Code-type models for concrete behaviour

Code-type models for concrete behaviour PDF Author: fib Fédération internationale du béton
Publisher: fib Fédération internationale du béton
ISBN: 2883941106
Category : Technology & Engineering
Languages : en
Pages : 202

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fib Model Code 2010 represents the state-of-the-art of code-type models for structural behaviour of concrete. It comprises constitutive relations and material models together with the most important explanatory notes. However the underlying normative work, i.e. the fundamental data as well as the considerations and discussions behind the formulas could not be given within the Model Code text. Based on various experiences gained after the publication of Model Code 1990 this lacking background information will lead in the following to numerous questions arising from Model Code users. Consequently the present bulletin claims to conquer this general weakness of codes in a way to guard against any future misunderstandings of the Model Code 2010 related to its chapter 5.1 (Concrete). It discusses the given formulas in connection with experimental data and the most important international literature. The constitutive relations or material models, being included in MC1990 and forming the basis and point of origin of the Task Group’s work, were critically evaluated, if necessary and possible adjusted, or replaced by completely new approaches. Major criteria have been the physical and thermodynamical soundness as well as practical considerations like simplicity and operationality. This state-of-the-art report is intended for practicizing engineers as well as for researchers and represents a comprehensible summary of the relevant knowledge available to the members of the fib Task Group 8.7 at the time of its drafting. Besides the fact that the bulletin is a background document for Chapter 5.1 of MC2010, it will provide an important foundation for the development of future generations of code-type models related to the characteristics and the behaviour of structural concrete. Further it will offer insights into the complexity of the normative work related to concrete modelling, leading to a better understanding and adequate appreciation of MC2010.

Code-type models for concrete behaviour

Code-type models for concrete behaviour PDF Author: fib Fédération internationale du béton
Publisher: fib Fédération internationale du béton
ISBN: 2883941106
Category : Technology & Engineering
Languages : en
Pages : 202

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Book Description
fib Model Code 2010 represents the state-of-the-art of code-type models for structural behaviour of concrete. It comprises constitutive relations and material models together with the most important explanatory notes. However the underlying normative work, i.e. the fundamental data as well as the considerations and discussions behind the formulas could not be given within the Model Code text. Based on various experiences gained after the publication of Model Code 1990 this lacking background information will lead in the following to numerous questions arising from Model Code users. Consequently the present bulletin claims to conquer this general weakness of codes in a way to guard against any future misunderstandings of the Model Code 2010 related to its chapter 5.1 (Concrete). It discusses the given formulas in connection with experimental data and the most important international literature. The constitutive relations or material models, being included in MC1990 and forming the basis and point of origin of the Task Group’s work, were critically evaluated, if necessary and possible adjusted, or replaced by completely new approaches. Major criteria have been the physical and thermodynamical soundness as well as practical considerations like simplicity and operationality. This state-of-the-art report is intended for practicizing engineers as well as for researchers and represents a comprehensible summary of the relevant knowledge available to the members of the fib Task Group 8.7 at the time of its drafting. Besides the fact that the bulletin is a background document for Chapter 5.1 of MC2010, it will provide an important foundation for the development of future generations of code-type models related to the characteristics and the behaviour of structural concrete. Further it will offer insights into the complexity of the normative work related to concrete modelling, leading to a better understanding and adequate appreciation of MC2010.

fib Model Code for Concrete Structures 2010

fib Model Code for Concrete Structures 2010 PDF Author: fib - federation internationale du beton
Publisher: John Wiley & Sons
ISBN: 3433030618
Category : Technology & Engineering
Languages : de
Pages : 434

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Book Description
The International Federation for Structural Concrete (fib) is a pre-normative organization. 'Pre-normative' implies pioneering work in codification. This work has now been realized with the fib Model Code 2010. The objectives of the fib Model Code 2010 are to serve as a basis for future codes for concrete structures, and present new developments with regard to concrete structures, structural materials and new ideas in order to achieve optimum behaviour. The fib Model Code 2010 is now the most comprehensive code on concrete structures, including their complete life cycle: conceptual design, dimensioning, construction, conservation and dismantlement. It is expected to become an important document for both national and international code committees, practitioners and researchers. The fib Model Code 2010 was produced during the last ten years through an exceptional effort by Joost Walraven (Convener; Delft University of Technology, The Netherlands), Agnieszka Bigaj-van Vliet (Technical Secretary; TNO Built Environment and Geosciences, The Netherlands) as well as experts out of 44 countries from five continents.

Model Code 2010 - Final draft

Model Code 2010 - Final draft PDF Author: fib Fédération internationale du béton
Publisher: fib Fédération internationale du béton
ISBN: 288394105X
Category : Technology & Engineering
Languages : en
Pages : 357

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The objectives of MC2010 are to (a) serve as a basis for future codes for concrete structures, and (b) present new developments with regard to concrete structures, structural materials and new ideas in order to achieve optimum behaviour. MC2010 includes the whole life cycle of a concrete structure, from design and construction to conservation (assessment, maintenance, strengthening) and dismantlement, in one code for buildings, bridges and other civil engineering structures. Design is largely based on performance requirements. The chapter on materials is extended with new types of concrete and reinforcement (such as fibres and non-metallic reinforcements). The fib Model Code 2010 also gives corresponding explanations in a separate column of the document. Additionally, MC2010 is supported by background documents that have already been (or will soon be) published in fib bulletins and journal articles. MC2010 is now the most comprehensive code on concrete structures, including their complete life cycle: conceptual design, dimensioning, construction, conservation and dismantlement.

