Iron Catalysis II

Iron Catalysis II PDF Author: Eike Bauer
Publisher: Springer
ISBN: 3319193961
Category : Science
Languages : en
Pages : 367

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The series Topics in Organometallic Chemistry presents critical overviews of research results in organometallic chemistry. As our understanding of organometallic structure, properties and mechanisms increases, new ways are opened for the design of organometallic compounds and reactions tailored to the needs of such diverse areas as organic synthesis, medical research, biology and materials science. Thus the scope of coverage includes a broad range of topics of pure and applied organometallic chemistry, where new breakthroughs are being achieved that are of significance to a larger scientific audience. The individual volumes of Topics in Organometallic Chemistry are thematic. Review articles are generally invited by the volume editors.

Iron Catalysis II

Iron Catalysis II PDF Author: Eike Bauer
Publisher: Springer
ISBN: 3319193961
Category : Science
Languages : en
Pages : 367

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Book Description
The series Topics in Organometallic Chemistry presents critical overviews of research results in organometallic chemistry. As our understanding of organometallic structure, properties and mechanisms increases, new ways are opened for the design of organometallic compounds and reactions tailored to the needs of such diverse areas as organic synthesis, medical research, biology and materials science. Thus the scope of coverage includes a broad range of topics of pure and applied organometallic chemistry, where new breakthroughs are being achieved that are of significance to a larger scientific audience. The individual volumes of Topics in Organometallic Chemistry are thematic. Review articles are generally invited by the volume editors.

Iron Catalysis

Iron Catalysis PDF Author: Bernd Plietker
Publisher: Springer Science & Business Media
ISBN: 3642146694
Category : Science
Languages : en
Pages : 227

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Juan I. Padrón and Víctor S. Martín: Catalysis by means of Fe-based Lewis acids; Hiroshi Nakazawa*, Masumi Itazaki: Fe–H Complexes in Catalysis; Kristin Schröder, Kathrin Junge, Bianca Bitterlich, and Matthias Beller: Fe-catalyzed Oxidation Reactions of Olefins, Alkanes and Alcohols: Involvement of Oxo- and Peroxo Complexes; Chi-Ming Che, Cong-Ying Zhou, Ella Lai-Ming Wong: Catalysis by Fe=X Complexes (X=NR, CR2); René Peters, Daniel F. Fischer and Sascha Jautze: Ferrocene and Half Sandwich Complexes as Catalysts with Iron Participation; Markus Jegelka, Bernd Plietker: Catalysis by Means of Complex Ferrates.

Iron Catalysis in Organic Chemistry

Iron Catalysis in Organic Chemistry PDF Author: Bernd Plietker
Publisher: John Wiley & Sons
ISBN: 3527623280
Category : Science
Languages : en
Pages : 295

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This first comprehensive book to cover this exciting field also deals with the biological aspects, such as enzymes with iron. Following an introduction, this handy reference and handbook goes on to deal with reductions, oxidations of C, H- and C=C bonds, oxidative allylic oxygenation and amination, the oxidation of heteroatoms, cross coupling reactions, aromatic and nucleophilic substitutions, addition to carbonyl compounds, and cyclisations as well as ring opening reactions. The chapters are clearly classified according to the reaction type, allowing readers to quickly locate the desired information.

Iron Catalysis: Design And Applications

Iron Catalysis: Design And Applications PDF Author: Jose M Palomo
Publisher: World Scientific
ISBN: 1786349639
Category : Science
Languages : en
Pages : 350

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Iron Catalysis: Design and Applications is an exciting new book that takes readers inside the world of iron catalysis guided by international catalysis expert, Dr Jose M Palomo. Iron is the most abundant metal in the planet, cost-effective, environmentally friendly, with an easily manipulated remediation process. In the last few years the use of this nonprecious metal has gained extraordinary attention particularly for its potential as a catalyst in different areas. This book compiles a series of chapters describing the most significant advances in the last few years since the design of different iron catalysts and nanocatalysts and iron-containing artificial and natural enzymes. The chapters also cover its application in different areas of interest such as organic synthesis, environmental remediation, enzyme-like activities or the creation of novel types of electrodes for battery design.

Olefin Upgrading Catalysis by Nitrogen-based Metal Complexes II

Olefin Upgrading Catalysis by Nitrogen-based Metal Complexes II PDF Author: Giuliano GIAMBASTIANI
Publisher: Springer Science & Business Media
ISBN: 9400706960
Category : Science
Languages : en
Pages : 272

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Olefin Upgrading Catalysis by Nitrogen-based Metal Complexes II: State-of-the-art and Perspectives provides a critical review of the state-of-the-art developments in industrially relevant processes connected to efficient and selective olefin upgrading. Specific attention is devoted to catalysts containing imine- and amine-based ligands. All the chapters in this book have been designed to provide a systematic account of the vast amount of information available for this type of catalyst as well as to highlight the factors that ultimately control the catalyst’s performance and productivity. A comprehensive panorama of catalyst precursors is presented, spanning from group 10 α-diimine complexes and iron and cobalt 2,6-bis(imino)pyridine derivatives, to vanadium, chromium, titanium, zirconium and lanthanide complexes supported by nitrogen-containing ligands. The authors of this collective work are currently involved in the development of imine-based catalysts for efficient and selective olefin upgrading and the majority of them have dedicated most of their scientific career to this important field. In writing this book, their major goal is to transfer as many ideas and experiences as possible to the global audience of scientists engaged in this area of research.

