Christian Morality

Christian Morality PDF Author: Geoffrey W. Sutton
Publisher: Wipf and Stock Publishers
ISBN: 1498204767
Category : Religion
Languages : en
Pages : 201

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Book Description
Should society care about Christian morality? Are Christians out of touch with complex moral decision-making? Christian Morality: An Interdisciplinary Framework for Thinking about Contemporary Moral Issues provides readers with a framework for identifying and applying Christian moral principles to divisive issues. First, readers learn of the theological and philosophical foundations of Christian ethics. Two additional chapters explain how personal and social factors influence our capacity to think critically and Christianly about morality. Second, readers will learn about forming Christian moral judgments by seeing how different thinkers address six contemporary moral issues: abortion, same-sex relationships, equal treatment of men and women in the workplace, sex education, and racial bias in incarceration polices.

Christian Morality & You

Christian Morality & You PDF Author: James Finley
ISBN: 9780877931126
Category : Religion
Languages : en
Pages : 196

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Ways to lead a Christian life are explored.

Christian Morality

Christian Morality PDF Author: Brian Singer-Towns
ISBN: 9781599820972
Category : Christian ethics
Languages : en
Pages : 0

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**Christian Morality: Our Response to God's Love has been submitted to the Subcommittee on the Catechism, United States Conference of Catholic Bishops. Declarations of conformity with both the Catechism of the Catholic Church and Doctrinal Elements of a Curriculum Framework for the Development of Catechetical Materials for Young People of High School Age are pending. Christian Morality: Our Response to God's Love Students face countless choices and challenges in their daily lives. This course addresses how a relationship with Christ and the Church can lead to choices that are in accord with God's plan. The students learn what it means to live as a disciple of Christ and how the Church strengthens this discipleship. The Living in Christ Series * Makes the most of the wisdom and experience of Catholic high school teachers as they empower and guide students to participate in their own learning. * Engages students' intellect and responds to their natural desire to know God. * Encourages faith in action through carefully-crafted learning objectives, lessons, activities, active learning, and summative projects that address multiple learning styles. What you will find . . . * Each Living in Christ student book is developed in line with the U.S. Bishops' High School Curriculum Framework and provides key doctrine essential to the course in a clear and accessible way, making it relevant to the students and how they live their lives. * Each Living in Christ teacher guide carefully crafts the lessons, based on the key principles of Understanding by Design, to guide the students' understanding of key concepts. * Living in Christ offers an innovative, online learning environment featuring flexible and customizable resources to enrich and empower the teacher to respond to the diverse learning needs of the students. * The Living in Christ series is available to you in traditional full-color text and in digital textbook format, offering you options to meet your preferences and needs.

The Origins of Christian Morality

The Origins of Christian Morality PDF Author: Wayne A. Meeks
Publisher: Yale University Press
ISBN: 9780300065138
Category : Religion
Languages : en
Pages : 294

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By the time Christianity became a political and cultural force in the Roman Empire, it had come to embody a new moral vision. This wise and eloquent book describes the formative years--from the crucifixion of Jesus to the end of the second century of the common era--when Christian beliefs and practices shaped their unique moral order. Wayne A. Meeks examines the surviving documents from Christianity's beginnings (some of which became the New Testament) and shows that they are largely concerned with the way converts to the movement should behave. Meeks finds that for these Christians, the formation of morals means the formation of community; the documents are addressed not to individuals but to groups, and they have among their primary aims the maintenance and growth of these groups. Meeks paints a picture of the process of socialization that produced the early forms of Christian morality, discussing many factors that made the Christians feel that they were a single and "chosen" people. He describes, for example, the impact of conversion; the rapid spread of Christian household cult-associations in the cities of the Roman Empire; the language of Christian moral discourse as revealed in letters, testaments, and "moral stories"; the rituals, meetings, and institutionalization of charity; the Christians' feelings about celibacy, sex, and gender roles; and their sense of the end-time and final judgment. In each of these areas Meeks seeks to determine what is distinctive about the Christian viewpoint and what is similar to the moral components of Greco-Roman or Jewish thought.

