Computational Methods in Statistics and Econometrics

Computational Methods in Statistics and Econometrics PDF Author: Hisashi Tanizaki
Publisher: CRC Press
ISBN: 0824750888
Category : Mathematics
Languages : en
Pages : 534

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Book Description
Reflecting current technological capacities and analytical trends, Computational Methods in Statistics and Econometrics showcases Monte Carlo and nonparametric statistical methods for models, simulations, analyses, and interpretations of statistical and econometric data. The author explores applications of Monte Carlo methods in Bayesian estimation, state space modeling, and bias correction of ordinary least squares in autoregressive models. The book offers straightforward explanations of mathematical concepts, hundreds of figures and tables, and a range of empirical examples. A CD-ROM packaged with the book contains all of the source codes used in the text.

Handbook of Computational Statistics

Handbook of Computational Statistics PDF Author: James E. Gentle
Publisher: Springer Science & Business Media
ISBN: 3642215513
Category : Computers
Languages : en
Pages : 1180

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Book Description
The Handbook of Computational Statistics - Concepts and Methods (second edition) is a revision of the first edition published in 2004, and contains additional comments and updated information on the existing chapters, as well as three new chapters addressing recent work in the field of computational statistics. This new edition is divided into 4 parts in the same way as the first edition. It begins with "How Computational Statistics became the backbone of modern data science" (Ch.1): an overview of the field of Computational Statistics, how it emerged as a separate discipline, and how its own development mirrored that of hardware and software, including a discussion of current active research. The second part (Chs. 2 - 15) presents several topics in the supporting field of statistical computing. Emphasis is placed on the need for fast and accurate numerical algorithms, and some of the basic methodologies for transformation, database handling, high-dimensional data and graphics treatment are discussed. The third part (Chs. 16 - 33) focuses on statistical methodology. Special attention is given to smoothing, iterative procedures, simulation and visualization of multivariate data. Lastly, a set of selected applications (Chs. 34 - 38) like Bioinformatics, Medical Imaging, Finance, Econometrics and Network Intrusion Detection highlight the usefulness of computational statistics in real-world applications.

Advances in Contemporary Statistics and Econometrics

Advances in Contemporary Statistics and Econometrics PDF Author: Abdelaati Daouia
Publisher: Springer Nature
ISBN: 3030732495
Category : Mathematics
Languages : en
Pages : 713

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Book Description
This book presents a unique collection of contributions on modern topics in statistics and econometrics, written by leading experts in the respective disciplines and their intersections. It addresses nonparametric statistics and econometrics, quantiles and expectiles, and advanced methods for complex data, including spatial and compositional data, as well as tools for empirical studies in economics and the social sciences. The book was written in honor of Christine Thomas-Agnan on the occasion of her 65th birthday. Given its scope, it will appeal to researchers and PhD students in statistics and econometrics alike who are interested in the latest developments in their field.

Basic Elements of Computational Statistics

Basic Elements of Computational Statistics PDF Author: Wolfgang Karl Härdle
Publisher: Springer
ISBN: 3319553364
Category : Computers
Languages : en
Pages : 318

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Book Description
This textbook on computational statistics presents tools and concepts of univariate and multivariate statistical data analysis with a strong focus on applications and implementations in the statistical software R. It covers mathematical, statistical as well as programming problems in computational statistics and contains a wide variety of practical examples. In addition to the numerous R sniplets presented in the text, all computer programs (quantlets) and data sets to the book are available on GitHub and referred to in the book. This enables the reader to fully reproduce as well as modify and adjust all examples to their needs. The book is intended for advanced undergraduate and first-year graduate students as well as for data analysts new to the job who would like a tour of the various statistical tools in a data analysis workshop. The experienced reader with a good knowledge of statistics and programming might skip some sections on univariate models and enjoy the various ma thematical roots of multivariate techniques. The Quantlet platform,, is an integrated QuantNet environment consisting of different types of statistics-related documents and program codes. Its goal is to promote reproducibility and offer a platform for sharing validated knowledge native to the social web. QuantNet and the corresponding Data-Driven Documents-based visualization allows readers to reproduce the tables, pictures and calculations inside this Springer book.

Computational Statistics Handbook with MATLAB

Computational Statistics Handbook with MATLAB PDF Author: Wendy L. Martinez
Publisher: CRC Press
ISBN: 1420035630
Category : Mathematics
Languages : en
Pages : 611

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Book Description
Approaching computational statistics through its theoretical aspects can be daunting. Often intimidated or distracted by the theory, researchers and students can lose sight of the actual goals and applications of the subject. What they need are its key concepts, an understanding of its methods, experience with its implementation, and practice with

Econometrics, Statistics and Computational Approaches in Food and Health Sciences

Econometrics, Statistics and Computational Approaches in Food and Health Sciences PDF Author: Alok Bhargava
Publisher: World Scientific Publishing Company
Category : Business & Economics
Languages : en
Pages : 426

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This book is a compendium of Alok Bhargava's most important contributions in longitudinal econometric methods and its application to problems of food, nutrition and health. It demonstrates the usefulness of rigorous econometric and statistical methods in addressing issues of under-nutrition and poor child health in developing countries, as well as obesity in developed countries.The close connection between the issues and themes analyzed in disciplines such as economics, nutrition, psychology, demography, epidemiology and public health, provides a sound basis for the formulation of public policies.

