Livre de l'interne en médecine interne - 2e édition

Livre de l'interne en médecine interne - 2e édition PDF Author: GUILLEVIN Loic
Publisher: Lavoisier
ISBN: 2257705033
Category : Internal medicine
Languages : en
Pages : 1112

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Guide indispensable de tout interne, cette nouvelle édition, actualisée et enrichie, constitue une source exceptionnelle d’informations complètes et précises sur la pratique de la médecine interne : - les conduites à tenir : couvrant toutes les situations cliniques auxquelles un interne doit faire face : fièvre, adénopathie, neuropathie périphérique, lymphopénie, AVC en phase aiguë, etc. ; - les pathologies observées en médecine interne : maladies auto-immunes, vascularites, autres maladies systémiques telles que l’amylose, les déficits immunitaires primitifs de l’adultes, les maladies auto-inflammatoires, etc. ; - la pathologie médicale systémique à laquelle un interne peut être confronté : maladies infectieuses, cardiaques, hématologiques, neurologiques, métaboliques, cancers ainsi que problèmes psychiatriques ; - les thérapeutiques en médecine interne : corticothérapie, anticorps monoclonaux, immunosuppresseurs, antagonistes des cytokines, etc. ; - les scores, paramètres, critères diagnostiques et de classification. Réunissant plus d’une centaine de spécialistes reconnus pour leur expérience et leur expertise, enrichie de tableaux, de schémas, d’algorithmes et d’un index détaillé, cette deuxième édition expose clairement les symptômes, les syndromes, les stratégies diagnostiques et thérapeutiques des affections prises en charge en médecine interne.

Livre de l'interne en médecine interne - 2e édition

Livre de l'interne en médecine interne - 2e édition PDF Author: GUILLEVIN Loic
Publisher: Lavoisier
ISBN: 2257705033
Category : Internal medicine
Languages : en
Pages : 1112

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Book Description
Guide indispensable de tout interne, cette nouvelle édition, actualisée et enrichie, constitue une source exceptionnelle d’informations complètes et précises sur la pratique de la médecine interne : - les conduites à tenir : couvrant toutes les situations cliniques auxquelles un interne doit faire face : fièvre, adénopathie, neuropathie périphérique, lymphopénie, AVC en phase aiguë, etc. ; - les pathologies observées en médecine interne : maladies auto-immunes, vascularites, autres maladies systémiques telles que l’amylose, les déficits immunitaires primitifs de l’adultes, les maladies auto-inflammatoires, etc. ; - la pathologie médicale systémique à laquelle un interne peut être confronté : maladies infectieuses, cardiaques, hématologiques, neurologiques, métaboliques, cancers ainsi que problèmes psychiatriques ; - les thérapeutiques en médecine interne : corticothérapie, anticorps monoclonaux, immunosuppresseurs, antagonistes des cytokines, etc. ; - les scores, paramètres, critères diagnostiques et de classification. Réunissant plus d’une centaine de spécialistes reconnus pour leur expérience et leur expertise, enrichie de tableaux, de schémas, d’algorithmes et d’un index détaillé, cette deuxième édition expose clairement les symptômes, les syndromes, les stratégies diagnostiques et thérapeutiques des affections prises en charge en médecine interne.

Le livre de l'interne en réanimation

Le livre de l'interne en réanimation PDF Author: BOUGLE Adrien
Publisher: Lavoisier
ISBN: 2257705793
Category : Critical care medicine
Languages : en
Pages : 802

