ABC互動英語 2019 年 8 月號 No.206 【有聲版】【基礎、活用】

ABC互動英語 2019 年 8 月號 No.206 【有聲版】【基礎、活用】 PDF Author: LiveABC編輯群
Publisher: 希伯崙股份有限公司
Category : Foreign Language Study
Languages : en
Pages : 98

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Book Description
適用對象:國中小學生~成人,英語基礎初學者 ABC互動英語雜誌專為初學者所編訂,是打好英語基礎的最佳選擇,內容活潑、實用、有趣,以圖解式情境教學,讓學英語像學母語一樣輕鬆自然,終結您英語學習的痛苦! ►購買完整紙本書請上: ABC Interactive English No. 206 August, 2019 Contents 每日一句 Body Part Idioms 身體部位相關諺語 本月焦點 Symptoms 疾病症狀 Your Family Doctor Can Do It All 萬能的家庭醫生 安妮信箱 How to Improve My City 如何改善我的城市 流行最前線 Love Makes the World Go Round 七夕情人節特輯:愛讓世界不停轉動 活用ABC Playing Basketball 籃球英語通 名人傳記 Michael Jackson: The King of Pop 麥可•傑克森:流行音樂之王 畫中有話 Celebrating a Birthday 慶祝生日 玩味生活 Roller Coasters Are So Worth the Wait! 瘋狂雲霄飛車,膽小者勿試 短篇故事集 Cousin Tribulation’s Story 給予的故事 品格英語 Don’t Be Too Proud to Say Sorry 因為驕傲而說不出抱歉 文法補給站 Spending the Day with Dad 與父親同樂 本期文法:現在完成式 世界好望角 City Climates 2080 預測六十年後的城市氣候 小地方大玩意 Belize: The Land of Adventure 貝里斯的祕境之旅 科技漫遊 A Computer That Writes Poetry 遇見AI詩人 ABC長知識 What We Know About Lottery Winners Is All Wrong 頭彩得主=人生勝利組? 聽說圖寫 自製父親節卡片 本月之星 周興哲 Playing Basketball 籃球英語通 Part A: Practice The coach is giving his players some tips at practice. 教練在練習時給他的球員一些指導。 (Coach = C ; David = D ; Rick = R ; Tommy = T) C: All right, let’s get ready for tomorrow’s 3-on-3 game. D: I’m having trouble with my free throws. C: You need to follow through more. D: That really helps. I’ll remember that tomorrow. R: Coach, my passes keep getting stolen. C: You need to work on making no-look passes. R: Look one way and pass another? I’ll try that. T: I need help with my defense. The other players keep getting past me. C: You need to keep your body low. T: Got it, Coach. C: If we play good defense, we can win for sure! Part A:練習 教練: 好,我們來準備明天的三對三鬥牛賽。 大衛: 我的罰球不太行。 教練: 你需要加強投球後手部下壓的動作。 大衛: 那個技巧真有用,我明天會記得。 瑞克: 教練,我傳的球一直被對手抄走。 教練: 你需要加強不看人傳球的技巧。 瑞克: 你是說視線看向一邊,然後把球傳到另一邊嗎?我會試試看。 湯米: 我需要防守上的建議,其他對手一直突破我的防守。 教練: 你需要把身體的重心降低。 湯米: 明白了,教練。 教練: 如果防守做得好,我們絕對可以贏! Part B: Learning a Play The coach is introducing his players to a new play. 教練向球員介紹一種新戰術。 (Coach = C ; Rick = R ; Tommy = T ; David = D) C: Today, we’re going to learn how to run a screen play. We want Rick to get open with the ball so he can shoot. R: How do I do that with someone guarding me? C: I’ll show you. First, I need Rick over here. Tommy, I want you here. You’ll be guarding Rick. T: OK, got it. D: Where do you want me? C: At the free throw line. So, how can Rick get free for a shot? D: Maybe I can help him. C: Right. David, run over to Tommy and block him from following Rick. T: I see. Now Rick can get open. C: That’s right. T: This is a great play. I can’t wait to use it in the game! Part B:戰術 教練: 今天,我們要來學習如何掩護配合,要讓瑞克持球時有空檔可以投籃。 瑞克: 有人防守我的時候,我要怎麼做? 教練: 我示範給你看。首先,我要瑞克到這裡來。湯米,我要你在這邊,你來守瑞克。 湯米: 好,知道了。 大衛: 您要我在哪裡? 教練: 在罰球線。所以,瑞克要怎麼樣才有空檔可以投籃? 大衛: 也許我可以幫他。 教練: 沒錯。大衛,跑向湯米,擋住他別讓他跟著瑞克。 湯米: 我明白了,這樣瑞克就有空檔了。 教練: 沒錯。 湯米: 這個戰術真棒,我等不及要用在比賽裡了! Part C: Finishing the Game The coach takes a break to review the situation and make a new plan. 教練喊暫停來評估戰況並擬定新的戰術。 (Coach = C ; Rick = R ; David = D ; Tommy = T) C: Time out! Time out! R: Coach, we’re down by one point, and they’ve got a free throw. D: There are only 10 seconds left. C: Hang in there, guys. You can make it. R: Yeah. Your defense has been great, Tommy! D: And Rick is on fire! T: Thanks to your great passes. C: OK, let’s run the screen play. T: All right! Rick’s going to win us the game. C: Tommy, get the rebound and pass it to Rick. Then run the screen play with David. R: Come on, guys. We can do this. C: Just go out there and do your best. (They are back in the game.) R: Pass it to me, Tommy! C: David, Rick needs to get open. T: Take the shot. D&T: Nice shot! We did it! C: What a great team win, guys! Part C:比賽 教練: 暫停!暫停! 瑞克: 教練,我們落後一分,他們還得到一個罰球的機會。 大衛: 只剩十秒了。 教練: 堅持下去,小子們。你們可以做到的。 瑞克: 對,湯米,你的防守做得很好! 大衛: 瑞克也火力全開! 湯米: 那是因為你球傳得好。 教練: 好,我們來用掩護配合吧。 湯米: 沒問題!瑞克會帶我們贏得比賽的。 教練: 湯米,搶到籃板球就傳給瑞克,然後跟大衛進行掩護配合。 瑞克: 來吧,夥伴們,我們做得到的。 教練: 上場盡全力表現吧。 (他們回到場上繼續比賽。) 瑞克: 湯米,傳給我! 教練: 大衛,瑞克需要有空檔。 湯米: 快投籃。 大衛和湯米:好球!我們辦到了! 教練: 大夥贏得漂亮!

