Supply Chain Efficiency for Electric Utilities

Supply Chain Efficiency for Electric Utilities PDF Author:
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Languages : en
Pages : 75

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Supply Chain Efficiency for Electric Utilities

Supply Chain Efficiency for Electric Utilities PDF Author:
Category :
Languages : en
Pages : 75

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Electricity Supply

Electricity Supply PDF Author: United States. General Accounting Office
Category : Electric power
Languages : en
Pages : 68

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Energy efficiency : challenges and opportunities for electric utilities

Energy efficiency : challenges and opportunities for electric utilities PDF Author:
Publisher: DIANE Publishing
ISBN: 1428920919
Category :
Languages : en
Pages : 199

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Management of the Electric Energy Business

Management of the Electric Energy Business PDF Author: Edwin Vennard
Publisher: McGraw-Hill Companies
Category : Electric Utilities
Languages : en
Pages : 424

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Optimal Supply Chain Management in Oil, Gas, and Power Generation

Optimal Supply Chain Management in Oil, Gas, and Power Generation PDF Author: David Jacoby
ISBN: 9781593702922
Category : Business logistics
Languages : en
Pages : 0

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David Jacoby's highly regarded book addresses the specific supply chain management characteristics and needs of oil, gas, and power companies, and contains a wealth of industry-specific examples. Jacoby provides a toolbox for large-scale capital expenditure decision making and for transforming capital and operation expenditures to exert a visible financial impact in oil, gas, and power companies. The supply chain risk management decision analysis tools offered by Jacoby will help operators increase economic value added while enhancing safety and stewardship of the environment. This book is an invaluable reference resource for chief operating officers; chief financial officers; engineers; vice presidents of supply chain, operations, or production; and directors and managers of procurement, purchasing, operations, or materials management.

Handbook Utility Management

Handbook Utility Management PDF Author: Andreas Bausch
Publisher: Springer Science & Business Media
ISBN: 3540793496
Category : Business & Economics
Languages : en
Pages : 817

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Along with the increasing deregulation of European utility markets the dynamics of and the competitive pressure in the utility industries have steadily increased over the last years. These changes in the regulatory framework towards an integrated market environment have resulted in new challenges for the management of power and gas companies and in a substantial need for strategic reorientation. In the context of these developments the Handbook Utility Management reflects current challenges in the utility industries and provides solutions from a managerial perspective. The inclusion of latest insights from top managers, renowned researchers, professionals in utility-related investment banking and consulting, and professionals in public and supranational organizations on all value chain activities within the industry makes the Handbook an indispensable asset for both professionals and researchers.

Demand-side Management Planning

Demand-side Management Planning PDF Author: Clark W. Gellings
Category : Business & Economics
Languages : en
Pages : 472

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Here is a complete guide to the planning and implementation of effective demand-side management programs. This excellent reference provides expert guidance for every component of the DSM program, including load management programs, forecasting, pricing, and promotion of efficient end-use technologies. For the power user, it will provide new insight into utility incentive and rebate programs, and how to best take advantage of cost-saving benefits.

Evaluation of the Supply Chain of Key Industrial Sectors and Its Impact on the Electricity Demand for a Regional Distribution Company

Evaluation of the Supply Chain of Key Industrial Sectors and Its Impact on the Electricity Demand for a Regional Distribution Company PDF Author: Thiago Arruda Mariotoni
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Languages : en
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ABSTRACT: Considering the international scenario, in a recent past, the electrical industry was based on the concepts of monopolistic concessions and vertical utilities structures. In Brazil, until recently, the electricity companies were all governmental properties that served restricted monopolized areas. In a similar manner, in the United States, monopolies for certain concession areas were assigned to vertically integrated electric utilities. This monopolistic portfolio brought to the industry, in a generic sense, a lack in the interface between companies and consumers. This fact established a low capacity of obtaining consumer's information and consequently, a low capacity of developing precise demand forecasts. Lately, the industry of electrical energy around the world has passed through immense structural changes, not only in developed countries, but also in developing countries. In this new environment, competition and private capital are fundamental agents. Now, demand forecasting represents a key factor to support decision-making for planning strategies of electricity utilities. In addition to immediate potential benefits to commercial decisions, a framework for electricity demand forecasting can help to take actions aiming to develop more precise yearly budgets as well as to make accurate investments in the infrastructure expansion. With the objective of improving the supply chain perception of the electricity industry, this work analyzes the electricity industry and develops a mathematical tool to accurately support the decision-making process of electricity utilities. CPFL Energy Co., a holding that controls companies and private enterprises in the generation area, electric power distribution, and trading in Brazil, was chosen as the case of study. CPFL Energy Co.'s supply chain was studied to find out the right explanatory variables and an electricity forecasting mathematical model was created through the stepwise regression procedure.

