The Metallurgy of Nuclear Fuel

The Metallurgy of Nuclear Fuel PDF Author: V. S. Yemel'Yanov
Publisher: Elsevier
ISBN: 1483186024
Category : Technology & Engineering
Languages : en
Pages : 600

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The Metallurgy of Nuclear Fuel: Properties and Principles of the Technology of Uranium, Thorium and Plutonium is a systematic analysis of the metallurgy of nuclear fuel, with emphasis on the physical, mechanical, and chemical properties as well as the technology of uranium, thorium, and plutonium, together with their alloys and compounds. The minerals and raw material sources of nuclear fuel are discussed, along with the principles of the technology of the raw material processing and the production of the principal compounds, and of the pure metals and alloys. Comprised of three parts, this volume begins with an introduction to the history of the discovery of uranium and its position in the periodic system; its use as a nuclear fuel; radioactivity and isotopic composition; alloys and compounds; and physical, mechanical, and chemical properties. The effect of mechanical and thermal treatment, thermal cycling and irradiation on the physicochemical properties of uranium is also examined. The next two sections are devoted to thorium and plutonium and includes chapters dealing with their uses, alloys and compounds, and methods of recovery and purification. This book is written for university students, but should also prove useful to young production engineers and scientific workers who are concerned with problems in the metallurgy of nuclear fuel.

The Metallurgy of Nuclear Fuel

The Metallurgy of Nuclear Fuel PDF Author: V. S. Yemel'Yanov
Publisher: Elsevier
ISBN: 1483186024
Category : Technology & Engineering
Languages : en
Pages : 600

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Book Description
The Metallurgy of Nuclear Fuel: Properties and Principles of the Technology of Uranium, Thorium and Plutonium is a systematic analysis of the metallurgy of nuclear fuel, with emphasis on the physical, mechanical, and chemical properties as well as the technology of uranium, thorium, and plutonium, together with their alloys and compounds. The minerals and raw material sources of nuclear fuel are discussed, along with the principles of the technology of the raw material processing and the production of the principal compounds, and of the pure metals and alloys. Comprised of three parts, this volume begins with an introduction to the history of the discovery of uranium and its position in the periodic system; its use as a nuclear fuel; radioactivity and isotopic composition; alloys and compounds; and physical, mechanical, and chemical properties. The effect of mechanical and thermal treatment, thermal cycling and irradiation on the physicochemical properties of uranium is also examined. The next two sections are devoted to thorium and plutonium and includes chapters dealing with their uses, alloys and compounds, and methods of recovery and purification. This book is written for university students, but should also prove useful to young production engineers and scientific workers who are concerned with problems in the metallurgy of nuclear fuel.

The Metallurgy of Nuclear Fuel

The Metallurgy of Nuclear Fuel PDF Author: Vasilij S. Emel'janov
Category : Nuclear fuels
Languages : en
Pages : 0

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Structural Alloys for Nuclear Energy Applications

Structural Alloys for Nuclear Energy Applications PDF Author: Robert Odette
Publisher: Newnes
ISBN: 012397349X
Category : Technology & Engineering
Languages : en
Pages : 676

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High-performance alloys that can withstand operation in hazardous nuclear environments are critical to presentday in-service reactor support and maintenance and are foundational for reactor concepts of the future. With commercial nuclear energy vendors and operators facing the retirement of staff during the coming decades, much of the scholarly knowledge of nuclear materials pursuant to appropriate, impactful, and safe usage is at risk. Led by the multi-award winning editorial team of G. Robert Odette (UCSB) and Steven J. Zinkle (UTK/ORNL) and with contributions from leaders of each alloy discipline, Structural Alloys for Nuclear Energy Applications aids the next generation of researchers and industry staff developing and maintaining steels, nickel-base alloys, zirconium alloys, and other structural alloys in nuclear energy applications. This authoritative reference is a critical acquisition for institutions and individuals seeking state-of-the-art knowledge aided by the editors' unique personal insight from decades of frontline research, engineering and management. - Focuses on in-service irradiation, thermal, mechanical, and chemical performance capabilities. - Covers the use of steels and other structural alloys in current fission technology, leading edge Generation-IV fission reactors, and future fusion power reactors. - Provides a critical and comprehensive review of the state-of-the-art experimental knowledge base of reactor materials, for applications ranging from engineering safety and lifetime assessments to supporting the development of advanced computational models.

