Advanced Signal Processing Handbook

Advanced Signal Processing Handbook PDF Author: Stergios Stergiopoulos
Publisher: CRC Press
ISBN: 135136944X
Category : Technology & Engineering
Languages : en
Pages : 752

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Book Description
Advances in digital signal processing algorithms and computer technology have combined to produce real-time systems with capabilities far beyond those of just few years ago. Nonlinear, adaptive methods for signal processing have emerged to provide better array gain performance, however, they lack the robustness of conventional algorithms. The challenge remains to develop a concept that exploits the advantages of both-a scheme that integrates these methods in practical, real-time systems. The Advanced Signal Processing Handbook helps you meet that challenge. Beyond offering an outstanding introduction to the principles and applications of advanced signal processing, it develops a generic processing structure that takes advantage of the similarities that exist among radar, sonar, and medical imaging systems and integrates conventional and nonlinear processing schemes.

Advanced Signal Processing Handbook

Advanced Signal Processing Handbook PDF Author: Stergios Stergiopoulos
Publisher: CRC Press
ISBN: 135136944X
Category : Technology & Engineering
Languages : en
Pages : 752

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Book Description
Advances in digital signal processing algorithms and computer technology have combined to produce real-time systems with capabilities far beyond those of just few years ago. Nonlinear, adaptive methods for signal processing have emerged to provide better array gain performance, however, they lack the robustness of conventional algorithms. The challenge remains to develop a concept that exploits the advantages of both-a scheme that integrates these methods in practical, real-time systems. The Advanced Signal Processing Handbook helps you meet that challenge. Beyond offering an outstanding introduction to the principles and applications of advanced signal processing, it develops a generic processing structure that takes advantage of the similarities that exist among radar, sonar, and medical imaging systems and integrates conventional and nonlinear processing schemes.

Handbook of Digital Signal Processing

Handbook of Digital Signal Processing PDF Author: Douglas F. Elliott
Publisher: Elsevier
ISBN: 0080507808
Category : Technology & Engineering
Languages : en
Pages : 1022

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FROM THE PREFACE: Many new useful ideas are presented in this handbook, including new finite impulse response (FIR) filter design techniques, half-band and multiplierless FIR filters, interpolated FIR (IFIR) structures, and error spectrum shaping.

Advanced Signal Processing: A Concise Guide

Advanced Signal Processing: A Concise Guide PDF Author: Amir-Homayoon Najmi
Publisher: McGraw Hill Professional
ISBN: 1260458946
Category : Technology & Engineering
Languages : en
Pages : 353

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Publisher's Note: Products purchased from Third Party sellers are not guaranteed by the publisher for quality, authenticity, or access to any online entitlements included with the product. A comprehensive introduction to the mathematical principles and algorithms in statistical signal processing and modern neural networks. This text is an expanded version of a graduate course on advanced signal processing at the Johns Hopkins University Whiting school program for professionals with students from electrical engineering, physics, computer and data science, and mathematics backgrounds. It covers the theory underlying applications in statistical signal processing including spectral estimation, linear prediction, adaptive filters, and optimal processing of uniform spatial arrays. Unique among books on the subject, it also includes a comprehensive introduction to modern neural networks with examples in time series and image classification. Coverage includes: Mathematical structures of signal spaces and matrix factorizations linear time-invariant systems and transforms Least squares filters Random variables, estimation theory, and random processes Spectral estimation and autoregressive signal models linear prediction and adaptive filters Optimal processing of linear arrays Neural networks

Advanced Digital Signal Processing

Advanced Digital Signal Processing PDF Author: Glenn Zelniker
Publisher: CRC Press
ISBN: 9780824791452
Category : Technology & Engineering
Languages : en
Pages : 694

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Provides a detailed treatment of the concepts and applications of advanced digital signal processing.

Advanced Digital Signal Processing

Advanced Digital Signal Processing PDF Author: PROAKIS
ISBN: 9780130842657
Category :
Languages : en
Pages :

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This textbook and reference for graduate level courses in digital signal processing can be used in a variety of courses. It includes details about deterministic signal processing, algorithms for convolution and DFT, multirate DSP, digital filter banks, wavelets and multiresolution analysis.

