Een God vir YISR’ÊL

Een God vir YISR’ÊL PDF Author: J A Jansen
Publisher: AuthorHouse
ISBN: 1481788272
Category : Religion
Languages : en
Pages : 530

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Vir duisende jare al is daar ‘n wanbegrip oor wie Jesus is. Die Jode is geleer om te glo dat hulle slegs een God moet aanbid, en toe Jesus gebore is kon hulle nie aanvaar dat Jesus God Homself is nie, en gekom het om sy kinders te red. Die Bybel leer ons dat die Beeld van God uitgegaan het van die Vader, en vlees aangeneem het toe Maria se baba deur die Heilige Gees verwek is. Jesus is gebore as die Seun van die Mens. Nadat hy opgevaar het na die Koninkryk van die Hemel in sy verheerlikte liggaam, sit hy nou aan die regterhand van God, as Seun van God met sy kinders se erfenis. Jesus is God en die Heilige Gees is God, daarom kan ons sê God is Een in verheerlikte liggaam, siel en gees. Die dag van die huwelik is die huwelik van God se seuns met hulle verheerlikte liggame. Op hierdie dag gee Jesus sy Seunskap op en gee hy die koningsheerskappy weer aan God die Vader terug, sodat hy kan terugkeer na die heerlikheid wat hy gehad het nog voordat die wêreld bestaan het.

Een God vir YISR’ÊL

Een God vir YISR’ÊL PDF Author: J A Jansen
Publisher: AuthorHouse
ISBN: 1481788272
Category : Religion
Languages : en
Pages : 530

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Book Description
Vir duisende jare al is daar ‘n wanbegrip oor wie Jesus is. Die Jode is geleer om te glo dat hulle slegs een God moet aanbid, en toe Jesus gebore is kon hulle nie aanvaar dat Jesus God Homself is nie, en gekom het om sy kinders te red. Die Bybel leer ons dat die Beeld van God uitgegaan het van die Vader, en vlees aangeneem het toe Maria se baba deur die Heilige Gees verwek is. Jesus is gebore as die Seun van die Mens. Nadat hy opgevaar het na die Koninkryk van die Hemel in sy verheerlikte liggaam, sit hy nou aan die regterhand van God, as Seun van God met sy kinders se erfenis. Jesus is God en die Heilige Gees is God, daarom kan ons sê God is Een in verheerlikte liggaam, siel en gees. Die dag van die huwelik is die huwelik van God se seuns met hulle verheerlikte liggame. Op hierdie dag gee Jesus sy Seunskap op en gee hy die koningsheerskappy weer aan God die Vader terug, sodat hy kan terugkeer na die heerlikheid wat hy gehad het nog voordat die wêreld bestaan het.

God Se Plan Van A Tot Z.

God Se Plan Van A Tot Z. PDF Author: Ben Enslin
Publisher: Xlibris Corporation
ISBN: 1465366326
Category : Religion
Languages : en
Pages : 256

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Die boek is God se storie om al die mense van die wêreld weer terug te bring na God toe soos voor die sondeval. Hoe Hy te werk gegaan het om dit te doen met ʼn plan van A tot Z. Die plan is alreeds in Genisis volledig uitgelê. Dit wys Sy plan waar Hy vir Hom ʼn volk uitverkies het en hulle deur die geskiedenis deurgedra het met liefde en straf om as getuies voor die ganse wêreld op te tree. Die verdeling van die twaalf stamme wat Hy self bewerk het. Twee stamme wat Sy enigste Seun vermoor het soos Hy dit beplan het en tien stamme wat moes voortgaan om al die mense in die wêreld terug te bring na God toe. Dit gaan oor die saad "Jesus" wat sou kom om die wêreld te verlos en Sy koninkryk wat die hele aarde sal vul totdat Hy terug gaan kom om hier op die aarde as oorwinnaar te regeer. Hy kom na Sy bruid om haar te hertrou onder ʼn nuwe verbond, die nuwe Jerusalem, dit is Israel wat nie die Jode is nie maar al twaalf die stamme van Israel wie se roeping en werk dit is om al die nasies van die aarde te seën. Jy moet elke oomblik van die dag waar jy jou ookal bevind iemand seën, al is dit net ʼn vriendelike glimlag. Mag Koning Jesus jou seën.


OPENBARING PDF Author: Connie Odendaal
Publisher: Xlibris Corporation
ISBN: 146913442X
Category : Religion
Languages : en
Pages : 399

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Geen een siening van die Bybelse boek van Openbaring sal honderd persent korrek kan wees nie, bloot omdat mense en dus profete feilbaar is, maar die boekie ‘Revelation’ is een van die bestes beskikbaar. Dr. Beirnes, ‘n teoloog wat ‘n voortdurende studie van die eskatologie gemaak het, het die boek sistematies en stapsgewys uiteengesit om die kronologiese volgorde van Openbaring maklik leesbaar en verstaanbaar te maak. Die bywerkings is moderne wêreldnuus soos wat dit in dagblaaie, geskrifte en op die internet verskyn het oor ‘n tydperk van veertig jaar en dan spesifi ek die laaste 3 tot 4 jaar. Dis opgeneem in die boek tot en met Oktober 2011, soos dit ontvou het vlg. die profetiese geskrifte van hoofsaaklik Daniël, Sagaria en die apostel Johannes van tussen 3500 en 2000 jaar gelede. ‘Openbaring’ is ‘n eenvoudige manier om die fi siese gevolge van geestelike besluite in ons wêreld en die toekomstige raak te sien. Die leser sal, bewapen met hierdie kennis, ‘n idee hê van wat in die nabye toekoms wag en paraat kan wees daarvoor en ook vir die ewigheid.

