Diagnostic Teaching of Reading

Diagnostic Teaching of Reading PDF Author: Barbara J. Walker
Publisher: Pearson College Division
ISBN: 9780133007480
Category : Education
Languages : en
Pages : 384

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Diagnostic Teaching of Reading, 7/e, by renowned author Barbara J. Walker, is the ideal resource for pre-service and in-service educators, including teachers, reading specialists, literacy coaches, school psychologists, special education teachers, and Title I teachers. In it they see how to use a variety of instructional and assessment techniques to help plan lessons designed to improve literacy for all learners in their charge. Included are over 65 instructional techniques that meet the diverse learning needs of all students, including struggling readers and writers, English language learners, and culturally diverse learners. With the information presented here, teachers see how to continually reflect on their instructional practices and tailor their instruction to the strengths and needs of the diverse children they teach.

Teacher's Handbook on Diagnosis and Remediation in Reading

Teacher's Handbook on Diagnosis and Remediation in Reading PDF Author: Eldon E. Ekwall
Publisher: Allyn & Bacon
Category : Language Arts & Disciplines
Languages : en
Pages : 492

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Diagnostic Teaching of Reading

Diagnostic Teaching of Reading PDF Author: Barbara J. Walker
Publisher: Pearson College Division
ISBN: 9780133007480
Category : Education
Languages : en
Pages : 384

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Book Description
Diagnostic Teaching of Reading, 7/e, by renowned author Barbara J. Walker, is the ideal resource for pre-service and in-service educators, including teachers, reading specialists, literacy coaches, school psychologists, special education teachers, and Title I teachers. In it they see how to use a variety of instructional and assessment techniques to help plan lessons designed to improve literacy for all learners in their charge. Included are over 65 instructional techniques that meet the diverse learning needs of all students, including struggling readers and writers, English language learners, and culturally diverse learners. With the information presented here, teachers see how to continually reflect on their instructional practices and tailor their instruction to the strengths and needs of the diverse children they teach.

Diagnosis and Correction of Reading Problems, Second Edition

Diagnosis and Correction of Reading Problems, Second Edition PDF Author: Darrell Morris
Publisher: Guilford Publications
ISBN: 1462512259
Category : Language Arts & Disciplines
Languages : en
Pages : 320

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This widely adopted text and teacher resource provides a comprehensive approach to assessing and remediating reading difficulties in grades K-6. Darrell Morris presents rich case studies of beginning and older readers struggling with different types of reading problems. He shows how to administer a thorough diagnostic battery and provide instruction tailored to each student's needs. In addition to one-to-one tutoring strategies, small-group and whole-class applications are discussed. Reproducible tools, book lists, and other user-friendly materials can be photocopied from the book or downloaded and printed in a convenient 8 1/2" x 11" size. New to This Edition *Detailed explanations of how to adapt the techniques for classroom use. *The latest research findings pertaining to reading diagnosis. *Updated and expanded book lists.*Chapter on historical and theoretical foundations. See also the Morris Informal Reading Inventory: Preprimer through Grade 8, a complementary assessment tool that yields systematic data on K-8 students' reading abilities.

Complete Reading Disabilities Handbook

Complete Reading Disabilities Handbook PDF Author: Wilma H. Miller
Publisher: Jossey-Bass
ISBN: 9780876282755
Category : Education
Languages : en
Pages : 0

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This unique handbook gives reading and learning disability teachers one of the most comprehensive and practical resources available today for diagnosing and remediating all types of reading disabilities in elementary and middle school students. Included are easy-to-follow explanations of the various causes of reading disabilities and over 100 reproducible assessment devices, corrective activity sheets, and other aids. And all of this material is printed in a big 8 1/4" x 11" format for easy photocopying of test and activity pages as many times as needed for use with individual students, small groups, or an entire class!

