Cross-border Internet Dispute Resolution

Cross-border Internet Dispute Resolution PDF Author: Julia Hörnle
Publisher: Cambridge University Press
ISBN: 0521896207
Category : Business & Economics
Languages : en
Pages : 319

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This book examines how existing arbitration procedures can be adapted to cope with disputes stemming from internet transactions.

Cross-border Internet Dispute Resolution

Cross-border Internet Dispute Resolution PDF Author: Julia Hörnle
Publisher: Cambridge University Press
ISBN: 0521896207
Category : Business & Economics
Languages : en
Pages : 319

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This book examines how existing arbitration procedures can be adapted to cope with disputes stemming from internet transactions.

International and Comparative Mediation

International and Comparative Mediation PDF Author: Nadja Marie Alexander
Publisher: Kluwer Law International B.V.
ISBN: 9041132244
Category : Law
Languages : en
Pages : 538

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"In a world where the borders of the global community are fluid, and where disputants manifest increasingly diverse attributes and needs, mediation ? for decades hovering at the edge of dispute resolution practice ? is now emerging as the preferred approach, both in its own right and as an adjunct to arbitration. Mediation processes are sufficiently flexible to accommodate a range of stakeholders (not all of whom might have legal standing) in ways the formality of arbitration and litigation would not normally allow. Among mediation?s many advantages are time and cost efficiencies, sensitivity to cultural differences, and assured privacy and confidentiality. This book meets the practice needs of lawyers confronted with cross-border disputes now arising far beyond the traditional areas of international commerce, such as consumer disputes, inter-family conflicts, and disagreements over Internet-based transactions. The author takes full account of mediation?s risks and limitations, primarily its lack of finality and uncertainty in relation to enforceability issues which will persist until the advent of appropriate international regulation."--Publisher's website.

Online Dispute Resolution for Consumers in the European Union

Online Dispute Resolution for Consumers in the European Union PDF Author: Pablo Cortés
Publisher: Routledge
ISBN: 1136943501
Category : Law
Languages : en
Pages : 283

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Offers an account of ODR for consumers in the EU context, presenting a comprehensive investigation of the development of ODR for business to consumer disputes within the EU. This book examines the role of both the European legislator with the Mediation Directive and the English judiciary in encouraging the use of mediation.

Online Resolution of E-commerce Disputes

Online Resolution of E-commerce Disputes PDF Author: Jie Zheng
Publisher: Springer
ISBN: 9783030541224
Category : Law
Languages : en
Pages : 369

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This book discusses how technological innovations have affected the resolution of disputes arising from electronic commerce in the European Union, UK and China. Online dispute resolution (ODR) is a form of alternative dispute resolution in which information technology is used to establish a process that is more effective and conducive to resolving the specific types of dispute for which it was created. This book focuses on out-of-court ODR and the resolution of disputes in the field of electronic commerce. It explores the potential of ODR in this specific e-commerce context and investigates whether the current use of ODR is in line with the principles of access to justice and procedural fairness. Moreover, it examines the major concerns surrounding the development of ODR, e.g. the extent to which electronic ADR agreements are recognized by national courts in cross-border e-commerce transactions, how procedural justice is ensured in ODR proceedings, and whether ODR outcomes can be effectively enforced. To this end, the book assesses the current and potential role of ODR in resolving e-commerce disputes, identifies the legal framework for and legal barriers to the development of ODR, and makes recommendations as to the direction in which practice and the current legal framework should evolve. In closing, the book draws on the latest legislation in the field of e-commerce law and dispute resolution in order to make recommendations for future ODR design, such as the EU Platform-to-Business Regulation on Promoting Fairness and Transparency for Business Users of Online Intermediation Services (2019) and the United Nations Convention on International Settlement Agreements Resulting from Mediation (2018), which provide the legal basis for ODR’s future development.

The Future of Dispute Resolution

The Future of Dispute Resolution PDF Author: Michael Legg
Publisher: Butterworth-Heinemann
ISBN: 9780409332766
Category : Australia
Languages : en
Pages : 297

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Discusses the greater range of dispute resolution mechanisms that have developed in recent years and the need to match disputes with processes. It takes a holistic approach by looking at litigation, arbitration, mediation and other developing forms of resolution procedures and how they may develop in the future.

