Publisher: PUQ
ISBN: 2760520048
Category :
Languages : en
Pages : 118
Book Description
Education familiale et services pour l'enfance
Author: Enzo Catarsi
Publisher: Firenze University Press
ISBN: 8866550280
Category : Political Science
Languages : fr
Pages : 692
Book Description
Le terme “Service” a orienté les travaux de recherche et de formation lors du XIIIème Congrès de l'Association Internationale de Formation et de Recherche en Education Familiale (AIFREF). Il s'agissait, en l'occurrence, de se mettre au service de la petite enfance. L'acte qui consiste à se consacrer au service d'un être qui chemine sur la voie de l'autonomie a pris une consistance et une importance sans cesse croissantes au cours du développement de la modernité. Aujourd'hui, celle-ci connaît une profonde mutation : entrant dans la postmodernité, nous constatons que la notion de service prend un tout autre sens. Pour mieux être au service de l'enfance, il s'agit maintenant de savoir ce qui peut lui être utile. Qu'est-ce qui permet à l'enfant de grandir et de s'émanciper? Et, dès lors, quels services convient-il de rendre à l'enfance? Quelles sont la relevance, l'efficience, l'efficacité et la durabilité de ces services délibérément conçus et opérationnalisés? Ces questions ont fait l'objet d'une mise en examen et ont orienté les travaux du XIIIème Congrès de l'AIFREF.
Publisher: Firenze University Press
ISBN: 8866550280
Category : Political Science
Languages : fr
Pages : 692
Book Description
Le terme “Service” a orienté les travaux de recherche et de formation lors du XIIIème Congrès de l'Association Internationale de Formation et de Recherche en Education Familiale (AIFREF). Il s'agissait, en l'occurrence, de se mettre au service de la petite enfance. L'acte qui consiste à se consacrer au service d'un être qui chemine sur la voie de l'autonomie a pris une consistance et une importance sans cesse croissantes au cours du développement de la modernité. Aujourd'hui, celle-ci connaît une profonde mutation : entrant dans la postmodernité, nous constatons que la notion de service prend un tout autre sens. Pour mieux être au service de l'enfance, il s'agit maintenant de savoir ce qui peut lui être utile. Qu'est-ce qui permet à l'enfant de grandir et de s'émanciper? Et, dès lors, quels services convient-il de rendre à l'enfance? Quelles sont la relevance, l'efficience, l'efficacité et la durabilité de ces services délibérément conçus et opérationnalisés? Ces questions ont fait l'objet d'une mise en examen et ont orienté les travaux du XIIIème Congrès de l'AIFREF.
Comparing Quebec and Ontario
Author: Rodney Haddow
Publisher: University of Toronto Press
ISBN: 1442621184
Category : Political Science
Languages : en
Pages : 388
Book Description
Can sub-units within a capitalist democracy, even a relatively decentralized one like Canada, pursue fundamentally different social and economic policies? Is their ability to do so less now than it was before the advent of globalization? In Comparing Quebec and Ontario, Rodney Haddow brings these questions and the tools of comparative political economy to bear on the growing public policy divide between Ontario and Quebec. Combining narrative case studies with rigorous quantitative analysis, Haddow analyses how budgeting, economic development, social assistance, and child care policies differ between the two provinces. The cause of the divide, he argues, are underlying differences between their political and economic institutions. An important contribution to ongoing debates about globalization’s “golden straightjacket,” Comparing Quebec and Ontario is an essential resource for understanding Canadian political economy.
Publisher: University of Toronto Press
ISBN: 1442621184
Category : Political Science
Languages : en
Pages : 388
Book Description
Can sub-units within a capitalist democracy, even a relatively decentralized one like Canada, pursue fundamentally different social and economic policies? Is their ability to do so less now than it was before the advent of globalization? In Comparing Quebec and Ontario, Rodney Haddow brings these questions and the tools of comparative political economy to bear on the growing public policy divide between Ontario and Quebec. Combining narrative case studies with rigorous quantitative analysis, Haddow analyses how budgeting, economic development, social assistance, and child care policies differ between the two provinces. The cause of the divide, he argues, are underlying differences between their political and economic institutions. An important contribution to ongoing debates about globalization’s “golden straightjacket,” Comparing Quebec and Ontario is an essential resource for understanding Canadian political economy.