ABC互動英語 2019 年 8 月號 No.206 【有聲版】【基礎、活用】

ABC互動英語 2019 年 8 月號 No.206 【有聲版】【基礎、活用】 PDF Author: LiveABC編輯群
Publisher: 希伯崙股份有限公司
Category : Foreign Language Study
Languages : en
Pages : 98

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Book Description
適用對象:國中小學生~成人,英語基礎初學者 ABC互動英語雜誌專為初學者所編訂,是打好英語基礎的最佳選擇,內容活潑、實用、有趣,以圖解式情境教學,讓學英語像學母語一樣輕鬆自然,終結您英語學習的痛苦! ►購買完整紙本書請上: ABC Interactive English No. 206 August, 2019 Contents 每日一句 Body Part Idioms 身體部位相關諺語 本月焦點 Symptoms 疾病症狀 Your Family Doctor Can Do It All 萬能的家庭醫生 安妮信箱 How to Improve My City 如何改善我的城市 流行最前線 Love Makes the World Go Round 七夕情人節特輯:愛讓世界不停轉動 活用ABC Playing Basketball 籃球英語通 名人傳記 Michael Jackson: The King of Pop 麥可•傑克森:流行音樂之王 畫中有話 Celebrating a Birthday 慶祝生日 玩味生活 Roller Coasters Are So Worth the Wait! 瘋狂雲霄飛車,膽小者勿試 短篇故事集 Cousin Tribulation’s Story 給予的故事 品格英語 Don’t Be Too Proud to Say Sorry 因為驕傲而說不出抱歉 文法補給站 Spending the Day with Dad 與父親同樂 本期文法:現在完成式 世界好望角 City Climates 2080 預測六十年後的城市氣候 小地方大玩意 Belize: The Land of Adventure 貝里斯的祕境之旅 科技漫遊 A Computer That Writes Poetry 遇見AI詩人 ABC長知識 What We Know About Lottery Winners Is All Wrong 頭彩得主=人生勝利組? 聽說圖寫 自製父親節卡片 本月之星 周興哲 Playing Basketball 籃球英語通 Part A: Practice The coach is giving his players some tips at practice. 教練在練習時給他的球員一些指導。 (Coach = C ; David = D ; Rick = R ; Tommy = T) C: All right, let’s get ready for tomorrow’s 3-on-3 game. D: I’m having trouble with my free throws. C: You need to follow through more. D: That really helps. I’ll remember that tomorrow. R: Coach, my passes keep getting stolen. C: You need to work on making no-look passes. R: Look one way and pass another? I’ll try that. T: I need help with my defense. The other players keep getting past me. C: You need to keep your body low. T: Got it, Coach. C: If we play good defense, we can win for sure! Part A:練習 教練: 好,我們來準備明天的三對三鬥牛賽。 大衛: 我的罰球不太行。 教練: 你需要加強投球後手部下壓的動作。 大衛: 那個技巧真有用,我明天會記得。 瑞克: 教練,我傳的球一直被對手抄走。 教練: 你需要加強不看人傳球的技巧。 瑞克: 你是說視線看向一邊,然後把球傳到另一邊嗎?我會試試看。 湯米: 我需要防守上的建議,其他對手一直突破我的防守。 教練: 你需要把身體的重心降低。 湯米: 明白了,教練。 教練: 如果防守做得好,我們絕對可以贏! Part B: Learning a Play The coach is introducing his players to a new play. 