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Le livre de l’interne en réanimation est un guide indispensable à l’interne et au chef de clinique en réanimation. Pratique et synthétique, il rassemble en 27 chapitres toutes les pathologies susceptibles d’être prises en charge en réanimation médicale, chirurgicale ou polyvalente. Sont traités : - les différentes techniques de réanimation ; - la ventilation mécanique ; - tous les types de pathologies infectieuses, métaboliques, circonstancielles ; - les états de choc ; - les troubles de l’équilibre hydro-électrolytique, de l’endocrinologie, de l’appareil digestif ; - la chirurgie cardiaque et la neurochirurgie ; - les bases de réanimation pédiatrique ; mais aussi la réanimation en traumatologie, en obstétrique, la toxicologie, les prélèvements d’organe, des notions d’organisation des soins et d’éthique… Ce livre est agrémenté de nombreux schémas, arbres décisionnels et tableaux ainsi que d’un index facilitant la recherche par mots-clés. Cet ouvrage s’adresse aux étudiants préparant l’examen classant national, aux internes de médecine d’urgence, d’anesthésie-réanimation ou de réanimation médicale et aux praticiens de toutes spécialités.

Acta orthopaedica belgica

Acta orthopaedica belgica PDF Author:
Category : Orthopedics
Languages : en
Pages : 444

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Harrison's Principles of Internal Medicine, Twenty-First Edition (Vol.1 & Vol.2)

Harrison's Principles of Internal Medicine, Twenty-First Edition (Vol.1 & Vol.2) PDF Author: Joseph Loscalzo
Publisher: McGraw Hill Professional
ISBN: 1264268513
Category : Medical
Languages : en
Pages : 4132

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The Voice of Clinical ReasonHarrison’s Principles of Internal Medicine is the world's most trusted clinical medicine text—and a superb resource for learning the art and science of clinical reasoning. Recognized by healthcare professionals worldwide as the leading authority on applied pathophysiology and clinical medicine, Harrison’s Principles of Internal Medicine provides the informational foundation you need for the best patient care possible. This new edition is fully updated with timely new chapters and essential updates across the spectrum of internal medicine. Harrison's Principles of Internal Medicine stands as the benchmark for authoritative, practical information on patient care and the pathogenesis and clinical management of symptoms and signs and specific diseases. Written and edited by the world’s top experts in their respective fields, this landmark guide provides the comprehensive, accurate, and essential coverage of the pathogenesis, diagnosis, and treatment of disease. Harrison’s is world-renowned as the most authoritative source for: • Descriptions of disease mechanisms and how the clinician can apply that knowledge for the best patient care and optimal diagnosis and treatment of specific diseases • Clear, concise schemas that facilitate the generation of differential diagnoses to reason efficiently through complex real world clinical cases • The physiologic and epidemiologic basis of signs and symptoms, which are covered through a wealth of unsurpassed expert guidance and linked to the disease-specific chapters that follow • Updated clinical trial results and recommended guidelines • Excellent and extensive visual support, including radiographs, clinical photos, schematics, and high-quality drawings • Coverage of both therapeutic approaches and specific treatment regimens • Practical clinical decision trees and algorithms • Organ-specific sections, with clinically relevant pathophysiology and practical clinical advice on the approach to the patient, strategies towards building a differential diagnosis, outstanding clinical algorithms and diagnostic schema, a wealth of clinical images and diagrams, current clinical guidelines, general and specific approaches to therapy Harrison’s remains the most trusted resource in a world influenced by endless sources of medical information. The most timely and comprehensive updates from the world’s top experts are featured in the 21st edition: • Current coverage of the diagnosis and treatment of diseases, from COVID to dementia to sepsis to multiple sclerosis to lung cancer • Updated content that reflects new approved therapeutics and new practice-changing guidelines and evidence summaries • More than 1000 clinical, pathological, and radiographic photographs, diagnostic and therapeutic decision trees, and clear schematics and diagrams describing pathophysiologic processes • More than a dozen atlases featuring curated collections of visual aspects of diagnosis and management • Complete, updated curation and synthesis of primary medical literature which incorporates current data from major studies and clinical trials • Clinical reasoning resources and helpful disease/presentation schemas • Clinically relevant coverage of disease mechanics and pathophysiology, and related therapeutic mechanisms

Wintrobe's Atlas of Clinical Hematology

Wintrobe's Atlas of Clinical Hematology PDF Author: Babette Weksler
Publisher: Lippincott Williams & Wilkins
ISBN: 1451154542
Category : Medical
Languages : en
Pages : 641

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First published in 2006, the bestselling Wintrobe’s Atlas of Clinical Hematologyhas now been comprehensively updated by a brand-new editorial team to bring you state-of-the-art pictorial coverage of the complete range of hematologic conditions. Thousands of meticulous, full-color images capture the characteristic appearance of each pathologic entity, and concise descriptions point out features of diagnostic importance. The result is a peerless reference to facilitate confident diagnosis in hematology.

