Controls on West Greenland Outlet Glacier Sensitivity to Climate Forcing

Controls on West Greenland Outlet Glacier Sensitivity to Climate Forcing PDF Author: Ellyn M. McFadden
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Languages : en
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Data are compared to regional changes in air and ocean temperatures to assess similarities in climate forcing conditions along Greenland's west coast. We conclude there is no direct relationship between front retreat and measured geometric parameters applicable to the entire study region. The relative importance of surface slope as a control of glacier behavior is highly variable and must be coupled to bathymetric data in order to understand and accurately model outlet glacier response to climate forcing.

Controls on West Greenland Outlet Glacier Sensitivity to Climate Forcing

Controls on West Greenland Outlet Glacier Sensitivity to Climate Forcing PDF Author: Ellyn M. McFadden
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Languages : en
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Data are compared to regional changes in air and ocean temperatures to assess similarities in climate forcing conditions along Greenland's west coast. We conclude there is no direct relationship between front retreat and measured geometric parameters applicable to the entire study region. The relative importance of surface slope as a control of glacier behavior is highly variable and must be coupled to bathymetric data in order to understand and accurately model outlet glacier response to climate forcing.

Determining Greenland Ice Sheet Sensitivity to Regional Climate Change

Determining Greenland Ice Sheet Sensitivity to Regional Climate Change PDF Author: Nicole-Jeanne Schlegel
Category : Ice sheets
Languages : en
Pages : 0

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The Greenland Ice Sheet, which extends south of the Arctic Circle, is vulnerable to melt in a warming climate. Complete melt of the ice sheet would raise global sea level by about 7 meters. Prediction of how the ice sheet will react to climate change requires inputs with a high degree of spatial resolution and improved simulation of the ice-dynamical responses to evolving surface mass balance. No Greenland Ice Sheet model has yet met these requirements. A three-dimensional thermo-mechanical ice sheet model of Greenland was enhanced to address these challenges. First, it was modified to accept high-resolution surface mass balance forcings. Second, a parameterization for basal drainage (of the sort responsible for sustaining the Northeast Greenland Ice Stream) was incorporated into the model. The enhanced model was used to investigate the century to millennial-scale evolution of the Greenland Ice Sheet in response to persistent climate trends. During initial experiments, the mechanism of flow in the outlet glaciers was assumed to be independent of climate change, and the outlet glaciers' dominant behavior was to counteract changes in surface mass balance. Around much of the ice sheet, warming resulted in calving front retreat and reduction of total ice sheet discharge. Observations show, however, that the character of outlet glacier flow changes with the climate. The ice sheet model was further developed to simulate observed dynamical responses of Greenland's outlet glaciers. A phenomenological description of the relation between outlet glacier discharge and surface mass balance was calibrated against recent observations. This model was used to investigate the ice sheet's response to a hypothesized 21st century warming trend. Enhanced discharge accounted for a 60% increase in Greenland mass loss, resulting in a net sea level increment of 7.3 cm by year 2100. By this time, the average surface mass balance had become negative, and widespread marginal thinning had caused 30% of historically active calving fronts to retreat. Mass losses persisted throughout the century due to flow of dynamically responsive outlets capable of sustaining high calving rates. Thinning in these areas propagated upstream into higher elevation catchments. Large drainage basins with low-lying outlets, especially those along Greenland's west coast and those fed by the Northeast Greenland Ice Stream, were most susceptible to dynamic mass loss in the 21st century.

Dynamic Changes at Tidewater Glacier Termini in Central West Greenland

Dynamic Changes at Tidewater Glacier Termini in Central West Greenland PDF Author: Mason Joseph Fried
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Languages : en
Pages : 270

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The Greenland Ice Sheet rapidly lost mass over the last two decades, in part due to increases in ice loss from termini of large tidewater glaciers. Terminus melting and calving can drive glacier retreat and the pattern of ice sheet mass loss through reductions in resistive stresses near the glacier front and, in turn, increases in ice flow to the ocean. Despite their importance to ice sheet mass balance, factors controlling terminus positions are poorly constrained in ice sheet models, which fundamentally obscures sea level rise predictions. In this dissertation, I use a suite of novel observations and techniques to quantify controls on frontal ablation and terminus positions at tidewater glaciers in central west Greenland. Until recently, frontal ablation processes were obscured due to limited observations of submarine termini. Here, I use observations from multibeam echo sonar to show the morphological complexity of the submarine terminus face and identify previously unrecognized melting and calving processes. The terminus features numerous secondary subglacial plume outlets outside of the main subglacial channel system that drive and disperse large submarine melt rates across the glacier front. Submarine melting drives steep, localized terminus undercutting that can trigger calving by connecting to finely-spaced surface crevasses. In turn, large calving events cause the terminus face to become anomalously overcut. Incorporating observed outlet geometries in a numerical plume model, I estimate small subglacial discharge fluxes feeding secondary plume outlets that are reminiscent of a distributed subglacial network. Regional remote-sensing observations reveal that, for most glaciers in central west Greenland, seasonal terminus positions are more sensitive to glacial runoff than ice mélange or ocean thermal forcing. Shallow, serac-failing tidewater glaciers are most sensitive, where subglacial plumes melt the terminus and locally enhance retreat. Glaciers with large ice fluxes and deep termini retreat sporadically through full ice-thickness calving events less dependent on runoff. Together, these results provide process-oriented constraints on the shape of the submarine terminus face, the geometry of subglacial discharge and submarine melting, the influence of environmental forcing mechanisms and the impact that these variables have on terminus positions and dynamics in a warming climate.

