A Transatlantic Community of Law

A Transatlantic Community of Law PDF Author: Elaine Fahey
Publisher: Cambridge University Press
ISBN: 1107060516
Category : Law
Languages : en
Pages : 351

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This volume explores law's place in contemporary transatlantic relations and considers its institutional characteristics and trade and security rule-making.

A Transatlantic Community of Law

A Transatlantic Community of Law PDF Author: Elaine Fahey
Publisher: Cambridge University Press
ISBN: 1107060516
Category : Law
Languages : en
Pages : 351

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This volume explores law's place in contemporary transatlantic relations and considers its institutional characteristics and trade and security rule-making.

Madness on trial

Madness on trial PDF Author: James Moran
Publisher: Manchester University Press
ISBN: 1526133059
Category : Social Science
Languages : en
Pages : 244

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This book examines the role of civil law in determining mental capacity over a five hundred year period in England and in New Jersey.

A Companion to European Union Law and International Law

A Companion to European Union Law and International Law PDF Author: Dennis Patterson
Publisher: John Wiley & Sons
ISBN: 0470674393
Category : Philosophy
Languages : en
Pages : 630

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Featuring contributions from renowned scholars, A Companion to European Union Law and International Law presents a comprehensive and authoritative collection of essays that addresses all of the most important topics on European Union and international law. Integrates the fields of European Union law and international law, revealing both the similarities and differences Features contributions from renowned scholars in the fields of EU law and international law Covers a broad range of topical issues, including trade, institutional decision-making, the European Court of Justice, democracy, human rights, criminal law, the EMU, and many others

Introduction to Law and Global Governance

Introduction to Law and Global Governance PDF Author: Elaine Fahey
Publisher: Edward Elgar Publishing
ISBN: 1788970519
Category : Law
Languages : en
Pages : 214

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This innovative textbook introduces the idea of law existing, operating, and functioning beyond the Nation State. Offering a structured approach, Elaine Fahey breaks down the core aspects of theory, practice and regulation in order to examine the key conceptual and factual components of the relationship between law and global governance.

Community, Home, and Identity

Community, Home, and Identity PDF Author: Professor Michael Diamond
Publisher: Ashgate Publishing, Ltd.
ISBN: 1409483320
Category : Law
Languages : en
Pages : 345

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Community, home, and identity are concepts that have concerned scholars in a variety of fields for some time. Legal scholars, sociologists, anthropologists, psychologists, and economists, among others, have studied the impacts of home and community on one's identity and how one's identity is manifested in one's home and in one's community. This volume brings together some of the leading thinkers about the connections between community, home and identity. Several chapters address how the law and lawyers contribute (or detract) from the creation and maintenance of community and, in some cases, the conscious destruction of communities. Others examine the protection of individual and group identities through rules related to property title and use of such things as Home and 'identity property'.

Legal Integration of Islam

Legal Integration of Islam PDF Author: Christian Joppke
Publisher: Harvard University Press
ISBN: 0674074939
Category : Social Science
Languages : en
Pages : 198

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The status of Islam in Western societies remains deeply contentious. Countering strident claims on both the right and left, Legal Integration of Islam offers an empirically informed analysis of how four liberal democracies—France, Germany, Canada, and the United States—have responded to the challenge of integrating Islam and Muslim populations. Demonstrating the centrality of the legal system to this process, Christian Joppke and John Torpey reject the widely held notion that Europe is incapable of accommodating Islam and argue that institutional barriers to Muslim integration are no greater on one side of the Atlantic than the other. While Muslims have achieved a substantial degree of equality working through the courts, political dynamics increasingly push back against these gains, particularly in Europe. From a classical liberal viewpoint, religion can either be driven out of public space, as in France, or included without sectarian preference, as in Germany. But both policies come at a price—religious liberty in France and full equality in Germany. Often seen as the flagship of multiculturalism, Canada has found itself responding to nativist and liberal pressures as Muslims become more assertive. And although there have been outbursts of anti-Islamic sentiment in the United States, the legal and political recognition of Islam is well established and largely uncontested. Legal Integration of Islam brings to light the successes and the shortcomings of integrating Islam through law without denying the challenges that this religion presents for liberal societies.

