Sandplay Therapy: Treatment of Psychopathologies

Sandplay Therapy: Treatment of Psychopathologies PDF Author: Eva Pattis Zoja
Publisher: Daimon
ISBN: 3856309780
Category : Psychology
Languages : en
Pages : 218

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Often the hands will solve a mystery that the intellect has struggled with in vain. – C.G. Jung Ten European sandplay therapists describe how severe psychopathologies can be treated in the ’free and protected space’ of the sandbox. The sandplay therapy cases in this book illustrate some of the most difficult, yet also most effective applications: psychoses, borderline syndromes, psychosomatic illnesses, drug addictions, or narcissistic character disorders. Sandplay seems to access areas of human suffering which have otherwise always resisted psychotherapeutic treatment. Recent research in neuroscience explains why this is possible: trauma is not remembered in verbal form – what has never been articulated in words nor ever ’shaped’ cannot be outwardly expressed. In sandplay, however, ’it’ manifests itself as a form, shaped by the hands. The inexpressible can be seen and touched – therefore, it can be transformed. Contents: Eva Pattis Zoja: Understanding with the Hands Vito La Spina: Sandplay Therapy in the Treatment of Borderline Personality Disturbance Andreina Navone: Matter and the Psyche: A Feasible Therapy Stefano Marinucci: Children in Distress Francesco Montecchi: The Self and Family Archetypes in Children Wilma Bosio: Image and the Analytical Relationship in Sandplay Therapy Lorenzo Bignamini: Sacrifice as Death and Rebirth in Adolescent Development Marcella Merlino: Images of Time: New Departures at a Public Drug Addiction Clinic Franco Castellana: Sandplay and the Analytical Partnership Ruth Ammann: On Resonance

Sandplay Therapy: Treatment of Psychopathologies

Sandplay Therapy: Treatment of Psychopathologies PDF Author: Eva Pattis Zoja
Publisher: Daimon
ISBN: 3856309780
Category : Psychology
Languages : en
Pages : 218

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Book Description
Often the hands will solve a mystery that the intellect has struggled with in vain. – C.G. Jung Ten European sandplay therapists describe how severe psychopathologies can be treated in the ’free and protected space’ of the sandbox. The sandplay therapy cases in this book illustrate some of the most difficult, yet also most effective applications: psychoses, borderline syndromes, psychosomatic illnesses, drug addictions, or narcissistic character disorders. Sandplay seems to access areas of human suffering which have otherwise always resisted psychotherapeutic treatment. Recent research in neuroscience explains why this is possible: trauma is not remembered in verbal form – what has never been articulated in words nor ever ’shaped’ cannot be outwardly expressed. In sandplay, however, ’it’ manifests itself as a form, shaped by the hands. The inexpressible can be seen and touched – therefore, it can be transformed. Contents: Eva Pattis Zoja: Understanding with the Hands Vito La Spina: Sandplay Therapy in the Treatment of Borderline Personality Disturbance Andreina Navone: Matter and the Psyche: A Feasible Therapy Stefano Marinucci: Children in Distress Francesco Montecchi: The Self and Family Archetypes in Children Wilma Bosio: Image and the Analytical Relationship in Sandplay Therapy Lorenzo Bignamini: Sacrifice as Death and Rebirth in Adolescent Development Marcella Merlino: Images of Time: New Departures at a Public Drug Addiction Clinic Franco Castellana: Sandplay and the Analytical Partnership Ruth Ammann: On Resonance

Sandplay Therapy

Sandplay Therapy PDF Author: Barbara Boik
Publisher: W. W. Norton & Company
ISBN: 0393703193
Category : Psychology
Languages : en
Pages : 303

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Comprehensive in nature, this book provides the foundation for both novice and experienced professionals to perform sandplay therapy effectively with adults, children, and couples. Sandplay utilizes a small tray of wet or dry sand, in which clients create scenes using miniature objects--a nonverbal communication of their internal and external worlds. For therapists interested in exploring the ways that sandplay facilitates growth and healing and in expanding their reservoir of therapeutic tools by incorporating sandplay into their practices, this practical handbook will be an invaluable resource. After presenting the history and benefits of sandplay, the authors describe how to create a sandplay therapy room, including choosing sand containers, finding evocative objects, and displaying objects appropriately. They provide detailed, step-by-step instructions on how to conduct spontaneous and directed sandplay therapy sessions with individuals, couples, children, and families. Various ways of recording the creation of a sand world are described, so that both the process and the product will be saved even after the sand tray is dismantled.Not only does the book establish the foundation for incorporating sandplay into the reader's current psychotherapeutic practice, but it will also stimulate the creative process of the professional. Like the client who sees internal and interpersonal dynamics and dilemmas pictured in the sand, the therapist will find that this powerful experiential tool reveals insights, information, and avenues to explore. The authors illustrate the process with numerous sandplay experiences with clients. They also discuss clients for whom sandplay is contraindicated and some problems that might arise. To encourage the growth of the therapist, they include instructions on personal sandplay work.

