Family Practice Guidelines

Family Practice Guidelines PDF Author: Jill C. Cash, MSN, APN, FNP-BC
Publisher: Springer Publishing Company
ISBN: 0826118135
Category : Medical
Languages : en
Pages : 835

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Named a 2013 Doody's Core Title! "This is a wonderful book for both novice and experienced physician assistants and nurse practitioners. This latest edition will see frequent use in your daily practice."Score: 100, 5 stars--Doody's Medical Reviews "This textbook provides comprehensive coverage of primary care disorders in an easy-to-read format and contains invaluable step-by-step instructions for evaluating and managing primary care patients. . . [It] belongs in every NP and PA's reference library. I highly recommend this wonderful textbook." Maria T. Leik, MSN, FNP-BC, ANP-BC, GNP-BC President, National ARNP Services, Inc. "Family Practice Guidelines is an excellent resource for the busy clinician. It offers succinct, comprehensive information in an easy format that is particularly useful for quick reference. This text is useful for general practice settings as well as specialty care." Anne Moore, APN; WHNP/ANP-BC; FAANP Vanderbilt University The second edition of Family Practice Guidelines is a comprehensive resource for clinicians, presenting current national standard of care guidelines for practice, in addition to select 2011 guidelines. This clinical reference features detailed physical examination and diagnostic testing, information on health promotion, guidelines of care, dietary information, national resources for patient use, and patient education handouts all in one resource. This revised edition features guidelines for 246 disorders, each containing clearly outlined considerations for pediatric, pregnant, and geriatric patients. It also presents 18 procedures commonly performed in the clinical setting, including bedside cystometry, hernia reduction, neurological examination, and more. Patient Teaching Guides are also provided, and are designed to be given directly to patients as take home teaching supplements. Additionally, the book contains four appendices with guidelines on normal lab values, procedures, sexual maturity stages, and teeth. New to this Edition: Select 2011 guidelines Over 17 new protocols including: ADD/ADHD, Menopause, Migraine, Chronic Kidney Disease in Adults, Obesity/Gastric Bypass, and more Completely updated Patient Teaching Guides, including a new entry on Anticoagulation Therapy for Patients with AFib, to tear out and send home with patients Addition of consultation and referral recommendations New chapter presenting Pain Management Guidelines for acute and chronic pain Completely updated national treatment guidelines

Family Practice Guidelines

Family Practice Guidelines PDF Author: Jill C. Cash, MSN, APN, FNP-BC
Publisher: Springer Publishing Company
ISBN: 0826118135
Category : Medical
Languages : en
Pages : 835

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Book Description
Named a 2013 Doody's Core Title! "This is a wonderful book for both novice and experienced physician assistants and nurse practitioners. This latest edition will see frequent use in your daily practice."Score: 100, 5 stars--Doody's Medical Reviews "This textbook provides comprehensive coverage of primary care disorders in an easy-to-read format and contains invaluable step-by-step instructions for evaluating and managing primary care patients. . . [It] belongs in every NP and PA's reference library. I highly recommend this wonderful textbook." Maria T. Leik, MSN, FNP-BC, ANP-BC, GNP-BC President, National ARNP Services, Inc. "Family Practice Guidelines is an excellent resource for the busy clinician. It offers succinct, comprehensive information in an easy format that is particularly useful for quick reference. This text is useful for general practice settings as well as specialty care." Anne Moore, APN; WHNP/ANP-BC; FAANP Vanderbilt University The second edition of Family Practice Guidelines is a comprehensive resource for clinicians, presenting current national standard of care guidelines for practice, in addition to select 2011 guidelines. This clinical reference features detailed physical examination and diagnostic testing, information on health promotion, guidelines of care, dietary information, national resources for patient use, and patient education handouts all in one resource. This revised edition features guidelines for 246 disorders, each containing clearly outlined considerations for pediatric, pregnant, and geriatric patients. It also presents 18 procedures commonly performed in the clinical setting, including bedside cystometry, hernia reduction, neurological examination, and more. Patient Teaching Guides are also provided, and are designed to be given directly to patients as take home teaching supplements. Additionally, the book contains four appendices with guidelines on normal lab values, procedures, sexual maturity stages, and teeth. New to this Edition: Select 2011 guidelines Over 17 new protocols including: ADD/ADHD, Menopause, Migraine, Chronic Kidney Disease in Adults, Obesity/Gastric Bypass, and more Completely updated Patient Teaching Guides, including a new entry on Anticoagulation Therapy for Patients with AFib, to tear out and send home with patients Addition of consultation and referral recommendations New chapter presenting Pain Management Guidelines for acute and chronic pain Completely updated national treatment guidelines

Canadian Family Practice Guidelines

Canadian Family Practice Guidelines PDF Author: Jill C. Cash, MSN, APN, FNP-BC
Publisher: Springer Publishing Company
ISBN: 0826194974
Category : Medical
Languages : en
Pages : 714

