Role and Dynamics of "late-comers" in the Global Technology Competition

Role and Dynamics of Author: Chung Anh Tran
Publisher: KIT Scientific Publishing
ISBN: 3866446489
Category : Business & Economics
Languages : en
Pages : 242

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Faster developing cycles and economic developments created many emerging economies in the 20th century. For sustainable economic growth, however, the construction and constant preservation of a profound knowledge base and technological pool is crucial. Brazil, China, India and Russia, experienced constant high economic growth rates and begun to evolve to solid economies which are challenging the established players. This book consists of a profound empirical analysis of these emerging economies.


Hypercompetition PDF Author: Richard A. D'aveni
Publisher: Simon and Schuster
ISBN: 1439122636
Category : Business & Economics
Languages : en
Pages : 350

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General Motors and IBM have been battered to their cores. Jack Welch, the chairman of General Electric, called the frenzied competition of the 1980's "a white knuckle decade" and said the 1990s would be worse. In this pathbreaking book that will define this new age of "hypercompetition," Richard D'Aveni reveals how competitive moves and countermoves escalate with such ferocity today that the traditional sources of competitive advantage can no longer be sustained. To compete in this dynamic environment, D'Aveni argues that a company must fundamentally shift its strategic focus. He constructs a brilliant operational model that shows how firms move up "escalation ladders" as advantage is continually created, eroded, destroyed, and recreated through strategic maneuvering in four arenas of competition. Using this "Four Arena" analysis, D'Aveni explains how competitors engage in a struggle for control by seeking leadership in the arenas of "price and quality," "timing and know-how," "stronghold creation/invasion," and "deep pockets." Winners set the pace in each of these four competitive battlegrounds. Using hundreds of detailed examples from hypercompetitive industries such as computers, software, automobiles, airlines, pharmaceuticals, toys and soft drinks, D'Avenie demonstrates how hypercompetitive firms succeed in dynamic markets by disrupting the status quo and creating a continuous series of temporary advantages. They seize the initiative, D'Aveni explains, by employing a set of strategies he calls the "New 7-S's" Superior Stakeholder Satisfaction, Strategic Soothsaying, Speed, Surprise, Shifting the Rules of Competition, Signaling Strategic Intent, and Simultaneous and Sequential Thrusts. Paradoxically, firms must destroy their competitive advantages to gain advantage, D'Aveni shows. Long-term success depends not on sustaining an advantage through a static, long-term strategy, but instead on formulating a dynamic strategy for the creating, destruction, and recreation of short-term advantages. America must embrace the new reality of hypercompetition, D'Aveni concludes in a compelling analysis of the potential chilling effect of American antitrust laws on competitiveness. This masterful book, essentially an operating manual of strategy and tactics for a new era, will be required reading for managers, planners, consultants, academics, and students of hypercompetitive industries.

Development Centre Studies Competition, Innovation and Competitiveness in Developing Countries

Development Centre Studies Competition, Innovation and Competitiveness in Developing Countries PDF Author: Krieger Mytelka Lynn
Publisher: OECD Publishing
ISBN: 9264173323
Category :
Languages : en
Pages : 217

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This book therefore opens a fresh debate on the industrial policies which developing countries need to adopt in order to compete and grow in a globalised economic environment.

Staying Ahead of the Competition

Staying Ahead of the Competition PDF Author: Dr. Chris Hall
Publisher: World Scientific
ISBN: 9812779078
Category : Business & Economics
Languages : en
Pages : 162

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"Physics and Modeling of Tera- and Nano-Devices" is a compilation of papers by well-respected researchers working in the field of physics and modeling of novel electronic and optoelectronic devices. The topics covered include devices based on carbon nanotubes, generation and detection of terahertz radiation in semiconductor structures including terahertz plasma oscillations and instabilities, terahertz photomixing in semiconductor heterostructures, spin and microwave-induced phenomena in low-dimensional systems, and various computational aspects of device modeling. Researchers as well as graduate and postgraduate students working in this field will benefit from reading this book.