Comprehensive Nuclear Materials

Comprehensive Nuclear Materials PDF Author: Todd R Allen
Publisher: Elsevier
ISBN: 0080560334
Category : Technology & Engineering
Languages : en
Pages : 3552

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Comprehensive Nuclear Materials, Five Volume Set discusses the major classes of materials suitable for usage in nuclear fission, fusion reactors and high power accelerators, and for diverse functions in fuels, cladding, moderator and control materials, structural, functional, and waste materials. The work addresses the full panorama of contemporary international research in nuclear materials, from Actinides to Zirconium alloys, from the worlds' leading scientists and engineers. Critically reviews the major classes and functions of materials, supporting the selection, assessment, validation and engineering of materials in extreme nuclear environment Fully integrated with, a proprietary database containing useful cross-referenced property data on the lanthanides and actinides Details contemporary developments in numerical simulation, modelling, experimentation, and computational analysis, for effective implementation in labs and plants

Nuclear Reactor Fuel Elements

Nuclear Reactor Fuel Elements PDF Author: Albert R. Kaufmann
Category : Nuclear fuels
Languages : en
Pages : 774

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Uranium for Nuclear Power

Uranium for Nuclear Power PDF Author: Ian Hore-Lacy
Publisher: Woodhead Publishing
ISBN: 0081003331
Category : Technology & Engineering
Languages : en
Pages : 490

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Uranium for Nuclear Power: Resources, Mining and Transformation to Fuel discusses the nuclear industry and its dependence on a steady supply of competitively priced uranium as a key factor in its long-term sustainability. A better understanding of uranium ore geology and advances in exploration and mining methods will facilitate the discovery and exploitation of new uranium deposits. The practice of efficient, safe, environmentally-benign exploration, mining and milling technologies, and effective site decommissioning and remediation are also fundamental to the public image of nuclear power. This book provides a comprehensive review of developments in these areas. - Provides researchers in academia and industry with an authoritative overview of the front end of the nuclear fuel cycle - Presents a comprehensive and systematic coverage of geology, mining, and conversion to fuel, alternative fuel sources, and the environmental and social aspects - Written by leading experts in the field of nuclear power, uranium mining, milling, and geological exploration who highlight the best practices needed to ensure environmental safety

Thermal Hydraulics Aspects of Liquid Metal Cooled Nuclear Reactors

Thermal Hydraulics Aspects of Liquid Metal Cooled Nuclear Reactors PDF Author: Ferry Roelofs
Publisher: Woodhead Publishing
ISBN: 0081019815
Category : Science
Languages : en
Pages : 464

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Thermal Hydraulics Aspects of Liquid Metal cooled Nuclear Reactors is a comprehensive collection of liquid metal thermal hydraulics research and development for nuclear liquid metal reactor applications. A deliverable of the SESAME H2020 project, this book is written by top European experts who discuss topics of note that are supplemented by an international contribution from U.S. partners within the framework of the NEAMS program under the U.S. DOE. This book is a convenient source for students, professionals and academics interested in liquid metal thermal hydraulics in nuclear applications. In addition, it will also help newcomers become familiar with current techniques and knowledge. - Presents the latest information on one of the deliverables of the SESAME H2020 project - Provides an overview on the design and history of liquid metal cooled fast reactors worldwide - Describes the challenges in thermal hydraulics related to the design and safety analysis of liquid metal cooled fast reactors - Includes the codes, methods, correlations, guidelines and limitations for liquid metal fast reactor thermal hydraulic simulations clearly - Discusses state-of-the-art, multi-scale techniques for liquid metal fast reactor thermal hydraulics applications

Fundamental aspects of nuclear reactor fuel elements

Fundamental aspects of nuclear reactor fuel elements PDF Author: Donald R. Olander
Category : Nuclear fuel elements
Languages : en
Pages : 551

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Technical Books & Monographs

Technical Books & Monographs PDF Author: United States. Energy Research and Development Administration
Category : Power resources
Languages : en
Pages : 72

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Chemical Metallurgy

Chemical Metallurgy PDF Author: Chiranjib Kumar Gupta
Publisher: John Wiley & Sons
ISBN: 3527605258
Category : Science
Languages : en
Pages : 831

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Chemical metallurgy is a well founded and fascinating branch of the wide field of metallurgy. This book provides detailed information on both the first steps of separation of desirable minerals and the subsequent mineral processing operations. The complex chemical processes of extracting various elements through hydrometallurgical, pyrometallurgical or electrometallurgical operations are explained. In the choice of material for this work, the author made good use of the synergy of scientific principles and industrial practices, offering the much needed and hitherto unavailable combination of detailed treatises on both compiled in one book.