Modelling Greenland Outlet Glaciers

Modelling Greenland Outlet Glaciers PDF Author: Cornelis J. Veen
Category : Climatic changes
Languages : en
Pages : 4

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The objective of this project was to develop simple yet realistic models of Greenland outlet glaciers to better understand ongoing changes and to identify possible causes for these changes. Several approaches can be taken to evaluate the interaction between climate forcing and ice dynamics, and the consequent ice-sheet response, which may involve changes in flow style. To evaluate the ice sheet response to mass-balance forcing, Van der Veen (Journal of Geophysical Research, in press) makes the assumption that this response can be considered a perturbation on the reference state and may be evaluated separately from how this reference state evolves over time. Mass-balance forcing has an immediate effect on the ice sheet. Initially, the rate of thickness change as compared to the reference state equals the perturbation in snowfall or ablation. If the forcing persists, the ice sheet responds dynamically, adjusting the rate at which ice is evacuated from the interior to the margins, to achieve a new equilibrium. For large ice sheets, this dynamic adjustment may last for thousands of years, with the magnitude of change decreasing steadily over time as a new equilibrium is approached. This response can be described using kinematic wave theory. This theory, modified to pertain to Greenland drainage basins, was used to evaluate possible ice-sheet responses to perturbations in surface mass balance. The reference state is defined based on measurements along the central flowline of Petermann Glacier in north-west Greenland, and perturbations on this state considered. The advantage of this approach is that the particulars of the dynamical flow regime need not be explicitly known but are incorporated through the parameterization of the reference ice flux or longitudinal velocity profile. The results of the kinematic wave model indicate that significant rates of thickness change can occur immediately after the prescribed change in surface mass balance but adjustments in flow rapidly diminish these rates to a few cm/yr at most. The time scale for adjustment is of the order of a thousand years or so.

Physical Controls on the Sensitivity of Snow and Ice to Climate Change

Physical Controls on the Sensitivity of Snow and Ice to Climate Change PDF Author: Ian M. Howat
Category :
Languages : en
Pages : 236

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Greenland Outlet Glacier Behavior During the 21st Century

Greenland Outlet Glacier Behavior During the 21st Century PDF Author: Twila Moon
Category : Ice sheets
Languages : en
Pages : 116

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Outlet glacier ice dynamics, including ice-flow speed, play a key role in determining Greenland Ice Sheet mass loss, which is a significant contributor to global sea-level rise. Mass loss from the Greenland Ice Sheet increased significantly over the last several decades and current mass losses of 260-380 Gt ice/yr contribute 0.7-1.1 mm/yr to global sea-level rise (~10%). Understanding the potentially complex interactions among glacier, ocean, and climate, however, remains a challenge and limits certainty in modeling and predicting future ice sheet behavior and associated risks to society. This thesis focuses on understanding the seasonal to interannual scale changes in outlet glacier velocity across the Greenland Ice Sheet and how velocity fluctuations are connected to other elements of the ice sheet-ocean-atmosphere system. 1) Interannual velocity patterns Earlier observations on several of Greenland's outlet glaciers, starting near the turn of the 21st century, indicated rapid (annual-scale) and large (>100%) increases in glacier velocity. Combining data from several satellites, we produce a decade-long (2000 to 2010) record documenting the ongoing velocity evolution of nearly all (200+) of Greenland's major outlet glaciers, revealing complex spatial and temporal patterns. Changes on fast-flow marine-terminating glaciers contrast with steady velocities on ice-shelf-terminating glaciers and slow speeds on land-terminating glaciers. Regionally, glaciers in the northwest accelerated steadily, with more variability in the southeast and relatively steady flow elsewhere. Intraregional variability shows a complex response to regional and local forcing. Observed acceleration indicates that sea level rise from Greenland may fall well below earlier proposed upper bounds. 2) Seasonal velocity patterns. Greenland mass loss includes runoff of surface melt and ice discharge via marine-terminating outlet glaciers, the latter now making up a third to a half of total ice loss. The magnitude of ice discharge depends in part on ice-flow speed, which has broadly increased since 2000 but varies locally, regionally, and from year-to-year. Research on a few Greenland glaciers also shows that speed varies seasonally. However, for many regions of the ice sheet, including wide swaths of the west, northwest, and southeast coasts where ice loss is increasing most rapidly, there are few or no records of seasonal velocity variation. We present 5-year records of seasonal velocity measurements for 55 glaciers distributed around the ice sheet margin. We find 3 distinct seasonal velocity patterns. The different patterns indicate varying glacier sensitivity to ice-front (terminus) position and likely regional differences in basal hydrology in which some subglacial systems do transition seasonally from inefficient, distributed hydrologic networks to efficient, channelized drainage, while others do not. Our findings highlight the need for modeling and observation of diverse glacier systems in order to understand the full spectrum of ice-sheet dynamics. 3) Seasonal to interannual glacier and sea ice behavior and interaction Focusing on 16 northwestern Greenland glaciers during 2009-2012, we examine terminus position, sea ice and ice m??lange conditions, seasonal velocity changes, topography, and climate, with extended 1999-2012 records for 4 glaciers. There is a strong correlation between near-terminus sea ice/mélange conditions and terminus position. In several cases, late-forming and inconsistent sea ice/mélange may induce sustained retreat. For all of the 13-year records and most of the 4-year records, sustained, multi-year retreat is accompanied by velocity increase. Seasonal speedup, which is observed across the region, may, however, be more heavily influenced by melt interacting with the subglacial hydrologic system than seasonal terminus variation. Projections of continued warming and longer ice-free periods around Greenland suggest that notable retreat over wide areas may continue. Sustained retreat is likely to be associated with multi-year speedup, though both processes are modulated by local topography. The timing of seasonal ice dynamics patterns may also shift.

