Multifunctional Wetlands

Multifunctional Wetlands PDF Author: Nidhi Nagabhatla
Publisher: Springer
ISBN: 3319674161
Category : Technology & Engineering
Languages : en
Pages : 319

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This book describes how natural or constructed wetlands can be used to reduce pollution of freshwater and coastal ecosystems, while still preserving their biodiversity and ecological functions. Through a series of case histories described in 10 chapters in the monograph, the readers will gain an understanding of the opportunities, as well as the challenges associated with reducing point and non-point source pollution using natural, restored or constructed wetlands. The target audience will be water practitioners involved in projects utilizing integrated watershed management approaches to pollution abatement, as well as researchers who are designing projects focused on this topic.

Multifunctional Wetlands

Multifunctional Wetlands PDF Author: Nidhi Nagabhatla
Publisher: Springer
ISBN: 3319674161
Category : Technology & Engineering
Languages : en
Pages : 319

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Book Description
This book describes how natural or constructed wetlands can be used to reduce pollution of freshwater and coastal ecosystems, while still preserving their biodiversity and ecological functions. Through a series of case histories described in 10 chapters in the monograph, the readers will gain an understanding of the opportunities, as well as the challenges associated with reducing point and non-point source pollution using natural, restored or constructed wetlands. The target audience will be water practitioners involved in projects utilizing integrated watershed management approaches to pollution abatement, as well as researchers who are designing projects focused on this topic.

Valuing Ecosystem Services

Valuing Ecosystem Services PDF Author: Stavros Georgiou
Publisher: Routledge
ISBN: 1136549153
Category : Business & Economics
Languages : en
Pages : 241

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Ecosystem services can be broadly defined as the aspects of ecosystems that provide benefits to people. This book provides guidance on the valuation of ecosystem services, using the case of multifunctional wetlands to illustrate and make recommendations regarding the methods and techniques that can be applied to appraise management options. It provides a review of ecosystem service valuation rationale, including its importance from both a policy and project appraisal perspective, and a useful reference when considering policy and appraisal of ecosystem management options. It shows how legal obligations and other high-level management targets should be taken into account in valuation exercises, thus giving important policy context to the management options. The authors set out what they call an Ecosystem Services Approach to the full appraisal of the role of ecosystem services in the economy and society. Although concentrating on wetlands, the approaches suggested provide an assessment framework that can be applied to other types of ecosystem assets.

Multiuse Wetlands Governance

Multiuse Wetlands Governance PDF Author: Dinesh K. Marothia
Publisher: Taylor & Francis
ISBN: 1000990621
Category : Nature
Languages : en
Pages : 264

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The Ramsar Convention was established in 1971 to ensure the conservation and wise use of wetlands across the world. India joined the Convention in 1982, however, in the past 50 years despite Ramsar’s incredible achievements, the threat to wetlands across the globe, including India, has not diminished. This book studies the governance of multiuse wetlands in India. The volume provides an exhaustive analysis of rural, peri-urban and urban human-made wetlands to establish the relevance of institutional design and the effective role of authority in governing multiuse wetland ecosystem services. The author argues that the most challenging task in governing wetlands is to frame institutional choices that users and non-users comprehend, and agree to pursue under alternative property rights regimes. Drawing on extensive fieldwork, the book provides a broader look into the causes and consequences of wetland ecosystem degradation and offers insights into improved sustainable management systems for different types of multiuse wetlands. It will be indispensable for students and researchers of environmental studies, sustainable development, biodiversity, conservation, agricultural, natural, and environmental resource economics.

Engineering and Design of Constructed Wetlands for Water Quality Impro[ve]ment

Engineering and Design of Constructed Wetlands for Water Quality Impro[ve]ment PDF Author:
Category : Ecosystem management
Languages : en
Pages : 600

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Wetlands PDF Author: Ben A. LePage
Publisher: Springer Science & Business Media
ISBN: 9400705514
Category : Nature
Languages : en
Pages : 269

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The science of wetlands and our understanding of these complex ecosystems have improved considerably. The emergence of multidisciplinary strategies is providing new opportunities and innovative approaches to address issues such as climate change and coastal protection. This book, with contributions from 19 specialists from academia, government, and industry, provides a trans-disciplinary approach to the understanding wetlands science, drawing together a wide range of expertise. Topics covered include the physical aspects that shape different wetlands around the world, as well as wetlands ecology, regulation, policy, and related social and economic issues. Featuring contributions from some of the world’s leading wetlands researchers and practitioners, this book provides an invaluable resource for undergraduate and post-graduate training in all aspects of wetlands management, conservation, and construction. It is also a useful auxiliary text for researchers working across disciplines in fields such as wetlands science, law, landscape architecture, environmental engineering, conservation ecology, and related disciplines.

Practical experiences with nature-based solutions in the Nordics

Practical experiences with nature-based solutions in the Nordics PDF Author: Line Johanne Barkved
Publisher: Nordic Council of Ministers
ISBN: 9289378336
Category : Social Science
Languages : en
Pages : 95

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Available online: Nature-based solutions (NBS) are increasingly attracting interest in research and practice due to their potential to address climate change, while at the same time safeguarding biodiversity and improving human well-being. The effective and efficient integration of NBS into Nordic planning and action, however, is still developing. This report, based on the S-UMMATION project, investigates enabling and constraining factors for effective and efficient implementation of NBS through interpretative case study analysis of eight NBS-projects in the Nordics. The report summarises experiences, derives insights and collects lessons-learnt, relevant for the future development of NBS in the Nordics. The S-UMMATION-project was carried out under the Nordic Council of Ministers (NCM) program on Nature-based solutions (NBS).

