Cults of Boiotia: Herakles to Poseidon

Cults of Boiotia: Herakles to Poseidon PDF Author: Albert Schachter
Publisher: [London] : University of London, Institute of Classical Studies
Category : Boeotia (Greece) Religion
Languages : en
Pages : 270

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Cults of Boiotia: Herakles to Poseidon

Cults of Boiotia: Herakles to Poseidon PDF Author: Albert Schachter
Publisher: [London] : University of London, Institute of Classical Studies
Category : Boeotia (Greece) Religion
Languages : en
Pages : 270

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The Epigraphy and History of Boeotia

The Epigraphy and History of Boeotia PDF Author: Nikolaos Papazarkadas
Publisher: BRILL
ISBN: 9004273859
Category : History
Languages : en
Pages : 515

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Over the past 20 years, Boeotia has been the focus of intensive archaeological investigation that has resulted in some extraordinary epigraphical finds. The most spectacular discoveries are presented for the first time in this volume: dozens of inscribed sherds from the Theban shrine of Heracles; Archaic temple accounts; numerous Classical, Hellenistic and Roman epitaphs; a Plataean casualty list; a dedication by the legendary king Croesus. Other essays revisit older epigraphical finds from Aulis, Chaironeia, Lebadeia, Thisbe, and Megara, radically reassessing their chronology and political and legal implications. The integration of old and new evidence allows for a thorough reconsideration of wider historical questions, such as ethnic identities, and the emergence, rise, dissolution, and resuscitation of the famous Boeotian koinon. Contributors include: Vassilios Aravantinos, Hans Beck, Margherita Bonanno, Claire Grenet, Yannis Kalliontzis, Denis Knoepfler, Angelos P. Matthaiou, Emily Mackil, Christel Müller, Nikolaos Papazarkadas, Isabelle Pernin, Robert Pitt, Adrian Robu, and Albert Schachter.

The Oxford Handbook of Heracles

The Oxford Handbook of Heracles PDF Author: Daniel Ogden
Publisher: Oxford University Press
ISBN: 0190650982
Category : History
Languages : en
Pages : 609

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The Oxford Handbook of Heracles is the first large-scale guide to the rich myth-cycle of Heracles -- his Twelve Labors and so much more -- and to the pervasive impact of the hero upon Greek and Roman culture. Presenting, in 39 chapters, the authoritative work of international experts in a clear and well-structured format, this volume provides a convenient reference tool for scholars and offers an accessible starting-point for students.

Epigraphica Boeotica II

Epigraphica Boeotica II PDF Author: John M. Fossey
Publisher: BRILL
ISBN: 9004267921
Category : History
Languages : en
Pages : 361

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In Epigraphica Boeotica II John Fossey continues to treat results of his nearly 50 years of research into the archaeology and inscriptions of Ancient Boiotia (Epigraphica Boeotica I, Amsterdam, 1991). The first part of the volume discusses the relations between Boiotia and other parts of the Greek world as seen in acts of proxenia and agonistic victor lists. After a section on dedications both religious and civic, there follows a series of studies of ancient tombstones, many of them spolia used in more recent buildings, with prosopographic and onomastic commentary on the names contained in them. Discussion throughout features letter forms and one specific example of this is an epigramme by the Roman philhellene emperor Hadrianus. An unusual rupestral text concludes the volume.

Naming and Mapping the Gods in the Ancient Mediterranean

Naming and Mapping the Gods in the Ancient Mediterranean PDF Author: Thomas Galoppin
Publisher: Walter de Gruyter GmbH & Co KG
ISBN: 3110798433
Category : Religion
Languages : en
Pages : 1080