The Routledge Handbook of Transatlantic Relations

The Routledge Handbook of Transatlantic Relations PDF Author: Elaine Fahey
Publisher: Taylor & Francis
ISBN: 100089391X
Category : Law
Languages : en
Pages : 304

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The Routledge Handbook of Transatlantic Relations is an essential and comprehensive reference for the regulation of transatlantic relations across a range of subjects, bringing together contributions from scholars, policy makers, lawyers and political scientists. Future oriented in a range of fields, it probes the key technical, procedural and policy issues for the US of dealing with, negotiating, engaging and law-making with the EU, taking a broad interdisciplinary perspective including international relations, politics, political economic and law, EU external relations law and international law and assesses the external consequences of transatlantic relations in a systematic and comprehensive fashion. The transatlantic relationship constitutes one of the most established and far-reaching democratic alliances globally, and which has propelled multilateralism, trade regulation and the EU-US relationship in global challenges. The different contributions will propose solutions to overcome these problems and help us understand the shifting transatlantic agenda in diverse areas from human rights, to trade, and security, and the capacity of the transatlantic relationship to set new international agendas, standards and rules. The Routledge Handbook of Transatlantic Relations will be a key reference for scholars, students and practitioners of Transatlantic Relations/EU-US relations, EU External Relations law, EU rule-making, EU Security law and more broadly to global governance, International law, international political economy and international relations.

Holy Nation

Holy Nation PDF Author: Sarah Crabtree
Publisher: University of Chicago Press
ISBN: 022625593X
Category : History
Languages : en
Pages : 285

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How Early American Quakers transcended the idea of the nation-state during the turbulent Age of Revolution: “Provocative . . . important . . . Highly recommended.” —Choice Early American Quakers have long been perceived as retiring separatists, but in Holy Nation Sarah Crabtree transforms our historical understanding of the sect by drawing on the sermons, diaries, and correspondence of Quakers themselves. Situating Quakerism within the larger intellectual and religious undercurrents of the Atlantic world, Crabtree shows how Quakers forged a paradoxical sense of their place in the world as militant warriors fighting for peace. She argues that during the turbulent Age of Revolution and Reaction, the Religious Society of Friends forged a “holy nation,” a transnational community of like-minded believers committed first and foremost to divine law and to one another. Declaring themselves citizens of their own nation served to underscore the decidedly unholy nature of the nation-state, worldly governments, and profane laws. As a result, campaigns of persecution against the Friends escalated as those in power moved to declare Quakers aliens and traitors to their home countries. Holy Nation convincingly shows that ideals and actions were inseparable for the Society of Friends, yielding an account of Quakerism that is simultaneously a history of the faith and its adherents and a history of its confrontations with the wider world. Ultimately, Crabtree says, the conflicts between obligations of church and state that Quakers faced can illuminate similar contemporary struggles. “A significant and highly important contribution to the scholarship on the intersection of religion and nationalism during [these] critical decades. . . . carefully researched and elegantly written.” —Kirsten Fischer, University of Minnesota

Pax Transatlantica

Pax Transatlantica PDF Author: Jussi M. Hanhimäki
Publisher: Oxford University Press
ISBN: 0190922168
Category : History
Languages : en
Pages : 209

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The notion that a "West" exists dominates in international relations and political discourse. Yet, especially in recent years, more and more people believe that the "West" is falling apart. The eminent historian of international relations Jussi Hanhimäki refutes this idea, emphasizing the continued strength of transatlantic security co-operation (particularly NATO) and the deeply integrated transatlantic commercial relationship. In Pax Transatlantica, he argues that even the rise of populism is evidence of close transatlantic political interconnections rather than a recipe for divorce. The West, the book concludes, not only continues to exist. It is likely to thrive in the future.

Research Handbook on EU Criminal Law

Research Handbook on EU Criminal Law PDF Author: Valsamis Mitsilegas
Publisher: Edward Elgar Publishing
ISBN: 1800886438
Category : Law
Languages : en
Pages : 625

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This thoroughly revised second edition provides an advanced analysis of EU criminal law as a structurally and constitutionally distinct policy area and field of research. EU criminal law is one of the fastest evolving and most challenging fields of law and this Research Handbook contains new and substantially updated chapters to assess recent legislative developments and CJEU case law.