Mahabharata, a Military Analysis

Mahabharata, a Military Analysis PDF Author: G. D. Bakshi
Publisher: Gower Publishing Company, Limited
Category : History
Languages : en
Pages : 136

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Mahabharata, a Military Analysis

Mahabharata, a Military Analysis PDF Author: G. D. Bakshi
Publisher: Gower Publishing Company, Limited
Category : History
Languages : en
Pages : 136

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Hinduism and the Ethics of Warfare in South Asia

Hinduism and the Ethics of Warfare in South Asia PDF Author: Kaushik Roy
Publisher: Cambridge University Press
ISBN: 110701736X
Category : History
Languages : en
Pages : 309

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This book traces the evolution of theories of warfare in India from the dawn of civilization, focusing on the debate between Dharmayuddha (Just War) and Kutayuddha (Unjust War) within Hindu philosophy. This debate centers around four questions: What is war? What justifies it? How should it be waged? And what are its potential repercussions?

Societies and Military Power

Societies and Military Power PDF Author: Stephen Peter Rosen
Publisher: Cornell University Press
ISBN: 1501744798
Category : Political Science
Languages : en
Pages : 299

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A work with broad implications for theories of comparative strategic behavior and civil-military relations, Societies and Military Power uses the long history of the armies of India as a basis for analyzing whether the character of a given society affects the amount of military power that can be generated by the armies that emerge from that society. By examining the changing relationship between ruling elites in the Indian subcontinent and their armed forces, the book shows that divisions within society are mirrored within the military, even within the contemporary professional military. Stephen Peter Rosen explores the proposition that cultural explanations don't sufficiently account for changes in military power, whereas social structure does. He suggests also that the dynamics of civil-military relations in a non-Western setting are not explicable without social-structural insight. He concludes that the comparative study of strategic behavior and military organization has lacked a sound foundation, which the social-structural explanation offered in this book begins to provide.

The Cambridge Companion to Religion and War

The Cambridge Companion to Religion and War PDF Author: Margo Kitts
Publisher: Cambridge University Press
ISBN: 1108858325
Category : Religion
Languages : en
Pages : 487

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This Companion offers a global, comparative history of the interplay between religion and war from ancient times to the present. Moving beyond sensationalist theories that seek to explain why 'religion causes war,' the volume takes a thoughtful look at the connection between religion and war through a variety of lenses - historical, literary, and sociological-as well as the particular features of religious war. The twenty-three carefully nuanced and historically grounded chapters comprehensively examine the religious foundations for war, classical just war doctrines, sociological accounts of religious nationalism, and featured conflicts that illustrate interdisciplinary expressions of the intertwining of religion and war. Written by a distinguished, international team of scholars, whose essays were specially commissioned for this volume, The Cambridge Companion to Religion and War will be an indispensable resource for students and scholars of the history and sociology of religion and war, as well as other disciplines.

The Rise of Indian Military Power: Evolution of an Indian Strategic Culture

The Rise of Indian Military Power: Evolution of an Indian Strategic Culture PDF Author:
Publisher: KW Publishers Pvt Ltd
ISBN: 9385714074
Category :
Languages : en
Pages : 240

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This is a monumental & epic work on India’s Military History. It seeks to answer the seminal question – ‘Is there an Indian Way of War-fighting and an Indian Strategic Culture?’ The author has traced the history of war-fighting in India from the Vedic & Mahabharatan period to the Mauryan & Mughal Eras and thereafter the British Period. It is a comprehensive audit of India’s combat performance in the ancient, medieval, modern and post-modern periods of Indian history. The focus of this work however, is on India’s Post-independence Military History. The author has analysed each of India’s wars with China & Pakistan as also its CI and CT campaigns in meticulous detail, to draw lessons for the future. The path-breaking contribution is the author’s thesis that there have been three local Revolutions in Military Affairs (RMAs) in India, which shaped the course & flow of her history. Each of these RMAs helped to unify India under a great Empire and transformed it from a civilisational entity to a strong empire state. The first was the Mauryan RMA of using War Elephants in mass to generate shock & awe. This politically unified the whole of India and Afghanistan for the first time. The next RMA came with the Mughals who introduced Field Artillery, Muskets and Horsed Cavalry Archers with stirrups and cross bows. The Mughal horsed cavalry and artillery helped spawn the mighty Mughal Empire. The Third RMA came with the British who raised local Infantry Battalions on the European Pattern and drilled them to shoot in disciplined rhythms, to defeat all cavalry charges. This Infantry-based RMA helped establish the British Empire in India. The present Republic is a successor entity of the British Empire. The author has traced the evolution of India’s Strategic Culture to the Arthashastra of Kautilya. The surprise finding is that in the 1971 War – India unconsciously returned to this Kautilyan paradigm of using information dominance, covert war and Shock- Action military campaigns to defeat its adversaries. In the post-independence phase he traces the evolution of India’s war-fighting from the tactical phase of 1947-1962 when India’s capacity was confined to use of 2-3 Divisions alone. The 1965 War saw the graduation to the level of Operational Art, wherein 12 Divisions and a bulk of the Indian Air Force (IAF) saw active combat. The apogee came in 1971 – when India fought a brilliant, Quasi-Total, Tri-Service Campaign that broke Pakistan into two, put 93,000 prisoners of war in the bag and for the first time after the Second World War, created a new nation state with the Force of Arms. He traces the impact of nuclearisation on South Asia and prognosticates about the Future. The time has come, he asserts, for India to create a Fourth RMA in South Asia; and decisively shape outcomes. For this, economic power must be rapidly converted into usable military power. India must field dominant war fighting capabilities in South Asia.

