years of recovery, weather, etc. Recovery rates of mallards banded as flightless young and the affects of various factors on recovery rates are discussed.
Distribution of Recoveries from Bandings of Ducklings
Author: Calvin J. Lensink
Category : Bird banding
Languages : en
Pages : 158
Book Description
This report presents the recovery distributions of 10 species of game ducks banded as flightless young on the breeding grounds. Conclusions are based on 20,15 direct or first year band recoveries, 9,272 of which are mallards. The recovery distributions of these ducks by State and Flyway, or country, of recovery from breeding ground aerial survey strata or State banding are presented. In addition, mallard recoveries from bandings grouped by geographical region are presented to show distribution variations attributable to region, year of banding, sex, first year versus later years of recovery, weather, etc. Recovery rates of mallards banded as flightless young and the affects of various factors on recovery rates are discussed.
Category : Bird banding
Languages : en
Pages : 158
Book Description
This report presents the recovery distributions of 10 species of game ducks banded as flightless young on the breeding grounds. Conclusions are based on 20,15 direct or first year band recoveries, 9,272 of which are mallards. The recovery distributions of these ducks by State and Flyway, or country, of recovery from breeding ground aerial survey strata or State banding are presented. In addition, mallard recoveries from bandings grouped by geographical region are presented to show distribution variations attributable to region, year of banding, sex, first year versus later years of recovery, weather, etc. Recovery rates of mallards banded as flightless young and the affects of various factors on recovery rates are discussed.
Analysis and Machine Mapping of the Distribution of Band Recoveries
Author: Lewis M. Cowardin
Category : Bird banding
Languages : en
Pages : 24
Book Description
Category : Bird banding
Languages : en
Pages : 24
Book Description
Pre-hunting-season Banding of Mallards and Black Ducks
Author: Robert I. Smith
Category : Bird banding
Languages : en
Pages : 38
Book Description
Category : Bird banding
Languages : en
Pages : 38
Book Description
Special Scientific Report--wildlife
Category : Fishes
Languages : en
Pages : 614
Book Description
Category : Fishes
Languages : en
Pages : 614
Book Description
Mourning Dove Recoveries from Mexico
Author: Lytle Houston Blankenship
Category : Bird populations
Languages : en
Pages : 582
Book Description
Of 37,000 reports of mourning dove band recoveries in the files of the Migratory Bird Populations Station on October 30, 1967, 1,120 came from Mexico, and half of those were from Jalisco and Michoacan, both in west-central Mexico; Jalisco alone accounted for nearly a third. Few recoveries were reported from the area between the U.S. border and mid-Mexico. Generally, lower proportions of total recoveries were reported from Mexico under the current pre-hunting season banding program for flying birds than were reported from the nestling dove banding program of the 1950's. Bandings in the northern U.S. States produced proportionally more recoveries than bandings in the southern U.S. States. Doves banded over diverse areas of the United States were harvested in common migration with wintering areas in Mexico. Possible explanations of the heterogeneous distribution of recoveries throughout Mexico are discussed. Of the banded birds for which "how obtained" was known, 83.5 percent were reported as shot (or killed) and only 3.2 percent reported as captured or trapped. Among 658 persons who gave their name and residence when they reported bands, 95.7 percent had typically Spanish surnames and were residents of Mexico. Depending upon actual banding reporting rates and the representativeness of the banding data analyzed, the Mexican dove harvest may equal or exceed harvests in leading U.S. States. Factors influencing band reporting rates must be resolved before Mexico's importance as a harvest area can be accurately determined.
Category : Bird populations
Languages : en
Pages : 582
Book Description
Of 37,000 reports of mourning dove band recoveries in the files of the Migratory Bird Populations Station on October 30, 1967, 1,120 came from Mexico, and half of those were from Jalisco and Michoacan, both in west-central Mexico; Jalisco alone accounted for nearly a third. Few recoveries were reported from the area between the U.S. border and mid-Mexico. Generally, lower proportions of total recoveries were reported from Mexico under the current pre-hunting season banding program for flying birds than were reported from the nestling dove banding program of the 1950's. Bandings in the northern U.S. States produced proportionally more recoveries than bandings in the southern U.S. States. Doves banded over diverse areas of the United States were harvested in common migration with wintering areas in Mexico. Possible explanations of the heterogeneous distribution of recoveries throughout Mexico are discussed. Of the banded birds for which "how obtained" was known, 83.5 percent were reported as shot (or killed) and only 3.2 percent reported as captured or trapped. Among 658 persons who gave their name and residence when they reported bands, 95.7 percent had typically Spanish surnames and were residents of Mexico. Depending upon actual banding reporting rates and the representativeness of the banding data analyzed, the Mexican dove harvest may equal or exceed harvests in leading U.S. States. Factors influencing band reporting rates must be resolved before Mexico's importance as a harvest area can be accurately determined.
Use of Banding Data in Migratory Game Bird Research and Management
Author: Aelred D. Geis
Category : Bird banding
Languages : en
Pages : 54
Book Description
The purpose of this paper is to discuss the role of banding data in migratory game bird management. The procedures followed in analyzing these data and the assumptions made are also outlined. This information is desired not only to better understand and justify expensive banding programs, but also to provide guidance to those wishing to analyze banding data. This understanding is essential, not only to effectively use the resulting data, but also to make correct decisions in the field while banding. A realization of how banding data are used emphasizes the importance of many details, such as the accurate age and sex determinations in the field and the correct reporting of this information on banding schedules.
Category : Bird banding
Languages : en
Pages : 54
Book Description
The purpose of this paper is to discuss the role of banding data in migratory game bird management. The procedures followed in analyzing these data and the assumptions made are also outlined. This information is desired not only to better understand and justify expensive banding programs, but also to provide guidance to those wishing to analyze banding data. This understanding is essential, not only to effectively use the resulting data, but also to make correct decisions in the field while banding. A realization of how banding data are used emphasizes the importance of many details, such as the accurate age and sex determinations in the field and the correct reporting of this information on banding schedules.
Administrative Report - Office of Migratory Bird Management
Author: U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service. Office of Migratory Bird Management
Category : Birds
Languages : en
Pages : 574
Book Description
Category : Birds
Languages : en
Pages : 574
Book Description
Population Ecology of the Mallard
Author: United States Department of the Interior. U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service. Bureau of Sport Fisheries and Wildlife, author
Category : Bird populations
Languages : en
Pages : 180
Book Description
Category : Bird populations
Languages : en
Pages : 180
Book Description
Population Characteristics and Simulation Modeling of Black Ducks
Author: Warren Wayne Blandin
Category : Bird populations
Languages : en
Pages : 230
Book Description
Category : Bird populations
Languages : en
Pages : 230
Book Description
A Bibliography of Alberta Ornithology
Author: D. M. Ealey
Category : Science
Languages : en
Pages : 764
Book Description
Bibliography lists 7444 references of unpublished and published reports, articles and books relating to the ornithology of Alberta, up to and including 1989. Includes all those listed in the first edition published as Provincial Museum of Alberta Natural History occasional paper no. 3 in 1981, with corrections, plus additional information as keywords. Indices for authors, subject, species and geographical location follow the main compilation.
Category : Science
Languages : en
Pages : 764
Book Description
Bibliography lists 7444 references of unpublished and published reports, articles and books relating to the ornithology of Alberta, up to and including 1989. Includes all those listed in the first edition published as Provincial Museum of Alberta Natural History occasional paper no. 3 in 1981, with corrections, plus additional information as keywords. Indices for authors, subject, species and geographical location follow the main compilation.