Greenland Ice Sheet Variability and Sensitivity to Forcing During the Warm Pliocene

Greenland Ice Sheet Variability and Sensitivity to Forcing During the Warm Pliocene PDF Author: Sebastian Jan Koenig
Category : Greenland
Languages : en
Pages : 196

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The cryosphere and its interactions with other components of the climate system are considered to be major influences on global climate change through the Cenozoic and into the future. However, fundamental dynamics and secondary feedbacks that drive long-term ice sheet variability on Greenland remain poorly understood. Here, a numerical climate-ice sheet modeling study is conducted with the aim of reconstructing most likely locations, timing and variability of continental ice in the mid to late Pliocene and the transition into the Pleistocene. Simulations using the GENESIS v3 General Circulation Model coupled to the Penn State Ice Sheet-Shelf Model are compared with a range of independent numerical ice sheet model simulations under Pliocene boundary conditions and validated against available proxy reconstructions. This study aims at investigating the sensitivity of an ice-free and glaciated Greenland to changes in climate forcings, and the modulation of those forcings through internal feedbacks with focus on the dynamical thresholds involved in the growth and retreat of continental ice on Greenland. ^ Orbital changes of latitudinal and seasonal solar radiation, in combination with prevalent atmospheric pCO2 levels, are found to pace the timing of the cryospheric response. Internal feedbacks invoked though local surface characteristics on Greenland in concert with far field changes in Arctic sea surface temperature and sea ice conditions control the energy and moisture budget on Greenland with consequences for its mass balance. In the Pliocene, inception of Greenland ice is inhibited during interglacials and ice volume is limited even when orbits are favorable for ice sheet growth. During Pliocene warmth, a present-day Greenland Ice Sheet cannot be maintained and ice was most likely restricted to the highest elevations in the East and South, contributing around 6m of equivalent sea level rise. This assessment of the sensitivity and survivability of Greenland Ice Sheet in a warmer-than-modern world implies the potential for a long-term commitment to future sea level rise from a smaller Greenland Ice Sheet.

Quaternary Glaciation History and Glaciology of Jakobshavn Isbrae and the Disko Bugt Region, West Greenland

Quaternary Glaciation History and Glaciology of Jakobshavn Isbrae and the Disko Bugt Region, West Greenland PDF Author: Anker Weidick
Category : Glaciers
Languages : en
Pages : 88

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Geomorphology: The Research Frontier and Beyond

Geomorphology: The Research Frontier and Beyond PDF Author: J.D. Vitek
Publisher: Elsevier
ISBN: 148329157X
Category : Science
Languages : en
Pages : 238

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Perspectives on the future directions of research in geomorphology form the major theme of this volume. Ten geomorphologists were asked to "star-gaze", that is provide opinions about the future direction of their specialty. Each paper is supported by the literature that currently defines the research frontier.

Greenland Ice Sheet Change: Surface Climate Variability and Glacier Dynamics

Greenland Ice Sheet Change: Surface Climate Variability and Glacier Dynamics PDF Author: Lei Yang
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Languages : en
Pages : 160

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The co-variability of glacier ice discharges and climate variability is also examined by using Polar MM5 V1 modeled summer temperature and April-September Positive Degree Day (PDD) anomalies. Ice discharges from south Greenland glaciers are found to be sensitive to temperature change. Based on sensitivities of ice discharge to melt index anomalies, time series of total ice discharge from 28 major glaciers since 1958 are modeled. The global sea level rise contribution from Greenland ice sheet during past 50 years is estimated be ∼0.6 mm yr-1 in average.