Leadership and Motivation

Leadership and Motivation PDF Author: Douglas McGregor
Publisher: Cambridge, Mass : M.I.T. Press
Category : Personnel management
Languages : en
Pages : 330

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Leadership and Motivation

Leadership and Motivation PDF Author: Douglas McGregor
Publisher: Cambridge, Mass : M.I.T. Press
Category : Personnel management
Languages : en
Pages : 330

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Mapping Motivation for Leadership

Mapping Motivation for Leadership PDF Author: James Sale
Publisher: Routledge
ISBN: 9780367787585
Category : Leadership
Languages : en
Pages : 180

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Mapping Motivation for Leadership, co-written with Jane Thomas, is the fourth of a series of seven books that are all linked to the author's Motivational Map toolkit. Each book builds on a different aspect of personal, team and organisational development. This is a practical guide to leadership in the 21st century and builds on the '4+1' model outlined in the author's original book Mapping Motivation: Unlocking the Key to Employee Energy and Engagement. There is an increasing body of evidence, that the single most important aspect of being a leader relates to managing emotions effectively, and this management goes way beyond simply 'understanding' emotional intelligence; it is in fact a practice and one that is intimately connected with personal development and growth, and with energy. Energy, as Mapping Motivation made clear, is synonymous with motivation. The effective leaders of tomorrow will be those who understand their motivators, who regularly measure their motivators, sustain and replenish and maximise their motivators, and who do the same for their employees. Clearly, there is a link here with the book on engagement, for leaders who do so will engage their employees. However, this book not only covers the motivational side of leadership, but also explores in detail the skill sets necessary in the '4+1' model: thinking skills, action skills, team skills and motivational skills plus that indefinable 'something' that is a commitment to personal development, so that we as leaders are not trying to solve today's problems with yesterday's training as our only internal resource.

Leadership and Motivation

Leadership and Motivation PDF Author: John Adair
Publisher: Kogan Page Publishers
ISBN: 0749460105
Category : Business & Economics
Languages : en
Pages : 161

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John Adair has transformed our understanding of how leadership works with his pioneering book Not Bosses But Leaders. Here he explores the nature of motivation, individual needs and how they relate to the key tasks facing leaders and managers - good, positive motivation can create, maintain and improve the performance of any team. In Leadership and Motivation John Adair also puts forward his own theory of motivation - the fifty-fifty rule - and then identifies the eight key principles for motivating others. Motivation increases efficiency and productivity - and makes reaching targets more likely. Leadership and Motivation will stimulate your thoughts and ideas on how to inspire others, and offers you some practical ways to motivate yourself and others to achieve.

Transformational Leadership

Transformational Leadership PDF Author: Edward J. Shelton
Publisher: Trafford Publishing
ISBN: 1466958499
Category : Business & Economics
Languages : en
Pages : 237

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With the publication of They Love You They Hate You: Discovering Leadership in 2007, a new comprehensive review of basic leadership behaviors were presented to global corporations and frontline leaders that provided a guide to talent retention, empowerment, engagement, and commitment building. Now Dr. Shelton introduces "First They Came," a popular poem attributed to Martin Niemöller describing how Hitler, during his rise to power, purged group after group without much opposition. This is a continuance on the principles of courage, trust, and serving others around you in a transformational way. Transformational leadership is a philosophy and a way of life; it cannot be gained in a leadership short course but only through study, experience, and application. Constructive leadership qualities are not secret and have been applied since the beginning of mankind. Trust, kindness, integrity, empowerment, communications, other orientation, knowledge seeking, motivation, and courage are discussed in detail with supporting cases and anecdotes. Many of these characteristics are not taught in the academic schools of management, yet they remain as powerful today as they had been in the past. "First They Came" originated as anecdotes and life experiences regarding failed and successful acts of leadership. Chapters in the book deal with leadership in military, industry, academia, the Middle East, and across cultures. In the end, Martin Niemöller's poem suggests that we must set our moral standards higher and seek for one another's best interest in life and in business.