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Ancient religions are definitely complex systems of gods, which resist our understanding. Divine names provide fundamental keys to gain access to the multiples ways gods were conceived, characterized, and organized. Among the names given to the gods many of them refer to spaces: cities, landscapes, sanctuaries, houses, cosmic elements. They reflect mental maps which need to be explored in order to gain new knowledge on both the structure of the pantheons and the human agency in the cultic dimension. By considering the intersection between naming and mapping, this book opens up new perspectives on how tradition and innovation, appropriation and creation play a role in the making of polytheistic and monotheistic religions. Far from being confined to sanctuaries, in fact, gods dwell in human environments in multiple ways. They move into imaginary spaces and explore the cosmos. By proposing a new and interdiciplinary angle of approach, which involves texts, images, spatial and archeaeological data, this book sheds light on ritual practices and representations of gods in the whole Mediterranean, from Italy to Mesopotamia, from Greece to North Africa and Egypt. Names and spaces enable to better define, differentiate, and connect gods.

Epigraphica Boeotica I

Epigraphica Boeotica I PDF Author: John M. Fossey
Publisher: BRILL
ISBN: 9004674357
Category : History
Languages : en
Pages : 376

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A collection of papers on various aspects of Boiotian epigraphy: Imperial letters, decrees of proxenia, military catalogues, manumissions, statue dedications, tombstones and graffiti. The texts discussed come from many parts of Boiotia but with a certain concentration from the Kopaïs. A few of the papers are reprinted from previous publications but many are here published for the first time and they are extensively illustrated. In addition to discussions of the various genres of text there are full onomastic and prosopographic comments on all names cited.

Visualizing cityscapes of Classical antiquity: from early modern reconstruction drawings to digital 3D models

Visualizing cityscapes of Classical antiquity: from early modern reconstruction drawings to digital 3D models PDF Author: Chiara Piccoli
Publisher: Archaeopress Publishing Ltd
ISBN: 1784918903
Category : Social Science
Languages : en
Pages : 332

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The study presented here aims to make a practical contribution to a new understanding and use of digital 3D reconstructions in archaeology, namely as ‘laboratories’ to test hypotheses and visualize, evaluate and discuss multiple interpretations.

Boeotia Antiqua: Studies on Boiotian topography, cults and terracottas

Boeotia Antiqua: Studies on Boiotian topography, cults and terracottas PDF Author:
Category : Archaeology
Languages : en
Pages : 196

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The Ancient Topography of Opountian Lokris

The Ancient Topography of Opountian Lokris PDF Author: John M. Fossey
Publisher: BRILL
ISBN: 9004675868
Category : Art
Languages : en
Pages : 266

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Following on from the author's Ancient Topography of Eastern Phokis (1986) and Topography and Population of Ancient Boiotia (1988) this monograph completes his studies of settlement in antiquity of Eastern Central Greece (excluding Attike and Megaris). The structure of the book is exactly the same as the parallel work on Eastern Phokis: an account of the physical geography (and natural economy) of the area is followed by a detailed catalogue of 22 sites in which location, bibliography, and structural remains are discussed, surface finds and inscriptions are listed, and the possible identifications with ancient names are elaborated; after these presentations of the raw data, analytical sections on settlement development and organisation, on fortifications, and on cults follow. Several appendices treat of connex subjects or list various testimonia, ancient and modern, and the work concludes with indices of ancient texts, placenames and general subjects.

The Sanctuary of Demeter and Kore

The Sanctuary of Demeter and Kore PDF Author: Sonia Klinger
Publisher: American School of Classical Studies at Athens
ISBN: 1621390411
Category : History
Languages : en
Pages : 249

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This volume presents the terracotta miscellaneous finds from the Sanctuary of Demeter and Kore at Acrocorinth. The finds comprise 21 classes, including protomes and masks, altars, plaques, models of various personal and household items, and loomweights and other textile tools (the latter initially studied by Gloria S. Merker and brought to publication by Nancy Bookidis). In addition to providing a catalogue of the finds arranged according to their subjects, the authors compare these finds with similar objects found elsewhere in Greece and refer to literary, epigraphical, and visual sources to understand their possible uses and meanings and the character of religious activity that may have triggered their dedication in the sanctuary. This volume will greatly facilitate comparative studies of ancient Greek miscellaneous finds and will be an important reference for historians of Greek art as well as of Greek religion.