The Later Reformation in England 1547-1603

The Later Reformation in England 1547-1603 PDF Author: Diarmaid MacCulloch
Category : History
Languages : en
Pages : 228

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This book provides an introduction to the latest research on the English Reformation from Edward VI's accession to the death of Elizabeth I. It highlights the difference between the official Reformation - what those in power wanted to happen - and the actual impact on clergy and people throughout the nation, including those Catholics and Protestants whom the official Elizabethan settlement ultimately failed to satisfy or include. It describes the growth of barriers between a world of literate, articulate religion and patterns of illiterate belief and magical practice; it assesses the ambiguities, the failures and the achievements of late Tudor religious structures.

The Later Reformation in England 1547-1603

The Later Reformation in England 1547-1603 PDF Author: Diarmaid MacCulloch
Category : History
Languages : en
Pages : 228

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Book Description
This book provides an introduction to the latest research on the English Reformation from Edward VI's accession to the death of Elizabeth I. It highlights the difference between the official Reformation - what those in power wanted to happen - and the actual impact on clergy and people throughout the nation, including those Catholics and Protestants whom the official Elizabethan settlement ultimately failed to satisfy or include. It describes the growth of barriers between a world of literate, articulate religion and patterns of illiterate belief and magical practice; it assesses the ambiguities, the failures and the achievements of late Tudor religious structures.

The Later Reformation in England, 1547-1603

The Later Reformation in England, 1547-1603 PDF Author: Diarmaid MacCulloch
Publisher: Red Globe Press
ISBN: 0333921399
Category : History
Languages : en
Pages : 0

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The English Reformation was the event which chiefly shaped English identity well into the twentieth century. It made the English kingdom a self-consciously Protestant state dominating the British Isles, and boasting an established Church which eventually developed a peculiar religious agenda, Anglicanism. Although Henry VIII triggered a break with the Pope in his eccentric quest to rid himself of an inconveniently loyal wife, the Reformation soon slipped from his control, and in the reigns of his Tudor successors, it developed a momentum which made it one of the success stories of European Protestantism. In this book, MacCulloch discusses the developing Reformation in England through the later Tudor reigns: Edward VI, Mary I and Elizabeth I. He provides a narrative of events, then discusses the ideas which shaped the English Reformation, and surveys the ways in which the English reacted to it, how far and quickly they accepted it and assesses those who remained dissenters. This new edition is fully updated to take account of new material in the field that has appeared in the last decade.

The Later Tudors

The Later Tudors PDF Author: Penry Williams
Publisher: New Oxford History of England
ISBN: 9780192880444
Category : History
Languages : en
Pages : 650

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The Later Tudors, the second volume to be published in Oxford's authoritative series The New Oxford History of England, tells the story of England between the accession of Edward VI and the death of Elizabeth I. The second half of the sixteenth century was a period of intense conflict between the nations of Europe, and between competing Catholic and Protestant beliefs. These struggles produced acute anxiety in England, but the nation was saved from the disasters that befell her neighbors and, by the end of Elizabeth's reign, achieved a remarkable sense of political and religious identity. In this masterly and comprehensive study, Penry Williams explains how this process came about. He begins by weaving together the political, religious, and economic history of the nation, setting out the workings and development of the English state. Later chapters establish the broader perspective, with a thorough analysis of English society, family relations, and culture, focusing on the ways in which art and literature were used to uphold--and sometimes to subvert--the social and political order. The final chapter looks to Europe and across the seas at England's part in the shaping of the New World.

Church Music and Protestantism in Post-Reformation England

Church Music and Protestantism in Post-Reformation England PDF Author: Jonathan Willis
Publisher: Routledge
ISBN: 1317166248
Category : History
Languages : en
Pages : 315

