Management and Conservation of Mediterranean Environments

Management and Conservation of Mediterranean Environments PDF Author: Castanho, Rui Alexandre
Publisher: IGI Global
ISBN: 1799873935
Category : Nature
Languages : en
Pages : 336

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To achieve desired territorial sustainability, it is necessary to fully understand all three spheres of sustainable development from different perspectives. The territories, ecosystems, and environments involved in Mediterranean landscapes environments are not an exception. In this regard, specific fields within this main subject should be studied in more detail such as management and conservation strategies, methods for environmental planning, environmental rights and legislation, provided ecosystems services, natural-based solutions, among many other areas Management and Conservation of Mediterranean Environments is a powerful scientific contribution to the issue of territorial sustainability and dynamics, challenges, and opportunities ongoing in Mediterranean landscapes. Chapters cover research in the fields of territorial governance and management, ecosystems, economic growth, sustainability, environmental pollution, and more. This book is a valuable reference tool for academicians, researchers, technicians, decision makers, policymakers, students, and any readers interested in sustainable development and the management of Mediterranean environments.

Management and Conservation of Mediterranean Environments

Management and Conservation of Mediterranean Environments PDF Author: Castanho, Rui Alexandre
Publisher: IGI Global
ISBN: 1799873935
Category : Nature
Languages : en
Pages : 336

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Book Description
To achieve desired territorial sustainability, it is necessary to fully understand all three spheres of sustainable development from different perspectives. The territories, ecosystems, and environments involved in Mediterranean landscapes environments are not an exception. In this regard, specific fields within this main subject should be studied in more detail such as management and conservation strategies, methods for environmental planning, environmental rights and legislation, provided ecosystems services, natural-based solutions, among many other areas Management and Conservation of Mediterranean Environments is a powerful scientific contribution to the issue of territorial sustainability and dynamics, challenges, and opportunities ongoing in Mediterranean landscapes. Chapters cover research in the fields of territorial governance and management, ecosystems, economic growth, sustainability, environmental pollution, and more. This book is a valuable reference tool for academicians, researchers, technicians, decision makers, policymakers, students, and any readers interested in sustainable development and the management of Mediterranean environments.

Fire in Mediterranean Ecosystems

Fire in Mediterranean Ecosystems PDF Author: Jon E. Keeley
Publisher: Cambridge University Press
ISBN: 0521824915
Category : Nature
Languages : en
Pages : 523

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Explores the role of fire in Mediterranean-type climate ecosystems, providing unique insights into the assembly and evolutionary convergence of ecosystems.

The Conservation of Archaeological Sites in the Mediterranean Region

The Conservation of Archaeological Sites in the Mediterranean Region PDF Author: Marta De la Torre
Publisher: Getty Publications
ISBN: 0892364866
Category : Art
Languages : en
Pages : 180

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One of the greatest challenges faced today by those responsible for ancient cultural sites is that of maintaining the delicate balance between conserving these fragile resources and making them available to increasing numbers of visitors. Tourism, unchecked development, and changing environmental conditions threaten significant historical sites throughout the world. These issues are among the topics dealt with in this book, which reports on the proceedings of an international conference on the conservation of classical sites in the Mediterranean region, organized by the Getty Conservation Institute and the J. Paul Getty Museum. The book includes chapters discussing management issues at three sites: Piazza Armerina, Sicily; Knossos, Crete; and Ephesus, Turkey. While visiting these sites, conference participants examined how issues raised at these locales can illuminate the challenges of management and conservation faced by complex heritage sites the world over. Additional chapters discuss such topics as the management of cultural sites, the reconstruction of ancient buildings, and ways of presenting and interpreting sites for today's visitors.

Mediterranean Mountain Environments

Mediterranean Mountain Environments PDF Author: Ioannis Vogiatzakis
Publisher: John Wiley & Sons
ISBN: 1118343980
Category : Science
Languages : en
Pages : 280

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Mediterranean mountains exhibit many similarities in their biotic ecological, physical and environmental characteristics. There are also many differences in terms of their human colonization pattern, historic land uses and current anthopogenic pressures. This book provides an introduction to these environments of mountainous areas in the Mediterranean and their changes in time and space in relation to both natural and cultural factors. Mediterranean Mountain Environments places its emphasis on physical geography while adopting an integrated approach to the whole subject area. The book draws examples from a wide range of environments, demonstrating the interaction between human and physical processes responsible for shaping mountain areas. Risks and conflicts, as well as methods and tools for the conservation and management of both the natural and cultural environment are covered in the light of future challenges for the sustainable development of the Mediterranean mountains. Emphasis on both mainland and island mountain ranges Combines natural and cultural approach in the topic Integrated approach: facing future challenges based on the study and understanding of the historical processes that have shaped the Mediterranean mountains Key references at the end of each chapter

