Christianity in the Twentieth Century

Christianity in the Twentieth Century PDF Author: Brian Stanley
Publisher: Princeton University Press
ISBN: 0691196842
Category : History
Languages : en
Pages : 501

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"[This book] charts the transformation of one of the world's great religions during an age marked by world wars, genocide, nationalism, decolonization, and powerful ideological currents, many of them hostile to Christianity"

Christianity in the Twentieth Century

Christianity in the Twentieth Century PDF Author: Brian Stanley
Publisher: Princeton University Press
ISBN: 0691196842
Category : History
Languages : en
Pages : 501

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"[This book] charts the transformation of one of the world's great religions during an age marked by world wars, genocide, nationalism, decolonization, and powerful ideological currents, many of them hostile to Christianity"

Twentieth-Century Theologians

Twentieth-Century Theologians PDF Author: Philip Kennedy
Publisher: Bloomsbury Publishing
ISBN: 085771760X
Category : Religion
Languages : en
Pages : 384

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One needs to be a lunatic to become a Christian, the 19th century Danish philosopher Soren Kierkegaard once observed. Had he lived in the 20th century he might have discerned even more of an obstacle to faith. For during the last century the human condition changed more rapidly than during any previous era, taking that condition far away from the historical circumstances in which Christianity was born. In his new book, Philip Kennedy explores the ways Christian theologians of the 20th century tried to live a productive religious life in a world overtaken by massive upheaval and innovation.The book is distinctive in a number of respects. First, it differs from other surveys of theology by adopting a biographical method, examining the lives of its subjects in historical context. Second, it is more progressive than its competitors, covering many theologians other than white male professors - especially women - who have worked outside the academy or on the margins of the churches. Third, it is international, focusing on theologians in all the continents of the world rather than just Europe or North America. Fourth, it makes no assumptions that its readers are religious or that theology is uniquely credible. There is a need for a sensitive new textbook reassessing the subject in the light of modern concerns and scepticism about religion. This book meets that need.

World Christianity in the Twentieth Century

World Christianity in the Twentieth Century PDF Author: Noel Davies
Publisher: Hymns Ancient and Modern Ltd
ISBN: 0334040442
Category : Religion
Languages : en
Pages : 305

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The Unexpected Christian Century

The Unexpected Christian Century PDF Author: Scott W. Sunquist
Publisher: Baker Academic
ISBN: 1441266631
Category : Religion
Languages : en
Pages : 341

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In 1900 many assumed the twentieth century would be a Christian century because Western "Christian empires" ruled most of the world. What happened instead is that Christianity in the West declined dramatically, the empires collapsed, and Christianity's center moved to Africa, Asia, Latin America, and the Pacific. How did this happen so quickly? Respected scholar and teacher Scott Sunquist surveys the most recent century of Christian history, highlighting epochal changes in global Christianity. He also suggests lessons we can learn from this remarkable global Christian reversal. Ideal for an introduction to Christianity or a church history course, this book includes a foreword by Mark Noll.

The Christian Century and the Rise of Mainline Protestantism

The Christian Century and the Rise of Mainline Protestantism PDF Author: Elesha J. Coffman
Publisher: Oxford University Press, USA
ISBN: 0199938598
Category : History
Languages : en
Pages : 282

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Since the 1972 publication of Dean M. Kelley's Why Conservative Churches Are Growing, discussion of the Protestant mainline has focused on the tradition's decline. Elesha J. Coffman's The Christian Century and the Rise of Mainline Protestantism tells a different story, using the lens of the influential periodical The Christian Century to examine the rise of the mainline to a position of cultural prominence in the first half of the twentieth century.

Christian Mission in the Twentieth Century

Christian Mission in the Twentieth Century PDF Author: Timothy Yates
Publisher: Cambridge University Press
ISBN: 9780521565073
Category : Religion
Languages : en
Pages : 296

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Offering an essential historical overview of the chief developments in Christian mission, this should become a standard textbook.

Twentieth-Century Global Christianity

Twentieth-Century Global Christianity PDF Author: Mary Farrell Bednarowski
Publisher: Fortress Press
ISBN: 1451414420
Category : Religion
Languages : en
Pages : 474

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A specific focus and intent of this final volume of A People's History of Christianity is to delve behind the global phenomenon of Christianity to glimpse some of the very rich and dynamic lifeways within it. Ranging over the whole century and across several continents, the scholars in this volume probe Christians' creative encounters with popular culture, liturgy and spirituality, social change and Marxism, intrareligious and interreligious dialogue, and changes in gender expectations and roles. Includes 50 illustrations, maps, bibliographies, and an 8-page color gallery. Contributors include Mary Farrell Bednarowski; Mercy Oduyoye, Ghana; Patrick Henry, St. John's University; Bruce Forbes, Morningside College; Valerie Demarinis, Upsaala University; Rosetta E. Ross, Spelman College; Ada Mariacute;a Isasi-Diacute;az, Drew University; Mark Noll, Wheaton College; Ann Pederson, Augustana College; Eleazar Fernaacute;ndez, United Theological Seminary of the Twin Cities; Victoria Barnett United States Holocaust Memorial Museum; Margaret Bendroth, American Congregational Association; Oscar Cole-Arnal, Waterloo Lutheran Seminary; Paul Mojzes, Rosemont College; Luis Rivera-Pagaacute;n, Princeton Theological Seminary; Ethan Sanders, University of Cambridge; Christina Traina, Northwestern University; Jean-Paul Wiest, University of San Francisco.