Non-Noble Metal Catalysis

Non-Noble Metal Catalysis PDF Author: Robertus J. M. Klein Gebbink
Publisher: John Wiley & Sons
ISBN: 3527340610
Category : Technology & Engineering
Languages : en
Pages : 610

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An expert overview of current research, applications, and economic and environmental advantages The study and development of new homogeneous catalysts based on first-row metals (Mn, Fe, Co, Ni, and Cu) has grown significantly due to the economic and environmental advantages that non-noble metals present. Base metals offer reduced cost, greater supply, and lower toxicity levels than noble metals?enabling greater opportunity for scientific investigation and increased development of practical applications. Non-Noble Metal Catalysis provides an authoritative survey of the field, from fundamental concepts and computational methods to industrial applications and reaction classes. Recognized experts in organometallic chemistry and homogeneous catalysis, the authors present a comprehensive overview of the conceptual and practical aspects of non-noble metal catalysts. Examination of topics including non-innocent ligands, proton-coupled electron transfer, and multi-nuclear complexes provide essential background information, while areas such as kinetic lability and lifetimes of intermediates reflect current research and shifting trends in the field. This timely book demonstrates the efficacy of base metal catalysts in the pharmaceutical, fine-chemical, and agrochemical industries, addressing both environmental and economic concerns. Providing essential conceptual and practical exploration, this valuable resource: -Illustrates how unravelling new reactivity patterns can lead to new catalysts and new applications -Highlights the multiple advantages of using non-noble metals in homogenous catalysis -Demonstrates how the availability of non-noble metal catalysis reduces costs and leads to immense savings for the chemical industry -Reveals how non-noble metal catalysis are more sustainable than noble metals such as palladium or platinum Non-Noble Metal Catalysis: Molecular Approaches and Reactions is an indispensable source of up-to-date information for catalytic chemists, organic chemists, industrial chemists, organometallic chemists, and those seeking to broaden their knowledge of catalytic chemistry.

Chemical and Thermomagnetic Studies on Iron Catalysts for Synthesis of Hydrocarbons

Chemical and Thermomagnetic Studies on Iron Catalysts for Synthesis of Hydrocarbons PDF Author: Helmut Pichler
Category : Hydrocarbons
Languages : en
Pages : 120

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Catalysis with Earth-abundant Elements

Catalysis with Earth-abundant Elements PDF Author: Uwe Schneider
Publisher: Royal Society of Chemistry
ISBN: 178801118X
Category : Technology & Engineering
Languages : en
Pages : 431

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Considering the limited resources of our planet, earth-abundant elements will have to be explored increasingly in the future. This book highlights the uses of the most earth-abundant elements in catalysis and will be of interest to graduates, academic researchers and practitioners in catalysis.

Polyolefins: 50 years after Ziegler and Natta II

Polyolefins: 50 years after Ziegler and Natta II PDF Author: Walter Kaminsky
Publisher: Springer
ISBN: 3642408052
Category : Technology & Engineering
Languages : en
Pages : 371

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Advances in Polymer Science enjoys a longstanding tradition and good reputation in its community. Each volume is dedicated to a current topic, and each review critically surveys one aspect of that topic, to place it within the context of the volume. The volumes typically summarize the significant developments of the last 5 to 10 years and discuss them critically, presenting selected examples, explaining and illustrating the important principles, and bringing together many important references of primary literature. On that basis, future research directions in the area can be discussed. Advances in Polymer Science volumes thus are important references for every polymer scientist, as well as for other scientists interested in polymer science - as an introduction to a neighboring field, or as a compilation of detailed information for the specialist.

Comprehensive Inorganic Chemistry II

Comprehensive Inorganic Chemistry II PDF Author:
Publisher: Newnes
ISBN: 0080965296
Category : Science
Languages : en
Pages : 7694

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Comprehensive Inorganic Chemistry II, Nine Volume Set reviews and examines topics of relevance to today’s inorganic chemists. Covering more interdisciplinary and high impact areas, Comprehensive Inorganic Chemistry II includes biological inorganic chemistry, solid state chemistry, materials chemistry, and nanoscience. The work is designed to follow on, with a different viewpoint and format, from our 1973 work, Comprehensive Inorganic Chemistry, edited by Bailar, Emeléus, Nyholm, and Trotman-Dickenson, which has received over 2,000 citations. The new work will also complement other recent Elsevier works in this area, Comprehensive Coordination Chemistry and Comprehensive Organometallic Chemistry, to form a trio of works covering the whole of modern inorganic chemistry. Chapters are designed to provide a valuable, long-standing scientific resource for both advanced students new to an area and researchers who need further background or answers to a particular problem on the elements, their compounds, or applications. Chapters are written by teams of leading experts, under the guidance of the Volume Editors and the Editors-in-Chief. The articles are written at a level that allows undergraduate students to understand the material, while providing active researchers with a ready reference resource for information in the field. The chapters will not provide basic data on the elements, which is available from many sources (and the original work), but instead concentrate on applications of the elements and their compounds. Provides a comprehensive review which serves to put many advances in perspective and allows the reader to make connections to related fields, such as: biological inorganic chemistry, materials chemistry, solid state chemistry and nanoscience Inorganic chemistry is rapidly developing, which brings about the need for a reference resource such as this that summarise recent developments and simultaneously provide background information Forms the new definitive source for researchers interested in elements and their applications; completely replacing the highly cited first edition, which published in 1973