Architecture and Its Interpretation

Architecture and Its Interpretation PDF Author: Juan Pablo Bonta
Category : Architecture
Languages : en
Pages : 280

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Architecture and Its Interpretation

Architecture and Its Interpretation PDF Author: Juan Pablo Bonta
Category : Architecture
Languages : en
Pages : 280

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Interpretation in Architecture

Interpretation in Architecture PDF Author: Adrian Snodgrass
Publisher: Routledge
ISBN: 1134222645
Category : Architecture
Languages : en
Pages : 345

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Drawing on cultural theory, phenomenology and concepts from Asian art and philosophy, this book reflects on the role of interpretation in the act of architectural creation, bringing an intellectual and scholarly dimension to real-world architectural design practice. For practising architects as well as academic researchers, these essays consider interpretation from three theoretical standpoints or themes: play, edification and otherness. Focusing on these, the book draws together strands of thought informed by the diverse reflections of hermeneutical scholarship, the uses of digital media and studio teaching and practice.

Architecture and Interpretation

Architecture and Interpretation PDF Author: Jill A. Franklin
Publisher: Boydell Press
ISBN: 1843837811
Category : Architecture
Languages : en
Pages : 434

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Essays centred on the methods, pleasures, and pitfalls of architectural interpretation. Architecture affects us on a number of levels. It can control our movements, change our experience of our own scale, create a particular sense of place, focus memory, and act as a statement of power and taste, to name but a few. Yet the ways in which these effects are brought about are not yet well understood. The aim of this book is to move the discussion forward, to encourage and broaden debate about the ways in which architecture is interpreted, with aview to raising levels of intellectual engagement with the issues in terms of the theory and practice of architectural history. The range of material covered extends from houses constructed from mammoth bones around 15,000 years ago in the present-day Ukraine to a surfer's memorial in Carpinteria, California; other subjects include the young Michelangelo seeking to transcend genre boundaries; medieval masons' tombs; and the mythographies of early modern Netherlandish towns. Taking as their point of departure the ways in which architecture has been, is, and can be written about and otherwise represented, the editors' substantial Introduction provides an historiographical framework for, and draws out the themes and ideas presented in, the individual contributors' essays. Contributors: Christine Stevenson, T. A. Heslop, John Mitchell, Malcolm Thurlby, Richard Fawcett, Jill A. Franklin, StephenHeywood, Roger Stalley, Veronica Sekules, John Onians, Frank Woodman, Paul Crossley, David Hemsoll, Kerry Downes, Richard Plant, Jenifer Ní Ghrádraigh, Lindy Grant, Elisabeth de Bièvre, Stefan Muthesius, Robert Hillenbrand, AndrewM. Shanken, Peter Guillery.

The Meaning of Modern Architecture

The Meaning of Modern Architecture PDF Author: Dr Hans Rudolf Morgenthaler
Publisher: Ashgate Publishing, Ltd.
ISBN: 1472453018
Category : Architecture
Languages : en
Pages : 169

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Using empathy, as established by the Vienna School of Art History, complemented by insights on how the mind processes visual stimuli, as demonstrated by late 19th-century psychologists and art theorists, this book puts forward an innovative interpretative method of decoding the forms and spaces of Modern buildings. It proposes that Modern architecture is too diverse to be reduced to a few common formal or ornamental features. Instead, by relying on the viewer’s innate psycho-physiological perceptive abilities, the sensual and intuitive understandings of composition, form, and space are emphasized.

Towards an Articulated Phenomenological Interpretation of Architecture

Towards an Articulated Phenomenological Interpretation of Architecture PDF Author: M. Reza Shirazi
Publisher: Routledge
ISBN: 1134679726
Category : Architecture
Languages : en
Pages : 237

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This book sheds light on the contemporary status of phenomenological discourse in architecture and investigates its current scholastic as well as practical position. Starting with a concise introduction to the philosophical grounds of phenomenology from the points of view of Husserl, Merleau-Ponty and Heidegger, it presents a critical reading of the works of some leading figures of architectural phenomenology in both theory and practice, such as Christian Norberg-Schultz, Kenneth Frampton, Juhani Pallasmaa, and Steven Holl. Highlighting the main challenges of the current phenomenological discourse in architecture, this book formulates a more articulated method of 'phenomenological interpretation' – dubbed 'phenomenal phenomenology' − as a new and innovative method of interpreting the built environment. Finally, using Tadao Ando's Langen Foundation Museum as a case study, it investigates the architect's contribution to phenomenological discourse, interprets and analyzes the Museum building using the new heuristic method, and thus provides a clear example of its applicability. By introducing a clear, articulated, and practical method of interpretation, this book is of interest to academics and students analyzing and studying architecture and the built environment at various scales.

