Earth Divination, Earth Magic

Earth Divination, Earth Magic PDF Author: John Michael Greer
Publisher: Aeon Books
ISBN: 1912807092
Category : Psychology
Languages : en
Pages : 200

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Book Description
Here is a complete guide to the lost art of geomancy - one of the major divination systems that are part of the Western magical tradition.Geomancy is simple, quick, and direct - anyone can get answers to any question in a matter of moments by learning how to read the patterns revealed by the 16 symbolic figures formed of single and double points. During the Middle Ages and Renaissance, geomancy was used by everyone from popes to peasants because it provided practical, useful results.Often mistaken for feng shui or ley lines, or hidden within poorly explained tables and charts, geomancy has become something of a lost art - until now. Earth Divination, Earth Magic provides a fascinating look into the history, theory, and practice of geomancy, including a thorough set of instructions for both casting and interpreting a chart for yourself, or a friend.

Earth Divination, Earth Magic

Earth Divination, Earth Magic PDF Author: John Michael Greer
Publisher: Aeon Books
ISBN: 1912807076
Category : Body, Mind & Spirit
Languages : en
Pages : 201

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Book Description
Here is a complete guide to the lost art of geomancy - one of the major divination systems that are a part of the Western magical tradition. Geomancy is simple, quick, and direct - anyone can get answers to a question in a matter of moments by learning how to read the patterns revealed by the 16 symbolic figures formed of single and double points. During the Middle Ages and Renaissance, geomancy was used by everyone from popes to peasants because it provided practical, useful results. Often mistaken for feng shui or ley lines, or hidden within poorly explained tables and charts, geomancy has become something of a lost art - until now. Earth Divination, Earth Magic provides a fascinating look into the history, theory, and practice of geomancy, including a thorough set of instructions for both casting and interpreting a chart for yourself or a friend.

Geomancy for Beginners

Geomancy for Beginners PDF Author: Richard Webster
Publisher: Llewellyn Worldwide
ISBN: 0738728217
Category : Body, Mind & Spirit
Languages : en
Pages : 132

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Book Description
Geomancy, a three-thousand-year-old form of earth divination, can answer your questions about relationships, career, money, and all aspects of life. In this comprehensive, easy-to-follow introduction to the topic, bestselling author Richard Webster presents eight different methods you can try, from astrological geomancy to Arthurian divination to a version attributed to Napoleon. Each method is based on making a random number of marks, then interpreting the message based on the resulting pattern. Geomancy for Beginners also includes simple instructions on how to craft your own geomantic tools. With Webster's sample readings and diagrams, it's easy to begin practicing this age-old form of divination to receive guidance and insight.

The Geomancer's Handbook: Divination and Magic

The Geomancer's Handbook: Divination and Magic PDF Author: John Michael Greer
ISBN: 0557560748
Category : Body, Mind & Spirit
Languages : en
Pages : 123

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Book Description
In the Geomancer's Handbook the renowned contemporary mage and geomancer John Michael Greer explains this ancient divinatory art clearly and succinctly, allowing the practitioner quick mastery of this precise and accurate method of prediction. Because geomancy uses a good deal of astrological technique, it is an excellent predictive method for astrologers without requiring the arduous effort necessary to learn traditional horary astrology.Greer combines teachings from traditional texts with his own deep knowledge of geomancy, distilling the essence of geomancy. A fascinating explanation of divinatory geomancy by the leading contemporary geomancer!

Earth Power

Earth Power PDF Author: Scott Cunningham
Publisher: Llewellyn Worldwide
ISBN: 0875421210
Category : Body, Mind & Spirit
Languages : en
Pages : 131

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The ways of magic are revealed in nature...The secrets are written in meandering streams and drifting clouds, whispered by the roaring ocean and cooling breeze, echoed through caves and rocks and forests. When you draw a heart in the sand, call on the four winds for assistance, or ask the rain to wash away a bad habit, you are practicing earth magic. By working in harmony with nature, we can transform ourselves, our lives, and our world. This tried-and-true guide offers more than one hundred spells, rites, and simple rituals you can perform using the powerful energy of the earth. Scott Cunningham was a greatly respected teacher and one of the most influential members of the modern Craft movement. A practitioner of elemental magic for twenty years, he wrote more than fifty books, including the seminal Wicca: A Guide for the Solitary Practitioner.