Introducing Christian Ethics

Introducing Christian Ethics PDF Author: Scott Rae
Publisher: Zondervan Academic
ISBN: 031052119X
Category : Religion
Languages : en
Pages : 190

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Introducing Christian Ethics helps Christians form a sound basis for making ethical decisions in today's complex postmodern world. Raising 14 key ethical questions on today's most pressing issues including abortion, war, sexual ethics, capital punishment, and more, Scott Rae guides his readers in making moral choices wisely. Based on the best-selling college and seminary ethics textbook Moral Choices, this book distills nearly two decades of teaching and study into a succinct and user-friendly volume. It is an ideal primer for pastors, students, and everyday Christians who desire engagement with the world around them in an intelligent and informed manner. Teaching and study resources for the book, including additional video clips based on the questions corresponding to each chapter, make it ideal for use in the classroom as well as for pastors and for teaching settings within the church. Resources are available through

Primary Source Readings in Christian Morality

Primary Source Readings in Christian Morality PDF Author: Thaddeus Ostrowski
Publisher: Saint Mary's Press
ISBN: 0884899896
Category : Christian ethics
Languages : en
Pages : 244

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Primary Source Readings in Christian Morality presents the living words of the Catholic Church and the wisdom of everyday people addressing the moral issues that impact our lives. One goal of Primary Source Readings in Christian Morality is to help students realize the connection between behavior and character. Additionally, the hope is that students will uncover that the road to authentic happiness and joy involves working on their relationship with God. Within this book you will find writings from: Pope Benedict XVI, The Second Vatican Council, Richard Gula, SS, Pope Paul VI, Ronald Rohlheiser, Erich Maria Remarque, Pope John Paul II, The United States Conference of Catholic Bishops.

Principles of Christian Morality

Principles of Christian Morality PDF Author: Hans Urs Von Balthasar
Publisher: Ignatius Press
ISBN: 1681493942
Category : Religion
Languages : en
Pages : 110

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A collection of essays by three giants of twentieth-cenutry theology: Joseph Ratzinger (now Pope Benedict XVI), Hans Urs von Balthasar, and Heinz Schurmann. Balthasar's and Schurmann's essays were written for the International Theological Commission. Schurmann examines how the New Testament's teaching provides enduring moral norms for Christian conduct. Balthasar presents nine basic principles of the Christian moral life. Ratzinger, who originally wrote this essay as a series of articles for L'Osservatore Romano, addresses the relationship between faith and morality, and the place of the Church's teaching authority with regard to moral issues. Learn more about Pope Benedict! Visit the

Christian Moral Life

Christian Moral Life PDF Author: Ann Nunes
ISBN: 9781599821405
Category : Religion
Languages : en
Pages : 0

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Christian morality is synonymous with life in Christ. We are to love God with our whole being and to love others as Jesus loves us, because God created all of us in his image and wants us to love one another as he loves us. The Christian moral life is defined by being in loving relationships and by living our lives in response to the teachings of Jesus. The collection of readings in Christian Moral Life A Primary Source Reader aims to help you learn the moral concepts and teachings that guide us to live our lives as disciples of Christ. Within this reader you will find writings from the following sources: Saint Th�r�se of Lisieux Saint Basil the Great Blessed Teresa of Calcutta Saint Thomas More Saint Teresa of �vila Richard M. Gula, SS Blessed John Paul II Saint John Vianney Saint Francis of Assisi Julian of Norwich Saint Patrick Cardinal Joseph Bernardin This text is the perfect complement to courses on morality, especially those that correspond to the U.S. bishops' Curriculum Framework course titled "Life in Jesus Christ."

Christian Morality

Christian Morality PDF Author: Geoffrey W. Sutton
Publisher: Wipf and Stock Publishers
ISBN: 1498204767
Category : Religion
Languages : en
Pages : 201

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Book Description
Should society care about Christian morality? Are Christians out of touch with complex moral decision-making? Christian Morality: An Interdisciplinary Framework for Thinking about Contemporary Moral Issues provides readers with a framework for identifying and applying Christian moral principles to divisive issues. First, readers learn of the theological and philosophical foundations of Christian ethics. Two additional chapters explain how personal and social factors influence our capacity to think critically and Christianly about morality. Second, readers will learn about forming Christian moral judgments by seeing how different thinkers address six contemporary moral issues: abortion, same-sex relationships, equal treatment of men and women in the workplace, sex education, and racial bias in incarceration polices.

Sermons Principally Designed to Illustrate and to Enforce Christian Morality

Sermons Principally Designed to Illustrate and to Enforce Christian Morality PDF Author: Thomas Gisborne
Category : Christian ethics
Languages : en
Pages : 446

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The Crucible of Christian Morality

The Crucible of Christian Morality PDF Author: J. Ian H. McDonald
Publisher: Routledge
ISBN: 1134949855
Category : History
Languages : en
Pages : 256

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The Crucible of Christian Morality explores the notion of Christian ethics and discusses its roots in the teachings of Jesus and also Hellenistic philosophy. Its significance in developing moral standards throughout the world and its stability in the modern world. The Crucible of Christian Morality uses new critical perspectives including: * the sociology of knowledge * and discourse analysis. J. Ian H. McDonald challenges conventional approaches by focusing on the behaviour of early Christian communities rather than their texts to shed new light on the nature of Christian morality in its earliest and most formative years.