International Competition in Services

International Competition in Services PDF Author:
Publisher: DIANE Publishing
ISBN: 1428957499
Category : Commerce
Languages : en
Pages : 402

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The Language of Corporate Communication

The Language of Corporate Communication PDF Author: Elena N. Malyuga
Publisher: Springer Nature
ISBN: 303158905X
Category :
Languages : en
Pages : 158

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The Employment Impact of China's WTO Accession

The Employment Impact of China's WTO Accession PDF Author: A. S. Bhalla
Publisher: Routledge
ISBN: 1134394632
Category : Political Science
Languages : en
Pages : 225

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The book explores the macroeconomic and sectoral employment implications (in agriculture, industry and services) of China's World Trade Organisation accession. It argues that while short-run employment losses may occur, in the longer term China will be able to generate additional employment particularly in the tertiary sectors; and that it can maintain its comparative advantage in labour-intensive exports by relocating production from high-cost coastal areas to the hinterland with abundant supply of cheap labour. It also argues that, although China is likely to benefit in the long run, in the short and medium term China is likely to face enormous problems, including increased unemployment as weaker links cease to be protected by tariffs, and the problem of restructuring state-owned enterprises.

The Effects of Globalisation on Firm and Labour Performance

The Effects of Globalisation on Firm and Labour Performance PDF Author: Chin Hee Hahn
Publisher: Routledge
ISBN: 1000281205
Category : Business & Economics
Languages : en
Pages : 325

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This book examines driving factors and the effects of globalisation on economic development through firm and product-level data. The book is organised into four themes, i.e., productivity, innovation, wage and income gap, and within-firm reallocation of resources. The comprehensiveness and richness of firm and product-level data shed light upon the channels through which trade and investment affect firms’ competitiveness and unveil factors shaping firms’ heterogeneous responses towards globalisation. The book looks at Asian economies as well as Australia and how they have experienced substantial structural change and become more integrated into the global economy and will be a useful reference for those who are interested in learning more about the relationship between globalisation and firm performance. This book will appeal to policy makers and researchers interested in the impact of globalisation on firm performance.

The Digital Sovereignty Trap

The Digital Sovereignty Trap PDF Author: Thorsten Jelinek
Publisher: Springer Nature
ISBN: 981198414X
Category : Political Science
Languages : en
Pages : 101

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This book is for policy-makers navigating the digital transformation. Global governance is needed to mitigate the disproportionate risks of artificial intelligence but is in a state of deep crisis. Revisiting the era of telecommunication monopolies, this book argues that today’s return of sovereignty resembles the great reregulation, but of the entire digital economy. Breaking through the previous asymmetrical distribution of technology and institutional power, China threatens the United States’ technology hegemony. The task is to avert from the straitjacket of hyperdigitalization without causing new silos.

Institutions, Innovation and Growth

Institutions, Innovation and Growth PDF Author: Jean-Philippe Touffut
Publisher: Edward Elgar Publishing
ISBN: 9781781951279
Category : Business & Economics
Languages : en
Pages : 322

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The first book in this important new series, under the general editorship of Nobel Laureate Robert Solow, Institutions, Innovation and Growth assembles a stellar cast of international contributors. Leading economists join the debate on innovation and economic growth, focussing on a broad spectrum of issues ranging from labour markets to corporate governance. Growth paths within the OECD are also assessed, with particular emphasis on contrasts between US and European models. The book seeks to identify those institutional factors, taking into account different national trajectories, which might serve to promote economic growth in Europe.

The Asian Developmental State

The Asian Developmental State PDF Author: Yin-wah Chu
Publisher: Springer
ISBN: 1137476125
Category : Political Science
Languages : en
Pages : 266

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This volume re-examines the concept of the developmental state by providing further theoretical specifications, undertaking critical appraisal and theoretical re-interpretation, assessing its value for the emerging economies of China and India, and considering its applicability to South Korea and Taiwan.