Les systèmes de mise en œuvre de la protection sociale
Author: Kathy Lindert
Publisher: World Bank Publications
ISBN: 1464818622
Category : Business & Economics
Languages : en
Pages : 727
Book Description
Le Manuel de référence sur les systèmes de mise en œuvre de la protection sociale synthétise les expériences et les leçons apprises des systèmes de mise en œuvre de la protection sociale à travers le monde. Il adopte un concept de la protection sociale large, qui couvre différentes populations telles que les familles pauvres ou à faible revenu, les chômeurs, les personnes handicapées et les personnes confrontées à des risques sociaux. Il analyse différents types d’interventions des gouvernements pour la protection des individus, des familles ou des ménages, au travers de programmes spécifiques allant de programmes ciblant la pauvreté, aux prestations et services en faveur de l’emploi, et aux prestations et services au bénéfice des personnes handicapées et d’autres services sociaux. Ce Manuel de référence cherche à répondre à différentes questions pratiques soulevées au cours de la mise en œuvre, en particulier : • Comment les pays mettent-ils en œuvre les prestations et services de protection sociale ? • Comment le font-ils avec l’efficacité et l’efficience voulues ? • Comment assurent-ils une inclusion dynamique, en particulier celle des personnes les plus vulnérables et les plus défavorisées ? • Comment favorisent-ils une meilleure coordination et intégration non seulement entre les différents programmes de protection sociale mais aussi avec les programmes mis en œuvre par d’autres acteurs gouvernementaux ? • Comment peuvent-ils répondre aux besoins des populations ciblées et assurer une meilleure expérience client ? Le cadre de mise en œuvre des systèmes de protection sociale précise les principaux éléments de cet environnement opérationnel. Il se décline en différentes phases qui s’échelonnent tout au long de la chaîne de mise en oeuvre. Ces phases sont les lieux d’interactions entre différents acteurs, parmi lesquels des personnes et des institutions. La communication, les systèmes d’information et la technologie facilitent ces interactions. Ce cadre peut s’appliquer à la mise en œuvre d’un ou plusieurs programmes ainsi qu’à la mise en place d’une protection sociale adaptative. Le Manuel de référence des systèmes de mise en œuvre de la protection sociale s’articule autour de huit principes clés qui constituent le code de conduite de la mise en œuvre : 1. Les systèmes de mise en œuvre ne suivent pas un modèle unique, mais tous les modèles partagent des points communs qui forment le coeur du cadre de mise en œuvre des systèmes de protection sociale. 2. La qualité de la mise en œuvre a une grande importance et la faiblesse de l’un des éléments constitutifs de la chaîne de mise en œuvre affectera négativement l’ensemble de celle-ci et réduira les impacts du ou des programmes qui lui sont associés. 3. Les systèmes de mise en œuvre évoluent dans le temps, de manière non linéaire et leur point de départ est important. 4. Dès le début de la mise en œuvre, des efforts devront être déployés pour « garder les choses simples » et pour « bien faire les choses simples ». 5. Le premier segment de la chaîne, à savoir l’interface entre les futurs bénéficiaires et l’administration, est souvent son maillon le plus faible. Son amélioration peut nécessiter des changements systémiques, mais ceux-ci contribueront considérablement à l’efficacité globale et atténueront les risques d’échec de cette interface. 6. Les programmes de protection sociale ne fonctionnent pas dans le vide et, par conséquent, leur système de mise en œuvre ne doit pas être développé en vase clos. Des opportunités de synergies entre institutions et systèmes d’information existent et les saisir peut améliorer les résultats des programmes. 7. Au-delà de la protection sociale, ces systèmes de mise en œuvre peuvent aussi améliorer la capacité des gouvernements à fournir d’autres prestations ou services, comme les subventions à l’assurance maladie, les bourses d’études, les tarifs sociaux de l’énergie, les allocations logement et l’accès aux services juridiques. 8. L’inclusion et la coordination sont des défis omniprésents et permanents. Pour les relever, il faut donc améliorer de façon continue les systèmes de mise en œuvre à travers une approche dynamique, intégrée et centrée sur la personne.