Mapping Motivation

Mapping Motivation PDF Author: James Sale
Publisher: Routledge
ISBN: 1134805446
Category : Business & Economics
Languages : en
Pages : 273

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Ever wondered what motivation is, and why organizations do not and cannot - until now - measure it? James Sale tackles the question of what motivation is, why we need it and what happens when we don’t have it. He defines and measures motivation from an individual, team and, most critically, organizational or workplace point of view and he introduces the reader to the core concepts of how it relates to fundamental issues such as performance and productivity, and its role in a number of key management functions: team building, performance appraisal, leadership development, engagement and change management. Motivation is a core aspect of all people development initiatives and programmes - if we wish them to succeed. Based on over ten years of research into motivation and performance, James created Motivational Maps, the first and only accurate diagnostic tool that describes, measures, monitors and maximizes motivation and performance through an easy, simple to use, online questionnaire that takes only 10 minutes to complete, and which readers have access to. Mapping Motivation, therefore, is the definitive book on motivation, its language and metrics, written by its creator are full of knowledge, insight and practical tips; this will appeal to leaders, managers, HR specialists, trainers, coaches, consultants and visionaries around the world, who wish to engage with people development and productivity in a new, dynamic way.

Leadership & Motivation

Leadership & Motivation PDF Author: Debangshu Chakraborty
ISBN: 9788129128355
Category :
Languages : en
Pages : 0

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Leadership and Motivation

Leadership and Motivation PDF Author: John Eric Adair
Publisher: Kogan Page Publishers
ISBN: 9780749447984
Category : Business & Economics
Languages : en
Pages : 168

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'Leadership and Motivation' presents a fifty-fifty rule which states that half of a person's motivation comes from within and half is due to their environment.

Leadership and Motivation

Leadership and Motivation PDF Author: Douglas McGregor
Category :
Languages : en
Pages : 0

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The Motivation Trap

The Motivation Trap PDF Author: John Hittler
ISBN: 9781626345393
Category : Employee motivation
Languages : en
Pages : 0

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Move away from the motivation mindset ​CEOs and team leaders from Fortune 500 companies and venture-backed start-ups often complain that they have trouble keeping their teams motivated. But what if it's actually not the job of the leaders to motivate their teams? What if team members were responsible for motivating themselves and for bringing their own professional, positive, helpful, best selves to work each day? What might change in companies if teams lived up to this expectation? In The Motivation Trap, John Hittler draws on the wisdom he has acquired from years of coaching individuals, teams, and organizations and proposes a more effective way to lead. He unwraps the energetic underpinnings of motivation, explains why it holds big limitations, and points out where and when to employ it as an effective tool in coaching management teams. He walks readers through additional tools and suggests how and when to use them to create high-achieving teams who find enjoyment in their work and are ready to take initiative and work more autonomously. His simple, easy-to-use tools will bring team members together so they can accomplish highly leveraged success. With the wisdom he provides in The Motivation Trap, Hittler helps leaders produce great results for their team members, themselves, and their organizations.

Motivational Interviewing for Leaders in the Helping Professions

Motivational Interviewing for Leaders in the Helping Professions PDF Author: Colleen Marshall
Publisher: Guilford Publications
ISBN: 1462545513
Category : Psychology
Languages : en
Pages : 266

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Written expressly for leaders in health care and the social services, this accessible book shows how motivational interviewing (MI) can transform conversations about change within an organization. The authors demonstrate powerful ways to use MI to generate solutions and get employees and organizations unstuck, whether mentoring a staff member in a new role, addressing performance problems, or redesigning procedures or programs. Readers are guided to skillfully and ethically apply the core MI processes--engaging, focusing, evoking, and planning--in the management context. User-friendly features include reproducible worksheets, end-of-chapter self-reflection exercises, and extended case vignettes. Purchasers get access to a companion website where they can download and print these materials in a convenient 8 ½" x 11" size. This book is in the Applications of Motivational Interviewing series, edited by Stephen Rollnick, William R. Miller, and Theresa B. Moyers.