Feminist Theory, Women's Writing

Feminist Theory, Women's Writing PDF Author: Laurie Finke
Publisher: Cornell University Press
ISBN: 1501726250
Category : Literary Criticism
Languages : en
Pages : 237

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Feminist Theory, Women's Writing

Feminist Theory, Women's Writing PDF Author: Laurie Finke
Publisher: Cornell University Press
ISBN: 1501726250
Category : Literary Criticism
Languages : en
Pages : 237

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No detailed description available for "Feminist Theory, Women's Writing".

Engendering the Subject

Engendering the Subject PDF Author: Sally Robinson
Publisher: State University of New York Press
ISBN: 1438417551
Category : Biography & Autobiography
Languages : en
Pages : 270

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Robinson sets up a dialogue between feminist critical theory and contemporary women's fiction in order to argue for a new way of reading the specificity of women's writing. Through theoretically informed readings of novels by Doris Lessing, Angela Carter, and Gayl Jones, the author argues that female subjectivity is engendered in discourse through the woman writer's strategic engagement in representational systems that rely on a singular figure of Woman for coherence. Through this engagement, women's self-representation emerges as a process through which women take up multiple and contradictory positions in relation to different hegemonic discursive systems, and through which they engender themselves as subjects. Finally, Engendering the Subject suggests how women's fiction can provide a model for a feminist practice of reading that would simultaneously work against the historical containment of Woman, and for the empowerment of women as subjects of cultural practices.

Female Subjectivity in Women's Writing

Female Subjectivity in Women's Writing PDF Author: Hatice Yurttaş
Publisher: Cambridge Scholars Publishing
ISBN: 152752891X
Category : Juvenile Nonfiction
Languages : en
Pages : 138

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This volume discusses how Angela Carter’s Nights at the Circus, Margaret Atwood's The Blind Assassin, and A.S. Byatt’s “Morpho Eugenia” approach the question of female subjectivity and how they relate this question to language and literature. It shows that the conscious intertextuality and genre transgressions in these writings reflect the authors’ awareness of the woman writer’s problematic position in the literary tradition which does not allow woman a subject position. In this discussion, Luce Irigaray’s criticism of language and theory as the producer and ally of the patriarchal order is used as the main reference point. The book reads these in the light of Irigaray’s analyses of how language creates the category of woman. It highlights that Atwood and Carter are more in accord with Irigaray’s insistence on a language that can produce a female subjectivity by acknowledging, representing and symbolizing the desire of, and for, the mother, while Byatt, on the other hand, suffices with deconstructing the male subject without devising a subjective identity for women.

The Female as Subject

The Female as Subject PDF Author: P.F. Kornicki
Publisher: University of Michigan Press
ISBN: 1929280653
Category : History
Languages : en
Pages : 291

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Reveals the rich and lively world of literate women in Japan from 1600 through the early 20th century

Gender and Subjectivities in Early Twentieth-Century Chinese Literature and Culture

Gender and Subjectivities in Early Twentieth-Century Chinese Literature and Culture PDF Author: P. Zhu
Publisher: Springer
ISBN: 1137514736
Category : Literary Criticism
Languages : en
Pages : 297

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Through both cultural and literary analysis, this book examines gender in relation to late Qing and modern Chinese intellectuals, including Mu Shiying, Bai Wei, and Lu Xun. Tackling important, previously neglected questions, Zhu ultimately shows the resilience and malleability of Chinese modernity through its progressive views on femininity.

The Body and the Screen

The Body and the Screen PDF Author: Kate Ince
Publisher: Bloomsbury Publishing USA
ISBN: 1623562929
Category : Performing Arts
Languages : en
Pages : 209

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Since the 1980s the number of women regularly directing films has increased significantly in most Western countries; in France, Claire Denis and Catherine Breillat have joined Agnès Varda in gaining international renown, while British directors Lynne Ramsay and Andrea Arnold have forged award-winning careers in feature film. This new volume in the “Thinking Cinema” series draws on feminist philosophers and theorists from Simone de Beauvoir on to offer readings of a range of the most important and memorable of these films from the 1990s and 2000s, focusing as it does so on how the films convey women's lives and identities. Mainstream entertainment cinema traditionally distorts the representation of women, objectifying their bodies, minimizing their agency, and avoiding the most important questions about how cinema can "do justice" to female subjectivity. Kate Ince suggests that the films of independent women directors are progressively redressing the balance, reinvigorating both the narratives and the formal ambitions of European cinema. Ince uses feminist philosophers to interpret such films as Sex Is Comedy, Morvern Callar, White Material, and Fish Tank anew, suggesting that a philosophical understanding of female subjectivity as embodied and ethical should underpin future feminist film study.

Women, Autobiography, Theory

Women, Autobiography, Theory PDF Author: Sidonie Smith
Publisher: Univ of Wisconsin Press
ISBN: 9780299158446
Category : Biography & Autobiography
Languages : en
Pages : 546

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The first comprehensive guide to the burgeoning field of women's autobiography. Essays from 39 prominent critics and writers explore narratives across the centuries and from around the globe. A list of more than 200 women's autobiographies and a comprehensive bibliography provide invaluable information for scholars, teachers, and readers.