Publisher: World Bank Publications
ISBN: 1464818622
Category : Business & Economics
Languages : en
Pages : 727
Book Description
Le Manuel de référence sur les systèmes de mise en œuvre de la protection sociale synthétise les expériences et les leçons apprises des systèmes de mise en œuvre de la protection sociale à travers le monde. Il adopte un concept de la protection sociale large, qui couvre différentes populations telles que les familles pauvres ou à faible revenu, les chômeurs, les personnes handicapées et les personnes confrontées à des risques sociaux. Il analyse différents types d’interventions des gouvernements pour la protection des individus, des familles ou des ménages, au travers de programmes spécifiques allant de programmes ciblant la pauvreté, aux prestations et services en faveur de l’emploi, et aux prestations et services au bénéfice des personnes handicapées et d’autres services sociaux. Ce Manuel de référence cherche à répondre à différentes questions pratiques soulevées au cours de la mise en œuvre, en particulier : • Comment les pays mettent-ils en œuvre les prestations et services de protection sociale ? • Comment le font-ils avec l’efficacité et l’efficience voulues ? • Comment assurent-ils une inclusion dynamique, en particulier celle des personnes les plus vulnérables et les plus défavorisées ? • Comment favorisent-ils une meilleure coordination et intégration non seulement entre les différents programmes de protection sociale mais aussi avec les programmes mis en œuvre par d’autres acteurs gouvernementaux ? • Comment peuvent-ils répondre aux besoins des populations ciblées et assurer une meilleure expérience client ? Le cadre de mise en œuvre des systèmes de protection sociale précise les principaux éléments de cet environnement opérationnel. Il se décline en différentes phases qui s’échelonnent tout au long de la chaîne de mise en oeuvre. Ces phases sont les lieux d’interactions entre différents acteurs, parmi lesquels des personnes et des institutions. La communication, les systèmes d’information et la technologie facilitent ces interactions. Ce cadre peut s’appliquer à la mise en œuvre d’un ou plusieurs programmes ainsi qu’à la mise en place d’une protection sociale adaptative. Le Manuel de référence des systèmes de mise en œuvre de la protection sociale s’articule autour de huit principes clés qui constituent le code de conduite de la mise en œuvre : 1. Les systèmes de mise en œuvre ne suivent pas un modèle unique, mais tous les modèles partagent des points communs qui forment le coeur du cadre de mise en œuvre des systèmes de protection sociale. 2. La qualité de la mise en œuvre a une grande importance et la faiblesse de l’un des éléments constitutifs de la chaîne de mise en œuvre affectera négativement l’ensemble de celle-ci et réduira les impacts du ou des programmes qui lui sont associés. 3. Les systèmes de mise en œuvre évoluent dans le temps, de manière non linéaire et leur point de départ est important. 4. Dès le début de la mise en œuvre, des efforts devront être déployés pour « garder les choses simples » et pour « bien faire les choses simples ». 5. Le premier segment de la chaîne, à savoir l’interface entre les futurs bénéficiaires et l’administration, est souvent son maillon le plus faible. Son amélioration peut nécessiter des changements systémiques, mais ceux-ci contribueront considérablement à l’efficacité globale et atténueront les risques d’échec de cette interface. 6. Les programmes de protection sociale ne fonctionnent pas dans le vide et, par conséquent, leur système de mise en œuvre ne doit pas être développé en vase clos. Des opportunités de synergies entre institutions et systèmes d’information existent et les saisir peut améliorer les résultats des programmes. 7. Au-delà de la protection sociale, ces systèmes de mise en œuvre peuvent aussi améliorer la capacité des gouvernements à fournir d’autres prestations ou services, comme les subventions à l’assurance maladie, les bourses d’études, les tarifs sociaux de l’énergie, les allocations logement et l’accès aux services juridiques. 8. L’inclusion et la coordination sont des défis omniprésents et permanents. Pour les relever, il faut donc améliorer de façon continue les systèmes de mise en œuvre à travers une approche dynamique, intégrée et centrée sur la personne.