The Role of Fire in Mediterranean-Type Ecosystems

The Role of Fire in Mediterranean-Type Ecosystems PDF Author: Jose M. Moreno
Publisher: Springer Science & Business Media
ISBN: 1461383951
Category : Science
Languages : en
Pages : 219

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Fire has been recognized as a vital agent influencing the diversity and vigor of landscapes. It is particularly important in Mediterranean ecosystems, such as those of California. This book is of interest to ecologists, policy makers, and land managers.

Climate Change in the Mediterranean and Middle Eastern Region

Climate Change in the Mediterranean and Middle Eastern Region PDF Author: Walter Leal Filho
Publisher: Springer Nature
ISBN: 3030785661
Category : Science
Languages : en
Pages : 520

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This book serves the purpose of showcasing some of the works in respect of applied research, field projects, and best practice to foster climate change adaptation across the region. Climate change is having a much greater impact in the Mediterranean than the global average. In the Paris Climate Agreement, the UN member states pledged to stop global warming at well below two degrees, if possible at 1.5 degrees. This mark, which is expected elsewhere only for 2030 to 2050, has already been reached in the region. The situation could worsen in the coming years if the global community does not limit its emissions. The above state of affairs illustrates the need for a better and more holistic understanding of how climate change affects countries in the Mediterranean region on the one hand, but also on the many problems it faces on the other, which prevent adaptation efforts. There is also a perceived need to showcase successful examples of how to duly address and manage the many social, economic, and political problems posed by climate change in the region, in order to replicate and even upscale the successful approaches used. It is against this background that the book "Climate Change in the Mediterranean and Middle Eastern Region" has been produced. It contains papers prepared by scholars, practitioners, and members of governmental agencies, undertaking research and/or executing climate change projects, and working across the region.

The Mediterranean region under climate change

The Mediterranean region under climate change PDF Author: Collectif
Publisher: IRD Éditions
ISBN: 2709922207
Category : Nature
Languages : en
Pages : 736

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This book has been published by Allenvi (French National Alliance for Environmental Research) to coincide with the 22nd Conference of Parties to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (COP22) in Marrakesh. It is the outcome of work by academic researchers on both sides of the Mediterranean and provides a remarkable scientific review of the mechanisms of climate change and its impacts on the environment, the economy, health and Mediterranean societies. It will also be valuable in developing responses that draw on “scientific evidence” to address the issues of adaptation, resource conservation, solutions and risk prevention. Reflecting the full complexity of the Mediterranean environment, the book is a major scientific contribution to the climate issue, where various scientific considerations converge to break down the boundaries between disciplines.

The Biology of Mediterranean-type Ecosystems

The Biology of Mediterranean-type Ecosystems PDF Author: Karen J. Esler
Publisher: Oxford University Press
ISBN: 0198739133
Category : History
Languages : en
Pages : 369

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This book provides a concise but comprehensive introduction to Mediterranean-type ecosystems with the emphasis being on the organisms that dominate these regions although their management, conservation, and restoration will also be considered.

Convergent Evolution in Chile and California

Convergent Evolution in Chile and California PDF Author: Harold A. Mooney
Category : Science
Languages : en
Pages : 246

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Mediterranean Identities

Mediterranean Identities PDF Author: Borna Fuerst-Bjeliš
Publisher: BoD – Books on Demand
ISBN: 9535135856
Category : Science
Languages : en
Pages : 429

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Book Description
What is the Mediterranean? The perception of the Mediterranean leans equally on the nature, culture, history, lifestyle, and landscape. To approach the question of identity, it seems that we have to give importance to all of these. There is no Mediterranean identity, but Mediterranean identities. Mediterranean is not about the homogeneity and uniformity, but about the unity that comes from diversities, contacts, and interconnections. The book tends to embrace the environment, society, and culture of the Mediterranean in their multiple and unique interconnections over the millennia, contributing to the better understanding of the essential human-environmental interrelations. The choice of 17 chapters of the book, written by a number of prominent scholars, clearly shows the necessity of the interdisciplinary approach to the Mediterranean identity issues. The book stresses the most serious concerns of the Mediterranean today - threats to biodiversity, risks, and hazards - mostly the increasing wildfires and finally depletion of traditional Mediterranean practices and landscapes, as constituent parts of the Mediterranean heritage.