Mediumship and Adeptship are poles apart

Mediumship and Adeptship are poles apart PDF Author: Helena Petrovna Blavatsky
Publisher: Philaletheians UK
Category : Religion
Languages : en
Pages : 9

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Occultists forget self in favour of other selves. Spiritists doom other selves to unremitting recollection of their shameful existence. No wonder that Spiritualism is yet to produce a single Adept. Mediums are blind worshippers of dead thoughts decomposing, which vampirise both mediums and the living. Unlike Adepts, mediums lack self-control. Their raison d’être is to transmit unquestionably alien thoughts and passions. Theosophists are cautious in ascribing mediumistic communications to any foreign source. Rare cases of genuine mediumship may be the outcome of divine knowledge revealed to Atlantean stock.

Mediumship and Adeptship are poles apart

Mediumship and Adeptship are poles apart PDF Author: Helena Petrovna Blavatsky
Publisher: Philaletheians UK
Category : Religion
Languages : en
Pages : 9

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Occultists forget self in favour of other selves. Spiritists doom other selves to unremitting recollection of their shameful existence. No wonder that Spiritualism is yet to produce a single Adept. Mediums are blind worshippers of dead thoughts decomposing, which vampirise both mediums and the living. Unlike Adepts, mediums lack self-control. Their raison d’être is to transmit unquestionably alien thoughts and passions. Theosophists are cautious in ascribing mediumistic communications to any foreign source. Rare cases of genuine mediumship may be the outcome of divine knowledge revealed to Atlantean stock.

Madame Blavatsky against Spiritualism

Madame Blavatsky against Spiritualism PDF Author: Helena Petrovna Blavatsky
Publisher: Philaletheians UK
Category : Religion
Languages : en
Pages : 85

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There are Spirits and Spirits; High Planetary Spirits who have been human beings millions of ages since, and upon other besides our own planet; there are the illusionary appearances of these, projected upon the intra-psychic screen of our mediumistic, hence confused, perceptions; and there are seers and mediums, as there are great men of science, willing and sincere, but ignorant tyros. Spiritualism has spawned almost as many books as a herring does eggs. There can be no spiritual intercourse, either with the souls of the living or the dead, unless it is preceded by self-spiritualization, the conquest of selfishness, and the unfoldment of the nobler powers within us. Spiritualism and Theosophy are mere opinions and beliefs, and nothing more. They can no more claim to be regarded as “facts” than any other emotional belief, for the facts of one will be delusion in the eyes of the other. Spiritualists and Theosophists fully agree that there are higher and pure spirits outside the realm of our physical senses. But they entirely disagree as to the nature and causal agency of “communicating intelligences.” The “disembodied spirits,” instead of having become the wiser for being rid of the physiological impediments and the restraints of their gross material senses, would seem to have become far more stupid, far less perspicacious and, in every respect, worse than they were during their earthly life. As nations became restricted by their own tongue, the once-universal Mystery Language is being gradually denied to subsequent generations. While the disciples of Eastern Occultism are trying to purify matter, Western Spiritualists are striving to degrade spirit. Spiritualists and Theosophists travel along a parallel, if not quite identical, path. Yet, to those bereft of a metaphysico-spiritual vocabulary, Eastern Occultism will remain impassable to the babel tower of modern thought, caused by ignorance of the true meaning of words and their synonyms, a skin deep learning leading to mistaken notions, and the tendency of elevating misconceptions to the dignity of dogmas. If people would stop speculating, and would simply stick to substantiated fact, truth would be more readily attained in each and every case. Truth stands higher than any earthly consideration ever will. Let each of us show our facts and give our explanations; and let those who are neither Occultists, Spiritualists, nor sceptics, adjudicate between the contestant parties. The world must learn at last, under the penalty of falling back to superstitious beliefs in the biblical devil, why such phenomena do so happen, and to what cause or causes they are to be attributed. New Dispensation is the latest folly of dogmatic Christianity. We are not acquainted with a god who thinks, plots, rewards, punishes, and repents. The only god whom we serve is humanity, and our only cult is love of our fellow man. This our religion and dogma. Men have done their best to replace the solar rays with the false glare of error and fiction; none more so than the bigoted, narrow-minded theologians and priests of every faith, the sophists and perverters of the Spirit of Truth. Parsifal is the theatrical representation of good and evil in a supreme struggle. It is our universe, saved through atonement; it is sin redeemed through grace, and the triumph of faith and charity. Thus far, Pilate’s “What is truth?” has never been sufficiently answered to the satisfaction of narrow-minded sectarians. The Theosophical Society upholds and advocates only corroborated facts and Truth, and nothing but the Truth, whencesoever and from whomsoever it may come. Our views have to stand or fall upon their own merit, since we claim neither divine revelation nor infallibility. We will not serve Truth and Falsehood at the same time. Our policy is war to death to every unproved dogma, superstition, bigotry, and intolerance.

Religious conversion means absolute perversion

Religious conversion means absolute perversion PDF Author: Helena Petrovna Blavatsky
Publisher: Philaletheians UK
Category : Religion
Languages : en
Pages : 11

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Christianity is the official creed of the masculine social energy of the generation. It is not that Christian dogmatism is more hateful to us than any other form of obstructiveness, but because it is enjoying a wider power to prevent man’s moral development and crush truth. Has Christianity so clear and innocent a record, and freedom from dogma, as to command the immediate reverence of the Heathen? The Theosophical Society is the platform of true Brotherhood, a bond of amicable tolerance, a fulcrum by which the lever of Progress may move the mass of Ignorance. It has no one religion to propagate, no one creed to endorse. It stands for truth alone, and nothing but Truth.

