Recent Advances in Materials and Manufacturing Technology

Recent Advances in Materials and Manufacturing Technology PDF Author: Ramesh Kumar Nayak
Publisher: Springer Nature
ISBN: 9819929210
Category : Technology & Engineering
Languages : en
Pages : 995

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Book Description
This book presents the select proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Advances in Materials and Manufacturing Technology (ICAMMT 2022). The book covers the latest trends in existing and new materials, manufacturing processes, evaluation of materials properties for the application in automotive, aerospace, marine, locomotive, automotive and energy sectors. The topics covered include advanced metal forming, bending, welding and casting techniques, recycling and re-manufacturing of materials and components, materials processing, characterization and applications, multi-physics coupling simulation, and optimization, alternate materials /material substitution, thermally-enhanced processes, and materials, composites and polymer manufacturing, powder metallurgy and ceramic forming, numerical modeling and simulation, advanced machining processes, functionally graded materials, non-destructive examination, optimization techniques, engineering materials, heat treatment, material testing, MEMS integration, energy materials, bio-materials, metamaterials, metallography, nanomaterial, SMART materials and super alloys. In addition, it discusses industrial applications and covers theoretical and analytical methods, numerical simulations and experimental techniques in the area of advanced materials and their applications. It also covers the application of artificial intelligence in advanced materials and manufacturing technology. The book will be a valuable reference for researchers and industry professionals alike.

Recent Advances in Materials and Manufacturing Technology

Recent Advances in Materials and Manufacturing Technology PDF Author: Ramesh Kumar Nayak
Publisher: Springer Nature
ISBN: 9819929210
Category : Technology & Engineering
Languages : en
Pages : 995

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Book Description
This book presents the select proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Advances in Materials and Manufacturing Technology (ICAMMT 2022). The book covers the latest trends in existing and new materials, manufacturing processes, evaluation of materials properties for the application in automotive, aerospace, marine, locomotive, automotive and energy sectors. The topics covered include advanced metal forming, bending, welding and casting techniques, recycling and re-manufacturing of materials and components, materials processing, characterization and applications, multi-physics coupling simulation, and optimization, alternate materials /material substitution, thermally-enhanced processes, and materials, composites and polymer manufacturing, powder metallurgy and ceramic forming, numerical modeling and simulation, advanced machining processes, functionally graded materials, non-destructive examination, optimization techniques, engineering materials, heat treatment, material testing, MEMS integration, energy materials, bio-materials, metamaterials, metallography, nanomaterial, SMART materials and super alloys. In addition, it discusses industrial applications and covers theoretical and analytical methods, numerical simulations and experimental techniques in the area of advanced materials and their applications. It also covers the application of artificial intelligence in advanced materials and manufacturing technology. The book will be a valuable reference for researchers and industry professionals alike.

Recent Advances in Materials and Manufacturing Technologies

Recent Advances in Materials and Manufacturing Technologies PDF Author: P. Nageswara Rao
Publisher: Trans Tech Publications Ltd
ISBN: 3035734321
Category : Technology & Engineering
Languages : en
Pages : 933

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Book Description
International Conference on Recent Advances in Materials and Manufacturing Technologies (ICRAMMT 2018) Selected, peer reviewed papers from the 2nd International Conference on Recent Advances in Materials and Manufacturing Technologies (ICRAMMT-2018), November 19-20, 2018, Hyderabad, India

Advances in Manufacturing and Processing of Materials and Structures

Advances in Manufacturing and Processing of Materials and Structures PDF Author: Yoseph Bar-Cohen
Publisher: CRC Press
ISBN: 1351867954
Category : Technology & Engineering
Languages : en
Pages : 794

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Book Description
Advances in Manufacturing and Processing of Materials and Structures cover the latest advances in materials and structures in manufacturing and processing including additive and subtractive processes. It's intended to provide a compiled resource that reviews details of the advances that have been made in recent years in manufacturing and processing of materials and structures. A key development incorporated within this book is 3D printing, which is being used to produce complex parts including composites with odd shape fibers, as well as tissue and body organs. This book has been tailored for engineers, scientists and practitioners in different fields such as aerospace, mechanical engineering, materials science and biomedicine. Biomimetic principles have also been integrated. Features Provides the latest state-of-the art on different manufacturing processes, including a biomimetics viewpoint Offers broad coverage of advances in materials and manufacturing Written by chapter authors who are world-class researchers in their respective fields Provides in-depth presentation of the latest 3D and 4D technologies related to various manufacturing disciplines Provides substantial references in each chapter to enhance further study

Recent Advances in Manufacturing Processes and Systems

Recent Advances in Manufacturing Processes and Systems PDF Author: Harshit K. Dave
Publisher: Springer Nature
ISBN: 9811677875
Category : Technology & Engineering
Languages : en
Pages : 1006

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Book Description
This book presents select proceedings of 2nd International Conference on Recent Advances in Manufacturing (RAM 2021). The book provides insights into the current research trends and development in manufacturing processes. The topics covered include conventional and nonconventional manufacturing processes, micro and nano manufacturing processes, chemical and biochemical manufacturing, additive manufacturing, smart manufacturing, and sustainable and energy-efficient manufacturing. The contributions presented here are intended to stimulate new research directions in the manufacturing domain. This book will be useful for the beginners, researchers and professionals working in the area of industrial and production engineering and allied fields.

