Documents de Séance - Conseil de L'Europe, Assemblée Parlementaire

Documents de Séance - Conseil de L'Europe, Assemblée Parlementaire PDF Author: Council of Europe. Parliamentary Assembly
Category : Europe
Languages : en
Pages : 280

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Assemblée Parlementaire Documents de séance Session ordinaire de 1997 (Deuxième partie, tome IV), 2125 avril 1997

Assemblée Parlementaire Documents de séance Session ordinaire de 1997 (Deuxième partie, tome IV), 2125 avril 1997 PDF Author: European Committee for Equality between Women and Men
Publisher: Council of Europe
ISBN: 9789287133403
Category : Political Science
Languages : en
Pages : 412

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"Proceedings, international seminar, Strasbourg, 13-14 June 1996."--T.p.

Yearbook of the European Convention on Human Rights/annuaire De La Convention Europeenne Des Droits De L'homme 1978

Yearbook of the European Convention on Human Rights/annuaire De La Convention Europeenne Des Droits De L'homme 1978 PDF Author: Council of Europe Staff
Publisher: Martinus Nijhoff Publishers
ISBN: 9024722152
Category : Political Science
Languages : en
Pages : 864

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Book Description
This volume of the "Yearbook of the European Convention on Human Rights," prepared by the Directorate of Human Rights of the Council of Europe, relates to 2001. Its presentation follows that of previous volumes. Part one contains basic texts and information of a general nature; part two deals with the European Commission of Human Rights; part three with the European Court of Human Rights; part four with the Resolutions of the Committee of Ministers; and parts five and six with the other work of the Council of Europe in the field of human rights, the situation in the Member States, and developments within the European Communities. A bibliography and index are included.

Documents de Séance - Conseil de L'Europe, Assemblée Parlementaire

Documents de Séance - Conseil de L'Europe, Assemblée Parlementaire PDF Author: Council of Europe. Parliamentary Assembly
Category : Europe
Languages : fr
Pages : 228

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The Limits of Europe

The Limits of Europe PDF Author: Daniel C. Thomas
Publisher: Oxford University Press
ISBN: 0192667645
Category : Political Science
Languages : en
Pages : 259

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Book Description
Where does Europe begin and end? How have the European Union and its precursors decided which countries are eligible to join the community and which are not? Few issues are more hotly debated, more important for the course of European integration, or more consequential for individuals in and around the EU. As this book demonstrates, the limits of Europe are determined by the values shared at particular moments in time by the leaders of the community's member states, regardless of their particular policy preferences. These membership norms shape the community's decisions on enlargement by empowering certain political forces and disempowering others. And contrary to conventional wisdom, these norms have changed considerably over time. The Limits of Europe: Membership Norms and the Contestation of Regional Integration uses a novel combination of normative genealogy, statistical analysis and detailed tracing of EU decision-making on Greece, Spain, Turkey and Ukraine to demonstrate that changing membership norms have had a stronger impact on the community's enlargement since the 1950s than treaty rules, the location of the states seeking membership, or even the commercial or security interests of member states.

Yearbook of the European Convention on Human Rights/Annuaire de la convention europeenne des droits de l'homme , Volume 37 Volume 37, 1994

Yearbook of the European Convention on Human Rights/Annuaire de la convention europeenne des droits de l'homme , Volume 37 Volume 37, 1994 PDF Author:
Publisher: Martinus Nijhoff Publishers
ISBN: 9789041102171
Category : Political Science
Languages : en
Pages : 1186

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Book Description
This volume of the Yearbook of the European Convention on Human Rights, prepared by the Directorate of Human Rights of the Council of Europe relates to 1994. Its presentation follows that of the previous volume. Part one contains basic texts and information of a general nature; part two deals with the European Commission of Human Rights; part three with the European Court of Human Rights; part four with the Resolutions of the Committee of Ministers; and parts five and six with the other work of the Council of Europe in the field of human rights, the situation in the Member States, and developments within the European Communities. A Bibliography and Index are included. Ce volume de l'Annuaire de la Convention européenne des Droits de l'Homme, préparé par la Direction des Droits de l'Homme du Conseil de l'Europe, concerne l'année 1994. La première partie contient des textes fondamentaux; la deuxième partie contient les rapports de la Commission européenne des Droits de l'Homme; la troisième partie donne des informations sur la Cour européenne des Droits de l'Homme; la quatrième partie contient des Résolutions du Comité des Ministres; et les cinquième et sixième parties regroupent toutes les autres activités concernant la Convention dans le cadre du Conseil de l'Europe et comprennent des informations sur les débats devant les parlements nationaux et sur les développements au sein des Communautés européennes concernant la protection des droits de l'homme. Le volume se termine avec une bibliographie et une index alphabétique.

Documents (working Papers) 1991 = Documents de Séance 1991 ; Volume IV, Docs. 6276 - 6290.

Documents (working Papers) 1991 = Documents de Séance 1991 ; Volume IV, Docs. 6276 - 6290. PDF Author: Council of Europe
Publisher: Council of Europe
ISBN: 9789287119988
Category : Political Science
Languages : fr
Pages : 338

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Parallel main title: Documents de sâance. Parallel text in English and French

Documents (working Papers) 1993 = Documents de Séance 1993 ; Volume VI, Docs. 6519 - 6551.

Documents (working Papers) 1993 = Documents de Séance 1993 ; Volume VI, Docs. 6519 - 6551. PDF Author: Council of Europe
Publisher: Council of Europe
ISBN: 9789287122179
Category : Political Science
Languages : fr
Pages : 340

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Book Description
Parallel main title: Documents de sâance. Parallel text in English and French

Documents (working Papers) 1993 = Documents de Séance 1993 ; Volume VII, Docs. 6552 - 6575.

Documents (working Papers) 1993 = Documents de Séance 1993 ; Volume VII, Docs. 6552 - 6575. PDF Author: Council of Europe
Publisher: Council of Europe
ISBN: 9789287122186
Category : Political Science
Languages : fr
Pages : 420

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Book Description
Parallel main title: Documents de sâance. Parallel text in English and French

Criminal Procedure

Criminal Procedure PDF Author: James R. Acker
Publisher: Jones & Bartlett Learning
ISBN: 9780763731694
Category : Law
Languages : en
Pages : 1342

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This essential resource provides students with an introduction to the rules and principles of criminal procedure law. This text uses a case study approach to help students develop the analytical skills necessary to understand the origins, context, and evolutions of the law; concentrates on US Supreme Court decisions interpreting both state and federal constitutions; and introduces students to the reference materials and strategies used for basic legal research.

Documents (working Papers) 1993 = Documents de Séance 1993 ; Volume X, Docs. 6847 - 6864.

Documents (working Papers) 1993 = Documents de Séance 1993 ; Volume X, Docs. 6847 - 6864. PDF Author: Council of Europe
Publisher: Council of Europe
ISBN: 9789287124067
Category : Political Science
Languages : fr
Pages : 372

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Book Description
Parallel main title: Documents de sâance. Parallel text in English and French