Design of Automatic Machinery

Design of Automatic Machinery PDF Author: Stephen J. Derby
Publisher: CRC Press
ISBN: 1420030841
Category : Science
Languages : en
Pages : 459

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Book Description
Examining options for the practical design of an automated process, this reference provides a vast amount of knowledge to design a new automatic machine or write specifications for a machine to perform an automated process-focusing on the many existing automation concepts used in recent history and showcasing the automation experiences and recommen

Design of Automatic Machinery

Design of Automatic Machinery PDF Author: Stephen J. Derby
Publisher: CRC Press
ISBN: 1420030841
Category : Science
Languages : en
Pages : 459

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Book Description
Examining options for the practical design of an automated process, this reference provides a vast amount of knowledge to design a new automatic machine or write specifications for a machine to perform an automated process-focusing on the many existing automation concepts used in recent history and showcasing the automation experiences and recommen

Design of Automatic Machinery

Design of Automatic Machinery PDF Author: K. Lentz
Publisher: Chapman & Hall
ISBN: 9780442012229
Category : Automatic control
Languages : en
Pages : 700

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Book Description
This book should be of interest to design engineers, manufacturing engineers, mechanical engineers.


Robotics PDF Author: B. Z. Sandler
Publisher: Academic Press
ISBN: 9780126185201
Category : Technology & Engineering
Languages : en
Pages : 456

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Book Description
Robotics, Second Edition is an essential addition to the toolbox of any engineer or hobbyist involved in the design of any type of robot or automated mechanical system. It is the only book available that takes the reader through a step-by step design process in this rapidly advancing specialty area of machine design. This book provides the professional engineer and student with important and detailed methods and examples of how to design the mechanical parts of robots and automated systems. Most robotics and automation books today emphasis the electrical and control aspects of design without any practical coverage of how to design and build the components, the machine or the system. The author draws on his years of industrial design experience to show the reader the design process by focusing on the real, physical parts of robots and automated systems. Answers the questions: How are machines built? How do they work? How does one best approach the design process for a specific machine? Thoroughly updated with new coverage of modern concepts and techniques, such as rapid modeling, automated assembly, parallel-driven robots and mechatronic systems Calculations for design completed with Mathematica which will help the reader through its ease of use, time-saving methods, solutions to nonlinear equations, and graphical display of design processes Use of real-world examples and problems that every reader can understand without difficulty Large number of high-quality illustrations Self-study and homework problems are integrated into the text along with their solutions so that the engineering professional and the student will each find the text very useful

Design of Automatic Machinery

Design of Automatic Machinery PDF Author: Kendrick W. Lentz
Publisher: Van Nostrand Reinhold Company
Category : Technology & Engineering
Languages : en
Pages : 360

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Trajectory Planning for Automatic Machines and Robots

Trajectory Planning for Automatic Machines and Robots PDF Author: Luigi Biagiotti
Publisher: Springer Science & Business Media
ISBN: 3540856293
Category : Technology & Engineering
Languages : en
Pages : 515

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Book Description
This book deals with the problems related to planning motion laws and t- jectories for the actuation system of automatic machines, in particular for those based on electric drives, and robots. The problem of planning suitable trajectories is relevant not only for the proper use of these machines, in order to avoid undesired e?ects such as vibrations or even damages on the mech- ical structure, but also in some phases of their design and in the choice and sizing of the actuators. This is particularly true now that the concept of “el- tronic cams” has replaced, in the design of automatic machines, the classical approach based on “mechanical cams”. The choice of a particular trajectory has direct and relevant implications on several aspects of the design and use of an automatic machine, like the dimensioning of the actuators and of the reduction gears, the vibrations and e?orts generated on the machine and on the load, the tracking errors during the motion execution. For these reasons, in order to understand and appreciate the peculiarities of the di?erent techniques available for trajectory planning, besides the ma- ematical aspects of their implementation also a detailed analysis in the time and frequency domains, a comparison of their main properties under di?erent points of view, and general considerations related to their practical use are reported.

Design of Automatic Machine

Design of Automatic Machine PDF Author: Thomas Arthur Elliott
Category : Automatic machinery
Languages : en
Pages : 28

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Dynamic Modeling of Automatic Machines for Design and Control

Dynamic Modeling of Automatic Machines for Design and Control PDF Author: Juan Carlos Jauregui-Correa
Publisher: Springer Nature
ISBN: 3031359429
Category : Technology & Engineering
Languages : en
Pages : 194

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Book Description
This book describes the design experience of automatic machines and the theoretical background for controlling them. Unlike the existing literature, it includes design concepts and their relationship with the dynamic behavior of automated devices, and links the dynamic response of the machine elements with the actuators that constitute an automatic machine. As such, it demonstrates that it is vital to properly model any automatic machine as a single system and find the final response to have a good design and control scheme. The introduction describes the background for designing automatic machines, their uniqueness in machine design, and the need to understand dynamic behavior. The following chapters provide the background for modeling multibody systems, examples of typical automatic machines, and the basis for determining the dynamic response of the most common actuators (motor, pneumatic, and hydraulic pistons and valves). The fourth chapter describes the dynamic response of the most common sensors utilized in automatic machines, while the fifth chapter includes the dynamic models of the machine elements that connect the actuators with the end effects (specific tools for each particular application). The final chapters contain examples of dynamic models for different automatic machines, including all the elements that affect the final response, and describe the simulation techniques (and their application to the examples) and the application of the transfer function for estimating the transient response of automatic machines.

A Textbook of Machine Design

A Textbook of Machine Design PDF Author: RS Khurmi | JK Gupta
Publisher: S. Chand Publishing
ISBN: 8121925371
Category : Machine design
Languages : en
Pages : 1230

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Book Description
The present multicolor edition has been throughly revised and brought up-to-date.Multicolor pictures have been added to enhance the content value and to give the students an idea of what he will be dealing in reality,and to bridge the gap between theory and practice.this book ahs already been include in the 'suggested reading'for the A.M.I.E.(India)examinations.

Machine Design

Machine Design PDF Author: Robert L. Norton
Category : Technology & Engineering
Languages : en
Pages : 1392

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Book Description
CD-ROM contains: TKSolver -- Mathcad Engine -- Software files listed in appendix I.

Design of Machinery

Design of Machinery PDF Author: Robert L. Norton
Publisher: WCB/McGraw-Hill
Category : Technology & Engineering
Languages : en
Pages : 840

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Book Description
CD-ROM contains: Seven author-written programs. -- Examples and figures. -- Problem solutions. -- TKSolver Files. -- Working Model Files.