Living Green

Living Green PDF Author: Greg Horn
Publisher: SCB Distributors
ISBN: 1893910741
Category : House & Home
Languages : en
Pages : 194

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Over 85 percent of Americans today express concern about health and the environment, yet only a small fraction say they know where to begin. If you are concerned about climate change, personal health, or simply wish to tread more lightly on the earth, this book is for you. It wil help you get past the worry adn take positive action to improve both your health and the health of the planet. Based on a lifetime of research and practice, Greg Horn provides the ultimate primer for living sustainably.

Living Green

Living Green PDF Author: Greg Horn
Publisher: SCB Distributors
ISBN: 1893910741
Category : House & Home
Languages : en
Pages : 194

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Book Description
Over 85 percent of Americans today express concern about health and the environment, yet only a small fraction say they know where to begin. If you are concerned about climate change, personal health, or simply wish to tread more lightly on the earth, this book is for you. It wil help you get past the worry adn take positive action to improve both your health and the health of the planet. Based on a lifetime of research and practice, Greg Horn provides the ultimate primer for living sustainably.

Green Living

Green Living PDF Author: Green Matters
Publisher: Rock Point Gift & Stationery
ISBN: 1631067206
Category : Family & Relationships
Languages : en
Pages : 163

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Who says living a green lifestyle has to be a chore? Part reference, part lifestyle—with a dash of inspiration—Green Living is full of approachable, accessible, and easily implemented strategies to quickly and easily bring sustainability into all areas of your life and home.

Living with a Green Heart

Living with a Green Heart PDF Author: Gay Browne
Publisher: Citadel
ISBN: 0806539003
Category : Self-Help
Languages : en
Pages : 290

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“If you want one of the shortest, fastest routes to getting toxic chemicals out of your life, get behind the wheel of Gay Browne’s Living with a Green Heart and you’ll get there in no time flat.” —Ken Cook, President, Environmental Working Group In an increasingly toxic world, the paths to environmental health and personal well-being run parallel. The journey begins with a few small steps. Is the damage we’re doing to our planet literally leaving you sick, sore, and gasping for air? Want to take back our inalienable rights to clean air, clean water, and healthy food? In this quietly revolutionary book, environmental pioneer and founder of Greenopia, Gay Browne, shares a roadmap for making incremental changes that will not only transform your life, but heal the world we share. From the home to the office, from the foods we eat to the clothes we wear, here are actions you can take today that will improve your Personal Environmental Health, and help you stop feeling overwhelmed, reduce illness, improve sleep, mood, and focus, and start making a difference, including: *Make conscious choices when shopping, and support companies with good environmental stewardship and healthy products. *Test your water for harmful chemicals, install an affordable water filtration system, and reduce your water use by utilizing water more efficiently. *Work with your doctor to create a personal plan for detoxing your body. *Use only non-toxic and organic household products, and choose organic, eco-friendly fabrics made by sustainable and fair trade certified companies. *Choose the method of transportation that makes the lightest carbon footprint. With these and many other actions, Gay Browne’s work has taught her that even the smallest change for the better, faithfully practiced, can have an immense positive impact on our minds, bodies, and spirits—not to mention the planet.

Green Tea Living

Green Tea Living PDF Author: Toshimi A. Kayaki
Publisher: Stone Bridge Press
ISBN: 161172547X
Category : Self-Help
Languages : en
Pages : 195

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Starting with the notion that some traditions—like drinking green tea for health and mental acuity—embody timeless wisdom for living, Toshimi A. Kayaki offers dozens of wise old Japanese ways for improving how you look and feel while respecting nature and the environment. Carry your own pair of chopsticks, wear five-toe socks, eat salty plums, use rice water as floor wax, do “eco-laundry,” and always set aside 10 percent for savings . . . you get the idea. By leading a “green tea life,” you’ll help yourself and the planet. Toshimi A. Kayaki, born and raised in Japan, now lives in the San Francisco Bay Area and has published twenty-two books on women’s and cross-cultural issues.