Ethical Issues in Sandplay Therapy Practice and Research

Ethical Issues in Sandplay Therapy Practice and Research PDF Author: Sana Loue
Publisher: Springer
ISBN: 331914118X
Category : Social Science
Languages : en
Pages : 110

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This book is a reference for mental health professionals who utilize sandplay therapy with their child and/or adult clients. The Brief consists of case studies that are drawn from composite situations occurring in actual practice. Although some of the ethical issues raised and addressed are specific to sandplay therapy, others are generalizable to other modalities of mental health practice. Each chapter draws on ethical principles of clinical practice and research. The Brief includes relevant portions of professional ethics codes governing mental health professionals from an array of English-speaking countries—Australia, Canada, the U.K., the U.S., and New Zealand—to maximize the relevance of the text to sandplay therapists globally, whether they are licensed psychologists, marriage and family therapists, counselors, or social workers.

Sandplay Therapy in Vulnerable Communities

Sandplay Therapy in Vulnerable Communities PDF Author: Eva Pattis Zoja
Publisher: Routledge
ISBN: 1136732764
Category : Psychology
Languages : en
Pages : 236

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Sandplay Therapy in Vulnerable Communities offers a new method of therapeutic care for people in acute crisis situations such as natural disasters and war, as well as the long-term care of children and adults in areas of social adversity including slums, refugee camps and high-density urban areas. This book provides detailed case studies of work carried out in South Africa, China and Colombia and combines practical discussions of expressive sandwork projects with brief overviews of their sociohistoric background. Further topics covered include: the social aspect of psychoanalysis the importance of play pictographic writing and the psyche. Providing the reader with clear, practical instructions for carrying out their own sandwork project, this book will be essential reading not only for psychotherapists involved with sandplay therapy but also for those with an interest in cross cultural psychotherapy, as well as all professionals working with those in situations of social adversity.

Supervision of Sandplay Therapy

Supervision of Sandplay Therapy PDF Author: Harriet S. Friedman
Publisher: Routledge
ISBN: 1134128622
Category : Psychology
Languages : en
Pages : 387

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Supervision of Sandplay Therapy, the first book on this subject, is an internationally-based volume that describes the state of the art in supervision of sandplay therapy. Recognizing that practitioners are eager to incorporate sandplay therapy into their practice, Harriet Friedman and Rie Rogers Mitchell respond to the need for new information, and successfully translate the theories of sandplay therapy into supervision practice. The book provides a meaningful connection and balance between theoretical principles, practical application, and ongoing therapeutic encounter involved in sandplay. Divided into six sections, contributors cover: original supervision models contemporary supervision models special challenges in supervision international sandplay supervision supervision of special groups connections with other arts therapies. Supervision of Sandplay Therapy expands the vision of what is possible in supervision and will be vital reading for those studying supervision and sandplay therapy, as well as for those wanting to provide a depth-oriented approach during supervision.

Routledge International Handbook of Play, Therapeutic Play and Play Therapy

Routledge International Handbook of Play, Therapeutic Play and Play Therapy PDF Author: Sue Jennings
Publisher: Routledge
ISBN: 1000228657
Category : Psychology
Languages : en
Pages : 522

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Routledge International Handbook of Play, Therapeutic Play and Play Therapy is the first book of its kind to provide an overview of key aspects of play and play therapy, considering play on a continuum from generic aspects through to more specific applied and therapeutic techniques and as a stand-alone discipline. Presented in four parts, the book provides a unique overview of, and ascribes equal value to, the fields of play, therapeutic play, play in therapy and play therapy. Chapters by academics, play practitioners, counsellors, arts therapists and play therapists from countries as diverse as Japan, Cameroon, India, the Czech Republic, Israel, USA, Ireland, Turkey, Greece and the UK explore areas of each topic, drawing links and alliances between each. The book includes complex case studies with children, adolescents and adults in therapy with arts and play therapists, research with children on play, work in schools, outdoor play and play therapy, animal-assisted play therapy, work with street children and play in therapeutic communities around the world. Routledge International Handbook of Play, Therapeutic Play and Play Therapy demonstrates the centrality of play in human development, reminds us of the creative power of play and offers new and innovative applications of research and practical technique. It will be of great interest to academics and students of play, play therapy, child development, education and the therapeutic arts. It will also be a key text for play and creative arts therapists, both in practice and in training, play practitioners, social workers, teachers and anyone working with children.