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Written specifically for the needs of family and adult nursing students, medical students, and primary care practitioners in Canada, this gold standard reference of family practice in America—named a 2013 Doody’s core title and 1st-place winner of the American Journal of Nursing book award in 2017—now provides current Canadian practice protocols for professional standards of care across the life span. Guidelines are delivered in a user-friendly, step-by-step instructional style for physical exams and diagnostic testing results in SI units; health maintenance recommendations approved by Health Canada; care guidelines including Canadian drug names and dietary information; information on culturally responsive care; and patient resources specific to Canada. Practice guidelines are organized primarily by body system and delivered in outline format for quick and easy access. Each of more than 280 disorder protocols includes definition, incidence/prevalence, pathogenesis, predisposing factors, common findings, other signs and symptoms, subjective data, physical examination, diagnostic tests, differential diagnoses, plan, follow-up, consultation/referral, and individual considerations. Also included are numerous Client Teaching Guides in PDF format for customization and downloading. Abundant references are specific to the Canadian health care system. Key Features: Presents over 280 guidelines in consistent outline format Provides Canadian routine health maintenance guidelines, vaccinations, and screenings for HIV and HepC Covers individual care considerations for pediatric, pregnant, and geriatric patients Offers numerous Client Teaching Guides in digital format for clients to take home

Clinical Guidelines in Family Practice

Clinical Guidelines in Family Practice PDF Author: Constance R. Uphold
ISBN: 9780964615199
Category : Community health nursing
Languages : en
Pages : 1002

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"Clinical Guidelines in Family Practice, 5th edition, is the fully revised and updated version of a book that has been serving primary care clinicians for more than twenty years. Using a traditional and easy-to-follow format, the book examines all of the common conditions encountered in primary care settings, while also addressing health promotion and disease prevention. For each topic, the essentials of pathophysiology, clinical presentation, diagnosis, and corresponding treatment plans including prognosis and recommended follow-up schedules are sequentially organized. Also included are recommended web-based resources and references to more in-depth discussion of the various topics. As in previous editions, Clinical Guidelines in Family Practice aims for thoroughness in coverage and for concision in approach, a formula that helps clinicians to efficiently recognize and treat the myriad medical conditions that they face as primary-care providers."--Online book description.

Clinical Guidelines in Primary Care

Clinical Guidelines in Primary Care PDF Author: Amelie Hollier
ISBN: 9781892418227
Category : Clinical pharmacology
Languages : en
Pages : 826

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Practice Guidelines for Family Nurse Practitioners

Practice Guidelines for Family Nurse Practitioners PDF Author: Karen Fenstermacher
Category : Medical
Languages : en
Pages : 540

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This portable reference provides thorough and detailed assessment information for all common primary care conditions, including signs and symptoms, diagnostic methods, drug therapies, and treatment. Written by expert nurse practitioners, it features complete, practical, up-to-date information on diagnosing and treating primary care disorders in the family practice setting. Separate sections are devoted to specific populations such as pediatric, adult, and geriatric patients. This reference is well known for its concise guidelines, comparative charts, and tables that list the symptoms, physical assessment findings, and possible diagnoses in a quick-reference format. Numerous tables, outlines, and comparative charts are included for easy reference. Alerts are provided for both physician referral and emergency conditions. Practice Pearls are featured throughout the chapters to demonstrate the material's applicability to practice. Blank pages at the end of each chapter allow readers to make their own notes in the text. Signs and symptoms, diagnostic methods, drug therapies, and treatment options are described for common diseases. Reorganized content reflects a head-to-toe approach to the body systems for easy reference. Content is divided into two units: History and Physical Examination and Common Conditions with all special populations chapters located at the beginning of the book. Material has been added on syncope, chronic pelvic pain, and vulvar disease. A comparison table of Hormone Replacement Therapy (HRT) lists the available brands/doses. Expanded coverage is provided for emphysema, anemia, hyperlipidemia, migraines, diabetes, breast conditions, HRT and bleeding, menopause, osteoporosis, pain management, and diagnostic criteria for chronic fatigue syndrome. National guidelines are referenced where appropriate, e.g. pneumonia, asthma, STDs, and lipids. New thumb tabs in the design allow users to access content more easily. Updated herbal therapy information is provided. Appendices include new and updated information on Body Mass Index, food sources, peak expiratory flow rates, peak flow monitoring, diabetic foot care, allergen control measures, HSV/HPV symptomatic relief measures, oral contraceptives, pain management guidelines, herbal therapy information, and suggested hospital admission orders. A new appendix includes timely information on biological disease agents. Now includes ICD-9 codes New insert features 32 color photos of dermatologic conditions for easy identification.

Guidelines for Clinical Practice

Guidelines for Clinical Practice PDF Author: Institute of Medicine
Publisher: National Academies Press
ISBN: 0309045894
Category : Medical
Languages : en
Pages : 441

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Guidelines for the clinical practice of medicine have been proposed as the solution to the whole range of current health care problems. This new book presents the first balanced and highly practical view of guidelinesâ€"their strengths, their limitations, and how they can be used most effectively to benefit health care. The volume offers: Recommendations and a proposed framework for strengthening development and use of guidelines. Numerous examples of guidelines. A ready-to-use instrument for assessing the soundness of guidelines. Six case studies exploring issues involved when practitioners use guidelines on a daily basis. With a real-world outlook, the volume reviews efforts by agencies and organizations to disseminate guidelines and examines how well guidelines are functioningâ€"exploring issues such as patient information, liability, costs, computerization, and the adaptation of national guidelines to local needs.

