Metaphoric Madness

Metaphoric Madness PDF Author: Harish Kumar
Publisher: Harish Kumar
Category : Foreign Language Study
Languages : en
Pages :

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Book Description
Birth, dream, fruits, mother, street,……………………well,……………………….Do not shrug your shoulders dismissively. Do not wave all these words away as plainly pedestrian. Many more simple simons such as these straddle across the English linguistic landscape as powerful and potent metaphors. Only that you should know when, where, and how to use them all as pictorial metaphors. Metaphoric Madness will precisely help you gain that rare expertise. Using simple words as sexy metaphors for a variety of emotions, conditions and circumstances is actually multiplying your word power manifold. Discovering artful metaphors in mundane words is actually mastering quality in communication. Ideally, this book should be the first leg in your new metaphor journey. You are sure to find Metaphoric Madness absorbing and addictive. That addiction will certainly turn out to be creative and constructive. In more ways than one.

Much More Metaphoric Madness

Much More Metaphoric Madness PDF Author: Harish Kumar
Publisher: Harish Kumar
Category : Foreign Language Study
Languages : en
Pages :

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Book Description
Can you describe temptingly low-hanging fruits as tantalising? Are all doomsayers Cassandras? Which is right, squaring the circle or circling the square? Why is the vegetative metaphor in a vegetative state today? When does the arithmetic metaphor become a good metaphor arithmetic? Is botany a metaphor for all hand-me-down knowledge? Can negative words become resonant? Why is Eureka moment fast turning into a weasel metaphor? Yeast and dough – which is the spreading metaphor and which is the accommodating metaphor? Why shouldn’t veneer be used as a respectable metaphor? Is wilderness a metaphor for the down and out? Are all harsh and severe laws draconian? Many more metaphor questions………….Many more answers…………..And many more metaphor stories. Much More Metaphoric Madness is all about metaphor sanity.

More Metaphoric Madness

More Metaphoric Madness PDF Author: Harish Kumar
Publisher: Harish Kumar
Category : Foreign Language Study
Languages : en
Pages :

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Book Description
Is mothball a metaphor for a proposal abandoned or for a project shelved? When does history become a metaphor for geography? How does the metaphor hive provoke a publication to jettison by-lines for good? How does butterfly win its metaphor battle with the beetle? Can chameleon be a metaphor for a colourful person? When does textbook become a positive metaphor for an individual? What is that useful metaphor in the frog-scorpion fable? Is albatross a metaphor now for power of flight or pathetic plight? Are all hounds pesky metaphors? Why is spine a wrong metaphor for physical heroism? Why isn’t maverick a metaphor for me-toos? Metaphors are everyday business and everyone’s right of speech. So, it is high time you had questions like these answered by an expert. Sure, More Metaphoric Madness brings expert advice, word-pictures and word imagery to your doorsteps, and ensures metaphors are no longer the sole preserve of academia and elite speakers-writers.

Not The End of Metaphoric Madness

Not The End of Metaphoric Madness PDF Author: Harish Kumar
Publisher: Harish Kumar
Category : Foreign Language Study
Languages : en
Pages :

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Book Description
Is googly a metaphor for surprises of all sorts? Can hat tricks turn contrarian to transform into a metaphor for successive defeats? Where do you use umpire and referee as metaphors? Are they really two different metaphors? As you sprint towards the finish line, as the start line becomes a mere blur in the circuit of life, on which metaphor should be your focus? Why is your finish line only as good as your start line? How are these two metaphors connected? Is sprint a metaphor for any short and speedy spell of running? When are you likely to short circuit the circuit metaphor? Can stymie be a metaphor for frustrating your initiatives totally, stem and root? When does your food turn into a mulligan stew? How did the common defence strategy of sandbagging turn into a billiards metaphor? Marathon and steeplechase - which is a metaphor for endurance and which is a metaphor for perseverance? Is volley a metaphor for a hail of compliments? Should salvo surprise and sear to be a metaphor? When do you turn gambit into a weasel metaphor? Why should chequered be a metaphor for our basic life philosophy? Which pawn metaphor is extremely negative? When do you run the risk of stalemating the stalemate metaphor? When does stalemate on ground become a diplomatic checkmate? All metaphoric googlies! Springing nasty surprises and visiting you unannounced! Do not get caught off guard!! With Not the End of Metaphoric Madness, you need not feel checkmated. This book is sure to help you out of your metaphoric dilemmas. It will also assist you in upholding metaphoric propriety and ensure you do not commit a serious metaphoric faux pas.

