Macpherson's Ossian and the Ossianic Controversy

Macpherson's Ossian and the Ossianic Controversy PDF Author: George Fraser Black
Category : Literary forgeries and mystifications
Languages : en
Pages : 48

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Macpherson's Ossian and the Ossianic Controversy

Macpherson's Ossian and the Ossianic Controversy PDF Author: George Fraser Black
Category : Literary forgeries and mystifications
Languages : en
Pages : 48

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Ossian and the Clyde

Ossian and the Clyde PDF Author: Peter Hately Waddell
Category : Arran, Island of (Scotland)
Languages : en
Pages : 448

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Catalogue of the Library of Wilberforce Eames ...

Catalogue of the Library of Wilberforce Eames ... PDF Author: Wilberforce Eames
Category : America
Languages : en
Pages : 818

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Ossianic Unconformities

Ossianic Unconformities PDF Author: Eric Gidal
Publisher: University of Virginia Press
ISBN: 081393818X
Category : History
Languages : en
Pages : 308

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In a sequence of publications in the 1760s, James Macpherson, a Scottish schoolteacher in the central Highlands, created fantastic epics of ancient heroes and presented them as genuine translations of the poetry of Ossian, a fictionalized Caledonian bard of the third century. In Ossianic Unconformities Eric Gidal introduces the idiosyncratic publications of a group of nineteenth-century Scottish eccentrics who used statistics, cartography, and geomorphology to map and thereby vindicate Macpherson's controversial eighteenth-century renderings of Gaelic oral traditions. Although these writers primarily sought to establish the authenticity of Macpherson's "translations," they came to record, through promotion, evasion, and confrontation, the massive changes being wrought upon Scottish and Irish lands by British industrialization. Their obsessive and elaborate attempts to fix both the poetry and the land into a stable set of coordinates developed what we can now perceive as a nascent ecological perspective on literature in a changing world. Gidal examines the details of these imaginary geographies in conjunction with the social and spatial histories of Belfast and the River Lagan valley, Glasgow and the Firth of Clyde, and the Highlands and Western Isles of Scotland, regions that form both the sixth-century kingdom of Dál Riata and the fabled terrain of the Ossianic poems. Combining environmental and industrial histories with the reception of the poems of Ossian, Ossianic Unconformities unites literary history and book studies with geography, cartography, and geology to present and consider imaginative responses to environmental catastrophe.

Catalogue of the Library of Wilberforce Eames (of the New York Public Library)...

Catalogue of the Library of Wilberforce Eames (of the New York Public Library)... PDF Author: Wilberforce Eames
Category : America
Languages : en
Pages : 646

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Stepping Westward

Stepping Westward PDF Author: Nigel Leask
Publisher: Oxford University Press
ISBN: 0192590227
Category : Poetry
Languages : en
Pages : 354

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Stepping Westward is the first book dedicated to the literature of the Scottish Highland tour of 1720-1830, a major cultural phenomenon that attracted writers and artists like Pennant, Johnson and Boswell, William and Dorothy Wordsworth, Coleridge, Scott, Hogg, Keats, Daniell, and Turner, as well as numerous less celebrated travellers and tourists. Addressing more than a century's worth of literary and visual representations of the Highlands, the book casts new light on how the tour developed a modern literature of place, acting as a catalyst for thinking about improvement, landscape, and the shaping of British, Scottish, and Gaelic identities. It pays attention to the relationship between travellers and the native Gaels, whose world was plunged into crisis by rapid and forced social change. At the book's core lie the best-selling tours of Pennant and Dr Johnson, associated with attempts to 'improve' the intractable Gaidhealtachd in the wake of Culloden. Alongside the Ossian craze and Gilpin's picturesque, their books stimulated a wave of 'home tours' from the 1770s through the romantic period, including writing by women like Sarah Murray and Dorothy Wordsworth. The incidence of published Highland Tours (many lavishly illustrated), peaked around 1800, but as the genre reached exhaustion, the 'romantic Highlands' were reinvented in Scott's poems and novels, coinciding with steam boats and mass tourism, but also rack-renting, sheep clearance, and emigration.

Catalogue of an extensive and valuable collection of books relating to Ireland formed by Stephen J. Richarson [i.e. Richardson] of New York City

Catalogue of an extensive and valuable collection of books relating to Ireland formed by Stephen J. Richarson [i.e. Richardson] of New York City PDF Author:
Category : Ireland
Languages : en
Pages : 184

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Catalogue of the Icelandic Collection Bequeathed by Willard Fiske

Catalogue of the Icelandic Collection Bequeathed by Willard Fiske PDF Author: Cornell University. Libraries
Category : Icelandic language
Languages : en
Pages : 612

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Catalogue of the Printed Books in the Library of the Society of Writers to H. M. Signet in Scotland

Catalogue of the Printed Books in the Library of the Society of Writers to H. M. Signet in Scotland PDF Author: Signet Library (Great Britain)
Category : Law
Languages : en
Pages : 692

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The Book Buyer

The Book Buyer PDF Author:
Category : American literature
Languages : en
Pages : 1112

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