Herself an Author

Herself an Author PDF Author: Grace S. Fong
Publisher: University of Hawaii Press
ISBN: 0824862821
Category : Literary Criticism
Languages : en
Pages : 257

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"Grace Fong has written a wonderful history of female writers’ participation in the elite conventions of Chinese poetics. Fong’s recovery of many of these poets, her able exegesis and elegant, analytical grasp of what the poets were doing is a great read, and her bilingual presentation of their poetry gives the book additional power. This is a persuasive and elegant study." —Tani Barlow, author of The Question of Women in Chinese Feminism "In this quietly authoritative book, Grace Fong has brought a group of women poets back to life. Previously ignored by scholars because of their marginal status or the inaccessibility of their works, these remarkable writers now speak to us about the sensualities, pains, satisfactions, and sadness of being a woman in a patriarchal society. Professor Fong—a superb translator of Chinese poetry, prose, and criticism—has rendered the works of these women in a way that is true both to our theoretical concerns and theirs." —Dorothy Ko, author of Cinderella’s Sisters: A Revisionist History of Footbinding "Professor Fong approaches the poetry of Ming-Qing upper-class women as a social-cultural activity that allowed these women to manifest their agency and assert their own subjectivity against the background of virtual and actual networks of fellow female poets. As the distillation of more than ten years of research by one of the leading scholars in this field, this work is a timely contribution that eminently deserves our attention. Given the inclusion of translations of some of the texts discussed, the book provides a comprehensive introduction to the reading of women’s poetry of the Ming-Qing period." —Wilt Idema, Harvard University Herself an Author addresses the critical question of how to approach the study of women’s writing. It explores various methods of engaging in a meaningful way with a rich corpus of poetry and prose written by women of the late Ming and Qing periods, much of it rediscovered by the author in rare book collections in China and the United States. The volume treats different genres of writing and includes translations of texts that are made available for the first time in English. Among the works considered are the life-long poetic record of Gan Lirou, the lyrical travel journal kept by Wang Fengxian, and the erotic poetry of the concubine Shen Cai. Taking the view that gentry women’s varied textual production was a form of cultural practice, Grace Fong examines women’s autobiographical poetry collections, travel writings, and critical discourse on the subject of women’s poetry, offering fresh insights on women’s intervention into the dominant male literary tradition. The wealth of texts translated and discussed here include fascinating documents written by concubines—women who occupied a subordinate position in the family and social system. Fong adopts the notion of agency as a theoretical focus to investigate forms of subjectivity and enactments of subject positions in the intersection between textual practice and social inscription. Her reading of the life and work of women writers reveals surprising instances and modes of self-empowerment within the gender constraints of Confucian orthodoxy. Fong argues that literate women in late imperial China used writing and reading to create literary and social communities, transcend temporal-spatial and social limitations, and represent themselves as the authors of their own life histories.

Black Women, Writing and Identity

Black Women, Writing and Identity PDF Author: Carole Boyce-Davies
Publisher: Routledge
ISBN: 1134855230
Category : Literary Criticism
Languages : en
Pages : 193

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Black Women Writing and Identity is an exciting work by one of the most imaginative and acute writers around. The book explores a complex and fascinating set of interrelated issues, establishing the significance of such wide-ranging subjects as: * re-mapping, re-naming and cultural crossings * tourist ideologies and playful world travelling * gender, heritage and identity * African women's writing and resistance to domination * marginality, effacement and decentering * gender, language and the politics of location Carole Boyce-Davies is at the forefront of attempts to broaden the discourse surrounding the representation of and by black women and women of colour. Black Women Writing and Identity represents an extraordinary achievement in this field, taking our understanding of identity, location and representation to new levels.

Female Subjectivity in African-American Women's Poetry

Female Subjectivity in African-American Women's Poetry PDF Author: Tanima Kumari
Publisher: Cambridge Scholars Publishing
ISBN: 1527501337
Category : Social Science
Languages : en
Pages : 138

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This book is aimed at constructing the Black female subjectivity of African-American women through the works of chosen poets: Marilyn Nelson, Rita Dove, Elizabeth Alexander, and Patricia Smith. The study delves into the intricacies of African-American women’s issues such as objectification, rape, motherhood, and racism. This work is unique, as it takes up the study of African-American women’s poetry and studies different creative expressions and artistic genres in their struggle for identity. It illuminates Black female aesthetics, and the liberation of self, thus, celebrating their blackness. By examining historical and contemporary issues, the book invites the readers to re-counter the dominance of the established White Order and stimulates the question of the agency of Black women. This book debunks the perceptions and offers a genuine contribution to the discourse on African-American women’s lives. It goes beyond the customary reflections on women’s experiences and addresses the poignant odyssey of ‘women of color’, marking a shift to ‘politics of survival’.