More Metaphoric Madness

More Metaphoric Madness PDF Author: Harish Kumar
Publisher: CreateSpace
ISBN: 9781500609184
Category : Language Arts & Disciplines
Languages : en
Pages : 164

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Book Description
More Metaphoric Madness is the second volume in the Metaphor Madness series. This volume is a sheer delight to all those who love basking in the sun-draped sands of sexy metaphors. Whether you are a student, or a writer, or a speaker or an academic, More Metaphor Madness is a must for your personal library.

More Metaphoric Madness

More Metaphoric Madness PDF Author: Harish Kumar
ISBN: 9781393960041
Category : Language Arts & Disciplines
Languages : en
Pages : 96

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Not the End of Metaphoric Madness

Not the End of Metaphoric Madness PDF Author: Harish Kumar
Publisher: CreateSpace
ISBN: 9781511938723
Category :
Languages : en
Pages : 368

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Book Description
This is the fourth and the final book in the Metaphoric Madness series. The metaphoric theme of this Book 4: games and sports. The book tells you how to turn simple words from games and sports into pictorial metaphors, supported ably by live-wire usage examples from world's leading newspapers, magazines, journals and websites. At the same time, the book helps you to resolve the usual dilemmas that are associated with the usage of 35 cherrypicked game-and-sport metaphors in your writing and speech. Here are a few examples of such dilemmas that are sure to be resolved by this book: * Where do I use umpire and referee as metaphors? Are they really two different metaphors? * Is sprint a metaphor for any short and speedy spell of running? * When am I likely to short circuit the circuit metaphor? * When does food turn into a mulligan stew? * When does gambit turn into a weasel metaphor? * When do I run risk of stalemating the stalemate metaphor? * When does stalemate on ground become a diplomatic checkmate? An immensely useful handy volume for students, academics, writers and speakers. And for the layperson too.

Not The End of Metaphoric Madness

Not The End of Metaphoric Madness PDF Author: Harish Kumar
ISBN: 9781393202257
Category : Language Arts & Disciplines
Languages : en
Pages : 140

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Book Description
Is googly a metaphor for surprises of all sorts? Can hat tricks turn contrarian to transform into a metaphor for successive defeats? Where do you use umpire and referee as metaphors? Are they really two different metaphors? As you sprint towards the finish line, as the start line becomes a mere blur in the circuit of life, which metaphor should be your focus on? Why is your finish line only as good as your start line? How are these two metaphors connected? Is sprint a metaphor for any short and speedy spell of running? When are you likely to short circuit the circuit metaphor? Can stymie be a metaphor for frustrating your initiatives totally, stem and root? When does your food turn into a mulligan stew? How did the common defence strategy of sandbagging turn into a billiards metaphor? Marathon and steeplechase, which is a metaphor for endurance and which is a metaphor for perseverance? Is volley a metaphor for a hail of compliments? Should salvo surprise and sear to be a metaphor? When do you turn gambit into a weasel metaphor? Why should chequered be a metaphor for our basic life philosophy? Which pawn metaphor is extremely negative? When do you run the risk of stalemating the stalemate metaphor? When does stalemate on ground become a diplomatic checkmate? All metaphoric googlies! Springing nasty surprises and visiting you unannounced! Do not get caught off guard!! With Not the End of Metaphoric Madness, you need not feel checkmated. This Book 4 is sure to help you out of your metaphoric dilemmas. It will also assist you in upholding metaphoric propriety and ensure you do not commit a serious metaphoric faux pas.

Metaphoric Madness

Metaphoric Madness PDF Author: Harish Kumar
ISBN: 9781393951513
Category : Language Arts & Disciplines
Languages : en
Pages : 96

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Metaphor Madness

Metaphor Madness PDF Author: Mary Keller
Publisher: Createspace Independent Pub
ISBN: 9781491272893
Category : Education
Languages : en
Pages : 160

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Book Description
A book that will help you add colour to your communication by opening up new vistas in your metaphorical usage of simple and ordinary words. Knowing how to use a word as a metaphor is akin to knowing more words. So, here is a book that explores a never-before approach to linguistic usage and application.