Structural Concrete

Structural Concrete PDF Author:
ISBN: 9782883940932
Category : Concrete
Languages : en
Pages : 0

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Time-Dependent Behaviour of Concrete Structures

Time-Dependent Behaviour of Concrete Structures PDF Author: Raymond Ian Gilbert
Publisher: CRC Press
ISBN: 1482288710
Category : Technology & Engineering
Languages : en
Pages : 447

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Serviceability failures of concrete structures involving excessive cracking or deflection are relatively common, even in structures that comply with code requirements. This is often as a result of a failure to adequately account for the time-dependent deformations of concrete in the design of the structure. The serviceability provisions embodied in

CEB-FIP Model Code 1990

CEB-FIP Model Code 1990 PDF Author: FIB – International Federation for Structural Concrete
Publisher: fib Fédération internationale du béton
ISBN: 0727716964
Category : Technology & Engineering
Languages : en
Pages : 462

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This design code for concrete structures is the result of a complete revision to the former Model Code 1978, which was produced jointly by CEB and FIP. The 1978 Model Code has had a considerable impact on the national design codes in many countries. In particular, it has been used extensively for the harmonisation of national design codes and as basic reference for Eurocode 2. The 1990 Model Code provides comprehensive guidance to the scientific and technical developments that have occurred over the past decade in the safety, analysis and design of concrete structures. It has already influenced the codification work that is being carried out both nationally and internationally and will continue so to do.

CONCRETE Innovations in Materials, Design and Structures

CONCRETE Innovations in Materials, Design and Structures PDF Author: FIB – International Federation for Structural Concrete
Publisher: FIB - Féd. Int. du Béton
ISBN: 2940643008
Category : Technology & Engineering
Languages : en
Pages : 2322

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This Proceedings contains the papers of the fib Symposium “CONCRETE Innovations in Materials, Design and Structures”, which was held in May 2019 in Kraków, Poland. This annual symposium was co-organised by the Cracow University of Technology. The topics covered include Analysis and Design, Sustainability, Durability, Structures, Materials, and Prefabrication. The fib, Fédération internationale du béton, is a not-for-profit association formed by 45 national member groups and approximately 1000 corporate and individual members. The fib’s mission is to develop at an international level the study of scientific and practical matters capable of advancing the technical, economic, aesthetic and environmental performance of concrete construction. The fib, was formed in 1998 by the merger of the Euro-International Committee for Concrete (the CEB) and the International Federation for Prestressing (the FIP). These predecessor organizations existed independently since 1953 and 1952, respectively.

Model Code 2010 - First complete draft - Volume 2

Model Code 2010 - First complete draft - Volume 2 PDF Author: fib Fédération internationale du béton
Publisher: fib Fédération internationale du béton
ISBN: 2883940967
Category : Technology & Engineering
Languages : en
Pages : 312

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Book Description
The Model Code for Concrete Structures is intended to serve as a basis for future codes. It takes into account new developments with respect to concrete structures, the structural material concrete and new ideas for the requirements to be formulated for structures in order to achieve optimum behaviour according to new insights and ideas. It is also intended as a source of information for updating existing codes or developing new codes for concrete structures. At the same time, the Model Code is intended as an operational document for normal design situations and structures.

2018 fib Awards for Outstanding Concrete Structures

2018 fib Awards for Outstanding Concrete Structures PDF Author: FIB – International Federation for Structural Concrete
Publisher: FIB - International Federation for Structural Concrete
ISBN: 2883941270
Category : Technology & Engineering
Languages : en
Pages : 44

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The fib Awards for Outstanding Concrete Structures are attributed every four years at the fib Congress, with the goal of enhancing the international recognition of concrete structures that demonstrate the versatility of concrete as a structural medium. The award consists of a bronze plaque to be displayed on the structure, and certificates presented to the main parties responsible for the work. Applications are invited by the fib secretariat via the National Member Groups. Information on the competition is also made available on the fib’s website, and in the newsletter fib-news published in Structural Concrete. The submitted structures must have been completed during the four years prior to the year of the Congress at which the awards are attributed. The jury may accept an older structure, completed one or two years before, provided that it was not already submitted for the previous award attribution (Mumbai, 2014). The submitted structures must also have the support of an fib Head of Delegation or National Member Group Secretary in order to confirm the authenticity of the indicated authors. Entries consist of the completed entry form, three to five representative photos of the whole structure and/or any important details or plans, and short summary texts explaining: - the history of the project; - description of the structure; - particularities of its realisation (difficulties encountered, special solutions found, etc.). A jury designated by the Presidium selects the winners. The awards are attributed in two categories, Civil Engineering Structures (including bridges) and Buildings. Two or three ‘Winners’ and two to four ‘Special Mention’ recipients are selected in each category, depending on the number of entries received. The jury takes into account criteria such as: - design aspects, including aesthetics and design detailing; - construction practice and quality of work; - environmental aspects of the design and its construction; - durability and sustainability aspects; - significance of the contribution made by the entry to the development and improvement of concrete construction. The decisions of the jury are definitive and cannot be challenged. They are unveiled at a special ceremony during the fib Congress in Melbourne.

Thermal Cracking of Massive Concrete Structures

Thermal Cracking of Massive Concrete Structures PDF Author: Eduardo M.R. Fairbairn
Publisher: Springer
ISBN: 3319766171
Category : Technology & Engineering
Languages : en
Pages : 432

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This book provides a State of the Art Report (STAR) produced by RILEM Technical Committee 254-CMS ‘Thermal Cracking of Mas-sive Concrete Structures’. Several recent developments related to the old problem of understanding/predicting stresses originated from the evolution of the hydration of concrete are at the origin of the creation this technical committee. Having identified a lack in the organization of up-to-date scientific and technological knowledge about cracking induced by hydration heat effects, this STAR aims to provide both practitioners and scientists with a deep integrated overview of consolidated knowledge, together with recent developments on this subject.