The Shadow Tarot

The Shadow Tarot PDF Author: Linda Falorio
Publisher: Createspace Independent Publishing Platform
ISBN: 9781466293946
Category : Body, Mind & Spirit
Languages : en
Pages : 170

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Book Description
Linda Falorio, creator of the Occult bestseller, The Shadow Tarot, is an internationally recognized artist and writer. The Shadow Tarot, first published in 1988 has been distributed in countries all around the world and is in use on every continent of the Planet. This newly released and much anticipated edition of The Shadow Tarot includes full color images of all seventy-eight cards representing both Major and Minor Arcana. The Major Arcana cards are based on the twenty-two paths of the Qliphoth described by Aleister Crowley in his Liber 231 and further embellished by Kenneth Grant in his The Nightside Of Eden. The Minor Arcana of this new edition arise from the entities described in the Goetia. The Shadow Tarot has been created as an exploration tool for delving into those areas of the psyche that find their reflection in the Collective Unconscious and the Archetypal Shadow. The images represent the Nightside of consciousness as opposed to our ordinary "dayside" reality. Through her art and writing Linda seeks to create a direct outré experience in the viewer of transforming states of self-awareness; to open Gates into vast, unexplored inner geographies of the psyche, finding beauty and power in the twistings and turnings of the Inner Labyrinth. The artist is also known for her magickal altarpieces, for magickal portraits and for interpreting personal symbols and dreams on canvas.