Computational Methods in Statistics and Econometrics

Computational Methods in Statistics and Econometrics PDF Author: Hisashi Tanizaki
Publisher: CRC Press
ISBN: 9781135538675
Category : Mathematics
Languages : en
Pages : 528

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Book Description
Reflecting current technological capacities and analytical trends, Computational Methods in Statistics and Econometrics showcases Monte Carlo and nonparametric statistical methods for models, simulations, analyses, and interpretations of statistical and econometric data. The author explores applications of Monte Carlo methods in Bayesian estimation, state space modeling, and bias correction of ordinary least squares in autoregressive models. The book offers straightforward explanations of mathematical concepts, hundreds of figures and tables, and a range of empirical examples. A CD-ROM packaged with the book contains all of the source codes used in the text.

Intermediate Statistics and Econometrics

Intermediate Statistics and Econometrics PDF Author: Dale J. Poirier
Publisher: MIT Press
ISBN: 9780262161497
Category : Business & Economics
Languages : en
Pages : 744

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Book Description
The standard introductory texts to mathematical statistics leave the Bayesian approach to be taught later in advanced topics courses-giving students the impression that Bayesian statistics provide but a few techniques appropriate in only special circumstances. Nothing could be further from the truth, argues Dale Poirier, who has developed a course for teaching comparatively both the classical and the Bayesian approaches to econometrics. Poirier's text provides a thoroughly modern, self-contained, comprehensive, and accessible treatment of the probability and statistical foundations of econometrics with special emphasis on the linear regression model. Written primarily for advanced undergraduate and graduate students who are pursuing research careers in economics, Intermediate Statistics and Econometrics offers a broad perspective, bringing together a great deal of diverse material. Its comparative approach, emphasis on regression and prediction, and numerous exercises and references provide a solid foundation for subsequent courses in econometrics and will prove a valuable resource to many nonspecialists who want to update their quantitative skills. The introduction closes with an example of a real-world data set-the Challengerspace shuttle disaster-that motivates much of the text's theoretical discussion. The ten chapters that follow cover basic concepts, special distributions, distributions of functions of random variables, sampling theory, estimation, hypothesis testing, prediction, and the linear regression model. Appendixes contain a review of matrix algebra, computation, and statistical tables.

Handbook of Computational Econometrics

Handbook of Computational Econometrics PDF Author: David A. Belsley
Publisher: John Wiley & Sons
ISBN: 0470748907
Category : Mathematics
Languages : en
Pages : 514

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Book Description
Handbook of Computational Econometrics examines the state of the art of computational econometrics and provides exemplary studies dealing with computational issues arising from a wide spectrum of econometric fields including such topics as bootstrapping, the evaluation of econometric software, and algorithms for control, optimization, and estimation. Each topic is fully introduced before proceeding to a more in-depth examination of the relevant methodologies and valuable illustrations. This book: Provides self-contained treatments of issues in computational econometrics with illustrations and invaluable bibliographies. Brings together contributions from leading researchers. Develops the techniques needed to carry out computational econometrics. Features network studies, non-parametric estimation, optimization techniques, Bayesian estimation and inference, testing methods, time-series analysis, linear and nonlinear methods, VAR analysis, bootstrapping developments, signal extraction, software history and evaluation. This book will appeal to econometricians, financial statisticians, econometric researchers and students of econometrics at both graduate and advanced undergraduate levels.

Handbook of Computational Finance

Handbook of Computational Finance PDF Author: Jin-Chuan Duan
Publisher: Springer Science & Business Media
ISBN: 3642172547
Category : Business & Economics
Languages : en
Pages : 791

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Any financial asset that is openly traded has a market price. Except for extreme market conditions, market price may be more or less than a “fair” value. Fair value is likely to be some complicated function of the current intrinsic value of tangible or intangible assets underlying the claim and our assessment of the characteristics of the underlying assets with respect to the expected rate of growth, future dividends, volatility, and other relevant market factors. Some of these factors that affect the price can be measured at the time of a transaction with reasonably high accuracy. Most factors, however, relate to expectations about the future and to subjective issues, such as current management, corporate policies and market environment, that could affect the future financial performance of the underlying assets. Models are thus needed to describe the stochastic factors and environment, and their implementations inevitably require computational finance tools.