Analysis of Composite Structure Under Thermal Load

Analysis of Composite Structure Under Thermal Load PDF Author: Arshad Ali
Publisher: LAP Lambert Academic Publishing
ISBN: 9783838354064
Category :
Languages : en
Pages : 84

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Thermal effects play significant role in the design of a structure when it is supposed to work in hot environment. For this purpose a thorough analysis of structure is necessary that could precisely consider the effect of temperature change. At first an accurate thermal analysis is required that may be further followed by stress or dynamic analysis. In this work, shell finite element developed by Rolfes et al to perform 3D thermal analysis is studied using Ansys and results are found good when comparing with the 3D solid element result. The interlaminar shear stress analysis of composite plate considering thermal and mechanical loading is studied under different set up of laminate scheme and the results have been found good when compared with the available 3D elasticity results. Then, the effect of thermal stresses on natural frequency of a structure is analyzed considering as thermally prestresssed case under different laminate schemes and boundary conditions. Finaly, A stringer stiffened panel is analyzed under thermal and mechanical load. Interlaminar stresses and natural frequency are evaluated by considering the effect of thermal loading.

Stress Analysis of Fiber-reinforced Composite Materials

Stress Analysis of Fiber-reinforced Composite Materials PDF Author: M. W. Hyer
Publisher: DEStech Publications, Inc
ISBN: 193207886X
Category : Technology & Engineering
Languages : en
Pages : 718

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Updated and improved, Stress Analysis of Fiber-Reinforced Composite Materials, Hyer's work remains the definitive introduction to the use of mechanics to understand stresses in composites caused by deformations, loading, and temperature changes. In contrast to a materials science approach, Hyer emphasizes the micromechanics of stress and deformation for composite material analysis. The book provides invaluable analytic tools for students and engineers seeking to understand composite properties and failure limits. A key feature is a series of analytic problems continuing throughout the text, starting from relatively simple problems, which are built up step-by-step with accompanying calculations. The problem series uses the same material properties, so the impact of the elastic and thermal expansion properties for a single-layer of FR material on the stress, strains, elastic properties, thermal expansion and failure stress of cross-ply and angle-ply symmetric and unsymmetric laminates can be evaluated. The book shows how thermally induced stresses and strains due to curing, add to or subtract from those due to applied loads.Another important element, and one unique to this book, is an emphasis on the difference between specifying the applied loads, i.e., force and moment results, often the case in practice, versus specifying strains and curvatures and determining the subsequent stresses and force and moment results. This represents a fundamental distinction in solid mechanics.

Transient Thermal Stress Analysis of Composite Structures Including Continuously Varying Properties

Transient Thermal Stress Analysis of Composite Structures Including Continuously Varying Properties PDF Author:
Category :
Languages : en
Pages : 0

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Calculations of transient thermal stress levels were made for composite coatings of hollow cylinders. Stress analysis was done during a thermal cycle of successive heating and cooling periods. Various coating configurations were investigated. The results showed the effect of changes in coating arrangements and the failure modes due to the excessive stress levels. Solutions were obtained by approximate techniques, and a computer program for transient three dimensional thermal stress analysis was developed. The finite element technique was employed for the determination of the temperature distribution and the elastic stress analysis. Fortran IV G Level was used as the programming language.

Analysis of Composite Structures

Analysis of Composite Structures PDF Author: Christian Decolon
Publisher: Elsevier
ISBN: 0080527175
Category : Technology & Engineering
Languages : en
Pages : 351

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This book provides the basis for calculations of composite structures, using continuum mechanics to facilitate the treatment of more elaborate theories. A composite structure combines traditional materials (such as concrete) with new materials (such as high performance fibres) to explore and develop new structures.The author deals with individual layers in laminate composites, discussing the basic laws that govern mixtures. · Recommended for both student and professional use · A systematic, compact presentation in a single volume· Covers the governing equations of composite beams, plates and structures

Stress Analysis in Curved Composites Due to Thermal Loading

Stress Analysis in Curved Composites Due to Thermal Loading PDF Author: Jared Cornelius Polk
Category :
Languages : en
Pages :

