The Aiatsis Map of Indigenous Australia

The Aiatsis Map of Indigenous Australia PDF Author: David Horton
ISBN: 9781922059697
Category :
Languages : en
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The highly popular AIATSIS map of Indigenous Australia is now available in a compact, portable A3 size. Available flat or folded (packaged in a handy cellophane bag ) it s the perfect take-home product for tourists and anyone interested in the diversity of our first nations peoples. The handy desk size also makes it an ideal resource for individual student use. For tens of thousands of years, the First Australians have occupied this continent as many different nations with diverse cultural relationships linking them to their own particular lands. The ancestral creative beings left languages on country, along with the first peoples and their cultures. More than 200 distinct languages, and countless dialects of them, were in use when European colonization began. While people in some communities continue to speak their own languages, many others are seeking to record and revive threatened ones. Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples retain their connection to their traditional lands regardless of where they live. Using published resources available from 1988-1994, the map represents the remarkable diversity of language or nation groups of the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples of Australia. The map was produced before native title legislation and is not suitable for use in native title or other land claims."

The Aiatsis Map of Indigenous Australia

The Aiatsis Map of Indigenous Australia PDF Author: David Horton
ISBN: 9781922059697
Category :
Languages : en
Pages :

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Book Description
The highly popular AIATSIS map of Indigenous Australia is now available in a compact, portable A3 size. Available flat or folded (packaged in a handy cellophane bag ) it s the perfect take-home product for tourists and anyone interested in the diversity of our first nations peoples. The handy desk size also makes it an ideal resource for individual student use. For tens of thousands of years, the First Australians have occupied this continent as many different nations with diverse cultural relationships linking them to their own particular lands. The ancestral creative beings left languages on country, along with the first peoples and their cultures. More than 200 distinct languages, and countless dialects of them, were in use when European colonization began. While people in some communities continue to speak their own languages, many others are seeking to record and revive threatened ones. Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples retain their connection to their traditional lands regardless of where they live. Using published resources available from 1988-1994, the map represents the remarkable diversity of language or nation groups of the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples of Australia. The map was produced before native title legislation and is not suitable for use in native title or other land claims."

Sea Monsters on Medieval and Renaissance Maps

Sea Monsters on Medieval and Renaissance Maps PDF Author: Chet Van Duzer
ISBN: 9780712358903
Category : Cartography
Languages : en
Pages : 0

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The sea monsters on medieval and Renaissance maps, whether swimming vigorously, gamboling amid the waves, attacking ships, or simply displaying themselves for our appreciation, are one of the most visually engaging elements on these maps, and yet they have never been carefully studied. The subject is important not only in the history of cartography, art, and zoological illustration, but also in the history of the geography of the "marvelous" and of western conceptions of the ocean. Moreover, the sea monsters depicted on maps can supply important insights into the sources, influences, and methods of the cartographers who drew or painted them. In this highly-illustrated book the author analyzes the most important examples of sea monsters on medieval and Renaissance maps produced in Europe, beginning with the earliest mappaemundi on which they appear in the 10th century and continuing to the end of the 16th century.

Temper Sands in Prehistoric Oceanian Pottery

Temper Sands in Prehistoric Oceanian Pottery PDF Author: William R. Dickinson
Publisher: Geological Society of America
ISBN: 0813724066
Category : Science
Languages : en
Pages : 176

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"Oceanian ceramic cultures making earthenware pottery spread during the past 3500 years through a dozen major island groups spanning 6000 km of the tropical Pacific Ocean from western Micronesia to western Polynesia. Island potters mixed sand as temper into clay bodies during ceramic manufacture. The nature of island sands is governed by the geotectonics of hotspot chains, island arcs, subduction zones, backarc basins, and remnant arcs as well as by sedimentology. Because small islands with bedrock exposures of restricted character are virtual point sources of sand, many tempers are diagnostic of specific islands. Petrographic study of temper sands in thin section allows distinction between indigenous pottery and exotic pottery transported from elsewhere. Study of 2223 prehistoric Oceanian potsherds from 130 islands and island clusters indicates the nature of Oceanian temper types and documents 105 cases of interisland transport of ceramics over distances typically

A Grammar of South Efate

A Grammar of South Efate PDF Author: Nicholas Thieberger
Publisher: University of Hawaii Press
ISBN: 082483061X
Category : Foreign Language Study
Languages : en
Pages : 418

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This book presents topics in the grammar of South Efate, an Oceanic language of Central Vanuatu as spoken in Erakor village on the outskirts of PortVila. It is one of the first such grammars to take seriously the provision of primary data for the verification of claims made in the analysis. The research is set in the context of increasing attention being paid to the state of the world’s smaller languages and their prospects for being spoken into the future. In addition to providing an outline of the grammar of the language, the author describes the process of developing an archivable textual corpus that is used to make example sentences citable and playable, using software (Audiamus) developed in the course of the research. An included DVD provides a dictionary and finderlist, a set of interlinearized example texts and elicited sentences, and playable media versions of most example sentences and of the example texts.