Advanced Signal Processing

Advanced Signal Processing PDF Author: Stergios Stergiopoulos
Publisher: CRC Press
ISBN: 1420062417
Category : Technology & Engineering
Languages : en
Pages : 754

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Book Description
Discover the Applicability, Benefits, and Potential of New Technologies As advances in algorithms and computer technology have bolstered the digital signal processing capabilities of real-time sonar, radar, and non-invasive medical diagnostics systems, cutting-edge military and defense research has established conceptual similarities in these areas. Now civilian enterprises can use government innovations to facilitate optimal functionality of complex real-time systems. Advanced Signal Processing details a cost-efficient generic processing structure that exploits these commonalities to benefit commercial applications. Learn from a Renowned Defense Scientist, Researcher, and Innovator The author preserves the mathematical focus and key information from the first edition that provided invaluable coverage of topics including adaptive systems, advanced beamformers, and volume visualization methods in medicine. Integrating the best features of non-linear and conventional algorithms and explaining their application in PC-based architectures, this text contains new data on: Advances in biometrics, image segmentation, registration, and fusion techniques for 3D/4D ultrasound, CT, and MRI Fully digital 3D/ (4D: 3D+time) ultrasound system technology, computing architecture requirements, and relevant implementation issues State-of-the-art non-invasive medical procedures, non-destructive 3D tomography imaging and biometrics, and monitoring of vital signs Cardiac motion correction in multi-slice X-ray CT imaging Space-time adaptive processing and detection of targets interference-intense backgrounds comprised of clutter and jamming With its detailed explanation of adaptive, synthetic-aperture, and fusion-processing schemes with near-instantaneous convergence in 2-D and 3-D sensors (including planar, circular, cylindrical, and spherical arrays), the quality and illustration of this text’s concepts and techniques will make it a favored reference.

Advanced Signal Processing Handbook

Advanced Signal Processing Handbook PDF Author: Stergios Stergiopoulos
Publisher: CRC Press
ISBN: 1351369458
Category : Technology & Engineering
Languages : en
Pages : 751

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Book Description
Advances in digital signal processing algorithms and computer technology have combined to produce real-time systems with capabilities far beyond those of just few years ago. Nonlinear, adaptive methods for signal processing have emerged to provide better array gain performance, however, they lack the robustness of conventional algorithms. The challenge remains to develop a concept that exploits the advantages of both-a scheme that integrates these methods in practical, real-time systems. The Advanced Signal Processing Handbook helps you meet that challenge. Beyond offering an outstanding introduction to the principles and applications of advanced signal processing, it develops a generic processing structure that takes advantage of the similarities that exist among radar, sonar, and medical imaging systems and integrates conventional and nonlinear processing schemes.

Handbook of Signal Processing Systems

Handbook of Signal Processing Systems PDF Author: Shuvra S. Bhattacharyya
Publisher: Springer Science & Business Media
ISBN: 1461468590
Category : Technology & Engineering
Languages : en
Pages : 1395

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Book Description
Handbook of Signal Processing Systems is organized in three parts. The first part motivates representative applications that drive and apply state-of-the art methods for design and implementation of signal processing systems; the second part discusses architectures for implementing these applications; the third part focuses on compilers and simulation tools, describes models of computation and their associated design tools and methodologies. This handbook is an essential tool for professionals in many fields and researchers of all levels.

Advanced Topics in Signal Processing

Advanced Topics in Signal Processing PDF Author: Jae S. Lim
Category : Signal processing
Languages : en
Pages : 536

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Signal Processing for Mobile Communications Handbook

Signal Processing for Mobile Communications Handbook PDF Author: Mohamed Ibnkahla
Publisher: CRC Press
ISBN: 0203496515
Category : Technology & Engineering
Languages : en
Pages : 872

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In recent years, a wealth of research has emerged addressing various aspects of mobile communications signal processing. New applications and services are continually arising, and future mobile communications offer new opportunities and exciting challenges for signal processing. The Signal Processing for Mobile Communications Handbook provi