Harmony and Voice Leading

Harmony and Voice Leading PDF Author: Edward Aldwell
Category : Harmony
Languages : en
Pages : 202

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Book Description
Harmony and voice leading is a textbook in two volumes dealing with tonal organization in the music of the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries.

Harmony and Voice Leading

Harmony and Voice Leading PDF Author: Edward Aldwell
Category : Harmony
Languages : en
Pages : 202

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Book Description
Harmony and voice leading is a textbook in two volumes dealing with tonal organization in the music of the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries.

Voice Leading

Voice Leading PDF Author: David Huron
Publisher: MIT Press
ISBN: 026233545X
Category : Music
Languages : en
Pages : 273

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Book Description
An accessible scientific explanation for the traditional rules of voice leading, including an account of why listeners find some musical textures more pleasing than others. Voice leading is the musical art of combining sounds over time. In this book, David Huron offers an accessible account of the cognitive and perceptual foundations for this practice. Drawing on decades of scientific research, including his own award-winning work, Huron offers explanations for many practices and phenomena, including the perceptual dominance of the highest voice, chordal-tone doubling, direct octaves, embellishing tones, and the musical feeling of sounds “leading” somewhere. Huron shows how traditional rules of voice leading align almost perfectly with modern scientific accounts of auditory perception. He also reviews pertinent research establishing the role of learning and enculturation in auditory and musical perception. Voice leading has long been taught with reference to Baroque chorale-style part-writing, yet there exist many more musical styles and practices. The traditional emphasis on Baroque part-writing understandably leaves many musicians wondering why they are taught such an archaic and narrow practice in an age of stylistic diversity. Huron explains how and why Baroque voice leading continues to warrant its central pedagogical status. Expanding beyond choral-style writing, Huron shows how established perceptual principles can be used to compose, analyze, and critically understand any kind of acoustical texture from tune-and-accompaniment songs and symphonic orchestration to jazz combo arranging and abstract electroacoustic music. Finally, he offers a psychological explanation for why certain kinds of musical textures are more likely to be experienced by listeners as pleasing.

Harmonic Practice in Tonal Music

Harmonic Practice in Tonal Music PDF Author: Robert Gauldin
Publisher: W W Norton & Company Incorporated
ISBN: 9780393976663
Category : Music
Languages : en
Pages : 895

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Book Description
Conceptually sophisticated and exceptionally musical, Harmonic Practice in Tonal Music provides a thorough treatment of harmony and voice-leading principles in tonal music.

Student Workbook, Volume II for Aldwell/Schachter/Cadwallader's Harmony and Voice Leading, 5th

Student Workbook, Volume II for Aldwell/Schachter/Cadwallader's Harmony and Voice Leading, 5th PDF Author: Edward Aldwell
Publisher: Wadsworth Publishing
ISBN: 9781337560702
Category : Education
Languages : en
Pages :

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Book Description
Provides material for homework assignments, classroom demonstrations and periodic reviews. A generous assortment of excerpts from the literature for assignments in analysis. Volume II corresponds with the second half of the text.

A Geometry of Music

A Geometry of Music PDF Author: Dmitri Tymoczko
Publisher: OUP USA
ISBN: 0195336674
Category : Mathematics
Languages : en
Pages : 469

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Book Description
In this groundbreaking book, Tymoczko uses contemporary geometry to provide a new framework for thinking about music, one that emphasizes the commonalities among styles from Medieval polyphony to contemporary jazz.

Connecting Chords with Linear Harmony

Connecting Chords with Linear Harmony PDF Author:
Publisher: Hal Leonard Corporation
ISBN: 1476863121
Category : Music
Languages : en
Pages : 130

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Book Description
(Jazz Book). A study of three basic outlines used in jazz improv and composition, based on a study of hundreds of examples from great jazz artists.

Counterpoint in Composition

Counterpoint in Composition PDF Author: Felix Salzer
Publisher: Columbia University Press
ISBN: 023107039X
Category : Composition (Music)
Languages : en
Pages : 504

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Book Description
-- Stanley Persky, City University of New York

Student Workbook, Volume I for Aldwell/Schachter/Cadwallader's Harmony and Voice Leading, 5th

Student Workbook, Volume I for Aldwell/Schachter/Cadwallader's Harmony and Voice Leading, 5th PDF Author: Edward Aldwell
Publisher: Wadsworth Publishing
ISBN: 9781337560696
Category : Education
Languages : en
Pages :

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Book Description
Provides material for homework assignments, classroom demonstrations and periodic reviews. A generous assortment of excerpts from the literature for assignments in analysis. Volume I corresponds with the first half of the text.

The Jazz Theory Book

The Jazz Theory Book PDF Author: Mark Levine
Publisher: "O'Reilly Media, Inc."
ISBN: 1457101459
Category : Music
Languages : en
Pages : 725

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Book Description
The most highly-acclaimed jazz theory book ever published! Over 500 pages of comprehensive, but easy to understand text covering every aspect of how jazz is constructed---chord construction, II-V-I progressions, scale theory, chord/scale relationships, the blues, reharmonization, and much more. A required text in universities world-wide, translated into five languages, endorsed by Jamey Aebersold, James Moody, Dave Liebman, etc.

Concise Introduction to Tonal Harmony

Concise Introduction to Tonal Harmony PDF Author: L. Poundie Burstein
ISBN: 9780393679601
Category : Harmony
Languages : en
Pages :

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