Adult-Gerontology Practice Guidelines

Adult-Gerontology Practice Guidelines PDF Author: Jill C. Cash, MSN, APN, FNP-BC
Publisher: Springer Publishing Company
ISBN: 0826166040
Category : Medical
Languages : en
Pages : 1109

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Praise for the First Edition: "Because of the way it is organized, this book meets the needs of both novice and experienced advance practice nurses. Each chapter defines the problem, how often it occurs, and what leads to the problem. To aid in assessment, the book includes the physical examination landmarks as well as diagnostic tests that might be needed. A plan of care is offered with several different alternatives for treatment and then notes what type of follow-up is needed. This would be a great resource for anyone working in the field of geriatrics...Score: 92 - 4 Stars! --Doody's Reviews This hands-on text and clinical reference--used by thousands of NP students and practitioners alike--delivers national practice guidelines and professional standards of care to help clinicians deliver optimal primary care to adult and older adult patients. The new third edition, featuring the expert input of two renowned Adult-Gerontology practitioners, updates all chapters, teaching guides, and illustrative charts and provides new charts to enhance readability. Fresh content includes information on Sjogren's syndrome; reactive arthritis; elder abuse; LGBTQ health; concussion assessment; joint pain, bursitis, and fractures; peripheral neuropathy; and perimenopause/menopause. The third edition also includes the updated Beers Criteria and covers COVID-19 treatment and vaccines. Ideal for quick reference and as a study guide, the text presents the most up-to-date guidelines in a consistent, easy-to-read, bulleted format. Conveniently organized by body system, it features detailed content on the physical examination and diagnostic testing, information on health promotion, guidelines of care, dietary information, common procedures, national patient resources, and popular Client Teaching Guides--available in print and digital format--that serve as both patient handouts and concise study tools. Clinical points throughout the text highlight critical practice considerations. The book, with its great breadth and depth of information, will be a welcome companion for NP students as they transition to professional practice and beyond. New to the Third Edition: Completely updated content including patient teaching guides and charts New charts added to enhance comprehension Coverage of Sjogren's syndrome; reactive arthritis; elder abuse; LGBTQ health; concussion assessment; joint pain, bursitis, and fractures; peripheral neuropathy, and perimenopause/menopause Latest guidelines on COVID-19 treatment and vaccines Updated Beers Criteria Current CDC recommendations on vaccines and cancer screening Key Features: Offers consistent guidelines for over 275 disorders Presents practice guidelines organized by body system Lists disorders alphabetically for easy access Highlights key considerations for practice Delivers individual care considerations for adult, geriatric, and pregnant patients Provides Client Teaching Guides serving as both take-home teaching supplements for patients and a concise study tool for students

Improving Healthcare Quality in Europe Characteristics, Effectiveness and Implementation of Different Strategies

Improving Healthcare Quality in Europe Characteristics, Effectiveness and Implementation of Different Strategies PDF Author: OECD
Publisher: OECD Publishing
ISBN: 9264805907
Category :
Languages : en
Pages : 447

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This volume, developed by the Observatory together with OECD, provides an overall conceptual framework for understanding and applying strategies aimed at improving quality of care. Crucially, it summarizes available evidence on different quality strategies and provides recommendations for their implementation. This book is intended to help policy-makers to understand concepts of quality and to support them to evaluate single strategies and combinations of strategies.

CURRENT Practice Guidelines in Primary Care 2020

CURRENT Practice Guidelines in Primary Care 2020 PDF Author: Joseph S. Esherick
Publisher: McGraw Hill Professional
ISBN: 1260469859
Category : Medical
Languages : en
Pages : 783

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Publisher's Note: Products purchased from Third Party sellers are not guaranteed by the publisher for quality, authenticity, or access to any online entitlements included with the product. The only resource dedicated to delivering concise summaries of the most clinically relevant primary care guideline summaries Organized into topics related to disease screening, disease prevention, and disease management, and subdivided into organ systems for quick reference Updated with over 150 new guidelines and nearly 30 new sections on topics including opiate use disorder, transgender health, systemic lupus erythematosus, and rotator cuff injury Strikes the perfect balance between brevity and clinical necessity Includes the most recent research available for each guideline Consolidates information from nationally recognized government agencies, medical and scientific organizations, and expert panels into concise, easy-to-apply guidelines Spans all areas of general medicine and covers primary care topics in both ambulatory and hospital settings Includes website addresses for U.S. government agencies and professional societies

Clinical Guidelines in Child Health

Clinical Guidelines in Child Health PDF Author: Mary Virginia Graham
ISBN: 9780964615175
Category : Medical
Languages : en
Pages : 782

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Primary Care book for health Care Providers.