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Many structures in aircraft, cars, trucks, ships, machines, tools, bridges, and buildings, consist of curved sections. These sections vary from straight line segments that have curvature at either one or both ends, segments with compound curvatures, segments with two mutually perpendicular curvatures or Gaussian curvatures, and segments with a simple curvature. With the advancements made in multi-purpose composites over the past 60 years, composites slowly but steadily have been appearing in these various vehicles, compound structures, and buildings. These composite sections provide added benefits over isotropic, polymeric, and ceramic materials by generally having a higher specific strength, higher specific stiffnesses, longer fatigue life, lower density, possibilities in reduction of life cycle and/or acquisition cost, and greater adaptability to intended function of structure via material composition and geometry. To be able to design and manufacture a safe composite laminate or structure, it is imperative that the stress distributions, their causes, and effects are thoroughly understood in order to successfully accomplish mission objectives and manufacture a safe and reliable composite. The objective of the thesis work is to expand upon the knowledge of simply curved composite structures by exploring and ascertaining all pertinent parameters, phenomenon, and trends in stress variations in curved laminates due to thermal loading. The simply curved composites consist of composites with one radius of curvature throughout the span of the specimen about only one axis. Analytical beam theory, classical lamination theory, and finite element analysis were used to ascertain stress variations in a flat, isotropic beam. An analytical method was developed to ascertain the stress variations in an isotropic, simply curved beam under thermal loading that is under both free-free and fixed-fixed constraint conditions. This is the first such solution to Author's best knowledge of such a problem. It was ascertained and proven that the general, non-modified (original) version of classical lamination theory cannot be used for an analytical solution for a simply curved beam or any other structure that would require rotations of laminates out their planes in space. Finite element analysis was used to ascertain stress variations in a simply curved beam. It was verified that these solutions reduce to the flat beam solutions as the radius of curvature of the beams tends to infinity. MATLAB was used to conduct the classical lamination theory numerical analysis. A MATLAB program was written to conduct the finite element analysis for the flat and curved beams, isotropic and composite. It does not require incompatibility techniques used in mechanics of isotropic materials for indeterminate structures that are equivalent to fixed-beam problems. Finally, it has the ability to enable the user to define and create unique elements not accessible in commercial software, and modify finite element procedures to take advantage of new paradigms.

Transient Thermal Stress Analysis of Composite Structures Including Continuously Varying Properties

Transient Thermal Stress Analysis of Composite Structures Including Continuously Varying Properties PDF Author: Richard Bailey Bubeck
Category : Mechanical engineering
Languages : en
Pages : 344

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Calculations of transient thermal stress levels were made for composite coatings of hollow cylinders. Stress analysis was done during a thermal cycle of successive heating and cooling periods. Various coating configurations were investigated. The results showed the effect of changes in coating arrangements and the failure modes due to the excessive stress levels. Solutions were obtained by approximate techniques, and a computer program for transient three dimensional thermal stress analysis was developed. The finite element technique was employed for the determination of the temperature distribution and the elastic stress analysis. Fortran IV G Level was used as the programming language.

Composite Materials Handbook-MIL 17, Volume III

Composite Materials Handbook-MIL 17, Volume III PDF Author: UsDeptOfDefense
Publisher: Routledge
ISBN: 1351459236
Category : Technology & Engineering
Languages : en
Pages : 376

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This standardization handbook has been developed and is being maintained as a joint effort of the Department of Defense and the Federal Aviation Administration. It provides guidelines and material properties for polymer (organic) and metal matrix composite materials. This handbook aims to provide a standard source of statistically-based mechanical property data, procedures, and overall materials guidelines for characterization of composite material systems. This volume provides methodologies and lessons learned for the design, manufacture, and analysis of composite structures and for utilization of the material data provided in Volume II consistent with the guidance provided in Volume I. It covers processes and effects of variability; quality control of production materials; design and analysis; structural behavior of joints and reliability; thick section composites; and supportability.

Analysis, Design and Optimization of Composite Structures

Analysis, Design and Optimization of Composite Structures PDF Author: Alexander L. Kalamkarov
Publisher: John Wiley & Sons
Category : Technology & Engineering
Languages : en
Pages : 376

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Rapidly varying material and geometrical characteristics of composite materials and structures do not allow the direct study of their mechanical behavior even with the use of modern computers. This book is devoted to the mechanical design and optimization problems of composite structures, based on the previously developed asymptotic homogenization models and on the newly elaborated rigorous mathematical methods. It describes how to construct mathematically rigorous mechanical models to determine strength, stiffness, and weight minimization requirements, all important factors of design and optimization.

Finite Element Modelling of Composite Materials and Structures

Finite Element Modelling of Composite Materials and Structures PDF Author: F L Matthews
Publisher: Elsevier
ISBN: 1855738929
Category : Technology & Engineering
Languages : en
Pages : 225

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Finite element modelling of composite materials and structures provides an introduction to a technique which is increasingly being used as an analytical tool for composite materials.The text is presented in four parts: Part one sets the scene and reviews the fundamentals of composite materials together with the basic nature of FRP and its constituents. Two-dimensional stress-strain is covered, as is laminated plated theory and its limitations. Part two reviews the basic principles of FE analysis, starting with underlying theoretical issues and going on to show how elements are derived, a model is generated and results are processed. Part three builds on the basics of FE analysis and considers the particular issues that arise in applying finite elements to composites, especially to the layered nature of the material. Part four deals with the application of FE to FRP composites, presenting analytical models alongside FE representations. Specific issues addressed include interlaminar stresses, fracture delamination, joints and fatigue. This book is invaluable for students of materials science and engineering, and for engineers and others wishing to expand their knowledge of structural analysis. Covers important work on finite element analysis of composite material performance Based on material developed for an MSc course at Imperial College, London, UK Covers particular problems such as holes, free edges with FE results compared with experimental data and classical analysis

Structural Design and Analysis

Structural Design and Analysis PDF Author: C. C. Chamis
Publisher: Elsevier
ISBN: 148321673X
Category : Technology & Engineering
Languages : en
Pages : 370

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Structural Design and Analysis