Remedial Reading Drills

Remedial Reading Drills PDF Author: Thorleif G. Hegge
Category : Reading
Languages : en
Pages : 68

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Essentials of Assessing, Preventing, and Overcoming Reading Difficulties

Essentials of Assessing, Preventing, and Overcoming Reading Difficulties PDF Author: David A. Kilpatrick
Publisher: John Wiley & Sons
ISBN: 1118845404
Category : Psychology
Languages : en
Pages : 450

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Book Description
Practical, effective, evidence-based reading interventions that change students' lives Essentials of Understanding and Assessing Reading Difficulties is a practical, accessible, in-depth guide to reading assessment and intervention. It provides a detailed discussion of the nature and causes of reading difficulties, which will help develop the knowledge and confidence needed to accurately assess why a student is struggling. Readers will learn a framework for organizing testing results from current assessment batteries such as the WJ-IV, KTEA-3, and CTOPP-2. Case studies illustrate each of the concepts covered. A thorough discussion is provided on the assessment of phonics skills, phonological awareness, word recognition, reading fluency, and reading comprehension. Formatted for easy reading as well as quick reference, the text includes bullet points, icons, callout boxes, and other design elements to call attention to important information. Although a substantial amount of research has shown that most reading difficulties can be prevented or corrected, standard reading remediation efforts have proven largely ineffective. School psychologists are routinely called upon to evaluate students with reading difficulties and to make recommendations to address such difficulties. This book provides an overview of the best assessment and intervention techniques, backed by the most current research findings. Bridge the gap between research and practice Accurately assess the reason(s) why a student struggles in reading Improve reading skills using the most highly effective evidence-based techniques Reading may well be the most important thing students are taught during their school careers. It is a skill they will use every day of their lives; one that will dictate, in part, later life success. Struggling students need help now, and Essentials of Understanding and Assessing Reading Difficulties shows how to get these students on track.

Effective Instruction for Middle School Students with Reading Difficulties

Effective Instruction for Middle School Students with Reading Difficulties PDF Author: Carolyn A. Denton
Publisher: Brookes Publishing Company
ISBN: 9781598572438
Category : Education
Languages : en
Pages : 0

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Reading problems don't disappear when students enter middle school, recent studies show that nearly a quarter of today's eighth graders aren't able to read at a basic level. This book arms language arts teachers with lessons, strategies, and foundational kowledge they need to resolve older students' reading difficulties and increase their chances for academic success. Ideal for use with struggling readers in Grades 6 - 8, this book clearly lays out the fundamentals of effective teaching for adolescents with reading difficulties. Teachers will discover how to: select and administor assessments for comprehension, fluency, and word recognition; use assessment results to plan individualized instruction; apply research-supported instructional practices; develop flexible grouping systems; set manageable short-term learning goals with students; give appropriate and corrective feedback; monitor student progress over time; provide effective interventions within a school-wide Response to Intervention framework; and more. To help teachers incorporate evidence-based practices into their classroom instruction they'll get more than 20 complete, step-by-step sample lessons for strengthening adolescents' reading skills. Easy to adapt for use across any curriculum, the sample lessons provide explicit models of successful instruction, with suggested teacher scripts, checklist for planning instruction, key terms and objectives, strategies for guided and independent practice, tips on promoting generalization, and more.

Reading Teacher's Complete Diagnosis & Correction Manual

Reading Teacher's Complete Diagnosis & Correction Manual PDF Author: Wilma H. Miller
Publisher: Prentice Hall
Category : Education
Languages : en
Pages : 338

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Scores of effective, ready-to-use techniques & activities to help quickly identify & correct individual reading difficulties at each grade level.

Teacher's Handbook on Diagnosis & Remediation in Reading

Teacher's Handbook on Diagnosis & Remediation in Reading PDF Author: Eldon E. Ekwall
Category : Reading
Languages : en
Pages : 200

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Resources in Education

Resources in Education PDF Author:
Category : Education
Languages : en
Pages : 1032

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