The English Handbook

The English Handbook PDF Author: William Whitla
Publisher: John Wiley & Sons
ISBN: 9781444307917
Category : Literary Criticism
Languages : en
Pages : 360

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The English Handbook: A Guide to Literary Studies is acomprehensive textbook, providing essential practical andanalytical reading and writing skills for literature students atall levels. With advice and information on fundamental methods ofliterary analysis and research, Whitla equips students with theknowledge and tools essential for advanced literary study. Includes traditional close reading strategies integrated withnewer critical theory, ranging from gender and genre topost-structuralism and post-colonialism; with examples fromBeowulf to Atwood, folk ballads to Fugard, and ChristopherMarlowe to Conrad’s Marlow Draws on a wide range of resources, from print to contemporaryelectronic media Supplies a companion website with chapter summaries, charts,examples, web links, and suggestions for further study


Onsets PDF Author: Nina Topintzi
Publisher: Cambridge University Press
ISBN: 113948611X
Category : Language Arts & Disciplines
Languages : en
Pages : 283

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The concept of the 'onset', i.e. the consonant(s) before the vowel of a syllable, is critical within phonology. While phonologists have examined the segmental behaviour of onsets, their prosodic status has instead been largely overlooked. In fact, most previous accounts have stipulated that onsets are insignificant when it comes to the 'heaviness' of syllables. In this book Nina Topintzi presents a new theory of onsets, arguing for their fundamental role in the structure of language both in the underlying and surface representation, unlike previous assumptions. To capture the weight behaviour of onsets, a novel account is proposed that relates their interaction with voicing, tone and stress. Using numerous case-studies and data from a variety of languages and phenomena (including stress, compensatory lengthening, gemination and word minimality), the book introduces a model that reflects the true behaviour of onsets, demonstrating profound implications for syllable and weight theories.

Our World

Our World PDF Author: One Arm Point Remote Community School Staff
ISBN: 9781921248238
Category : Aboriginal Australians
Languages : en
Pages : 64

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Takes readers inside the lives of the children of a remote Indigenous community - lives very different to those experienced by most Australians. The children take readers camping and fishing, share traditional stories and dances, show them how to find a waterhole, track, cook and eat bush tucker and animals such as turtles, crabs, oysters and clams, and make spears, boomerangs, bough shelters and bush brooms.

Scaly-Tailed Possum and Echidna

Scaly-Tailed Possum and Echidna PDF Author: Cathy Goonack
ISBN: 9781921248160
Category : Juvenile Fiction
Languages : en
Pages : 32

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Passed down from generation to generation by the Kandiwal Aboriginal community, this engaging story explains how the scaly-tailed possum got its scaly tail and how the echidna—one of Australia’s most unusual mammals—got its spikes. Vividly illustrated by Kandiwal children, this traditional tale is not only entertaining but also educational as it provides photographs and descriptions of these two iconic Australian animals.

Two-Way Science

Two-Way Science PDF Author: Chris Deslandes
ISBN: 9781486313082
Category : Aboriginal Australians
Languages : en
Pages : 288

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Two-way Science: An Integrated Learning Program for Aboriginal Desert Schools supports remote Indigenous schools and communities to develop integrated learning programs connecting the cultural knowledge of the local community with Western science and the Australian curriculum. A Two-way Science approach promotes Indigenous leadership in education, and fosters partnerships between schools, communities, Indigenous ranger programs and scientists. This book contains curriculum-linked education activities for primary and middle school students, and background knowledge for teachers based on the desert regions of Australia.

The Aiatsis map of Indigenous Australia

The Aiatsis map of Indigenous Australia PDF Author: David R. Horton
ISBN: 9780855754914
Category : Aboriginal Australians
Languages : en
Pages :

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"This map represents work carried out for the Encyclopaedia of Aboriginal Australia between 1988 and 1994. Using published resources available at the time, the map attempts to represent all the language, social or nation groups of the Indigenous peoples of Australia." -- panel.