Transformation of the Electric Utility Business Model

Transformation of the Electric Utility Business Model PDF Author: John Manshreck
Publisher: Walter de Gruyter GmbH & Co KG
ISBN: 3110714124
Category : Technology & Engineering
Languages : en
Pages : 263

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This book examines business model transformation through the study of electrical utilities, an industry at the center of today’s efforts to combat climate change. When change comes to the business model of such a mature industry, the pattern is often recognizable. The foundational elements of the industry shift, allowing the innovation of business models by new competitors, while established firms face the threat of disruption. The utility sector, after decades of relative stability, is in the midst of such a transformation today. After providing a historical summary of the dominant business models of the utility sector, Transformation of the Electric Utility Business Model looks at the factors currently impacting the industry. Utilities and policy makers today are facing two long-term issues that will dominate their agendas in the coming decades: rebuilding utility infrastructure to enable the decarbonization of the economy, and managing the risk of catastrophic events that can leave large areas without power for extended periods. Fortunately, with proper planning, many utility investments in decarbonization will also support risk management. However, these investments are often not compatible with current utility business models, requiring creativity and new regulatory frameworks to successfully implement. This book considers the impact of these factors, and then discusses the future. This well-researched, extremely insightful book is essential reading for all those with an interest in business strategy, energy studies and sustainability.

Improved Energy Efficiency in the Aluminium Industry and its Supply Chains

Improved Energy Efficiency in the Aluminium Industry and its Supply Chains PDF Author: Joakim Haraldsson
Publisher: Linköping University Electronic Press
ISBN: 9179298737
Category : Electronic books
Languages : en
Pages : 131