International Conflict in the Twentieth Century

International Conflict in the Twentieth Century PDF Author: Herbert Butterfield
Publisher: Routledge
ISBN: 1000292231
Category : Religion
Languages : en
Pages : 103

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First published in 1960, International Conflict in the Twentieth Century considers how to solve the problem of human relations for external affairs. Stepping back from the more common focus on "current affairs", the book explores in detail the processes and patterns of history, the principles that underlie foreign policy, the ethical issues involved in international affairs, and the role of Christianity in a time of global revolution. In doing so, it covers a variety of topics including morality, scientific approaches to politics, lessons from history, and human nature. International Conflict in the Twentieth Century will appeal to those with an interest in religion and politics, religious philosophy, and religious and political history.

Devotions and Desires

Devotions and Desires PDF Author: Gillian A. Frank
Publisher: UNC Press Books
ISBN: 1469636271
Category : Religion
Languages : en
Pages : 316

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At a moment when "freedom of religion" rhetoric fuels public debate, it is easy to assume that sex and religion have faced each other in pitched battle throughout modern U.S. history. Yet, by tracking the nation's changing religious and sexual landscapes over the twentieth century, this book challenges that zero-sum account of sexuality locked in a struggle with religion. It shows that religion played a central role in the history of sexuality in the United States, shaping sexual politics, communities, and identities. At the same time, sexuality has left lipstick traces on American religious history. From polyamory to pornography, from birth control to the AIDS epidemic, this book follows religious faiths and practices across a range of sacred spaces: rabbinical seminaries, African American missions, Catholic schools, pagan communes, the YWCA, and much more. What emerges is the shared story of religion and sexuality and how both became wedded to American culture and politics. The volume, framed by a provocative introduction by Gillian Frank, Bethany Moreton, and Heather R. White and a compelling afterword by John D'Emilio, features essays by Rebecca T. Alpert and Jacob J. Staub, Rebecca L. Davis, Lynne Gerber, Andrea R. Jain, Kathi Kern, Rachel Kranson, James P. McCartin, Samira K. Mehta, Daniel Rivers, Whitney Strub, Aiko Takeuchi-Demirci, Judith Weisenfeld, and Neil J. Young.

Communion of Radicals

Communion of Radicals PDF Author: Jonathan McGregor
Publisher: LSU Press
ISBN: 0807176516
Category : Literary Criticism
Languages : en
Pages : 270

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Popular perceptions of American writers as either godless radicals or God-fearing reactionaries overlook a vital tradition of Christian leftist thought and creative work. In Communion of Radicals, Jonathan McGregor offers the first literary history of theologically conservative writers who embraced political radicalism, as their reverence for tradition impelled them to work for social justice. Challenging recent accounts that examine twentieth-century American literature against the backdrop of the rising Religious Right, Communion of Radicals uncovers a different literary lineage in which allegiance to religious tradition fostered dedication to a more just future. From the Gilded Age to the Great Depression to the civil rights movement, traditional faith empowered the rebellious writing of socialists, anarchists, and Catholic personalists such as Vida Scudder, Dorothy Day, Claude McKay, F. O. Matthiessen, and W. H. Auden. By recovering their strain of traditioned radicalism, McGregor shows how strong faith in the past can fuel the struggle for an equitable future. As Christian socialists, Scudder and Ralph Adams Cram envisioned their movement for beloved community as a modern version of medieval monasticism. Day and the Catholic Workers followed the fourteenth-century example of St. Francis when they lived and wrote among the disaffected souls on the Bowery during the Great Depression. Tennessee’s Fellowship of Southern Churchmen argued for a socialist and antiracist understanding of the notion of “the South and the Agrarian tradition” popularized by James McBride Dabbs, Walker Percy, and Wendell Berry. Agrarian roots flowered into creative expressions encompassing the queer and Black medievalist poetry of Auden and McKay, respectively; Matthiessen’s Catholic socialist interpretation of the American Renaissance; and the genteel anarchism of Percy’s southern comic novels. Imaginative writing enabled these Christian leftists to commune with the past and with each other, driving their radical efforts in the present. Communion of Radicals chronicles a literary Christian left that unites deeply traditional faith with radicalism, and offers a usable past that disrupts perceived alignments of religion and politics.