International Handbook of Early Childhood Education
Author: Marilyn Fleer
Publisher: Springer
ISBN: 9402409270
Category : Education
Languages : en
Pages : 1613
Book Description
This international handbook gives a comprehensive overview of findings from longstanding and contemporary research, theory, and practices in early childhood education in the Northern and Southern hemispheres. The first volume of the handbook addresses theory, methodology, and the research activities and research needs of particular regions. The second volume examines in detail innovations and longstanding programs, curriculum and assessment, and conceptions and research into child, family and communities. The two volumes of this handbook address the current theory, methodologies and research needs of specific countries and provide insight into existing global similarities in early childhood practices. By paying special attention to what is happening in the larger world contexts, the volumes provide a representative overview of early childhood education practices and research, and redress the current North-South imbalance of published work on the subject.
Publisher: Springer
ISBN: 9402409270
Category : Education
Languages : en
Pages : 1613
Book Description
This international handbook gives a comprehensive overview of findings from longstanding and contemporary research, theory, and practices in early childhood education in the Northern and Southern hemispheres. The first volume of the handbook addresses theory, methodology, and the research activities and research needs of particular regions. The second volume examines in detail innovations and longstanding programs, curriculum and assessment, and conceptions and research into child, family and communities. The two volumes of this handbook address the current theory, methodologies and research needs of specific countries and provide insight into existing global similarities in early childhood practices. By paying special attention to what is happening in the larger world contexts, the volumes provide a representative overview of early childhood education practices and research, and redress the current North-South imbalance of published work on the subject.
Challenging the Legal Boundaries of Work Regulation
Author: Judy Fudge
Publisher: Bloomsbury Publishing
ISBN: 1847319777
Category : Law
Languages : en
Pages : 350
Book Description
Focusing on paid work that blurs traditional legal boundaries and the challenge this poses to traditional forms of labour regulation, this collection of original case studies illustrates the wide range of different forms of regulation designed to provide decent work. The original case studies cover a diversity of workers from across developed and developing countries, the formal and informal economies and public and private work spaces. Each deals with the failings of traditional labour law, and several explore the capacity of different forms of regulatory techniques, such as commercial law, corporate codes of conduct, or supply chain regulation, to protect workers.
Publisher: Bloomsbury Publishing
ISBN: 1847319777
Category : Law
Languages : en
Pages : 350
Book Description
Focusing on paid work that blurs traditional legal boundaries and the challenge this poses to traditional forms of labour regulation, this collection of original case studies illustrates the wide range of different forms of regulation designed to provide decent work. The original case studies cover a diversity of workers from across developed and developing countries, the formal and informal economies and public and private work spaces. Each deals with the failings of traditional labour law, and several explore the capacity of different forms of regulatory techniques, such as commercial law, corporate codes of conduct, or supply chain regulation, to protect workers.
Engaging with Parents in Early Years Settings
Author: Dianne Jackson
Publisher: SAGE
ISBN: 1473906393
Category : Education
Languages : en
Pages : 185
Book Description
′It is inspiring to see a text which attempts to shift our worldview. This shift could give us the chance to achieve more open, inclusive, democratic early childhood practice that has the capacity to answer the deeper questions and which sees both parents and children as powerful and positive agents in their own futures′ - Chris Pascal and Tony Bertram, Directors of the Centre for Research in Early Childhood (CREC) The role of parents in the early years is fundamental. In order to achieve the best outcomes for children, mutually beneficial relationships between parents and practitioners need to underpin children’s care and learning. There are many services for children and many different settings in which care and education can take place. Whether you work in children’s centres, outreach and dual-focused services, preschools, kindergartens or schools this book will help you develop the skills and strategies to work alongside parents whatever your role. Focussing on: The importance of involving parents The nature of learning How to engage and build relationships with parents How to reflect on and develop shared learning environment in settings Transitions and attachment This book has examples taken from real settings and practical advice to help you put the ideas into practice. Reading and using it will help ensure the wellbeing and development of all children in your care. Dianne Jackson is an Adjunct Fellow at the University of Western Sydney and the CEO of Connect Child and Family Services Martin Needham is Academic Division Leader: Education, Professional and Community Studies at Manchester Metropolitan University
Publisher: SAGE
ISBN: 1473906393
Category : Education
Languages : en
Pages : 185
Book Description