教練向球員介紹一種新戰術。 (Coach = C ; Rick = R ; Tommy = T ; David = D) C: Today, we’re going to learn how to run a screen play. We want Rick to get open with the ball so he can shoot. R: How do I do that with someone guarding me? C: I’ll show you. First, I need Rick over here. Tommy, I want you here. You’ll be guarding Rick. T: OK, got it. D: Where do you want me? C: At the free throw line. So, how can Rick get free for a shot? D: Maybe I can help him. C: Right. David, run over to Tommy and block him from following Rick. T: I see. Now Rick can get open. C: That’s right. T: This is a great play. I can’t wait to use it in the game! Part B:戰術 教練: 今天,我們要來學習如何掩護配合,要讓瑞克持球時有空檔可以投籃。 瑞克: 有人防守我的時候,我要怎麼做? 教練: 我示範給你看。首先,我要瑞克到這裡來。湯米,我要你在這邊,你來守瑞克。 湯米: 好,知道了。 大衛: 您要我在哪裡? 教練: 在罰球線。所以,瑞克要怎麼樣才有空檔可以投籃? 大衛: 也許我可以幫他。 教練: 沒錯。大衛,跑向湯米,擋住他別讓他跟著瑞克。 湯米: 我明白了,這樣瑞克就有空檔了。 教練: 沒錯。 湯米: 這個戰術真棒,我等不及要用在比賽裡了! Part C: Finishing the Game The coach takes a break to review the situation and make a new plan. 教練喊暫停來評估戰況並擬定新的戰術。 (Coach = C ; Rick = R ; David = D ; Tommy = T) C: Time out! Time out! R: Coach, we’re down by one point, and they’ve got a free throw. D: There are only 10 seconds left. C: Hang in there, guys. You can make it. R: Yeah. Your defense has been great, Tommy! D: And Rick is on fire! T: Thanks to your great passes. C: OK, let’s run the screen play. T: All right! Rick’s going to win us the game. C: Tommy, get the rebound and pass it to Rick. Then run the screen play with David. R: Come on, guys. We can do this. C: Just go out there and do your best. (They are back in the game.) R: Pass it to me, Tommy! C: David, Rick needs to get open. T: Take the shot. D&T: Nice shot! We did it! C: What a great team win, guys! Part C:比賽 教練: 暫停!暫停! 瑞克: 教練,我們落後一分,他們還得到一個罰球的機會。 大衛: 只剩十秒了。 教練: 堅持下去,小子們。你們可以做到的。 瑞克: 對,湯米,你的防守做得很好! 大衛: 瑞克也火力全開! 湯米: 那是因為你球傳得好。 教練: 好,我們來用掩護配合吧。 湯米: 沒問題!瑞克會帶我們贏得比賽的。 教練: 湯米,搶到籃板球就傳給瑞克,然後跟大衛進行掩護配合。 瑞克: 來吧,夥伴們,我們做得到的。 教練: 上場盡全力表現吧。 (他們回到場上繼續比賽。) 瑞克: 湯米,傳給我! 教練: 大衛,瑞克需要有空檔。 湯米: 快投籃。 大衛和湯米:好球!我們辦到了! 教練: 大夥贏得漂亮!

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International Commercial Arbitration