The Lancet

The Lancet PDF Author:
Category : Medicine
Languages : en
Pages : 1898

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Equine Internal Medicine - E-Book

Equine Internal Medicine - E-Book PDF Author: Stephen M. Reed
Publisher: Elsevier Health Sciences
ISBN: 0323443095
Category : Medical
Languages : en
Pages : 1580

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Book Description
Confidently diagnose, treat, and manage patient conditions with the only comprehensive book on the market devoted solely to equine internal medicine. Filled with fully updated content on principles of treatment and contributions from internationally known equine experts, Equine Internal Medicine, 4th Edition focuses on the basic pathophysiologic mechanisms that underlie the development of various equine diseases. A problem-based approach outlines how to apply the latest clinical evidence directly to the conditions you will encounter in practice. A new companion website with over 120 video clips presents diseases and disorders that cannot be explained as well through words - Updated information throughout, including the most recent drug information. Current and well-referenced content on equine diseases and treatment techniques cites the latest books and journals. - Internationally known equine experts present information on problems affecting horses throughout the world — and provide contributions that enable practitioners and students to approach disease and treatment of equine patients with more authority and understanding. - User-friendly exterior and interior design makes the book appealing to both the equine internal medicine practitioner and the veterinary student. Easy-to-find information facilitates a more thorough understanding with minimal frustration. - Organized and consistent coverage among chapters allows you to easily find information on a specific topic. - NEW! Fully updated and revised sections on disorders and principles of treatment. - NEW! Problem-based approach outlines how to apply the latest clinical evidence directly to the conditions you will encounter in practice. - NEW! Pathophysiology is emphasized throughout, providing a sound basis for discussions of the diagnosis, treatment, and prognosis that follow. - NEW! Body systems chapters begin with a thorough discussion of the diagnostic method appropriate to the system, including physical examination, clinical pathology, radiography, endoscopy, and ultrasonography. - NEW and UNIQUE! Companion website includes more than 120 video clips linked to content from chapters on cardiovascular and neurologic system disorders. - NEW! Flow charts, diagrams, and algorithms clarify complex material.

Les Livres de L'année

Les Livres de L'année PDF Author:
Category : Bibliography
Languages : en
Pages : 348

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Catalogue PDF Author: Bernard Quaritch (Firm)
Category : Antiquarian booksellers
Languages : en
Pages : 1206

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The Washington Manual of Echocardiography

The Washington Manual of Echocardiography PDF Author: Ravi Rasalingam
Publisher: Lippincott Williams & Wilkins
ISBN: 1451113404
Category : Medical
Languages : en
Pages : 321

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Supervised and edited by faculty from the Washington University School of Medicine, The Washington Manual of Echocardiography provides quick insight into the successful performance and interpretation of echocardiographic images. Ideal for today's cardiology fellow, this outstanding reference is both sufficiently comprehensive to guide users through training, and accessible enough as a quick consult for general physicians who are interested in echocardiography. Your keys to excellence in cardiac echo...* Tips and pearls from cardiologists and sonographers offer guidance on proper set-up, correct transduction technique, and image optimization* Easy-to-navigate sections address diagnostic markers of valvular heart disease, cardiomyopathies, and congenital anomalies, as well as applications of trans-esophageal echocardiography* Abundant high-quality images enhance visual learning and improve diagnostic accuracy* Succinct yet comprehensive descriptions present critical pieces of information on key areas of echocardiography and Doppler techniques* Free online companion website with hundreds of echo clips in addition to the full text for you to access anytime, anywhere