Toroidalization of Dominant Morphisms of 3-Folds

Toroidalization of Dominant Morphisms of 3-Folds PDF Author: Steven Dale Cutkosky
Publisher: American Mathematical Soc.
ISBN: 0821839985
Category : Mathematics
Languages : en
Pages : 234

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This book contains a proof that a dominant morphism from a 3-fold $X$ to a variety $Y$ can be made toroidal by blowing up in the target and domain. We give applications to factorization of birational morphisms of 3-folds.

Toroidalization of Dominant Morphisms of 3-Folds

Toroidalization of Dominant Morphisms of 3-Folds PDF Author: Steven Dale Cutkosky
Publisher: American Mathematical Soc.
ISBN: 0821839985
Category : Mathematics
Languages : en
Pages : 234

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Book Description
This book contains a proof that a dominant morphism from a 3-fold $X$ to a variety $Y$ can be made toroidal by blowing up in the target and domain. We give applications to factorization of birational morphisms of 3-folds.

Monomialization of Morphisms from 3-Folds to Surfaces

Monomialization of Morphisms from 3-Folds to Surfaces PDF Author: Steven D. Cutkosky
Publisher: Springer Science & Business Media
ISBN: 9783540437802
Category : Mathematics
Languages : en
Pages : 248

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A morphism of algebraic varieties (over a field characteristic 0) is monomial if it can locally be represented in e'tale neighborhoods by a pure monomial mappings. The book gives proof that a dominant morphism from a nonsingular 3-fold X to a surface S can be monomialized by performing sequences of blowups of nonsingular subvarieties of X and S. The construction is very explicit and uses techniques from resolution of singularities. A research monograph in algebraic geometry, it addresses researchers and graduate students.

Introduction to Algebraic Geometry

Introduction to Algebraic Geometry PDF Author: Steven Dale Cutkosky
Publisher: American Mathematical Soc.
ISBN: 1470435187
Category : Mathematics
Languages : en
Pages : 498

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This book presents a readable and accessible introductory course in algebraic geometry, with most of the fundamental classical results presented with complete proofs. An emphasis is placed on developing connections between geometric and algebraic aspects of the theory. Differences between the theory in characteristic and positive characteristic are emphasized. The basic tools of classical and modern algebraic geometry are introduced, including varieties, schemes, singularities, sheaves, sheaf cohomology, and intersection theory. Basic classical results on curves and surfaces are proved. More advanced topics such as ramification theory, Zariski's main theorem, and Bertini's theorems for general linear systems are presented, with proofs, in the final chapters. With more than 200 exercises, the book is an excellent resource for teaching and learning introductory algebraic geometry.

Toroidal Dehn Fillings on Hyperbolic 3-Manifolds

Toroidal Dehn Fillings on Hyperbolic 3-Manifolds PDF Author: Cameron Gordon
Publisher: American Mathematical Soc.
ISBN: 082184167X
Category : Mathematics
Languages : en
Pages : 154

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The authors determine all hyperbolic $3$-manifolds $M$ admitting two toroidal Dehn fillings at distance $4$ or $5$. They show that if $M$ is a hyperbolic $3$-manifold with a torus boundary component $T 0$, and $r,s$ are two slopes on $T 0$ with $\Delta(r,s) = 4$ or $5$ such that $M(r)$ and $M(s)$ both contain an essential torus, then $M$ is either one of $14$ specific manifolds $M i$, or obtained from $M 1, M 2, M 3$ or $M {14}$ by attaching a solid torus to $\partial M i - T 0$.All the manifolds $M i$ are hyperbolic, and the authors show that only the first three can be embedded into $S3$. As a consequence, this leads to a complete classification of all hyperbolic knots in $S3$ admitting two toroidal surgeries with distance at least $4$.

Small Divisor Problem in the Theory of Three-Dimensional Water Gravity Waves

Small Divisor Problem in the Theory of Three-Dimensional Water Gravity Waves PDF Author: GŽrard Iooss
Publisher: American Mathematical Soc.
ISBN: 0821843826
Category : Science
Languages : en
Pages : 144

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The authors consider doubly-periodic travelling waves at the surface of an infinitely deep perfect fluid, only subjected to gravity $g$ and resulting from the nonlinear interaction of two simply periodic travelling waves making an angle $2\theta$ between them. Denoting by $\mu =gL/c^{2}$ the dimensionless bifurcation parameter ( $L$ is the wave length along the direction of the travelling wave and $c$ is the velocity of the wave), bifurcation occurs for $\mu = \cos \theta$. For non-resonant cases, we first give a large family of formal three-dimensional gravity travelling waves, in the form of an expansion in powers of the amplitudes of two basic travelling waves. ``Diamond waves'' are a particular case of such waves, when they are symmetric with respect to the direction of propagation. The main object of the paper is the proof of existence of such symmetric waves having the above mentioned asymptotic expansion. Due to the occurence of small divisors, the main difficulty is the inversion of the linearized operator at a non trivial point, for applying the Nash Moser theorem. This operator is the sum of a second order differentiation along a certain direction, and an integro-differential operator of first order, both depending periodically of coordinates. It is shown that for almost all angles $\theta$, the 3-dimensional travelling waves bifurcate for a set of ``good'' values of the bifurcation parameter having asymptotically a full measure near the bifurcation curve in the parameter plane $(\theta,\mu ).$