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Book Description
International Commercial Arbitration is an authoritative 4,250 page treatise, in three volumes, providing the most comprehensive commentary and analysis, on all aspects of the international commercial arbitration process that is available. The Third Edition of International Commercial Arbitration has been comprehensively revised, expanded and updated, To include all legislative, judicial and arbitral authorities, and other materials in the field of international arbitration prior to June 2020. It also includes expanded treatment of annulment, recognition of awards, counsel ethics, arbitrator independence and impartiality and applicable law. The revised 4,250 page text contains references to more than 20,000 cases, awards and other authorities and will enhance the treatise’s position as the world’s leading work on international arbitration. The first and second editions of International Commercial Arbitration have been routinely relied on by courts and arbitral tribunals around the world ((including the highest courts of the United States, United Kingdom, Singapore, India, Hong Kong, New Zealand, Australia, the Netherlands and Canada) and international arbitral tribunals (including ICC, SIAC, LCIA, AAA, ICSID, SCC and PCA), e.g.: U.S. Supreme Court – GE Energy Power Conversion France SAS, Corp. v. Outokumpu Stainless USA, LLC, 590 U.S. - (U.S. S.Ct. 2020); BG Group plc v. Republic of Argentina, 572 U.S. 25 (U.S. S.Ct. 2014); Canadian Supreme Court – Uber v. Heller, 2020 SCC 16 (Canadian S.Ct.); Yugraneft Corp. v. Rexx Mgt Corp., [2010] 1 R.C.S. 649, 661 (Canadian S.Ct.); U.K. Supreme Court – Jivraj v. Hashwani [2011] UKSC 40, ¶78 (U.K. S.Ct.); Dallah Real Estate & Tourism Holding Co. v. Ministry of Religious Affairs, Gov’t of Pakistan [2010] UKSC 46 (U.K. S.Ct.); Swiss Federal Tribunal – Judgment of 25 September 2014, DFT 5A_165/2014 (Swiss Fed. Trib.); Indian Supreme Court – Bharat Aluminium v. Kaiser Aluminium, C.A. No. 7019/2005, ¶¶138-39, 142, 148-49 (Indian S.Ct. 2012); Singapore Court of Appeal – Rakna Arakshaka Lanka Ltd v. Avant Garde Maritime Servs. Ltd, [2019] 2 SLR 131 (Singapore Ct. App.); PT Perusahaan Gas Negara (Persero) TBK v. CRW Joint Operation, [2015] SGCA 30 (Singapore Ct. App.); Larsen Oil & Gas Pte Ltd v. Petroprod Ltd, [2011] SGCA 21, ¶19 (Singapore Ct. App.); Australian Federal Court – Hancock Prospecting Pty Ltd v. Rinehart, [2017] FCAFC 170 (Australian Fed. Ct.); Hague Court of Appeal – Judgment of 18 February 2020, Case No. 200.197.079/01 (Hague Gerechtshof); Arbitral Tribunals – Lao Holdings NV v. Lao People's Democratic Republic I, Award in ICSID Case No. ARB(AF)/12/6, 6 August 2019; Gold Reserve Inc. v. Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela, Decision regarding the Claimant’s and the Respondent’s Requests for Corrections, ICSID Case No. ARB(AF)/09/1, 15 December 2014; Total SA v. The Argentine Republic, Decision on Stay of Enforcement of the Award, ICSID Case No. ARB/04/01, 4 December 2014; Millicom Int'l Operations B.V. v. Republic of Senegal, Decision on Jurisdiction of the Arbitral Tribunal, ICSID Case No. ARB/08/20, 16 July 2010; Lemire v. Ukraine, Dissenting Opinion of Jürgen Voss, ICSID Case No. ARB/06/18, 1 March 2011.

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The Art of Elam ca. 4200-525 BC offers a view of, and a critical reflection on, the art history of one of the world’s first and least-known civilizations, illuminating a significant chapter of our human past. Not unlike a gallery of historical paintings, this comprehensive treatment of the rich heritage of ancient Iran showcases a visual trail of the evolution of human society, with all its leaps and turns, from its origins in the earliest villages of southwest Iran at around 4200 BC to the rise of the Achaemenid Persian empire in ca. 525 BC. Richly illustrated in full colour with 1450 photographs, 190 line drawings, and digital reconstructions of hundreds of artefacts—some of which have never before been published—The Art of Elam goes beyond formal and thematic boundaries to emphasize the religious, political, and social contexts in which art was created and functioned. Such a magisterial study of Elamite art has never been written making The Art of Elam ca. 4200-525 BC a ground-breaking publication essential to all students of ancient art and to our current understanding of the civilizations of the ancient Near East.

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Publisher: Routledge
ISBN: 1351398482
Category : Music
Languages : en
Pages : 994

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This book provides a sequel to Robert Ford's comprehensive reference work A Blues Bibliography, the second edition of which was published in 2007. Bringing Ford's bibliography of resources up to date, this volume covers works published since 2005, complementing the first volume by extending coverage through twelve years of new publications. As in the previous volume, this work includes entries on the history and background of the blues, instruments, record labels, reference sources, regional variations, and lyric transcriptions and musical analysis. With extensive listings of print and online articles in scholarly and trade journals, books, and recordings, this bibliography offers the most thorough resource for all researchers studying the blues.