Advances in Manufacturing Technology

Advances in Manufacturing Technology PDF Author: Rupinder Singh
Publisher: CRC Press
ISBN: 9781032067490
Category : Science
Languages : en
Pages : 0

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This book transcends departmental, institutional, industrial, public, and research organizations and goes beyond global barriers to cover the integration of research, education, and manufacturing in advanced materials processing and, characterization including CAD-CAM, Finite Element Analysis (FEA), and Smart Manufacturing.

Recent Advances in Material, Manufacturing, and Machine Learning

Recent Advances in Material, Manufacturing, and Machine Learning PDF Author: Bjorn Schuller
Publisher: CRC Press
ISBN: 1040002439
Category : Computers
Languages : en
Pages : 1016

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Book Description
The main aim of the 2nd international conference on recent advances in materials manufacturing and machine learning processes-2023 (RAMMML-23) is to bring together all interested academic researchers, scientists, engineers, and technocrats and provide a platform for continuous improvement of manufactur□ing, machine learning, design and materials engineering research. RAMMML 2023 received an overwhelm□ing response with more than 530 full paper submissions. After due and careful scrutiny, about 120 of them have been selected for presentation. The papers submitted have been reviewed by experts from renowned institutions, and subsequently, the authors have revised the papers, duly incorporating the suggestions of the reviewers. This has led to significant improvement in the quality of the contributions, Taylor & Francis publications, CRC Press have agreed to publish the selected proceedings of the conference in their book series of Advances in Mechanical Engineering and Interdisciplinary Sciences. This enables fast dissemina□tion of the papers worldwide and increases the scope of visibility for the research contributions of the authors.

Recent Advances in Material, Manufacturing, and Machine Learning

Recent Advances in Material, Manufacturing, and Machine Learning PDF Author: Rajiv Gupta
Publisher: CRC Press
ISBN: 1000820815
Category : Technology & Engineering
Languages : en
Pages : 793

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The role of manufacturing in a country’s economy and societal development has long been established through their wealth generating capabilities. To enhance and widen our knowledge of materials and to increase innovation and responsiveness to ever-increasing international needs, more in-depth studies of functionally graded materials/tailor-made materials, recent advancements in manufacturing processes and new design philosophies are needed at present. The objective of this volume is to bring together experts from academic institutions, industries and research organizations and professional engineers for sharing of knowledge, expertise and experience in the emerging trends related to design, advanced materials processing and characterization, and advanced manufacturing processes.

Roll-to-Roll Manufacturing

Roll-to-Roll Manufacturing PDF Author: Jehuda Greener
Publisher: John Wiley & Sons
ISBN: 1119163811
Category : Technology & Engineering
Languages : en
Pages : 491

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Book Description
A single-volume resource featuring state-of-the art reviews of key elements of the roll-to-roll manufacturing processing methodology Roll-to-roll (R2R) manufacturing is an important manufacturing technology platform used extensively for mass-producing a host of film-type products in several traditional industries such as printing, silver-halide photography, and paper. Over the last two decades, some of the methodologies and know-how of R2R manufacturing have been extended and adapted in many new technology areas, including microelectronics, display, photovoltaics, and microfluidics. This comprehensive book presents the state-of-the-art unit operations of the R2R manufacturing technology, providing a practical resource for scientists, engineers, and practitioners not familiar with the fundamentals of R2R technology. Roll-to-Roll Manufacturing: Process Elements and Recent Advances reviews new developments in areas such as flexible glass, display, and photovoltaics and covers a number of process innovations implemented recently to extend and improve the capabilities of traditional R2R lines. It covers such topics as: coating and solidification processes, in-line vacuum deposition, drying, web handling and winding, polymer film substrates, novel hybrid composite films, flexible solar cells and more. Additionally, this book: Examines key elements (unit operations) of the R2R technology, and discusses how these elements are utilized and integrated to achieve desired process efficiencies in a host of applications. Illustrates several established and novel application areas where R2R processing is utilized in current or future products. Discusses process design methodology and key advantages of R2R manufacturing technology over batch or sheet-to-sheet operations. Roll-to-Roll Manufacturing: Process Elements and Recent Advances is an ideal book for undergraduate and graduate students in various science and engineering disciplines, as well as for scientists, engineers, and technical and business leaders associated in any way with the development, commercialization, and manufacture of a variety of film products.

Advanced Materials and Manufacturing Processes

Advanced Materials and Manufacturing Processes PDF Author: Amar Patnaik
Publisher: CRC Press
ISBN: 1000456730
Category : Technology & Engineering
Languages : en
Pages : 295

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Book Description
This book discusses advanced materials and manufacturing processes with insights and overviews on tribology, automation, mechanical, biomedical, and aerospace engineering, as well as the optimization of industrial applications. The book explores the different types of composite materials while reporting on the design considerations and applications of each. Offering an overview of futuristic research areas, the book examines various engineering optimization and multi-criteria decision-making techniques and introduces a specific control framework used in analyzing processes. The book includes problem analyses and solving skills and covers different types of composite materials, their design considerations, and applications. This book is an informational resource for advanced undergraduate and graduate students, researchers, scholars, and field professionals, providing an update on the current advancements in the field of manufacturing processes.

Advances in Material Forming and Joining

Advances in Material Forming and Joining PDF Author: R. Ganesh Narayanan
Publisher: Springer
ISBN: 8132223551
Category : Technology & Engineering
Languages : en
Pages : 385

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This edited book contains extended research papers from AIMTDR 2014. This includes recent research work in the fields of friction stir welding, sheet forming, joining and forming, modeling and simulation, efficient prediction strategies, micro-manufacturing, sustainable and green manufacturing issues etc. This will prove useful to students, researchers and practitioners in the field of materials forming and manufacturing.