Online Dispute Resolution for Consumers in the European Union

Online Dispute Resolution for Consumers in the European Union PDF Author: Pablo Cortés
Publisher: Routledge
ISBN: 1136943498
Category : Law
Languages : en
Pages : 293

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A PDF version of this book is available for free in open access via as well as the OAPEN Library platform, It has been made available under a Creative Commons Attribution-Non Commercial-No Derivatives 3.0 license and is part of the OAPEN-UK research project. E-commerce offers immense challenges to traditional dispute resolution methods, as it entails parties often located in different parts of the world making contracts with each other at the click of a mouse. The use of traditional litigation for disputes arising in this forum is often inconvenient, impractical, time-consuming and expensive due to the low value of the transactions and the physical distance between the parties. Thus modern legal systems face a crucial choice: either to adopt traditional dispute resolution methods that have served the legal systems well for hundreds of years or to find new methods which are better suited to a world not anchored in territorial borders. Online Dispute Resolution (ODR), originally an off-shoot of Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR), takes advantage of the speed and convenience of the Internet, becoming the best, and often the only option for enhancing consumer redress and strengthening their trust in e-commerce. This book provides an in-depth account of the potential of ODR for European consumers, offering a comprehensive and up to date analysis of the development of ODR. It considers the current expansion of ODR and evaluates the challenges posed in its growth. The book proposes the creation of legal standards to close the gap between the potential of ODR services and their actual use, arguing that ODR, if it is to realise its full potential in the resolution of e-commerce disputes and in the enforcement of consumer rights, must be grounded firmly on a European regulatory model.

Conflict of Laws and the Internet

Conflict of Laws and the Internet PDF Author: Pedro De Miguel Asensio
Publisher: Edward Elgar Publishing
ISBN: 1035315130
Category : Law
Languages : en
Pages : 561

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In this thoroughly revised second edition, Pedro De Miguel Asensio presents a practical analysis of jurisdiction, choice of law, and recognition and enforcement of judgments in the context of online activities, examining areas where private legal relationships are most affected by the Internet. Addressing the tension between the ubiquity of the Internet and the territorial nature of national legal orders, the author sets out the latest developments across multiple jurisdictions in this dynamic field.

Online Dispute Resolution

Online Dispute Resolution PDF Author: Mohamed S. Abdel Wahab
Publisher: Eleven International Publishing
ISBN: 9789490947255
Category : Dispute resolution (Law)
Languages : en
Pages : 0

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This book provides a state-of-the-art overview and assessment of the status quo and future of the Online Dispute Resolution (ODR) field. International, comparative, and interdisciplinary approaches have been utilized. Written by leading ODR scholars, the first part of the book includes an in-depth assessment of ODR, its applications, and its future in a comparative and analytical context. The second section offers a regional oriented approach, where the prospects, challenges, and success of ODR - and its applications in the North America, Latin America, Africa, Australia, Europe, and Asia - are mapped and fully addressed. The book is a must read text by scholars, practitioners, academics, and researchers in the dispute resolution and information technology field.

The Internet and Dispute Resolution

The Internet and Dispute Resolution PDF Author: Norman Solovay
Publisher: Law Journal Press
ISBN: 9781588521132
Category : Business & Economics
Languages : en
Pages : 726

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The Internet and Dispute Resolution: Untangling the Web shows you how ODR works and how it's already transforming dispute resolution in both business-to-business and business-to-consumer transactions.

Online Arbitration in Theory and in Practice

Online Arbitration in Theory and in Practice PDF Author: Ihab Abdel Salam
Publisher: Cambridge Scholars Publishing
ISBN: 9781527572652
Category :
Languages : en
Pages :

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This book presents an overview of online arbitration and electronic contracting worldwide, examining their national and international contexts, and assessing their ongoing relevance. It offers solutions to the salient challenges facing both online arbitration and electronic contracting, dealing firstâ "hand with online arbitration as an online dispute resolution technique for solving both traditional and electronic commerce disputes that may arise out of the breach of contractual obligations in international commercial contracts, while also comparing between common law and civil law countries. In the theory of law, this book analyses the international legal framework that regulates eâ "commerce, and its impact on electronic contracting, including Model Laws and International Conventions such as the Model Law on Electronic Commerce of 1996 and the Electronic Communications Convention of 2005. It also investigates whether the UN Convention on Contracts for the International Sale of Goods of 1980 â ~The CISGâ (TM) applies to eâ "commerce contracts. In addition, it extensively examines the possibility for the enforcement of online arbitration agreements and online arbitral awards under the New York Convention on the Recognition and Enforcement of Foreign Arbitral Awards of 1958. Regarding the practice of law, the volume examines how national courts apply both national laws and the New York Convention of 1958 when dealing with the enforcement of online arbitration agreements, and whether courts apply the provisions of national laws of arbitration liberally. As such, it encourages the adoption of a more liberal judicial regime in favour of the enforcement of online arbitral awards and online arbitration agreements in national courts. This book represents a valuable resource for academics, arbitrators, practicing lawyers, corporate counsels, law students, researchers, and professionals who are willing to solve their crossâ "border commercial disputes through online arbitration.