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Energy is an essential resource in the daily lives of humans. However, the extraction and use of energy has an impact on the environment. The industrial sector accounts for a large share of the global final energy use and greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions. The largest source of industrial GHG emissions is energy use. The production and processing of aluminium is energy- and GHG-intensive, and uses significant amounts of fossil fuels and electricity. At the same time, the global demand for aluminium is predicted to rise significantly by the year 2050. Improved energy efficiency is one of the most important approaches for reducing industrial GHG emissions. Additionally, improved energy efficiency in industry is a competitive advantage for companies due to the cost reductions that energy efficiency improvements yield. The aim of this thesis was to study improved energy efficiency in the individual companies and the entire supply chains of the aluminium industry. This included studying energy efficiency measures, potentials for energy efficiency improvements and energy savings, and which factors inhibit or drive the work to improve energy efficiency. The aim and the research questions were answered by conducting a literature review, focus groups, questionnaires and calculations of effects on primary energy use, GHG emissions, and energy and CO2 costs. This thesis identified several energy efficiency measures that can be implemented by the individual companies in the aluminium industry and the aluminium casting foundries. The individual companies have large potentials for improving their energy efficiency. Energy efficiency measures within the electrolysis process have significant effects on primary energy use, GHG emissions, and energy and CO2 costs. This thesis showed that joint work between the companies in the supply chains of the aluminium industry is needed in order to achieve further energy efficiency improvements compared to the companies only working on their own. The joint work between the companies in the supply chain is needed to avoid sub-optimisation of the total energy use throughout the entire supply chain. Better communication and closer collaboration between all the companies in the supply chain are two of the most important aspects of the joint work to improve energy efficiency. An energy audit for the entire supply chain could be conducted as a first step in the joint work between the companies in the supply chains. Another important aspect is to increase the use of secondary aluminium or remelted material waste rather than primary aluminium. The companies in the Swedish aluminium industry and the aluminium casting foundries have come some way in their work to improve energy efficiency within their own facilities. However, the results in this thesis indicate that cost-effective technology and improved management can, in total, save 126–185 GWh/year in the Swedish aluminium industry and 8–15 GWh/year in the Swedish aluminium casting foundries. This thesis identified several demands regarding economics, product quality and performance, and environment placed on the companies and products in the supply chains that affect energy use and work to improve energy efficiency. These demands can sometimes counteract each other, and some demands are more important to meet than improving energy efficiency. This implies that improving the energy efficiency of the supply chains as well as designing products so they are energy-efficient in their use phase can sometimes be difficult. The results in this thesis indicate that it would be beneficial if the companies reviewed these demands to see whether any of them could be changed. Both the economic aspects and demands from customers and authorities were shown to be important drivers for improved energy efficiency in the supply chains. However, placing demands on energy-efficient production and a company’s improved energy efficiency would require those placing the demands to have deeper knowledge compared to demanding green energy, for example. Requiring a company to implement an energy management system to ensure active work to improve energy efficiency would be easier for the customer than demanding a certain level of energy efficiency in the company’s processes. Additionally, energy audits and demands on conducted energy audits could act as drivers for improved energy efficiency throughout the supply chains. This thesis showed that the most important barriers to improved energy efficiency within the individual companies include different types of risks as well as the cost of production disruption, complex production processes and technology being inappropriate at the site. Similar to the supply chains, important drivers for improved energy efficiency within the individual companies were shown to be economic aspects and demands from customers and authorities. However, the factors that are most important for driving the work to improve energy efficiency within the individual companies include the access to and utilisation of knowledge within the company, corporate culture, a longterm energy strategy, networking within the sector, information from technology suppliers and energy audits. Energi är en viktig resurs i människors dagliga liv, men utvinningen och användningen av energi påverkar miljön. Industrin står för en stor andel av den globala slutliga energianvändningen och de globala utsläppen av växthusgaser. Den största källan till industriella växthusgasutsläpp är energianvändning. Produktionen och bearbetningen av aluminium är energiintensiv och har stora utsläpp av växthusgaser och använder betydande mängder fossila bränslen och elektricitet. Samtidigt beräknas efterfrågan på aluminium öka avsevärt globalt till år 2050. Energieffektivisering är ett av de viktigaste medlen för att minska industriella växthusgasutsläpp. Dessutom är energieffektivisering inom industrin en konkurrensfördel för företagen på grund av de minskade kostnader som energieffektivisering medför. Syftet med den här avhandlingen var att studera hur energianvändningen kan bli effektivare i de enskilda företagen och hela försörjningskedjorna i aluminiumindustrin. Detta inkluderade att studera energieffektiviseringsåtgärder, potentialer för energieffektivisering och energibesparing samt vilka faktorer som hindrar eller driver arbetet med energieffektivisering. Syftet och frågeställningarna besvarades genom litteraturstudier, fokusgrupper, enkäter samt beräkningar av påverkan på primärenergianvändning, växthusgasutsläpp och energi- och koldioxidkostnader. Denna avhandling identifierade flera energieffektiviseringsåtgärder som kan genomföras av de enskilda företagen inom aluminiumindustrin och aluminiumgjuterierna. De enskilda företagen har stora potentialer för effektivare energianvändning. Energieffektiviseringsåtgärder inom elektrolysen har stor påverkan på primärenergianvändning, växthusgasutsläpp samt energi- och koldioxidkostnader. Denna avhandling visade att det gemensamma arbetet mellan företagen i aluminiumindustrins försörjningskedjor är viktigt för att uppnå ytterligare effektiviseringar av energianvändningen jämfört med om de individuella företagen skulle arbeta enbart på egen hand. Det gemensamma arbetet mellan företagen i försörjningskedjan är viktigt för att undvika suboptimering av den totala energianvändningen i hela försörjningskedjan. Bättre kommunikation och närmare samarbete mellan alla företagen i försörjningskedjan är två av de viktigaste aspekterna i det gemensamma arbetet för att uppnå effektivare energianvändning. En energikartläggning av hela försörjningskedjan kan genomföras som ett första steg i det gemensamma arbetet mellan företagen. En annan viktig aspekt är att öka användningen av sekundärt aluminium eller omsmält processkrot snarare än att använda primärt aluminium. Företagen i den svenska aluminiumindustrin och aluminiumgjuterierna har kommit en bit på vägen i deras arbeten mot effektivare energianvändning inom deras egna anläggningar. Dock visade resultaten i denna avhandling att kostnadseffektiv teknik och förbättrad energiledning totalt kan spara 126–185 GWh/år i den svenska aluminiumindustrin och 8–15 GWh/år i de svenska aluminiumgjuterierna. Denna avhandling identifierade flera krav rörande ekonomi, produktkvalitet och -prestanda samt miljö som ställs på företagen och produkterna i försörjningskedjorna och som påverkar energianvändningen och arbetet mot effektivare energianvändning. Dessa krav kan ibland motverka varandra och vissa krav är viktigare att möta än att effektivisera energianvändningen. Detta innebär att det ibland kan vara svårt att energieffektivisera försörjningskedjorna samt att designa energianvändande produkter så att de är energieffektiva i användningsfasen. Resultaten i denna avhandling visar att det skulle vara fördelaktigt om företagen granskar kraven för att se om något av kraven skulle kunna ändras. Både de ekonomiska aspekterna och krav från kunder och myndigheter visade sig vara viktiga drivkrafter för energieffektivisering i försörjningskedjorna. Om krav ställs på energieffektiv produktion och effektivare energianvändning inom ett företag behöver de aktörer som ställer kraven ha djupare kunskaper jämfört med om de till exempel skulle kräva användandet av grön energi. Ett krav på implementeringen av ett energiledningssystem för att säkerställa ett aktivt arbete med energieffektivisering skulle vara lättare för kunden att ställa än att kräva en viss energieffektiviseringsnivå i leverantörens processer. Dessutom kan energikartläggningar och krav på genomförda energikartläggningar fungera som drivkrafter för energieffektivisering i försörjningskedjorna. Denna avhandling visade att de viktigaste hindren mot energieffektivisering inom de enskilda företagen är olika typer av risker samt kostnader för produktionsstörningar, komplexa produktionsprocesser och att tekniken inte är applicerbar inom anläggningen. I likhet med försörjningskedjorna uppkom de ekonomiska aspekterna och krav från kunder och myndigheter som viktiga drivkrafter för energieffektivisering inom de enskilda företagen. Dock är de viktigaste faktorerna för att driva på arbetet med energieffektivisering inom de enskilda företagen tillgången till och utnyttjandet av kunskap inom företaget, företagskulturen, en långsiktig energistrategi, nätverkande inom branschen, information från teknikleverantörer och energikartläggningar.