The Mahābhārata in the Tribal and Folk Traditions of India

The Mahābhārata in the Tribal and Folk Traditions of India PDF Author: K. S. Singh
Publisher: Indian Institute of Advanced Study and Anthropological Surve
Category : Social Science
Languages : en
Pages : 284

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Papers presented at a seminar organized by Anthropological Survey of India in collaboration of the Indian Institute of Advanced Study, Shimla.

Unconventional Warfare in South Asia

Unconventional Warfare in South Asia PDF Author: Scott Gates
Publisher: Routledge
ISBN: 1317005406
Category : Political Science
Languages : en
Pages : 237

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India is the world's tenth largest economy and possesses the world's fourth largest military. The subcontinent houses about one-fifth of the world's population and its inhabitants are divided into various tribes, clans and ethnic groups following four great religions: Buddhism, Christianity, Hinduism, and Islam. Framing the debate using case studies from across the region as well as China, Afghanistan and Burma and using a wealth of primary and secondary sources this incisive volume takes a closer look at the organization and doctrines of the 'shadow armies' and the government forces which fight the former. Arranged in a thematic manner, each chapter critically asks; Why stateless marginal groups rebel? How do states attempt to suppress them? What are the consequences in the aftermath of the conflict especially in relation to conflict resolution and peace building? Unconventional Warfare in South Asia is a welcomed addition to the growing field of interest on civil wars and insurgencies in South Asia. An indispensable read which will allow us to better understand whether South Asia is witnessing a 'New War' and whether the twenty-first century belongs to the insurgents.

World Military History Bibliography

World Military History Bibliography PDF Author: Barton Hacker
Publisher: BRILL
ISBN: 9047402103
Category : History
Languages : en
Pages : 847

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Preclassical and indigenous nonwestern military institutions and methods of warfare are the chief subjects of this annotated bibliography of work published 1967–1997. Classical antiquity, post-Roman Europe, and the westernized armed forces of the 20th century, although covered, receive less systematic attention. Emphasis is on historical studies of military organization and the relationships between military and other social institutions, rather than wars and battles. Especially rich in references to the periodical literature, the bibliography is divided into eight parts: (1) general and comparative topics; (2) the ancient world; (3) Eurasia since antiquity; (4) sub-Saharan Africa and Oceania; (5) pre-Columbian America; (6) postcontact America; (7) the contemporary nonwestern world; and (8) philosophical, social scientific, natural scientific, and other works not primarily historical.

Footprints in the Snow

Footprints in the Snow PDF Author: G. D. Bakshi
Publisher: Lancer Publishers
ISBN: 9788170622925
Category : Biography & Autobiography
Languages : en
Pages : 210

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Life and military exploits of Zorāwara Siṅgha, 1786-1841, general in the army of Gulab Singh, Maharaja of Kashmir.

India's Rise to Power in the Twentieth Century and Beyond

India's Rise to Power in the Twentieth Century and Beyond PDF Author: S. Gordon
Publisher: Springer
ISBN: 0230371809
Category : Social Science
Languages : en
Pages : 428

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`...sober and extremely well-researched book.' - Inder Malhotra, Business World `...very detailed and up-to-date account.' - Richard Newman, Times Higher Education Supplement This book examines the economic and technological basis for India's rise to power and the political factors that shape the nature of the power it will develop into. It shows that while India has concentrated on many of the scientific and technical capabilities that serve the needs of a rising power, it has not been able to achieve a balanced process of development. This imbalance feeds sub-national political discontent and undercuts the very power that India has sought to acquire, thus delaying her rise to power.