′It is inspiring to see a text which attempts to shift our worldview. This shift could give us the chance to achieve more open, inclusive, democratic early childhood practice that has the capacity to answer the deeper questions and which sees both parents and children as powerful and positive agents in their own futures′ - Chris Pascal and Tony Bertram, Directors of the Centre for Research in Early Childhood (CREC) The role of parents in the early years is fundamental. In order to achieve the best outcomes for children, mutually beneficial relationships between parents and practitioners need to underpin children’s care and learning. There are many services for children and many different settings in which care and education can take place. Whether you work in children’s centres, outreach and dual-focused services, preschools, kindergartens or schools this book will help you develop the skills and strategies to work alongside parents whatever your role. Focussing on: The importance of involving parents The nature of learning How to engage and build relationships with parents How to reflect on and develop shared learning environment in settings Transitions and attachment This book has examples taken from real settings and practical advice to help you put the ideas into practice. Reading and using it will help ensure the wellbeing and development of all children in your care. Dianne Jackson is an Adjunct Fellow at the University of Western Sydney and the CEO of Connect Child and Family Services Martin Needham is Academic Division Leader: Education, Professional and Community Studies at Manchester Metropolitan University
The SAGE Handbook of Early Childhood Research
Author: Ann Farrell
Publisher: SAGE
ISBN: 1473943108
Category : Social Science
Languages : en
Pages : 577
Book Description
Recent decades have seen an upsurge of research with and about young children, their families and communities. The Handbook of Early Childhood Research will provide a landmark overview of the field of early childhood research and will set an agenda for early childhood research into the future. It includes 31 chapters provided by internationally recognized experts in early childhood research. The team of international contributors apply their expertise to conceptual and methodological issues in research and to relevant fields of practice and policy. The Handbook recognizes the main contexts of early childhood research: home and family contexts; out-of-home contexts such as services for young children and their families; and broader societal contexts of that evoke risk for young children. The Handbook includes sections on: the field of early childhood research and its key contributions new theories and theoretical approaches in early childhood research collecting and analysing data applications of early childhood research This Handbook will become the valuable reference text for students, practitioners and researchers from across the social sciences and beyond who are engaged in research with young children.
Publisher: SAGE
ISBN: 1473943108
Category : Social Science
Languages : en
Pages : 577
Book Description
Recent decades have seen an upsurge of research with and about young children, their families and communities. The Handbook of Early Childhood Research will provide a landmark overview of the field of early childhood research and will set an agenda for early childhood research into the future. It includes 31 chapters provided by internationally recognized experts in early childhood research. The team of international contributors apply their expertise to conceptual and methodological issues in research and to relevant fields of practice and policy. The Handbook recognizes the main contexts of early childhood research: home and family contexts; out-of-home contexts such as services for young children and their families; and broader societal contexts of that evoke risk for young children. The Handbook includes sections on: the field of early childhood research and its key contributions new theories and theoretical approaches in early childhood research collecting and analysing data applications of early childhood research This Handbook will become the valuable reference text for students, practitioners and researchers from across the social sciences and beyond who are engaged in research with young children.
New Public Governance, the Third Sector, and Co-Production
Author: Victor Pestoff
Publisher: Routledge
ISBN: 1136518851
Category : Business & Economics
Languages : en
Pages : 424
Book Description
In recent years public management research in a variety of disciplines has paid increasing attention to the role of citizens and the third sector in the provision of public services. Several of these efforts have employed the concept of co-production to better understand and explain this trend. This book aims to go further by systematizing the growing body of academic papers and reports that focus on various aspects of co-production and its potential contribution to new public governance. It has an interdisciplinary focus that makes a unique contribution to the body of knowledge in this field, at the cross-roads of a number of disciplines - including business administration, policy studies, political science, public management, sociology, third sector studies, etc. The unique presentation of them together in this volume both allows for comparing and contrasting these different perspectives and for potential theoretical collaboration and development. More particularly, this volume addresses the following concerns: What is the nature of co-production and what challenges does it face? How can we conceptualize the concept of co-production? How does co-production works in practice? How does co-production unfold in reality? What can be the effects of co-production? And more specific, firstly, how can co-production contribute to service quality and service management in public services, and secondly, what is the input of co-production on growing citizen involvement and development of participative democracy?