Managing Urban Rivers

Managing Urban Rivers PDF Author: Victor R. Shinde
Publisher: Elsevier
ISBN: 0323910637
Category : Science
Languages : en
Pages : 377

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Managing Urban Rivers: From Planning to Practice captures the different facets of river management required for integrating rivers within the development landscape of cities in a sustainable manner. Sections cover the entire spectrum of urban river management, from planning to actual on-the-ground implementation, providing a one-stop destination for knowledge on urban river management. Edited by a team of four experts with practical experience in this domain, the different chapters of the book are authored by eminent scholars and practitioners with expertise in specific areas of urban river management. Urban rivers and their management is a hot topic as governments across the world are focusing on this aspect, especially since it has direct implications for SDG target 6.6, which aims to "protect and restore water-related ecosystems, including mountains, forests, wetlands, rivers, aquifers and lakes. - Presents practical, global case studies in almost every chapter - Provides recommendations for best practices, based on lessons from different successful case studies, as well as the expert insights of the authors - Features contributions from global experts for a unique and specialized approach to the topic of urban rivers

Wetland Environments

Wetland Environments PDF Author: James S. Aber
Publisher: John Wiley & Sons
ISBN: 1118349539
Category : Science
Languages : en
Pages : 628

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Wetlands - swamp, marsh, bayou, tundra and bog - are places that are rarely visited and often misunderstood but they have, in fact, conspicuous roles in the physical, biological and cultural geography of the world. They are intrinsically beautiful environments where one may see the natural and essential values in the interaction of water, soil, vegetation, wildlife, and humans. Wetlands occur at the confluence of unique terrestrial, hydrological and climatic conditions that give rise to some of the most biodiverse regions of the world. They also play vital roles in the cycling and storage of key nutrients, materials and energy through the Earth?s system. A complete study of wetland environments requires the assessment of their physical and biological attributes, properties and functions of these ecosystems, and the economic, political and social aspects that mediate their use globally. A systems approach is taken throughout this book which emphasizes the interactions between these elements of wetland ecosystems. Moreover, selected case studies from across the world are used to illustrate wetland characteristics and circumstances. This book is intended to foster a greater awareness and appreciation of wetlands, promote a culture of conservation and wise management, and spread the knowledge that wetlands are important, indeed crucial, elements of the global environment. Our attempts to understand, manage and enhance wetlands in the twenty-first century are part of the larger effort to maintain a sustainable Earth. Readership: Introductory or intermediate level undergraduates taking courses on wetland environments Additional resources for this book can be found at:

The Wetlands Handbook, 2 Volume Set

The Wetlands Handbook, 2 Volume Set PDF Author: Edward Maltby
Publisher: John Wiley & Sons
ISBN: 9781444315820
Category : Technology & Engineering
Languages : en
Pages : 800

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Forty-two chapters by international experts from a wide range ofdisciplines make The Wetlands Handbook the essential toolfor those seeking comprehensive understanding of the subject. Adeparture from more traditional treatises, this text examinesfreshwater wetland ecosystem science from the fundamentals toissues of management and policy. Introductory chapters address the scope and significance ofwetlands globally for communities, culture and biodiversity.Subsequent sections deal with processes underpinning wetlandfunctioning, how wetlands work, their uses and values for humansand nature, their sensitivity to external impacts, and how they maybe restored. The text is illustrated by numerous examples,emphasising functional and holistic approaches to wetlandmanagement, including case studies on the wise use andrehabilitation of wetlands in farmed, urban, industrial and otherdamaged environments, highlighting the long-term benefits ofmultiple use. The Wetlands Handbook will provide aninvaluable reference for researchers, managers, policy-makers andstudents of wetland sciences.

Restoration of Wetland Ecosystem: A Trajectory Towards a Sustainable Environment

Restoration of Wetland Ecosystem: A Trajectory Towards a Sustainable Environment PDF Author: Atul Kumar Upadhyay
Publisher: Springer
ISBN: 9811376654
Category : Technology & Engineering
Languages : en
Pages : 256

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​The risks and consequences of environmental change are increasing, leading to massive losses in terms of ecosystems and having a huge impact on human populations. As such, global thinkers, environmentalists, scientists and policy makers are focusing on finding solutions and ways to sustain life on Earth. Anthropogenic impacts on the climate system can only be mitigated by the restoration of existing natural resources and the sustainable development of the environment and society. This book discusses the potential of green technology in waste management, wetland restoration, presenting the latest developments in the field of bioenergy, green ecology, bioremediation and microbial management. Wetlands are one of Earth’s most important ecosystems, and they provide valuable services to human societies, such as minimizing the impacts of floods, acting as a carbon sink, and offering water purification as well as recreational opportunities. Wetlands may be natural or constructed, and the effectiveness of wetland services largely depends on the diversity of macrophytes affecting the algal production, plant biomass and nutrient status of the system. In addition, they are one of the richest microbial ecosystems on earth: the rhizosphere, soil and water interface enhances wetland services with implications ranging from phytoremediation to microbial bioprospection. However, in order to function properly, they need to be effectively redesigned, reengineered, protected and maintained. The book addresses the dynamic relation between three global concerns: environmental pollution, resource exploitation and sustainability. It describes the utilization of resources like wastes (municipal, industrial, agricultural, mine drainage, tannery, solid, and e waste), plants, algae and microbes for production of renewable biofuel, biofertilizers and other value added products to achieve the goal of sustainable development. The book also discusses the current and future trends in employing wetlands in improving water quality. In addition it presents the latest international research in the fields of wetland science, waste management, carbon sequestration and bioremediation. Highlighting a broad spectrum of topics and strategies for achieving a sustainable environment, the book offers researchers, students and academics insights into utilizing resources in a sustainable way.