Earth Magick

Earth Magick PDF Author: Lindsay Squire
Publisher: Witch of the Forest's Guide to
ISBN: 0711271720
Category : Body, Mind & Spirit
Languages : en
Pages : 178

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Book Description
Embrace the power of the modern witching hour and unearth your magick with this stunning beginner's guide to witchcraft for wellbeing. Bought to you by the author of Natural Magick, The Witch of the Forest, learn about all new areas of witchcraft not yet covered in the series, and discover how you can use Earth Magick to keep yourself grounded in the 21st century.


Geomancy PDF Author: Mari Silva
ISBN: 9781638181897
Category : Body, Mind & Spirit
Languages : en
Pages : 0

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Book Description
Interpret the will of the cosmos and discover the intriguing world of Geomancy! Have you ever wondered how people in the past used to communicate with the stars? How did they know what was going to happen in the future? What were their methods for divination? If you've ever been curious about these things, this book on geomancy is definitely for you! Geomancy is an ancient form of divination that uses earth and water to interpret the will of the cosmos. The elements are used to create patterns that are then read for guidance. With this book, you will learn everything you need to know about this fascinating practice. In this easy-to-understand guide, we will: Explore the history and origins of geomancy. Learn about the elements and planets associated with this practice. Understand how to cast the points and interpret figures. Examine the geomantic houses and their meanings. Discover how to construct a shield chart. Generate an astrological chart. This book is for anyone interested in pursuing this ancient art. So, click the "add to cart" button and get started on a journey of divine discovery!

Geomancy in Theory and Practice

Geomancy in Theory and Practice PDF Author: Stephen Skinner
ISBN: 9781912212279
Category :
Languages : en
Pages : 330

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The most complete history of Western divinatory geomancy in English plus detailed instructions for its practice.

Magic in the Landscape

Magic in the Landscape PDF Author: Nigel Pennick
Publisher: Simon and Schuster
ISBN: 1620558807
Category : Body, Mind & Spirit
Languages : en
Pages : 176

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Book Description
Learn to cultivate a traditional, beneficial relationship with the land by embracing the forgotten practices of our ancestors • Details the ancient art of geomancy and Earth magic, including how to work with ley lines, astrology, and the four directions to honor a space and make it a place of power • Explores the magic of the land around us and how our ancestors interacted with Earth energies and the forces of Nature • Discusses the power of boundaries and magic circles, the proper “feng shui” of graveyards and cemeteries, and magically powerful places such as crossroads, fairgrounds, and the mystic triangles found in “no-man’s lands” Our ancestors were deeply aware of the magical power of their local landscape, no matter where they lived. Every interaction with their environment--from building to farming to the layout of ancient cities--took into account terrestrial energies, ancestral memory, and the many seen and unseen presences in Nature. They developed sophisticated procedures for orienting their living spaces and respectfully working with the magic of the landscape. Yet, much of the art of geomancy and of working with the forces of Nature has been forgotten by modern builders, architects, foresters, gardeners, and homeowners. The treatment of land as mere property has led to a loss of its meaning for those who dwell upon it. Our landscape has become disenchanted. In this book, geomancy expert and scholar Nigel Pennick details the ancient and sacred practices of geomancy and Earth magic and reveals how we can reenchant and reconnect to the sacred landscape that surrounds us, whether you live rurally, in the suburbs, or in cities. Pennick begins with a vivid look at our modern “wasteland” and what he calls “the ensouled world,” with specific examples from Britain and Iceland of our ancestors’ way of perceiving the world they lived in. Exploring the art of geomancy, he examines how its techniques work with ley lines, astrology, and the old understanding of the four directions and the eight winds to honor a space and make it a place of power. He looks at the power of boundaries and magic circles, including laying ghosts and dismissing spirits, as well as the proper “feng shui” for cemeteries and graveyards. The author then takes the reader back into the traditional landscape to discuss magically powerful places, such as crossroads, the occult nature of the “fairground,” and the mystic triangles found in what are popularly known as “no-man’s lands.” Revealing how the landscape can be reenchanted, Pennick shows how the magic of place is a living system that each of us can interact with.

Earth Magic

Earth Magic PDF Author: Claire Nahmad
Publisher: Inner Traditions / Bear & Co
ISBN: 9780892814244
Category : Gardening
Languages : en
Pages : 212

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This treasury of pagan beliefs and herbal lore tells of remedies and charms, weather signs, and the best seasons and times for carrying out projects.