Jesus Christus in Pilanesberg

Jesus Christus in Pilanesberg PDF Author: Pieter Oosthuizen
Publisher: BookRix
ISBN: 3736814127
Category : Religion
Languages : en
Pages : 43

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Die evangelie van Jesus Christus word in Suid Afrika verdraai, in 'n poging om die geloofsgrondslag van die Afrikaners te verwoes. Staatsinisiatiewe stig allerhande kultusse en sektes wat die swakkes van geloof mislei. Een van die nuwerwetse verleidingsvorme is die gebruik van allerhande name van God wat nie in die Nuwe Testament voorkom nie. En daar is pogings om die Nuwe Testament, en Jesus Christus te kaap, en in die Ou Testamentiese gebruike en taal in te dwing. In Pilanesberg luister iemand hoedat jongmense juis oor die onderwerpe stry, en dan raak die individu betrokke by die gesprekke.

Tyd saam met God

Tyd saam met God PDF Author: Marinda Koekemoer
Publisher: Xlibris Corporation
ISBN: 1462860532
Category : Religion
Languages : en
Pages : 167

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“Tyd saam met God” is ‘n boek met 70 dagstukkies. Ek wil in die lig van die Kruis die wonderlike waarheid van die Woord deel. Ek wil saam met die leser tyd spandeer om hierdie Goeie Nuus opnuut te ontdek, om die hart van die evangelie boodskap oop te breek en die beloftes van God vir elke mens te verstaan: om te weet dat ons weet Hy het ons lief net soos ons is, om te weet Hy het vir ons die duurste prys ooit betaal en ons behoort nou aan die Koning van die konings.

Essays on the Real Church

Essays on the Real Church PDF Author: Dirk J. Smit
Publisher: African Sun Media
ISBN: 1991260482
Category : Religion
Languages : en
Pages : 675

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The spirit of the Reformation is often expressed in the well-known slogan that Reformed churches are always being reformed according to God’s Word, ecclesia reformata semper reformanda secundum verbum Dei. Over the last century, the spirit of this slogan motivated someone like Dietrich Bonhoeffer to argue that the visible form and life of the church should reflect the truth and message of the church. Already in his doctoral dissertation called Sanctorum Communio, the communion of the saints, the young Bonhoeffer combined theological claims and traditions with social theory and analysis, in this spirit, in an innovative way, to study the nature and integrity and witness of the church. At the time, this was a radical claim, with major consequences and challenges for Protestant churches. Their life – which meant their order, structure, actions, statements, convictions, public presence and role – was to be measured by their gospel – which meant their message, proclamation, convictions, claims. They could no longer proclaim one truth yet live a different life. It was this spirit which led to the well-known Theological Declaration of Barmen in 1934 and to the formation of the Confessing Church in Nazi Germany. Many called this a moment of truth, a status confessionis. It was this same spirit which later inspired the struggle in South Africa for the integrity and faithfulness of the church and for the credibility of its message, proclamation and witness. The contributions in this volume – 52 papers, essays, sermons, studies – were all produced in this spirit. Most of them have not been published before. They were all occasional pieces, written over several decades, in different contexts and for different purposes and audiences, yet they all breathe this self-critical spirit of the Reformation, considering whether the real church – the concrete, every day, actual, living church that people know and experience and perhaps belong to – truly strives to embody the gospel itself, the message which it claims and proclaims. They all inquire, under different circumstances and in diverse ways, about different social forms of the real church – from worship to congregation, from denomination to ecumenical church, from individual believers to movements and organisations – whether and how they embody the truth of the church, or not. Together, these contributions tell a story – the story of this spirit, in South African circles, over several decades, but also in the ecumenical church in our globalizing world. They offer one small glimpse into different concrete moments in the story of this spirit in the life of this tradition and community of faith. Hopefully, some of these accounts may resonate with others who also shared the same spirit – and still share it today, in new and ongoing ways.

Discerning God's Justice in Church, Society and Academy

Discerning God's Justice in Church, Society and Academy PDF Author: E. M. Conradie
ISBN: 1920338063
Category : Religion
Languages : en
Pages : 244

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Jaap Durand, former professor of Systematic Theology and vice-rector of the University of the Western Cape, celebrated his 75th birthday on 5 June 2009. This volume includes a foreword by Desmond Mpilo Tutu, essays by Jaap Furstenberg, Allan Boesak, Russel Botman, Nico Koopman, Bernard Lategan and Dirkie Smit. In addition, there are 22 shorter reflections from Jaap Durand?s friends, colleagues and former students.