Architecture and Meaning on the Athenian Acropolis

Architecture and Meaning on the Athenian Acropolis PDF Author: Robin Francis Rhodes
Publisher: Cambridge University Press
ISBN: 9780521469814
Category : Architecture
Languages : en
Pages : 244

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Examines the several buildings making up the Acropolis as a group, or narrative.

Architecture of Siam

Architecture of Siam PDF Author: Clarence T. Aasen
Publisher: Oxford University Press, USA
Category : Architecture
Languages : en
Pages : 352

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This book is about the special and identifying role architecture has played over the last 15 centuries in the construction of the highly diverse and complex culture of Siam. The combination of its written and visual content and its contemporary theoretical underpinnings makes this the most comprehensive, critical and challenging interpretation of Siamese architecture that has been written.

Interpretation in Architecture

Interpretation in Architecture PDF Author: Adrian Snodgrass
Publisher: Routledge
ISBN: 1134222637
Category : Architecture
Languages : en
Pages : 348

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Book Description
Drawing on cultural theory, phenomenology and concepts from Asian art and philosophy, this book reflects on the role of interpretation in the act of architectural creation, bringing an intellectual and scholarly dimension to real-world architectural design practice. For practising architects as well as academic researchers, these essays consider interpretation from three theoretical standpoints or themes: play, edification and otherness. Focusing on these, the book draws together strands of thought informed by the diverse reflections of hermeneutical scholarship, the uses of digital media and studio teaching and practice.

Chinese Architecture and Metaphor

Chinese Architecture and Metaphor PDF Author: Jiren Feng
Publisher: University of Hawaii Press
ISBN: 0824861167
Category : History
Languages : en
Pages : 322

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Investigating the historical tradition of Chinese architectural writing from antiquity to the twelfth century, Chinese Architecture and Metaphor reveals significant and fascinating social and cultural phenomena in the most important primary text for the study of the Chinese building tradition. Unlike previous scholarship, which has reviewed this imperially commissioned architectural manual largely as a technical work, this volume considers the Yingzao fashi’s unique literary value and explores the rich cultural implications in and behind its technical content. Utilizing a philological approach, the author pays particular attention to the traditional and contemporary architectural terminology presented in the Yingzao fashi. In examining the semantic meaning of the architectural terms used in the manual, he uncovers a systematic architectural metaphor wherein bracketing elements are likened to flowers, flowering branches, and foliage: Thus pillars with bracketing above are compared to blossoming trees. More importantly, this intriguing imagery was shared by different social groups, in particular craftsmen and literati, and craftsmen themselves employed literary knowledge in naming architectural elements. Relating these phenomena to the unprecedented flourishing of literature, the literati’s greater admiration of technical knowledge, and the higher intellectual capacity of craftsmen during the Song, Architecture and Metaphor demonstrates how the learned and “unlearned” cultures entangled in the construction of architectural knowledge in premodern China. It convincingly shows that technical language served as a faithful carrier of contemporary popular culture and aesthetic concepts. Chinese Architecture and Metaphor demonstrates a high level of engagement with a broad spectrum of sophisticated Chinese sources. It will become a classic work for all students and scholars of East Asian architecture.

American Architecture

American Architecture PDF Author: Leland M. Roth
Publisher: Routledge
ISBN: 0429973837
Category : Architecture
Languages : en
Pages : 1251

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More than fifteen years after the success of the first edition, this sweeping introduction to the history of architecture in the United States is now a fully revised guide to the major developments that shaped the environment from the first Americans to the present, from the everyday vernacular to the high style of aspiration. Eleven chronologically organized chapters chart the social, cultural, and political forces that shaped the growth and development of American towns, cities, and suburbs, while providing full description, analysis, and interpretation of buildings and their architects. The second edition features an entirely new chapter detailing the green architecture movement and architectural trends in the 21st century. Further updates include an expanded section on Native American architecture and contemporary design by Native American architects, new discussions on architectural education and training, more examples of women architects and designers, and a thoroughly expanded glossary to help today's readers. The art program is expanded, including 640 black and white images and 62 new color images. Accessible and engaging, American Architecture continues to set the standard as a guide, study, and reference for those seeking to better understand the rich history of architecture in the United States.