Monomialization of Morphisms from 3-Folds to Surfaces

Monomialization of Morphisms from 3-Folds to Surfaces PDF Author: Steven D. Cutkosky
Publisher: Springer
ISBN: 3540480307
Category : Mathematics
Languages : en
Pages : 245

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A morphism of algebraic varieties (over a field characteristic 0) is monomial if it can locally be represented in e'tale neighborhoods by a pure monomial mappings. The book gives proof that a dominant morphism from a nonsingular 3-fold X to a surface S can be monomialized by performing sequences of blowups of nonsingular subvarieties of X and S. The construction is very explicit and uses techniques from resolution of singularities. A research monograph in algebraic geometry, it addresses researchers and graduate students.

Abstract" Homomorphisms of Split Kac-Moody Groups"

Abstract Author: Pierre-Emmanuel Caprace
Publisher: American Mathematical Soc.
ISBN: 0821842587
Category : Mathematics
Languages : en
Pages : 108

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This work is devoted to the isomorphism problem for split Kac-Moody groups over arbitrary fields. This problem turns out to be a special case of a more general problem, which consists in determining homomorphisms of isotropic semisimple algebraic groups to Kac-Moody groups, whose image is bounded. Since Kac-Moody groups possess natural actions on twin buildings, and since their bounded subgroups can be characterized by fixed point properties for these actions, the latter is actually a rigidity problem for algebraic group actions on twin buildings. The author establishes some partial rigidity results, which we use to prove an isomorphism theorem for Kac-Moody groups over arbitrary fields of cardinality at least $4$. In particular, he obtains a detailed description of automorphisms of Kac-Moody groups. This provides a complete understanding of the structure of the automorphism group of Kac-Moody groups over ground fields of characteristic $0$. The same arguments allow to treat unitary forms of complex Kac-Moody groups. In particular, the author shows that the Hausdorff topology that these groups carry is an invariant of the abstract group structure. Finally, the author proves the non-existence of cocentral homomorphisms of Kac-Moody groups of indefinite type over infinite fields with finite-dimensional target. This provides a partial solution to the linearity problem for Kac-Moody groups.

Spinor Genera in Characteristic 2

Spinor Genera in Characteristic 2 PDF Author: Yuanhua Wang
Publisher: American Mathematical Soc.
ISBN: 0821841661
Category : Mathematics
Languages : en
Pages : 104

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The purpose of this paper is to establish the spinor genus theory of quadratic forms over global function fields in characteristic 2. The first part of the paper computes the integral spinor norms and relative spinor norms. The second part of the paper gives a complete answer to the integral representations of one quadratic form by another with more than four variables over a global function field in characteristic 2.

Cohomological Invariants: Exceptional Groups and Spin Groups

Cohomological Invariants: Exceptional Groups and Spin Groups PDF Author: Skip Garibaldi
Publisher: American Mathematical Soc.
ISBN: 0821844040
Category : Mathematics
Languages : en
Pages : 102

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This volume concerns invariants of $G$-torsors with values in mod $p$ Galois cohomology--in the sense of Serre's lectures in the book Cohomological invariants in Galois cohomology--for various simple algebraic groups $G$ and primes $p$. The author determines the invariants for the exceptional groups $F_4$ mod 3, simply connected $E_6$ mod 3, $E_7$ mod 3, and $E_8$ mod 5. He also determines the invariants of $\mathrm{Spin}_n$ mod 2 for $n \leq 12$ and constructs some invariants of $\mathrm{Spin}_{14}$. Along the way, the author proves that certain maps in nonabelian cohomology are surjective. These surjectivities give as corollaries Pfister's results on 10- and 12-dimensional quadratic forms and Rost's theorem on 14-dimensional quadratic forms. This material on quadratic forms and invariants of $\mathrm{Spin}_n$ is based on unpublished work of Markus Rost. An appendix by Detlev Hoffmann proves a generalization of the Common Slot Theorem for 2-Pfister quadratic forms.

A Proof of Alon's Second Eigenvalue Conjecture and Related Problems

A Proof of Alon's Second Eigenvalue Conjecture and Related Problems PDF Author: Joel Friedman
Publisher: American Mathematical Soc.
ISBN: 0821842803
Category : Mathematics
Languages : en
Pages : 114

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A $d$-regular graph has largest or first (adjacency matrix) eigenvalue $\lambda_1=d$. Consider for an even $d\ge 4$, a random $d$-regular graph model formed from $d/2$ uniform, independent permutations on $\{1,\ldots,n\}$. The author shows that for any $\epsilon>0$ all eigenvalues aside from $\lambda_1=d$ are bounded by $2\sqrt{d-1}\;+\epsilon$ with probability $1-O(n^{-\tau})$, where $\tau=\lceil \bigl(\sqrt{d-1}\;+1\bigr)/2 \rceil-1$. He also shows that this probability is at most $1-c/n^{\tau'}$, for a constant $c$ and a $\tau'$ that is either $\tau$ or $\tau+1$ (``more often'' $\tau$ than $\tau+1$). He proves related theorems for other models of random graphs, including models with $d$ odd.