Lantern PDF Author:
Category : Arts
Languages : en
Pages : 344

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Christenskap Wetenskap En Die Bybel

Christenskap Wetenskap En Die Bybel PDF Author: Johan Matthee
Publisher: Xlibris Corporation
ISBN: 1456888366
Category : Religion
Languages : en
Pages : 202

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Johan Smit het ‘n groot bydra gelewer tot die inhoud van hierdie boek. Ek het Johan Smit ontmoet na ‘n skrywe van my in BRIEWE BEELD sowat 3 jaar gelede. Met my eerste besoek aan hom in Edenvale het hy vir my sy skrywes gewys aan tydskrifte en persone. Persone het ingesluit : Dr. Adrio Konig, Dr. Isak Burger, Dr. Bernard Ficker, Dr. Deon Jonker, Prof. J.S. Malan, Prof. A.D. (Andries ) Du Toit en nog vele geleerdes. Nadat ek ‘n paar van sy briewe gelees het en met hom gesels het, was dit soos ‘n soete geur wat ek gekry het, met die wete dat hierdie man ontsaglike kennis het van : Die Bybel en al die variasies van Christenskap, die geskiedenis van die Christelike geloof, asook baie ander gelowe en Godsdienste. Hy het ‘n goeie kennis van die reg en van getuienis lewer in die hof, wat hy baie behendig gebruik as hy getuienisse in die Bybel aanhaal en ontleed. Daar is ook net geen einde aan hierdie man se algemene kennis nie. Om sy briewe te lees dwing net soveel respek en bewondering af as om ‘n meester-kunstenaar te aanskou terwyl hy sy kunswerk skilder of beeldhouwerk doen.

Geesgedrewe Heersers

Geesgedrewe Heersers PDF Author: Gerhardt Smook
Publisher: Xlibris Corporation
ISBN: 1456821512
Category : Fiction
Languages : en
Pages : 231

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After the dragon, Satan and his angels lost the great battle in heaven against Michael and his angels they were subsequently cast down to the earth. The one that thought in his pride that he was qualified to replace the Creator of the Universe as ruler over its immeasurable expanse, suddenly found his domain reduced to one small planet. This however, was not the end of his humiliation. The Creator God had the audacity to fashion a small being after His own image from the very clay of Satan’s kingdom and after blowing His breath, His Spirit into it to cause it to live, instructed it to rule over his (Satan’s) kingdom. Since that day, Satan’s all out purpose was to destroy mankind. He thought that he had succeeded when he caused man to sin and thereby causing God’s Spirit to leave man. Thus he regained control over the earth. However, he under-estimated the immeasurable depth of God’s love for man that through the death of the Son on the cross, redeemed man. This act of love opened the way for man to regain the life that the first Adam and Eve lost through their fall. Every person that truly accepts Jesus Christ as his or her saviour, and is born again by the Spirit of God can also regain the breath or Spirit of God by being filled with the Holy Spirit. However, this is not the beginning and end all of man’s spiritual journey. Man’s creative purpose namely, to rule over the earth, has never changed. God’s calling is without repentance as the Bible says. In fact, the book proves from Scripture that it is not only still valid, but that it is indeed eternal and thus challenges many people’s theology. It continues to explain the responsibilities of the believers as kings and priests of Jesus who is their High Priest The book reveals that God’s children are indeed appointed by Jesus to continue the works that He performed while He walked the earth. Not only are we, His children appointed by Him, like in any good employment, we can also enjoy the awesome benefits of the Kingdom. This must however, be distinguished from the prosperity gospel. It also reveals that Jesus has a specific purpose for every one of His followers in the greater scheme of things. The greatest message of the book, is however that mankind can only exercise its authority in total dependence and under the continual guidance of the Holy Spirit – hence the title Spirit Driven Rulers (Geesgedrewe Heersers). It explains systematically applying examples from the author’s and daily life, our walk with the Holy Spirit . The book endeavours to be an inspirational but also practical guide on how to be filled and to be led by the Spirit. “ ... because those who are led by the Spirit of God are the sons of God” (Rom.8:14 NIV). The book reveals, that God’s people have to exercise their creative purpose, namely, to rule over the earth in the midst of their enemies. It goes on to show that through the ages, the greatest enemies of the church had always been the adder in its bosom. For this reason the author takes up arms against present trends against the person and redemptive work of Christ, as well as the authority of the Bible. In this regard, it focuses more specifically on the current trends in theology in South Africa as perpetrated by a group of theologians who call themselves the “Nuwe Hervormers” (New Reformers). Oh yes, then there is St. Enamel. His kind have been around since the time of Jesus who called them “Whited sepulchres” . But we have become fancy now, we do not use lime anymore. Nevertheless, in spite of the new veneer, the inside is still full of dead bones - the traditions of man that are still holding people in bondage. Watch out for St. Enamel!