Living Green

Living Green PDF Author: Jennifer Fosket
Publisher: New Society Publishers
ISBN: 1550924303
Category : Social Science
Languages : en
Pages : 204

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Social issues are, and need to be, a central part of environmental and economic sustainability efforts. Using stories of extraordinary communities across North America, Living Green showcases the social side of living green. The book features communities that explicitly integrate social and human factors into their design and planning, and examines the impact living in these communities has on personal health, well-being and the capacity for pursuing sustainability. It includes interviews with developers, architects and residents, highlighting personal ideals and efforts to pursue a sustainable lifestyle. The book's three parts explore: How community is central to sustainable living in everything from co-housing to communes Communities that specifically integrate green building design components with social justice politics such as racism, poverty and urban alienation. Housing options geared toward mainstream living that offer individual choices to those who wish to live green. Written for those desiring to hear a good news story, Living Green will appeal to individuals and communities living a sustainable lifestyle, green building activists, and academics in sociology, planning and design, architecture and environmental fields. Check out the authors' website and blog .

Easy Green Living

Easy Green Living PDF Author: Renee Loux
Publisher: Rodale Books
ISBN: 1623363241
Category : House & Home
Languages : en
Pages : 517

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We are what we eat, but we also are what we use to clean our homes, pamper our skin, and decorate our rooms, according to Renée Loux, accomplished raw food chef, award-winning author, and host of Fine Living TV's Easy Being Green. In her new book, Easy Green Living, she applies her whole-foods philosophy to home, garden, and beauty routines. Renée Loux demonstrates that being green at home is easy, affordable, and better in every sense of the word. She discusses the daily choices we face that can keep the home, personal care, and beauty routines free of toxins. She exposes the dirt on cleaning products and common hazardous ingredients and reveals her recommendations for greener options, including her "Green Thumb Guides" for choosing non-toxic, eco-smart, and human-friendly products. Peppered with compelling and inspiring facts, Easy Green Living is full of "5 Step" lists, products and recipes for green cleaning, helpful charts, safer choices for every room, and inspirational advice so we can save the planet--one cleaning spritz at a time. As recent special issues of Vanity Fair, Time, Newsweek, and other major publications have demonstrated, going green is an idea whose time has come. Whether addressing big-picture topics like renewable energy, or offering simple suggestions for everyday living, this complete lifestyle guide shows that healthier choices don't mean a radical or complicated life change--it is, after all, easy to be green.

Indoor Green

Indoor Green PDF Author: Bree Claffey
ISBN: 9780500500538
Category : Gardeners
Languages : en
Pages : 0

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A visual ode to the transformative power of the houseplant in home décor, with practical information for arranging your own indoor green

Just Enough

Just Enough PDF Author: Azby Brown
Publisher: Stone Bridge Press, Inc.
ISBN: 1611729572
Category : House & Home
Languages : en
Pages : 236

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How the mindset of traditional Japanese society can guide our own efforts to lead a green lifestyle today. If we want to live sustainably, how should we feel about nature? About waste? About our forests and rivers? About food? Just Enough is a book of stories and sketches that give valuable insight into what it is like to live in a sustainable society by describing life in Japan some two hundred years ago, during the late Edo period, when cities and villages faced many of the same environmental challenges we do today and met them beautifully and inventively.

It's Easy Being Green

It's Easy Being Green PDF Author: Chrissy Trask
Publisher: Gibbs Smith
ISBN: 1423607961
Category : House & Home
Languages : en
Pages : 211

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Surveys find that over 80 percent of Americans agree with the goals of the environmental movement. Sadly, most Americans admit to doing little more than basic recycling when it comes to acting on that disposition. What is the reason for this great divide between environmental sentiment in this country and individual actions? Author and environmental consultant Crissy Trask seeks to answer this question-and solve the disparity-with a new book that makes it easy to be an environmentalist, no matter how busy or hectic your lifestyle. This is a day to day guide with simple, practical suggestions that anyone can put into action.

Generation Green

Generation Green PDF Author: Linda Sivertsen
Publisher: Simon and Schuster
ISBN: 141698285X
Category : Young Adult Nonfiction
Languages : en
Pages : 274

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Book Description
We all know about the Earth's environmental crisis, but there is someone who can truly make a difference: you. If you text your friends or chat with them online, download music to your iPod, or toss bottles and papers into recycling bins, you're already more eco-savvy than you think. It's just as easy to do even more to help save the earth, and Generation Green shows you how. This book: Lays out the inside scoop on the biggest issues affecting our planet, such as global warming and overflowing landfills Offers dozens of tips on how to shop, dress, eat, and travel the green way Includes interviews with teens like you who are involved with fun, innovative green causes Shows that being environmentally conscious can be a natural part of your life -- and your generation's contribution to turning things around. It doesn't matter if you can't vote or drive. Your efforts -- big or small -- will contribute to saving the planet. It's time for all of us to take action. It's time to go green!