A case of mesmeric attack thrusting a mortal wound on the inner man without piercing the skin

A case of mesmeric attack thrusting a mortal wound on the inner man without piercing the skin PDF Author: Helena Petrovna Blavatsky
Publisher: Philaletheians UK
Category : Religion
Languages : en
Pages : 11

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Adoration of male gods led to phallicism and black magic

Adoration of male gods led to phallicism and black magic PDF Author: Helena Petrovna Blavatsky
Publisher: Philaletheians UK
Category : Religion
Languages : en
Pages : 10

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Buddhism is the first religious system in history that sprang up with the determinate object of putting an end to all the male gods and to the degrading idea of a sexual personal deity being the generator of mankind and the “father” of men. Buddhism is a passionate reactionary protest against the phallic worship that led every nation first to the adoration of a personal god, and finally to black magic, and the same object was aimed at by the Nazarene Initiate and prophet.

Why women should avoid the Church like a plague

Why women should avoid the Church like a plague PDF Author: Helena Petrovna Blavatsky
Publisher: Philaletheians UK
Category : Religion
Languages : en
Pages : 13

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The spiritual blindness of anthropomorphism is the origin of crass materialism

The spiritual blindness of anthropomorphism is the origin of crass materialism PDF Author: Helena Petrovna Blavatsky
Publisher: Philaletheians UK
Category : Religion
Languages : en
Pages : 16

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Materialism is the mother of all vices and root of the sin and suffering in the world. It is the negation of pure Spirit, resulting in brutality, hypocrisy, greed, and selfishness. Further proof of the moral blindness of materialism is the unquestioning belief in the necromantic apparitions of the disembodied “spirits” of the dead. Modern Science cannot unveil the mystery of the Spirit of Cosmos to the eyes of man. It can collect, classify, and generalize upon phenomena; but the Occultist declares that the daring explorer, who would probe the inmost secrets of Nature, must transcend the narrow limitations of sense, and elevate his Manas to the realm of noumena and the sphere of primal causes. To run counter to the views of modern Science’s most eminent exponents, is to court a premature discomfiture in the eyes of the Western world. Occultism is at odds with the spiritual blindness of anthropomorphism, idealism and hylo-idealism, positivism and the all-denying modern psychology and, not least, the endless speculations of physicists who are at loggerheads with each other. The ancient belief that the Sun is the God of Spiritual and Terrestrial Light, is nowadays regarded as a superstition only by rank materialism, that denies the triadic hypostasis of Deity–Spirit–Soul, and admits no intelligence outside the mind of man. The ever-concealed Central Spiritual Sun is the all-pervading Spirit of Life animating the playground of numberless Universes, incessantly manifesting and disappearing. Its creative energy, having originated in the Central Point, is then stored in the visible Sun, the Life- and Health-Giver of the physical world; and then, from deep in the bowels of the Earth, it keeps flowing incessantly out of the North Pole towards the Equator. Francis Bacon was among the first to strike the keynote of materialism, by inverting the order of mental evolution, not only by his inductive method renovated from ill-digested Aristotle, but also by the general tenor of his writings. The Light of Spirit is the eternal Sabbath of the Mystic. Fiat Lux, esoterically rendered, means “Let there be the Sons of Light,” i.e., the noumena of all phenomena. The Sons of Light are the Logoi of Life shooting out like seven fiery tongues from the infinite Ocean of Light, whose supernal pole is pure Spirit lost in Non-Being, and whose infernal pole condenses and crystallizes into gross matter.

Occultism and Kabbalah are only masks to hide the sacred truth from the profane

Occultism and Kabbalah are only masks to hide the sacred truth from the profane PDF Author: Helena Petrovna Blavatsky
Publisher: Philaletheians UK
Category : Religion
Languages : en
Pages : 24

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Madame Blavatsky on the hidden truths of Occultism and Kabbalah. Eastern Occultism has veiled for ages its profound pantheistic unitarianism with the exuberance of an exoteric polytheism. However, the Jewish Kabbalah, behind the screen of exoteric monotheism, produced a religion of sexual and phallic worship. Kabbalah is fire philosophy and fire theology.

Teraphim are the elemental spirits of ancient divination

Teraphim are the elemental spirits of ancient divination PDF Author: Helena Petrovna Blavatsky
Publisher: Philaletheians UK
Category : Religion
Languages : en
Pages : 13

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The priest-hierophant of the Egyptian temples wore a breast-plate of precious stones, in every way similar to that of the high priest of the Israelites. The tabernacle was simply the archaic telephone of those days of Magic, when Occult powers were acquired by Initiation, just as they are now. Ancient divination was always accomplished with the help of the spirits of the elements. But there are good as well as bad spirits, beneficent and malevolent “gods” in all ages. Alas, Christians are still worshipping the Jewish Jehovah, the “spirit” who spoke through his teraphim.

Between Black and White Magic there is but a cobweb thread

Between Black and White Magic there is but a cobweb thread PDF Author: Helena Petrovna Blavatsky
Publisher: Philaletheians UK
Category : Religion
Languages : en
Pages : 10

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