Nature-Based Play and Expressive Therapies

Nature-Based Play and Expressive Therapies PDF Author: Janet A. Courtney
Publisher: Routledge
ISBN: 1000547604
Category : Psychology
Languages : en
Pages : 353

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Nature-Based Play and Expressive Therapies addresses a wide range of healing modalities and case studies that can be used in both indoor and outdoor environments. Each chapter includes vignettes to support the interventions and approaches presented. Readers will find a diverse array of helpful handouts and topics explored, including tips for creating outdoor healing gardens and labyrinths, guidelines for using nature to address trauma, working with sandplay and storytelling in nature, adapting nature-based interventions via telehealth, and much more. Chapters focus on work with young children and teens in individual settings as well as work with families and groups, making this book an important read for a wide range of mental health professionals.

A Therapist's Guide to Mapping the Girl Heroine’s Journey in Sandplay

A Therapist's Guide to Mapping the Girl Heroine’s Journey in Sandplay PDF Author: Rosalind Heiko
Publisher: Rowman & Littlefield
ISBN: 153811660X
Category : Psychology
Languages : en
Pages : 169

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The girl’ heroine’s journey is distinct from a boy’s heroic journey in sandplay therapy. A Therapist’s Guide to Mapping the Girl Heroine’s Journey in Sandplay highlights crucial aspects of these journeys through the Sandplay Journey Map and assists clinicians to gain perspective on the girl’s journey towards self-confidence, mastery of challenging tasks of psychological development and behavioral competence. Mapping this journey with the mandala form, provides beginning as well as seasoned therapists a means of strengthening therapists’ clinical acuity and overall perspective on individual casework as well as in the complexity of clinical dynamics of the girl’s journey throughout the therapeutic process. Grounded in practical application and examples, readers are guided through each stage of the journey. Two clinical case studies, a compelling heroine’s tale, and experiential exercises illustrate and complement the mandala mapping practice therapeutically. Full color photos can be found at Dr. Heiko's website:

Sandplay: Silent Workshop of the Psyche

Sandplay: Silent Workshop of the Psyche PDF Author: Kay Bradway
Publisher: Routledge
ISBN: 1134747284
Category : Psychology
Languages : en
Pages : 254

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Sandplay is a growing field of interest for Jungian and other psychotherapists. Sandplay - Silent Workshop of the Psyche by Kay Bradway and Barbara McCoard, provides an introduction to sandplay as well as extensive new material for those already using this form of therapy. Based on the authors' wide-ranging clinical work, it includes: in-depth sandplay case histories material from a wide range of adults and children over 90 illustrations in black and white and colour detailed notes on interpretation of sand trays an examination of symbols and concepts used in sandplay. Clearly written and soundly based in theory, this book provides historical background for understanding sandplay as well as helpful discussion of how it works in a clinical context. Kay Bradway and Barbara McCoard bring their indispensable personal experience to the subject to stress the healing potential of sandplay. They also reflect on the nature of a therapy where the psyche works largely in silence.

Posttraumatic Play in Children

Posttraumatic Play in Children PDF Author: Eliana Gil
Publisher: Guilford Publications
ISBN: 146252883X
Category : Psychology
Languages : en
Pages : 225

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From leading expert Eliana Gil, this book provides child clinicians with essential knowledge and tools for evaluating and working with posttraumatic play. Such play, which is often repetitive and disturbing, may help resolve traumatic experiences--but can also become toxic. The book guides the clinician to determine what is going on with a given child and intervene sensitively and effectively. Evocative case material is interwoven with up-to-date information on the developmental impact of trauma and ways to facilitate children's natural reparative capacities. A reproducible assessment checklist to help clinicians differentiate between useful and dangerous posttraumatic play can be downloaded and printed in a convenient 8 1/2" x 11" size. ÿ