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'Church Music and Protestantism in Post-Reformation England' breaks new ground in the religious history of Elizabethan England, through a closely focused study of the relationship between the practice of religious music and the complex process of Protestant identity formation. Hearing was of vital importance in the early modern period, and music was one of the most prominent, powerful and emotive elements of religious worship. But in large part, traditional historical narratives of the English Reformation have been distinctly tone deaf. Recent scholarship has begun to take increasing notice of some elements of Reformed musical practice, such as the congregational singing of psalms in meter. This book marks a significant advance in that area, combining an understanding of theory as expressed in contemporary religious and musical discourse, with a detailed study of the practice of church music in key sites of religious worship. Divided into three sections - 'Discourses', 'Sites', and 'Identities' - the book begins with an exploration of the classical and religious discourses which underpinned sixteenth-century understandings of music, and its use in religious worship. It then moves on to an investigation of the actual practice of church music in parish and cathedral churches, before shifting its attention to the people of Elizabethan England, and the ways in which music both served and shaped the difficult process of Protestantisation. Through an exploration of these issues, and by reintegrating music back into the Elizabethan church, we gain an expanded and enriched understanding of the complex evolution of religious identities, and of what it actually meant to be Protestant in post-Reformation England.

The Boy King

The Boy King PDF Author: Diarmaid MacCulloch
Publisher: Univ of California Press
ISBN: 9780520234024
Category : Biography & Autobiography
Languages : en
Pages : 316

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"This is Reformation history as it should be written, not least because it resembles its subject matter: learned, argumentative, and, even when mistaken, never dull."--Eamon Duffy, author of The Stripping of the Altars: Traditional Religion in England, 1400-1580

The Age of Elizabeth

The Age of Elizabeth PDF Author: D.M. Palliser
Publisher: Routledge
ISBN: 1317901819
Category : History
Languages : en
Pages : 510

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This famous book was the first up-to-date survey of its field for a generation; even today, when work on early modern social history proliferates, it remains the only general economic history of the age. This second edition, substantially revised and expanded, is clear in outline, rich in detail, stressing continuity as well as change, balancing the glamour of privilege with the misery and privation of the poor, and dealing with the dark side of Tudor life -- vagabondage, starvation, superstition and cruelty -- as well as its heroic achievements.

Reformation: A History

Reformation: A History PDF Author: Prof Diarmaid MacCulloch
ISBN: 9785558756999
Category :
Languages : en
Pages :

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The Reformation and Counter-Reformation represented the greatest upheaval in Western society since the collapse of the Roman Empire. In this masterful history, MacCulloch conveys the drama, complexity, and continuing relevance of these events.

The Age of Elizabeth

The Age of Elizabeth PDF Author: David Michael Palliser
Publisher: Brantford : WRMS, 1984. (Toronto : CNIB)
ISBN: 9780582485792
Category : Business & Economics
Languages : en
Pages : 476

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Thomas Cranmer

Thomas Cranmer PDF Author: Diarmaid MacCulloch
Publisher: Yale University Press
ISBN: 9780300074482
Category : Biography & Autobiography
Languages : en
Pages : 708

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The first major biography of its subject in more than thirty years makes use of new British manuscript sources to draw a rich portrait of Henry VIII's archbishop of Canterbury who guided England through the Reformation. UP.

Royal Priesthood in the English Reformation

Royal Priesthood in the English Reformation PDF Author: Malcolm B. Yarnell III
Publisher: OUP Oxford
ISBN: 0191509760
Category : Religion
Languages : en
Pages : 341

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Royal Priesthood in the English Reformation assesses the understandings of the Christian doctrine of royal priesthood, long considered one of the three major Reformation teachings, as held by an array of royal, clerical, and popular theologians during the English Reformation. Historians and theologians often present the doctrine according to more recent debates rather than the contextual understandings manifested by the historical figures under consideration. Beginning with a radical reevaluation of John Wyclif and an incisive survey of late medieval accounts, the book challenges the predominant presentation of the doctrine of royal priesthood as primarily individualistic and anticlerical, in the process clarifying these other concepts. It also demonstrates that the late medieval period located more religious authority within the monarchy than is typically appreciated. After the revolutionary use of the doctrine by Martin Luther in early modern Germany, it was wielded variously between and within diverse English royal, clerical, and lay factions under Henry VIII and Edward VI, yet the Old and New Testament passages behind the doctrine were definitely construed in a monarchical direction. With Thomas Cranmer, the English evangelical presentation of the universal priesthood largely received its enduring official shape, but challenges came from within the English magisterium as well as from both radical and conservative religious thinkers. Under the sacred Tudor queens, who subtly and successfully maintained their own sacred authority, the various doctrinal positions hardened into a range of early modern forms with surprising permutations.