Publisher: Routledge
ISBN: 1136518851
Category : Business & Economics
Languages : en
Pages : 424
Book Description
In recent years public management research in a variety of disciplines has paid increasing attention to the role of citizens and the third sector in the provision of public services. Several of these efforts have employed the concept of co-production to better understand and explain this trend. This book aims to go further by systematizing the growing body of academic papers and reports that focus on various aspects of co-production and its potential contribution to new public governance. It has an interdisciplinary focus that makes a unique contribution to the body of knowledge in this field, at the cross-roads of a number of disciplines - including business administration, policy studies, political science, public management, sociology, third sector studies, etc. The unique presentation of them together in this volume both allows for comparing and contrasting these different perspectives and for potential theoretical collaboration and development. More particularly, this volume addresses the following concerns: What is the nature of co-production and what challenges does it face? How can we conceptualize the concept of co-production? How does co-production works in practice? How does co-production unfold in reality? What can be the effects of co-production? And more specific, firstly, how can co-production contribute to service quality and service management in public services, and secondly, what is the input of co-production on growing citizen involvement and development of participative democracy?
Policy Success in Canada
Author: Evert Lindquist
Publisher: Oxford University Press
ISBN: 0192651234
Category : Political Science
Languages : en
Pages : 470
Book Description
This is an open access title available under the terms of a CC BY-NC-ND 4.0 International licence. It is free to read at Oxford Scholarship Online and offered as a free PDF download from OUP and selected open access locations. In Canada many public projects, programs, and services perform well, and many are very successful. However, these cases are consistently underexposed and understudied in the policy literature which, for various reasons, tends to focus on policy mistakes and learning from failures rather than successes. In fact, studies of public policy successes are rare not just in Canada, but the world over, although this has started to change (McConnell, 2010, 2017; Compton & 't Hart, 2019; Luetjens, Mintrom & 't Hart, 2019). Like those publications, the aims of Policy Success in Canada are to see, describe, acknowledge, and promote learning from past and present instances of highly effective and highly valued public policymaking. This exercise will be done through detailed examination of selected case studies of policy success in different eras, governments, and policy domains in Canada. This book project is embedded in a broader project led by 't Hart and OUP exploring policy successes globally and regionally. It is envisaged as a companion volume to OUP's 2019 offering Great Policy Successes (Compton and 't Hart, 2019) and to Successful Public Policy in the Nordic Countries (de La Porte et al, 2022). This present volume provides an opportunity to analyze what is similar and distinctive about introducing and implementing successful public policy in one of the world's most politically decentralized and regionally diverse federation and oldest democratic polities.
Publisher: Oxford University Press
ISBN: 0192651234
Category : Political Science
Languages : en
Pages : 470
Book Description
This is an open access title available under the terms of a CC BY-NC-ND 4.0 International licence. It is free to read at Oxford Scholarship Online and offered as a free PDF download from OUP and selected open access locations. In Canada many public projects, programs, and services perform well, and many are very successful. However, these cases are consistently underexposed and understudied in the policy literature which, for various reasons, tends to focus on policy mistakes and learning from failures rather than successes. In fact, studies of public policy successes are rare not just in Canada, but the world over, although this has started to change (McConnell, 2010, 2017; Compton & 't Hart, 2019; Luetjens, Mintrom & 't Hart, 2019). Like those publications, the aims of Policy Success in Canada are to see, describe, acknowledge, and promote learning from past and present instances of highly effective and highly valued public policymaking. This exercise will be done through detailed examination of selected case studies of policy success in different eras, governments, and policy domains in Canada. This book project is embedded in a broader project led by 't Hart and OUP exploring policy successes globally and regionally. It is envisaged as a companion volume to OUP's 2019 offering Great Policy Successes (Compton and 't Hart, 2019) and to Successful Public Policy in the Nordic Countries (de La Porte et al, 2022). This present volume provides an opportunity to analyze what is similar and distinctive about introducing and implementing successful public policy in one of the world's most politically decentralized and regionally diverse federation and oldest democratic polities.